Tony come for help

In Monaco, Tony suffered some small injuries in Ivan Vanko raid. Although he successfully defeated the other party and put him in jail, Tony was very upset after returning home.

  Because Ivan Vanko also showed the Ark reactor under the eyes of the public, Tony had vowed that no one can copy Iron Man in the next few decades, but Ivan Vanko slapped him in his face with facts...

  After Tony went home, he checked the information of Ivan Vanko, only to know that his father, Anton Vanko was a partner with his father, Howard Stark, studying the original nuclear reactor, but because of different opinions between Anton and Howard. Anton departed and took away the original design of a nuclear reactor.

  Ivan was able to simplify the manufacture of the Ark reactor with a design drawing. Undoubtedly, his talent is not weaker than Tony. It is only the harsh growth environment and the hatred left by his father, which makes him fall into the dark.

  "Sir, you should go to Mr. Jack for help."

  At this time, Jarvis reminded in time. Tony only then remembered that his life had not been saved, so he came to the garage and randomly chose a cool and expensive car to drive all the way.

  Where is Jack 's home, Tony naturally let Jarvis collect it in the morning, so there is no need to look for it like a headless fly, but when Tony drives a famous car to appear in the downstairs of Jack s' Apartment, the reaction of people was very interesting.

  Jack heard some noise from the downstairs, and when he walked to the window and looked down, he saw Tony being surrounded by a bunch of cheering passers-by. After showing his consistent arrogance, he walked into the apartment.

  After darkening all the cameras in the apartment, Tony took the elevator to the floor where Jack was located. Of course, no other people were allowed to enter the elevator, nor did the elevator display the floor number to avoid revealing Tony's destination.

  However, Tony made a low-key trip, so as to not cause anyone to pay attention to Jack 's home.

  Tony looked at Jack 's door, and Jack himself opened the door and stood there, but his face was quite uncomfortable.

  "Why do you have to be high-profile, especially when you visite me?"

  Tony looked as if it is a must, saying: "No way, who made me look so outstanding."

  "Ha ha..."

  In this regard, Jack only sneered at his laugh.

  Tony shrugged and said, "I am not going to invite me into the house. is It not a polite thing to keep the guests out of the door."

  "Guest? who's the guest??" Jack did not more than those words and just turned sideways, opening away as he brought Tony in.

  After Tony calmly walked into the house, he also subconsciously commented on the house: "You live in such a small room? Are you child, still thinking about living in your own little castle?"

  "I have to live happily," Jack was very uncomfortable. "So what are you looking for me today? if you are coming looking for NZT-48, then you have to wait intel you finish your problem."

  Tony sat casually on the sofa, very calm and authentic: "of course I didn't come for this, but if you have some samples then I'm more than happy to take it and don't you have nothing to entertain the guests?"

  "Give you a punch?" Jack said badly, went to the kitchen to open the refrigerator, took a bottle of unopened drink, and threw it to Tony.

  Tony's eyes caught up quickly, and he touched the bottle that was still very nice, and fixed his eyes on it!

  Oh, Coca-CoCa, no, Coca-Cola...

  Tony suddenly had the urge to smash the bottle of Coke in the handle, for no reason, but purely his impression of Coke was "deep".

  But seeing Jack 's look at him as if he was waiting for a show,

Tony suppressed his impulse, and drank the bottle very casually, took a sip, frowned and said: "This cola is really average, and right, it's just a cheap carbonated drink. It's a good day to let you see what it's good to drink. ."

  "Cut..." Jack pulled over the chair and sat down. "Let's say, what's the matter."

  Tony also put away his feeling of injustice and looked authentic: "I want you to honor your promise and help me a favor."

  Jack looked at Tony's eyes that have a hint of urgency and then thought about the current timeline. He immediately guessed Tony's intentions and couldn't help but chuckle: "Palladium poisoning, right?"

  Hearing this, Tony was a little surprised. Although he knows that Ivan has discovered that he is poisoned by palladium, but Ivan was a scientific genius who would not lose to Tony. In addition, he researched and manufactured the Ark reactor and knew that Tony has Palladium poisoning. Not surprising, but how does Jack know?

  Tony couldn't help but ask: "How do you know?"

  Jack means profoundly: "I know more things than you..."

  Just kidding, in addition to the spell, Jack, the passer-by, also mastered the plot advantage, especially since he has a photographic memory, now, Jack even remembers every detail of his past and present life.

  without Waiting for Tony to ask more, Jack said: "I promised to help you with a condition, so? do you want to take this condition to save your life?"

  Tony hesitated for a moment, but thought that he had tried every means to find a way to save himself during this time, but never succeeded, that kind of despair, that kind of powerlessness... Tony really didn't want to experience it anymore, so he firmly said: "I thought about it, just take this condition to save my life."

  "deal." Jack could not help but smile.

  Jack can't help but laugh, because even if Tony doesn't ask him for help, according to the original story, the director of SHIELD will hand over Tony's father's relic, and Tony will find clues from his father's video to create The new Ark reactor.

