New speedster-suit

Looking at the arrogant Ivan, who was instantly turned into a dog by Jack, to be exact a husky famous for his stupidity. Tony made a glimpse first, and then he could not help but laugh.

  "Hahahaha... I didn't expect you to become a dog, a puppy, want to lick your bones?"

  Tony teased Ivan who became a dog, and Ivan yelled very fiercely, but it was nothing more than a bark of "Wang Wang".

  There are many unreasonable powers in the spells. It may be because the original setting is not rigorous. The deformability of the monkey spell is also unreasonable. That is, the person who is turned into an animal, even the person wearing the clothes completely becomes an animal with his clothes.

  After Ivan became a dog, in addition to the clothes he wore on himself, even the hard-working steel armor disappeared. If Jack let Ivan recover, the steel armor will reappear on Ivan. I have to say that this phenomenon is really amazing.

  However, from the very beginning, the spell is a supernatural thing, and can not be explained by common sense...

  Ivan rushed to Tony and desperately wanted to jump up and bite Tony, unfortunately once Ivan became a Husky, he inherited his stupidity.

  Jack does not know why Ivan will become a Husky after he said the word "dog". Then he concluded that when the words are not specified, the deformation is completely random, and what kind of variety the other party will become is completely unknown.

  However, after Ivan became a Husky, the intelligence really fell to the bottom. Although he hated Tony, now he forgot that Tony is wearing his steel armor, so even if he uses his fangs, he can't break through the armor.

  This is not the end, Tony is very wicked now as he started touching Ivan's dog's head, like a spoiled puppy, he also said in a kind of animal-friendly tone, said: "little puppy, really lively, wait tell I take home and I will give you a bone..."

  as he said that Ivan was more fierce, but it was completely in vain.

  After subduing Ivan, Tony relaxed his nervous mind, and some reluctantly said to Jack: "Thank you for this time."

  "Do you know that I was just about to sleep. If you really want to thank me, then please improve your strength. How can I always help you?" Jack did not give a chance as he said.

  Tony's forehead was bulging on both sides of his forehead, breathing became so fast.

  Hold back, he just saved me... and now there is no way to teach him a lesson... Tony can only convince himself in his heart.

  Jack also only slightly expressed his dissatisfaction. After all, Tony was saved by him three times in a row, and he had never seen Tony solve it by himself once.

  However, Jack also knows that this is also the influence of his involvement in the plot. Just like this time, it should have been the combination of Iron Man and the war machine to kill the whip-man. But as a result, Jack rescued Tony in advance, causing Lieutenant Colonel Roddy never getting Tony steel armor, in turn, he did not become the superhero war-machine. Tony could only resist Ivan by himself.

  Although Jack wanted to pass it, he also knew that he indirectly obliterated the birth of the war machine, but there was not much ups and downs in his heart. Anyway, the war machine was not prominent in the movie, and the role played was not so great. Rodi did not have steel armor but still a lieutenant colonel.

  I patted Tony's shoulder and said like an elder who is encouraging the younger generation: "Tony, you have to cheer up, you can't always bother me? Why are you wearing a toy? you Have to invent something more powerful, or else? you have to rely on others for the rest of your life, and you will lose your Tony Stark's face..."

  In the end, Jack sighed with great enthusiasm: "Saying so much, I Just want to let you remember a little... Don't call me at night! "

  Well, the last sentence is the main point...

  After the "bitter" education, Tony couldn't help but worry about it and said: "Jack wait, I want to ask you do you have more of NZT, you know I used all the pills you gave me, and I need more supplies, not only for me but for pepper too"

hearing that Jack gave a glimpse as he chuckled: "Ok, you don't have to worry about it. Tony I know you won't hold yourself back in 'analyzing' the pill and if I didn't guess wrong you already knew that I put a genetic password, so you don't have to bother yourself in the future as I'm already planning to give the formula as for those who you want to give the pill, all I m asking is that you should be careful, as for pepper, I trust her unlike some else" Jack didn't give him a chance to speak as he continues: "tomorrow I will come to your house"

Jack finally finished speaking. He waved his hand at random while he said goodbye and then, in the blink of an eye, he flew away.

