Chapter 42: Chronicle...The Hammer of Thor

Next day,

Jack wore a simple set of clothes, he activated the snake talisman, then he launched the world's travel and the destination is the movie "Chronicle" which talk about three teenagers Andrew Detmer, Matt Garetty, and Steve Montgomery whom, by chance gained Telekinesis ability after being exposed to a mysterious blue crystal that they found in a large hole in the ground.

Jack soon discovered that he was in the middle of woods, he looked around and closed his eyed as he listened, after his physical body strengthened so is his senses, at least he can hear 10 times better than a normal human. After a moment of silence, he heard loud noises coming from afar and from these sounds he understood that it's a party. Jack probably guessed that he was in the party that the 3 protagonists are in, he followed the voice as he runs at superspeed leaving only a phantom in his place.

Jack interred the party, he took some beer and started searched for Andrew. He found him holding the camera and filming a girl dancing on the stage, moment later, a guy came out beside the girl Andrew was filming and started bothering him, Jack didn't talk nonsense as he went between the two of them as he said to the man: "Hey man, can you stop bothering him"

the man didn't expect someone to defend Andrew as he sneered: "And who are you to tell me what to do, besides, he was filming my woman"

Jack smiled as he said: "oh, then let me ask you a question, is she your wife? are you planning to marry her? "

the man was surprised by the questions as he said : "No, of course no, I ain't marrying anyone, beside she is my woman now, so he can't film her" as he said the last sentence he grabbed Jack shoulder as he tried to move him, but who is Jack, not even the Abomination was able to take one shot from him, not to mention a normal human, Jack grabbed his hand as he applied a little force : "Since she's not your wife and not planning to marry her then let him film as he like, that is his freedom, and the woman didn't say anything to him, why a district drunk sh*it like you want to talk to him and tell him what he should not do"

the man screamed as he said: " ok man, I understand, so let go of my hand you're gonna break it"

Jack calmly let go: "then f*ck off, I don't want to see your face here or you won't keep your arm next time"

the man runs out, and Jack turned to Andrew who was staring stupidly at Jack because this is the first time someone stood for him. Jack just smiled as he said: "Hi, you alright, you don't have to bother yourself with scums like these"

Andrew returned to his senses as he hardly said: " No problem no problem, and thank you, mister..."

Jack said: "Jack Ming, you can call me Jack and you"

Andrew said: "Andrew Detmer, and you too can call me Andrew"

Jack: "well Andrew it was pleaser meeting you, if we are fated we can meet someday"

Jack didn't leave him room to talk as he walked away. You may wonder why Jack helped Andrew, it is actually because he feels sorry for the little kid, he went through a lot of hardship in his life, and once he gained powers, it consumed him, making his mind darker as he kept using it, so he decided to help him after he took the powers from the crystal.

Jack flew on the forest as he searched for open field, it didn't take him long to find it, he approached the dark hole and without hesitation he went straight inside, he ignited a spark of flame from his finger as he used the dragon talisman, and once the cave was lit up a crystal can be seen, he approached the crystal and reached out with his finger, and once he touched it, the crystal becomes active and a red light with sounds started coming out of it. Jack closed his eyes as he felt the change in mind, he felt his consciousness getting stronger, as his Telekinesis kept getting stronger and stronger, he didn't feel tired or dizzy because of the horse talisman, and as Jack felt his change he knew the true role of the crystal. The crystal is like a key to Telekinesis, and if Telekinesis is like a muscle then what the crystal does is allowing you to control it and training it. Here, Jack already have Telekinesis so he didn't need to unlock it but the crystal kept refining it, so if we say the 3 MCs' muscle is iron, then now, Jacks' muscle is dimande and he kept absorbing the radiation intel the crystal collapsed as he runs outside, Jack can be sure right now that he can left more than 10 ton of weight with his mind and this is just the beginning, all he needs now is to train.

2 months later

In a green forest, a man can be seen closing his eyes and floating gently on the ground as huge rocks roaming around him as if he was the sun, and what is more amazing is that on each big rock small one are running around the big one like a moon, after a 3 hours everything was placed in there on the ground and Jack opened his eyes feeling satisfied with his training, because right now he can leave up to 500 ton and his control was perfect, and the best part of it, he didn't feel that this is the limit of his Telekinesis, he can be sure that as long as he can train for a year he can upgrade his Telekinesis, but he stopped know because he wants to cure Andrews' mother and deal with his father in a better way.

He went to the town as he searched for the school while activating the snake power, once he found Andrew he followed him to his house where his mother stay and waited till he left and entered the room, Jack didn't wake up the woman, he gently put his hand on the head as he launched the horsepower curing her of her cancer, as he finished he went to the living room where his father watch the TV, he went behind him, stunned him and took him away, once he reached an empty hall, he activated the tiger talisman as and separated him into two,

Jack slapped the one on the left, once the man woke up and saw Jack he started to curse and sh*t like that. Jack who knew who is the evil personality used his Telekinesis and suspended the man and burned him to ache, as for the other one, Jack returned him to his home and cured his leg that hindered him from working and left him from where he took him. Jack went back to the forest to continue his practice.