  The energy of the new Ark reactor, Jack 's past life, is vaguely remembered. It seems that Howard's research on the "Tesseract"—the space stone of infinity stones— and he discovered some results. But because of the immaturity of the technology, Howard discovered a new Elements, but the conditions at that time made him unable to make it.

  Tony naturally didn't know that he would still have another method in the end. Now, looking for Jack to help, in Jack's point of view it is a waste. I have to say that Jack is earning today.

  Since Tony voluntarily fell into such a pit, Jack certainly would definitely agree, and he said very well: "Okay, let's start now!"

  "Wh..." Tony hadn't reacted yet, and he felt that his neck was hit, as he fell unconscience.

  Jack dragged Tony into the bathroom... Don't misunderstand, just wait for the "surgery" to be performed, but there will be a lot of blood, Jack does not want to soil the floor.

  The process does not need to be described in detail, it is very simple so precise, not like the last time he used to cure Ethan, direct high-frequency hand knife cutting, but this time it is controlled like a professional doctor who has tens of years of experience, and all this because of all the books he reads every day plus the video he watches and the experiment he did on animals and gangsters. Tony's body has some extremely tiny bullet fragments, But with Jack strengthened vision, it is not difficult for him to find the fragments one by one.

  However, thanks to the Ark reactor, the bullet fragments were absorbed so that they do not go to the heart, and they were stuck between the chest and the blood, so Jack chose a more simple yet rude way - cut the muscles of Tony's chest... all!

  The picture is destined to be bloody. Even if Jack has some experience, he can't help but frown at nausea.

  Of course, he is not killing Tony. Don't forget, he has the horse charm and the dog spell. The healing power of the horse charm can quickly make Tony's muscles grow, even the original "big" The hole can be restored.

  Moreover, there is also the dog's spell, Tony will not die at all, although the dog spell cannot bring back someone to life, in the process of exerting the surgery, Tony will never die.

  Of course, Tony was in a coma now. In the face of this kind of violent "doctor", Tony never woke up intel Jack finished, and how he did it. He simply made the horse and dog charm only heal the area he is operating in.

  As for the flesh and blood that has been cut, Jack directly used and controlled the scoop of the dragon spell and turned the blood into the ache.

  The picture belongs to the content that can't be judged...

  a long time...

  When Tony opened his eyes in a confused way, there was a fresh feeling as if having a new life. The mental state was unprecedented. in short he was refreshed, and every cell in his body seemed to be cheering, full of vitality.

  Straightening up, Tony found himself lying on the sofa, his heartbeat was a little faster, and he subconsciously tapped his chest to calm his heartbeat, but unexpectedly discovered that the touch was no longer a cold, hard reactor, but rather a real and fleshy Touch.

  Surprise, the clothes were madly torn, revealing a flat and complete chest, Tony suddenly exclaimed: "My God! What did you do! It's amazing! This is not scientific!..."

  Tony's reaction was in Jack 's expectation, because the flesh and blood regenerate was indeed quite shocking, and it's no wonder that Tony was so shocked.

  In this regard, Jack just smiled and said: "You should improve your psychological acceptance, as there will be more things that science can't explain..."

  "Hey? What do you mean?" Tony asked puzzledly.

  Jack did not plan to answer, anyway, Thor should have come to earth, right?

  Seeing Jack not answering, Tony also had to hold on his curiosity in his heart, and slowly dressed, as he, very gratefully and sincerely thanked: "Thank you for your help."

  "Nothing, trade..." Jack waved his hand generously, then he said with a bad smile: "Right, I suggest you go to Fury to retrieve your father's relics."

  "What?" Tony was shocked again. "My father? What is the relationship between him and Fury... SHIELD? And, what remains relics?"

  Jack replied casually: "Your father, Howard Stark, is one of the founders of SHIELD..."

  "And his relics... is a cross-era discovery, a great masterpiece that you and I can make."

Jack said this not because he is bragging but the opposite he reads every book, article, he can get his hands on, plus, when he was doing the surgery Jack activated the COPY function of the chaos stone and copied all of Tony's scientific knowledge and experience.

  I really want to know what Tony look like when he found out that he can save himself...

As Tony was going out, Jack stopped him and took 4 transplant pills and handed them over to him as he said: "Hey Tony this is for you, NZT-48, once you get home I want you to take this pill and when you finish your experience call me and tell me about it "

Tony was surprised at first, then he took the 4 pills as he said in a weird and joking way: "Buddy, are you selling me drugs now ?"

Jack looked calm as he replied with a serious chuckle:" I'm not gonna say anything now, just promise me that you will take one pill, as it last 24h and then tell me your experience, but one thing you should know Tony, and that is I would never hurt you especially since I saved your life."

hearing his seriousness Tony puts his lazy tone and said: "If you say so then once I get home I will take it"

"goodbye buddy"

"yeah Tony goodbye, I am looking forward to your reaction"