  I have to go back and make up my mind, can't let Sophia wait too long...

  Seeing that Jack left, Tony's anger that had not been suppressed was finally reduced a little after hearing his last sentence. He turned his eyes and looked at the husky Ivan who was still struggling under his feet to bite him. Tony could not help but make a chilling smile.

  If Tony is going to prepare how to really abuse the dog, then it is not known...

But poor little Ivan he doesn't know that his next life will be like, or he would stay as far as he could from this devil.


  The next day.

  Not to mention that after Tony's secret meeting with Fury, Nick helped in finding a way for the Senator who opposed him, to smile and give Tony a medal. Tony once again proudly made a Victory gesture.

  On the other hand, Jack took the time to leave Queens and go to the Hell's Kitchen.

  Of course, he did not go to Wilson, nor did he go to Matt, the famous blind lawyer, but went to Melvin to help change the uniform.

  There was no problem with the uniforms. I just saw that Tony was always changing steel armor. I recalled the other superheroes in the original book. It seems that Captain America has changed his uniform twice. Jack is also thinking that it is time to change the style.

  Of course, he won't admit that he just wants to make his image to become more handsome...

  Melvin still lives in the secret warehouse. The difference is that he no longer has to be scared to be discovered by others.

  When Jack came to the warehouse where the Melvin gate was closed, he used his high-frequency vibration and then passed through the door...

  After entering the warehouse, Jack found that Melvin was not there. He thought that he still had not returned yet.

  "still have to wait," Jack said under his breath and then walked to Melvin's workbench with confidence and looked up curiously.

  Didn't see a dark red leather armor, nor did it know that Matt didn't find Melvin to help make the uniform, or he had already taken it away.

  Jack is only a little curious about whether Matt is wearing the dare-devil uniform or wearing a low-powered night-length suit. Anyway, Matt is no longer limited to the Hell's Kitchen.

  Seeing a few draft designs on the table, Jack picked it up at random and turned his overclocking state as he flipped through them one by one.

  "Yes, Melvin design is very handsome and practical, it really meets my requirements." Jack saw that the uniforms in the design were very eye-catching with high tech, and couldn't help but look up quickly...

  When turning to one of the design drawings, Jack calm eyes suddenly brightined—it was really exciting as he browsed the design.

  "wow, this set is really an eye-opener?"

  This design is a uniform that is painted as a shadow of the speedster suit, but the overall image has been greatly manipulated by Melvin, and it is even cooler than the original speedster suit.

  It is no longer a platinum color, but a purple color, changing the original noble and mysterious temperament, into a dark noble gloomy temperament.

  As for the detailed changes, Jack is really difficult to express in words, in short - more beautiful.

  Jack is more satisfied with the look. I can't wait for the design to be made, but the finished product. I don't know how long I have looked at it up and down, intel Melvin is finally back.

  When Melvin walked into the warehouse and saw Jack wearing a speedster suit, he couldn't help but shout: "Mr. Jack!"

  Jack does not have the contact information of Melvin, so Melvin does not know that Jack is coming today.

  "Long time no see, Melvin." Jack raised a hand and said hello, as the other hand grabbed the design refusing to let go, for fear that it would be lost.

  "How have you been recently?" Jack sneaked a bit.

  Melvin cheerfully said: "Very good, very good, now I am very happy every day."

  Jack nodded and said: "That's good."

  "Right, Mr. Jack, is there anything you have that made you come to me this time?" Melvin asked.

  Speaking of this, Jack is a little embarrassed. After all, I just wanted to ask Melvin to help make a suit, but since he has come, and saw this design, he can only say: "It's not a big deal. It's just that this uniform has been worn for a long time. I want to change the shape occasionally. It would be better if it is like this design."

