New Tony

Tony, who was shocked, didn't know when he left Jack. When he came back, he was already in the elevator, and the elevator happened to make a "beep" sound.

  The elevator door opened, and a group of reporters who were waiting for Tony quickly flocked him with questions, as they spit out one after another like a machine gun:

  "Hello, Mr. Stark, can you talk about your purpose here?"

  "Is it meeting with a lover?"

  "Is it a secret transaction?"


  Various conjectures were asked from the reporters, and among the reporters, there were a bunch of emotional crowds, and they shouted "Iron Man" enthusiastically.

  Tony had long been accustomed to this kind of scene, and he didn't bother to respond to the reporters who wanted to exaggerate their words. After waving to the fans, he stood tall, like a proud dragon, going to his car, and those people dare not stop him. They are very acquainted with the way Tony do things. After all, If they have to accidentally touch Tony. Even if It's just his clothes, they may receive huge notice from the court.

  After getting on the car, ignoring the reporters who are clamoring outside the window, Tony directly started the car and left the crowd. On the way to his home he contacted Jarvis through the network of the car installation: "Jarvis, help me connect with Fury, I want to talks to him about something."

as he was on his way Tony remembered the pills that he promised he would take although he didn't know what they really are he knows that they are safe, because if Jack wants to kill him, he doesn't need to use all these tricks, he thought about research them then he remembered that he was giving 4 pills so there is still space for studying them.

First he stopped the car in a quiet place, then he took the small plastic bag and took a small pill, he looked at it for a couple seconds then "f*uck you my anexia..." before he finished he already throw the pill in his mouth, after waiting a few seconds.. nothing happened, at first Tony felt cheated and just as he was about to curse. It came. Tony has never felt like this, he thought if his brain was like a house then at first only the window was open, but now, he felt the entire roof has uprooted, he feel everything from inside to outside all his lost memories, even the one that he didn't pay attention to was there all for him to access, all the mistakes, foolish jokes, all the women he slept with, everything was under his control and beside those, his mind was revising every formula passed in his mind. He was like a quantum computer, NO! It was better, he was clear-minded know every idea in his mind was organized like computer files. As for the iron man he had know million of thought and theories to improve it. Hell, he even started to think of making a nano-armor that appeared in infinity war. Tony without the drug was already confident, smart, IQ has been upgraded by at least 100 point or more, so if Tony's IQ was between 280 & 320(according to this site: ) then know it is 380 to 420 which is mind blowing a lot of problem that would have took him time to fix, just passed by in his mind and found a lot of solution to them.

Everything that passed know was in seconds, because of his thinking speed was so fast, and for Tony he was calm now, he knew what he should do and how to do it, he has never been so clear in his life like this time, as for how can Jack come up with this pill he didn't think about it, although he wants to know if there is any side effect, because he knew that there must be a price to pay to keep the mind working in this hyper state. Anyway, back to the main topic, after knowing what he should do, Tony drove the car where the meeting with Fury.


  Because Tony sought the treatment of Jack and he took NZT, the story is also bound to change quite a bit. In the original movie, Tony, who had lost hope, was distributing his inheritance. The company was handed over to Potts and then opened an indulgent rave party. Deliberately relax the security and let his good friend Lieutenant Colonel Roddy wear a set of steel armor.

  Now, although the company was still entrusted to Potts, the steel armor was not given to Lieutenant Colonel Roddy, which means that the "war machine" will not appear.

  However, this has no effect on Jack. Anyway, the absence of a war machine will not change the general trend of the future. The reunion of these major events will still happen.

  Unconsciously, I have already reached the time of Iron Man II. After the end of the same period of Raytheon, there will be more than a year of peace, and then... the reality version of the Avengers will start!

  Tony's arrival sounded the alarm for Jack, as it reminded him that a fierce war is about to start.

  The overwhelming aliens, the smoke of war that shrouded the bustling New York, and the high-rise buildings that were instantly destroyed into ruins, and countless citizens life were taken away in the face of this disaster...

