Research and Development of Spells

When he got home, Tony heard the compliment of Jarvis and smiled smugly, but as soon as he measured the amount of palladium in his body, his face sank.


  Unfortunately, the speed of palladium erosion has not been delayed, and the situation is not very optimistic.

  Tony clicked his stinky face, picked up the energy-depleted reactor, removed the palladium block from the reactor, inserted a replacement, and then loaded the reactor back into the chest.

  Although Tony knew that replacing the new palladium block was a chronic suicide, the chronic suicide was better than the immediate death, Tony had no choice but to continue using the palladium.

  "Sir, your time and choices are not much." Jarvis was worried. "Unfortunately, the reactor that you thought will keep you alive will kill you."

  Tony looked ugly and said: "I know, so I am trying to find a way."

  Jarvis: "Sir, maybe you should seek the help of Mr. Jack."

  When I heard it, Tony suddenly had a bright eye. Yeah, how did he forget this, Jack Ming still owes him a condition, let him save his life.

  The haze in Tony's heart was swept away and he no longer worried about death.

  Jarvis: "Sir, Miss Potts is here."

  "cut." Although he has found a way to save himself, Tony still does not want Jarvis to leak it, let Potts know that he is trapped in palladium poisoning.


  The next day.

  Tony continued his original plan yesterday, appointing Potts as the new CEO of Stark. Qt first; he made this decision because of his life, but now it is completely because he thinks it's troublesome, so he just entrusted the company to Potts.

  "Oh... the new secretary seems to be very hot."

  Tony just finished the training with Happy and was taking a cold shower in the bathroom to wash away his stinky sweat. Recalling the hot female secretary named Veuve Noir, but she prefers Natalie. He could not help but have some thoughts about her.

  Of course, he just thought about it. Now he can't indulge himself as before. even if Potts doesn't say anything about it. She must have been sympathetic to Tony's previous affair. Tony has now changed a lot.

  Put on the bathrobe and walk out of the bathroom. Tony took a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet and poured himself a cup. He enjoyed a sip.

  After finding a way to save himself, Tony finally did not have to worry, so naturally, he restored his original calm and playful look, he puts down the glasses, and asked casually: "Jarvis, talk about my original planned trip."

  Jarvis: "You are going to visit Monaco for a race, do you need to cancel?"

  "No, no, car racing is very interesting, how can it be canceled, and it is just too boring, Jarvis, help me to inform the organizers of the game that I want to participate in the competition."

  Tony is not in a hurry to find Jack for treatment, anyway, the palladium content is only 24%, and has not yet reached the danger index, so he may as well play, to eliminate the boredom of this time.

  "Sir, car racing is a very dangerous activity, if not a professional player you're very likely to have an accident," Jarvis advised out of concern about Tony's personal safety.

  Tony looked disdainfully: "Who am I, Tony Stark! a little toy will not hold me from getting the championship."

  Therefore, as in the original plot, Tony participated in the car race in Monaco and naturally encountered the Ivan Vanko who came to revenge...


  The incident of Iron Man's fighting "whiplan:" occurred as scheduled, but it did not affect Jack Ming, who was far away in Queens, New York. Jack Ming still lived his life, and he did not know that Tony was going to come for him to save his life.

  Although he lived with Sophia, their respective schedules were not disrupted. Sophia still went to college, but after school, she returned to Jack Ming's home as a family.

  Jack still maintains his heroic career, while reading all kinds of knowledge in all fields.

Every day, I strive to maintain the security of Queens, and reading, but, Jack also do one other thing, that is, studying the power of spells, and to develop new moves and applications.

  For example, the tiger spell, it balance energy, its power will balance each spell so that they will not conflict, but this does not mean that the tiger spell can only balance the power of the other spells, but in the true sense of balancing all energy, Taking advantage of his undead body, Jack tried to experiment with other energy like-

  Active electric shock.

  "Oh... it doesn't feel good." Jack first felt a tingle, then found that the current quickly settled down after it entered the body, and it quickly dissipated after a while.

  Electricity is also an energy, naturally within the scope of the tiger spell, but because it needs a stable amount of energy, it cannot be retained in the body.