  In the end, he also raised the design of his hand. Melvin fixed his eyes and found that it was the design he made in his leisure time. He said: "Oh, this is was drawn in my free time."

  Jack couldn't wait to ask: "Is there a finished product?"

  "Oh... there is."

  Melvin is actually very satisfied with this design. Naturally, the design will be made. It is not just this one. Like the other dozens of design drawings, Melvin also made several sets according to his own mood.

  Come to his new locker, open the cabinet, put a few suitcases inside, take one of them and put it in front of Jack as he opens it. It is the uniform on the design.

The new purple-red suit is quietly lying in the suitcase, the color, the texture, all touched the heart of Jack.

  He was eager to change, but Jack still kept his calmness. First, He asked Melvin: "I like this suit very much. Can you give it to me? I can pay."

  Upon hearing this, Melvin was not happy, and said: "How can I accept Mr. Jack's money, if you like it, take it, and only in your hands, can it play the most important role." "

  "Thank you, Melvin." He thanked Melvin. Jack, like the last time, changed the new suit at a speed that the naked eye could not see, and the old speedster suit was folded and put in the box.

  When the new battle suit was worn on Jack, Melvin, who was the only one on the scene, was shocked. If the old speedster suit made Jack appear noble and mysterious, then the new suit made him look a little evil, making people shocked at first glance.

  Inexplicably, Melvin's simple mind suddenly had the idea of ​​"I should not design this suit", perhaps because of the temperament of Jack.

  The party did not feel so much, Jack acted with great interest and the clothes were fit and there was no discomfort. He went to the long mirror and look at his current image.

  Oh... it seems to be evil, but it's really handsome...

  Jack also feels that his new image is not very upright. He vaguely feels that himself in the mirror exudes a bad aura. It seems to be indifferent, like... villain?

  Somehow, Jack always felt that he should not wear the new suit. At least not yet, it was this strange feeling that made Jack took off his clothes again and exchanged the original speed suit.

  Seeing Jack taking off his new suit, Melvin couldn't help but panic. He thought that his work made Jack dissatisfied. He couldn't help but ask nervously: "What's wrong? Mr. Jack, is there anything in this dress that is not good enough? Please tell me, I will improve..."

  To avoid misunderstanding, Jack immediately interrupted Melvin's words and said: "No problem, Melvin, your clothes are still so good, but I want to find a suitable opportunity to change, you don't have to think about it."

  After listening to Jack, Melvin finally breathed a sigh of relief like a child, eagerly telling the experience of making this suit.

  Jack listened quietly, but there was always an unspeakable feeling in his heart, occupying the depths of his heart and always lingering...


Tonys' house

Tony waited for Jack, as he thought about the formula of NZT, he couldn't wait, if not for peeper stopping him he would have already gone to Jacks' home.

But Jack didn't let him wait for too long.

After Jack finished his small trip to Melvin he went directly to Tony. As he went inside he saw Tony waiting for him at his lab, he said: "Hi Tony, I never thought you would wait for me all this time"

Tony replayed with an impatient voice: "cut... Jack, hurry up and give me the formula, I can't imagine from where you took this drug, but it is the most evolutionary one I have ever seen, do you know that when I took it, I felt that every little thing in my mind is at my gasp, my memory has been enhanced to a photographic one, my already genius IQ and super intelligence have gone to beyond the god level, and many more. Now you tell me, how can I not wait for you all this time"

Hearing Tony impatient tone, Jack sighed as he said: "Ok buddy, but I want to tell you That I am giving you this formula for three reasons, one, because I don't have time to make those pills every time, second, I don't need them as I have already evolved my brain, third, I want the 2% shares in Stark to be added in the contract"

Tony didn't even think about it as he said: " well, I will tell peeper to arrange everything for you, and send it to your home "

Jack didn't talk too much nonsense as he handed him the formula.

Once Tony took the formula he didn't look at Jack or give him any attention as he went to his lab studying the new formula.

Jack sighed helplessly as he turned around and went home to prepare for his next World.