  Do not make it happen!

  Be sure to stop this from happening!

  Now go to SHIELD and convince Fury to dispose of the "tesseract" is the best way, but should I do it? Is it true that after a year or two, there will be aliens invaders, and is the "Cosmic Cube" the key to opening the passage? There is no basis for this reason, it is difficult to convince the public, and it is more likely to be considered a madman.

  Jack couldn't directly go to the SHIELD to steal the "Tesseract". He never thought about falling out with the SHIELD. There are as many secret bases established by the bureau, no one knows, at which base the "Cosmic Cube" is, Jack is even less likely to know.

  "Forget it, take a step and look at it. It won't be big until the day comes, preventing Loki from opening the channel."

  For a moment, there was no good way besides taking the risk on other worlds. Jack entered his hyper state as he forged a plan to win this war.

At first he thought about sentry serum but thinking of the split personality, he theorized that it was because the mental state was not strong enough to withstand it so the first world where he can get a strong mental state with the fastest speed is the movie "chronicles", he also want to try if he can copy the crystal in the cave, then he will go the universe of sentry two years before the original character took the serum and prepare, as everyone now that there are mutant there, so he can copy some mutants abilities like magneto, prof.x... and so on. (Hey Guys in worlds travel time pass slower 1 hour in Jacks' world is 1 year in other worlds )

After planing, Jack regained his confidence as he started preparing for his new adventure.

  However, Jack did not know that he was too confident about himself. When the day the army invaded the earth, he would get a painful lesson, a lesson that almost made him crazy...


  After Tony and Fury met, Fury had a black face full of depressed colors, because he couldn't understand where Jack knew Howard's affairs and how stark changed so much, he felt like he was talking to an old fox who experienced a 1000 years of hardship.

Leaving a box of Howard's live video, Fury hurried run away, he wants to check about what happened to Tony and how Jack knew about Howard, is the SHIELD database invaded, or ... a traitor inside the SHIELD!

  Fury didn't know that his suspesion will lead him to discover traces of Hydra in SHIELD because of this misunderstanding.

  After seeing Howard's video, Tony was naturally not like the original, his upgraded mind captured the hidden information in Howard's words and he didn't even need to build a 3d projection for the model to find the new element, because while Hawor was talking he already built a projection in his mind to find the new element but he still did like the original movie, so after scanning the model of the Stark Expo, Tony discovered that it is the same new element he concluded in his mind.

  Looking at this new element in front of me, he remembered the last sentence of his father in the video, "The greatest work of my life, you." Tony couldn't help but feel a lot of emotions. His dissatisfaction with his father vanished and muttered: "You have been away for 20 years. and you still give me a class"

  Holding the virtual new element in his hand, "Thank you, Dad."

  Tony suddenly remembered one thing - he looked for Jack to save his life, and lost a promise! Because the new element can obviously solve the problem of palladium poisoning.

  "Forget it, he solved my worries once and for all, and even the bullet fragments are taken out..."

  Tony didn't care because now his mind was clearer than any time as he calculates at super speed, but he still can't help but feel like he's bleeding.

  Think about it, how powerful is Jack, with an unknown number of magical ability, there are not many opportunities to get his help, this opportunity is to use the 1% stake in Stark Industries, even so, Tony didn't care about this little bit of stock, in fact, he thinks it feels good.

  No, I must think of a way to let Jack owe a favor, and then get the chance to make take his shot.

With the baptism of NZT, he started to make some plans because Jack was so magical

  Tony, a billionaire, and a superhero understand the value of Jack. even if it is just the healing power, it is enough to save lives in an important crisis.

  But now, Tony just found a new element, so he wants to create the new elements to see the effect.

  Then, after the new elements were made, Tony fell into a second regret...

  The new element can definitely solve the problem of his original palladium poisoning...

  There was a stagnation in the chest, and it was impossible to find someone to complain to. Tony had to vent his anger on the steel armor - not to smash a few sets of steel armor to vent but to vent their depression by making Steel armor.