  However, it can be seen from this experiment that all energy that runs through Jack is invalid. If you use the game term, Jack has the so-called "magic immunity".

  As for the side effect of the tiger spell, "separating good and evil", Jack will not ask for trouble even if he is in a panic.

  The speed power of the rabbit spell is more studied because there are "flashes" that can be used for reference. The high-frequency hand knife cutting skill has been developed in the past, and the high-frequency oscillations change the sound and making the figure like a blur. Jack next experiment is to " run through the wall" when the speed reaches a certain degree and vibrate like natural air.



  "Sh*t, I need to find the right frequency of vibration..." After the first try he hit the wall, Jack tried another 2 times intel he did it at the 2 tries, although the experiment wasn't enjoyable they were necessary...

  As for reaching the speed of light and go through time and space, Jack didn't try it because according to his theory he need first a strong body because he is not Barry Allen who has the SPEED FORCE to protect him and so is the case of time and space travel. But Jack still thinks that space and time travel is pretty much like running through walls except instead of vibrating at the same frequency as the air you need another one which he still didn't know of.

  There is also the Dragon Blast of the Dragon Charm. In fact, there is no new move. It was originally the force of violent destruction. There is no more change. It is only that Jack Ming found that when he is angry, the power of dragon spell will increase, and in the surface of the body will appear a dazzling light like a skill enhancement + special effects, but the "angry" precondition is very troublesome, why? because since Jack has unlocked part of his brain+ absolute control gained from NZT-48, he became rational always think of counter miser with a calm mind.

  The horse spell has a total of two abilities, "cure" and "recovery". The cure does not have to be said, Jack Ming has superior self-healing ability, and can also treat other people's injuries through physical contact, and "recovery" is to make damage goods like clothes and dead-object.... become as good as ever, a bit like the time back.

Also, Jack tried to experiment on living animals, so he brought a white mouse and killed it, then he used the spell to see if it can return him back to life after fixing his body, but...

  "Sure enough, recovery is just to let things return to their original state, but the lost soul can't come back. So, even if the horse spell is so powerful it can't bring life back. Even the dog spell can't do this."

  The inability to do the "return to life" is a counter-attack, and the importance of the power of recovery is greatly reduced. Of course, it is not that it is not important. If something is damaged, it can come in handy.

  Then there is the "astral soul" of the sheep spell. In fact, the principle is that it is self-contained in a spiritual body. In this state, he cannot be seen, cannot be touched. The evolutionary route of this spell is as everyone can see it in Professor X. It's a strong ability, but Jack's current mental power is not strong enough to do telepathic, or invade other people's brains to manipulate their bodies, although he can use telekinesis, it is pitiful and weak. Another advantageous feature of the sheep charm is to enter and exit the dreams. On the top, Jack was inspired by a movie.


  Since you can enter other people's dreams at will, does that mean that you can construct and change other people's dreams, become the master of dreams, and even change the other's thoughts by setting psychological hints in layers of dreams?

  Jack also tried to find someone to experiment with. Of course, it was easy for those little gangsters to start. The process was not as easy as imagined, because it is his first time and there is no guide with him. It took a lot of time to be in the subconscious of these little gangsters. Succeeded in burying the seeds of "abandoning evil and doing good", it is more surprising that the time in the dream is not equal to the reality, and the dream takes a long time. In reality, it only takes a few seconds, which makes Jack praise...

  The result is also as Jack expects, and the few bullies that were rampant are really rehabilitated and even participate in volunteer activities.

  "And let a group of lambs gets lost..." Jack Ming is very pleased.

  In the end, Jack Ming studied the floating of the chicken charm. In fact, it is more accurate. It is just the role of the original work, letting himself float, so Jack Ming forgot the essence of the chicken charm. After careful study, Only by recognizing the extraordinary charm of the chicken charm can you completely control not only himself to float but others too, and many more, and in further development, he can even create an invisible "wall" or "cage" to limit the enemy's actions.

  However, this is not something that Jack can do now. It must be accurately mastered before it can be realized. Now, it can only be used to let himself float.

But even so...

  The study of spells has yet to be completely understood.