Ivan Vanko becomes a dog

The movement of the steel soldiers broke the high atmosphere in the scene, and the audience screamed as they fled, and panic spread all of over the crowd.

  However, Ivan's main purpose is to revenge Tony, so most of the steel soldiers left behind to create chaos, and he specially controlled eight flying-type of steel soldiers and locked them on Iron Man and started chasing.

  Justin's steel soldiers tonight are divided into Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. there are eight in each type, a total of 32 steel soldiers, except for eight Air Force steel soldiers chasing Tony, the other 24 steel soldiers were destroying and shooting the crowd.

  Tony saw the 24 steel soldiers rushing into the crowd and madly shooting. The innocent people were in the pool of blood, and he was extremely angry. There were also eight steel soldiers chasing after him. Tony could only fly into the air while trying to destroy the eight. A steel soldier was taken away to avoid causing more damage.

  This is the difference between reality and film. When I watched the movie, I only saw Iron Man easily solved one steel soldier. It seems that no casualties were seen. However, the reality is not like a movie. Tony, who is entangled by eight steel soldiers, didn't have the time or the opportunity to save the people.

  While flexibly flying to avoid the shooting of the steel soldiers, he is trying to find the right moment to kill and destroy them, while constantly paying attention to the situation on the ground, seeing the number of casualties gradually increasing, Tony is also very anxious.

  Even after he upgraded his armor which in turn has smashed several steel soldiers, but he can't hold them all, and he also has to avoid intensive gunfire in time. Right, Tony really wants to f*cking destroy every steel soldiers who chased him to there last piece, and then rushed to the ground to solve the few fish that slipped through the net. It would not be possible for a know.

  Tony had a hard time solving the eight steel soldiers who chased him. He flew back to the ground. It happened that a steel soldier was preparing to attack a child wearing an iron man mask. The child also imitated the Iron Man palm cannon. He raised his right hand, palms against the steel soldiers.

  Tony descended from the sky in time, standing behind the child, quickly raised his hand and fired a palm cannon on the steel soldiers, instantly solved the steel soldier, and then boasted a "good job, little kid", and rushed to solve Other steel soldiers.

  The little boy wearing the Iron Man mask stood in the same place, watching the Iron Man fly away, under the mask, the tender face was full of excitement.

  Tony didn't know that many years later, he would see this little boy again, and the little boy grew up to be a fifteen-year-old boy and had a magical ability that he used to help those who need it.

  Tony hurriedly solved one steel soldier one after another. The steel soldiers were scattered. It was not difficult for Tony to solve them, but Ivan would not watch as Tony solve his steel soldiers one by one.

  "Wait, Tony Stark, I will kill you personally!" Ivan smiled cruelly, and after setting all the remaining steel soldiers to attack Iron Man, he turned and left the main room.

  Ivan just saw from the surveillance camera that a woman wearing a black special uniform invaded Hammer Industry and easily knocked down all the security personnel one by one. It is no longer safe for Ivan to stay here.

  Just like the original, the black widow, who was under the pseudonym "Natalie" under the guise of Potts, was forced to ask if Ivan was hiding in Hammer Industrial, and quickly changed to her combat equipment, then went to Hammer Industrial. With a very amazing performance, breakthrough in the road.

  However, the black widow was still a step late. When she was carrying a gun and opened the room where Ivan was hiding, there was no trace of him in the room. There were only two bodies of security personnel killed by Ivan.

  The black widow quickly came to the computer and tapped the keyboard as she performed a series of complicated and often dazzling operations. She was trying to hack into the steel soldiers, she wants to Lift the steel soldier's attack command and support Iron Man on the battlefield.

  As a member of the top agents, the Black Widow has a natural grasp of various agent skills. In addition to various combat skills, she is also skillful in hacking.

  But for the genius of Ivan, who would not lose to Tony, the black widow's hacking skills are slightly inferior. It would take some time to dismiss Ivan's instructions to the steel soldiers.

  On the other hand, Tony found that the steel soldiers gradually gathered toward him, and immediately flew into the air when they noticed that they were not good, and the steel soldiers followed closely and chased after him.

  Like the original, Tony introduced the steel soldiers to the forest park without people. First, he habitually fired energy shots from his palms and killed a few. When the steel soldiers surrounded him, he used the laser to completely destroy all the steel soldiers...

  "finally... all solved." Throwing a one-time laser weapon device to the ground, Tony sighed with relief.

  The black widow on the side of Hammer Industrial also contacted Tony: "Stark, there is a steel soldier who is heading towards you, his energy index is very high."