  Turning anger and depression into motivation...

  "Javis, list the data of Mark Six, I want to improve it, greatly improved it!" Tony gritted his teeth.

  Jarvis still replied with due diligence: "Okay, sir."

  The data of the steel armor "Mark 6" is displayed.

  Tony is now using "Mark 4", which is the work after the Iron King incident. "Mark 3" after the battle against the Tyrant, after Tony repaired it, let it retired and put it in his collection counter.

  "Mark 5" is a convenient steel armor that responds to Ivan in Monaco. It can be assembled at any time, but the shortcomings are also obvious. The defense and attack power is not high. This is the drawback of portable design.

  Therefore, in response to the Ivan raid, Tony was very awkward. If Ivan was wearing a simple device with an Ark reactor, maybe Tony would actually be killed.

  Therefore, "Mark 5" was also included in the collection after being taken home and repaired.

  "Mark 6" was completed early in the morning, he added laser cannon and a lot of small weapon with strong destructive power, but there are also shortcomings of "energy consumption", and Tony is now trying to test whether the new Ark reactor can solve this problem, and improve the performance in all aspects.

He wanted to create a nano-armor but he needs strong material like Vibranium, and he needs to make it like a virus always replicate itself so that he can have an almost unlimited supply of Nano-Vibranium.


  A few days later, Stark Expo.

  From the day of the opening, Stark Expo will last for one year and will provide large and small technology companies with a wide range of scientific products.

  Because Tony did not appear, the protagonist tonight is undoubtedly Justin Hammer of Hanmer Industries, because the products he displayed are steel soldiers.

  Unlike Tony's steel armor, steel soldiers are just robots. Although they can't be compared with steel armor in terms of technology and innovation, they can be mass-produced and only need to be manipulated manually. It also attracts much military personnel who come to watch.

  As for ordinary tourists, because it is rare to see dozens of tall robots, they applauded and cheered, this makes Justin on the stage very proud.

  Of course, because of Jack 's reason, Lieutenant Colonel Roddy could not wear steel armor like the original story, and appeared at the fair, so the effect of Justin's steel soldiers alone was not as hot as the original.

  Just as Justin's introduction of various types of steel soldiers, suddenly, Tony wearing "Mark Six" fell from the sky.

  Seeing Tony suddenly pick up his show, still wearing steel armor, Justin naturally thinks that he came to play, suddenly his face sank, very uncomfortable: "Hey, isn't this Tony? I didn't expect you to come to see the steel soldiers I showed, welcome."

  Tony was too lazy and clam to talk to Justin. He just received a threat call from Ivan. Through incomplete tracking of the caller's location, he guessed Ivan, who was supposed to be in prison, was secretly rescued by Justin and should be working for him now.

  Tony raised his right hand, and the palm of his hand was against Justin. He calmly said: "Don't talk nonsense, Justin, I know you are working with Ivan Vanko, just let him come out!"

  When Justin heard him he was shocked, he forced himself to calm down while showing a confused look, said: "Ha? Tony, what are you talking about? How can I cooperate with Ivan Vanko, is he not dead inside the prison? Don't frame me!"

  A little bit of Justin's calculation is true. He did not cooperate with Ivan. Because Ivan did not cooperate, Justin took a lot of means to rescue him. As a result, Ivan was like a pig, eating and drinking every day. Still not willing to help Justin to make steel armor so that Justin shut down Ivan.

  Just Justin didn't know that Ivan actually made a set of his own steel armor in private, and prepared to use it to avenge Tony. Even the two guards who guarded Ivan had been solved by Ivan.

  Justin still wanted to argue. Suddenly, all the steel soldiers behind him stepped forward.

  "Wha..." Justin had not finished his question, and the steel soldiers answered him with practical actions.


  All steel soldiers were taken over by Ivan and fired against the audience on the field!

  For a time, the scene was out of control!