The Yearning for Life

Of course, the two just habitually ridicule, and did not care much, because Tony has seen more beautiful women in the past, what character, what career he have experienced, Happi often followed by nature "The more you see, the wider your knowledge".

  Tony stepped forward and reached out and shook hands as he asked, "Hello, who are you?"

  The beautiful woman smiled back and said: "Hello, I am a law enforcement officer."

  Tony didn't care about the other's law enforcement officer's occupation. He just heard the other person's accent and went to the car and commented with interest: "Oh, an Irish girl, I like it."

  The beauty law enforcement officer just kept politely but chilling at the same time, they then went straight to the topic: " were ordered to attend the Senate Armed Services Committee at nine o'clock tomorrow."

  Tony wants to try a new car sitting in the driver's seat, while Happi, who is sitting in the co-pilot, took over the invitation handed over by the beauty officer.

 To be true Tony didn't want to receive the invitation. Because he what they want to talk about, It was nothing more than his steel armor, which led the politicians and soldiers greed, trying to find an excuse to capture Tony's steel armor.

  Also, these people will not allow the iron man to exist as he threatens them. When they see steel armor, a cost-effective strategic weapon, they want to steal it in the name of peace which is unacceptable for Tony.

  But Tony was never afraid that someone can steal his armor, and he has the capital.

  After receiving the invitation, Tony opened his new car with impunity and went away.


  The next day, Washington, DC.

  Tony attended the meeting as scheduled, and faced the Senator questioning if "Iron Man was not a weapon," Tony calmly replied:

  "It is a high-tech \for protection."

  Obviously, the foolish answer led to a laughing scene. Tony also explained with a lazy look yet serious voice, which made the Senate seriously angry. However, he did not expect any appropriate adjectives and had to give up regretfully.

  Later, the Senate asked him to hand over the technology of steel armor to the country. Tony returned with a sharp rebuttal, mixed with his various jokes to express his attitude.

  The senator let Stark Industries' competitor, the arms dealer of the Ministry of National Defense, and the president of Hammer Industries, Justin Hammer, attended the meeting and said something that's righteous and even let Tony's best friend Lieutenant Colonel Roddy read the report content, also he released part of the image data, indicating the threat of steel armor.

  The unsightly Tony directly used his mobile phone to black out the computer that played the image and then revealed the truth of Justin Hammer image.

  The truth is nothing more than Justin Hammer's permission from the Ministry of Defense to sell counterfeit Iron Man robots for various countries, bringing even more painful damage, making his products like dangerous toys.

  Tony used this image to reverse the unfavorable situation that the senator tried to maintain. Justin Hammer even unplugged the cables in front of everyone. He hurriedly defended it but to no use. People are not fools. After seeing the other images and videos, they naturally know that the nature of this goods Justin hammer is still a black-hearted businessman with a lot of interest.

  In the end, Tony's momentum suddenly overshadowed all the politicians who were weakened, and confidently issued a declaration: "I can maintain world peace by myself!"

  Suddenly, the applause thundered, everyone cheered, even if the politicians were not reconciled, they knew that Tony won today.

  Tony even pointed at the senator without refraining: " tried to work with a jumping clown."

  The ruthless senator screamed in the live broadcast: "Fuck you! Stark, Fuck you..."

  Of course, the live TV broadcast actively masks the sensitive words of our senator, so what we heard is a beep, but everyone who watched it know what he means.

  Tony, walked out of the meeting like a winner, in the applause, cheers, and flashes of everyone, as usual, leaving a group of politicians who violently thundered and seemed to have eaten viagra.

  It's just that Tony doesn't know that his thinking that the steel armor can't be copied in decades, will soon be ruthlessly beaten by a person who has a hatred with the Stark family...


  Tony's performance on the military committee, Jack naturally saw it on the TV, he just smiled. As for the upcoming "whipman" Ivan Vanko, he did not pay much attention to it.

  Pick up the remote control and change the channel. Jack got up from the sofa, went to the kitchen as he leaned against the door of the kitchen, and watched Sophia, who was busy making cakes, could not help but smile.

  The beginning of a cohabitation with Sophia, I don't know if foreigners have a strong psychological acceptance. Sophia was very cautious at first but soon adjusted her mentality. No, now she is still making cakes with great enthusiasm. She wants to let Jack taste her craft.

  Jack had already eaten the food made by Sophia, and he was naturally captured with her first-class cooking skills. I have to say that the girl who can cook is really the ideal type for every man.

  Sophia did not notice that Jack was standing at the door of the kitchen and looking at her. She was completely immersed in making the cake. Seeing Sophia's serious commitment. Jack felt that Sophia looked more beautiful than ever. He couldn't help but walk slowly toward her before he caught her off-guard from behind.

  Suddenly being hugged, Sophia was slightly shocked, only to notice that it was Jack, somewhat shyly said: "You scared me..."

  Faced with Sophia's jade neck, and sniffing the fragrance from her hair, Jack leisurely said: "Who makes my Sophia so charming..."

  In the face of Jack's explicit words, Sophia's pretty face become reddish, and her heart was full of sweetness. No woman doesn't like being praised, especially by the one she loves.

  Sophia felt Jack's hot breath, and couldn't help her heart from beating fast. Jack held her hand. Seemed to be spoiled: "Well, I am busy now, the cake will be ready soon."

  "Okay." Jack reluctantly let go of her hand, but he quickly caught her off guard with a kiss on her face, then he returned proudly to the living room and sat back on the sofa.

  For the present life, Jack is really full of emotions, he never thought that he can have such a wonderful life.

  I hope that I can keep it as long as I can...

  But Jack knows that this is unrealistic. Regardless of the various disasters that will occur in the future, although he himself is immortal. But Sophia is an ordinary person and can only accompany him for a short period of decades. That is why the only way to make her immortal is by taking resk in other movies, and he knew a lot of them that can make her pseudo-immortal or a true immortal.

  In short, Jack didn't want to watch his beloved women pass away, leaving him alone, walking the endless years, so he must find a way, a solution to the problem.

  Of course, he is confident, because here is the world of Marvel and also he has the chaos stone capable of a lot of things. Even if there are no endless and strange mutants, there are all kinds of incredible magical things, and he can definitely find a solution.

  Now, all he wants now is to enjoy this rare moment in his life.

  Jack didn't know how much time passes, only when he heard Sophia's voice: "The cake is ready, come to take a taste and tell me how it is."

  coming back from his thought, Sophia has already carried the freshly baked cake and placed it on the table, calling for Jack to taste it.

  "Okay, I am coming."

  Going up to the table, "What cake is it? Wow... it's a chocolate cake, it seems so sweet..."

  "Do you not like it?"

  "How come, I love to eat what you make."

  "I love hearing you say something nice."

  "I am honest, my Sophia is a great cook."

  "Well, you can taste it."

  "Oh...the taste is really good, it is delicious in the expectation, the entrance is soft and sweet at the tip of the tongue."


  An ordinary and warm life is what many strong people dream and desire to yearn...

But Jack knows that this is not what he was born to do, especially with his intelligence and strength, anyone who has been given this opportunity will not wast it in a normal life.

As for Sophia, well, he already made plans for her and thought of important movies, animations, and novels to keep her with him in all eternity.