  "Hey? Wait, what's going on with you? And, how did you contact me? Who the hell are you?"

  Unlike the original, Tony still doesn't know that the Black Widow is undercover by the SHIELD in his company. No wonder he will be surprised.

  The black widow replied calmly and quickly: "I am Natacha and I was sent by fury to your side, know, are you ready, the enemy has arrived."

  "Oh... it's the Fury guy, I announced that you have been fired!" Tony replied in an unfair manner, and he was ready to fight.

  Just waiting for a few breaths, a tall and mighty steel soldier landed heavily, unlike Justin's firewood robots, which were obviously steel armor.

  Without guessing, the steel mask opened and Ivan's face was revealed. Ivan's cruel and bloodthirsty smile: "Ready to die?"

  With both hands in hand, two dazzling electric whips appeared in the hands of Ivan. Just a glance, I know that this electric whip must be very strong enough to make Tony cool...

  There was no more nonsense, Ivan struggled, and the electric whip went to Tony. Tony, who didn't want to try the electric whip, dodged the attack of Ivan, then quickly lifted his hands and fired energy canon.

  However, the steel armor made by Ivan is obviously highly defensive, and the unfavorable palm cannons have not worked on Ivan, which makes Ivan smirk more.

  "Damn..." Tony saw that the attack didn't work, and Ivan looked as if he was playing with a monkey as he let him attack.

  Tony also knows that he can't keep going on like this, or The finished sheep must be him. Although he had NZT these days he didn't use them all as he was trying to figure out it ingredient them, every time he would try to, the pill will turn into a pool of waste which made him regret, and he couldn't contact Jack for more because his pride wouldn't allow him to do it, especially when the pills that should have lasted 4 days were gone in 3 days. But now he didn't have other solution so he told Jarvis: "Jarvis, help me to contact Jack, let him come over and support me!"

  "Okay, sir."


   The phone is ringing, Jack took out the phone and looked at the caller ID.

  "Hey? What's the matter?" Jack asked in an impatient manner.

  The phone sent Tony anxiously: "Come on, I am going to be killed by Ivan Vanko!"

  "Ha..." As soon as the situation was urgent, Jack couldn't care about that point. He quickly got up and replaced the combat uniform and woke up Sofia who is sleeping beside him.

  Do not misunderstand, Jack obviously sleep on the same bed with her, but he maintains a pure and innocent relationship, he doesn't want to force his way.

  Sophia squinted and got up and asked, "What happened? What happened?"

  "Sorry, I woke you up, I am going to save Tony Stark." Jack apologized.

  Sophia also knows the truth, knowing that time is tight, she did not ask more question, just saying: "then hurry up but be careful on your way."

  Jack wore his helmet and made an "OK" gesture. He rushes to the address that Tony sent.

  It didn't take long for Jack to rush to the forest park where Tony and Ivan were facing each other, just to see Ivan waving the electric whip, and Tony was slightly avoiding in an embarrassed way.

  Hey... Do I want to watch for a while? Jack is thinking, Tony has found that he arrived, shouting: "Don't watch the show, help!"

  Jack landed slowly, and Ivan also found Jack, looking at him with a dignified look.

  For this superhero, Ivan has learned some news about him, but very limited, as the information is collected from the Internet, only know that this self-proclaimed "Godfather" superhero has magical power, the strength is unfathomable but specific How powerful he is, Ivan does not have know.

  "Another one comes to die, Tony Stark, it seems that you are a good person!" Ivan smiled uncontrollably.

  Jack is very calm and accustomed. The villains he encountered are almost all of them talk too much, and the result, they only give the MC time to rest.

  Jack's tone is weird: "So, you are being overwhelmed by this kind of goods?"

  Jack, like an elder who is educating the younger generation, which made Tony sigh and took a deep breath and tried to stabilize his emotions. He said, "Don't talk nonsense, come help, can you take care of this guy?"

  "Oh... I am just entangled on how to deal with this guy." Jack pretended to be distressed. Although Jack can inter his overclocking state, he still prefer his normal state which is already super smart, in the end, what is so fun about life if you know everything.

  See Jack and Tony talking as if he wasn't here, Ivan naturally feels angry and he eagerly said: "Enough, you all gonna die tonight!"

  "Noisy!" Jack frowned, very dissatisfied, and pointed out a finger at Ivan, "Why don't you be like a dog!"

  A white light flew out from his fingertips and hit Ivan. Ivan was unexpectedly turned into a... Husky?

  Why are you Husky?

  I can't understand it...