1 year later,

right now, Jack is suspended at high altitude above the Antarctica at about 9000 m, while hundreds of huge and small rocks kept rotating like planets around him, after some time all the rocks started braking intel everything turned into small tiny pieces of rocks, after he finished, he released his control over them as he descended to the ground.

The moment he reached the ground, Jack opened his eyes and a lightning bolt went through them. In this years that Jack trained in was almost the most amazing one he had, as he could feel his Telekinesis getting stronger by each passing day, and if he felt bored he would roam around the world visiting famous places and learning different languages, and after a year passed his Telekinesis could hold up to 5 000 ton of weight and in term of control he can control matter up to the mm level although it does not sound impressive only a year passed and he didn't feel that this is his limits. He also created a lot of moves combining his talismans and Telekinesis like compressing flame to an almost hard object, once he tried its power he destroyed a mountain which made him surprised because the skill is still not perfect but it is already powerful, as for the other abilities there are :

scan: it allows him to see anything and everything in a radiance of 500 km.

he can also use his mental power to use the talismans on anybody without touching them like horse charm, dog charm, monkey charm... etc, that means, if someone need help, is within 500 km from him he can cure him in this distance without touching him, like an AOE magic spell except that he is much stronger and wider.

After finishing his training he packed up and launched the time and space ability as he returned to his home, he first took his phone from the table and saw that only an hour and 5 min passed. he wore his speedster suit and prepared to return to his house.


  At the same time, in Asgard domain.

  The impulsive Thor was finally punished for his arrogance.

  The king of the gods, Odin, who stood on the throne, violently ripped off the armor and cloak of Thor. As he said in disapproval way: "You don't deserve the trust of these stars! You don't deserve your name! You don't deserve... those who love you!"

  At the end of speech, Odin turned around, this is a father who is disappointed with his son. He took a few steps forward and Odin turned back and said with great majesty: "I, Odin, the king of gods deprive you of your strength now!"

  Lifting his hand slightly, the hammer in the hands of Thor flew firmly held in the hands of Odin. With the judgment of Odin, the armor of Thor was quickly shattered.

  "...I, Odin, the king of the gods, banish you!"

  Odin lifted the hammer Mjolnir and pointed to the stunned Thor. A surging power burst out of Odin's body hit Thor with his hammer, and Thor was kicked out by Odin's supreme power. There was a dazzling transmission channel behind him, and there was no resistance. So he directly crashed into the transmission channel and was sent to earth.

  Then, after setting a special seal on the Mjolnir, Odin threw the hammer into the transmission channel.

  When everything was calm, the anger on Odin's face was gone.

There is only an endless stream of sadness.

  Locky who saw all this, glanced at Odin with a blank expression, thinking of something in his heart, but no one knows it.

  And our Thor, also like the original story, was deprived of his divine power and transmitted to the earth. Jane and her driver hit him on the road...


A few days later,

  Returning home with a new battle suit in his hands, Sophia has not yet returned home. After Jack thought about it, he did not figure out what his strange feeling was, so he put the new suit in the dark compartment of his wardrobe...

  Although it is not clear what is going on, Jack still decided to believe his feelings, then put the new suit first, and when the time is right, put it on.

  "Hey... what should I do now?"

  Jack suddenly realized that he seemed to be quite idle.

  Although every day, I will go out to maintain order, help the people in need, and fight against the lawless. But with the help of the power of the spell, and his telekinesis, these things can be solved very easily. Recently, the law and order in Queens have become much better.

  When you think about it, Jack is going out for a lap every day, and it doesn't cost a lot of effort. It's no wonder that he feels very free.

  Jack recalled the current timeline. Iron Man II changed his position because of his intervention, but the end was the same as before. After Iron Man II, come... Thor.

  At this moment, the son of Odin and the hammer should have fallen in New Mexico. Should I go to check it out?

   with the speeding power of the rabbit charm, Jack can travel to New Mexico in the shortest possible time, and take a look at the hammer, and then come back.

  I called in the phone and told Sofia that he might have to go to New Mexico for a few days. Sophia didn't ask too much, because she was careful with Jack, afraid of making a mistake, which makes him leave her. If Jack knew the reason, he would definitely laugh.

  After the announcement, Jack did not drag. Checking the approximate location of New Mexico, he prepared some luggage and quickly flew away.

  It didn't take long for Jack reached New Mexico, but that doesn't mean he can see the hammer right away. New Mexico is big, and where the hammer fell specifically. Jack doesn't know...

  Put on the normal casual wear, Jack inquires in his way, but it did not have much effect, the hammer has just fallen down, so it did not cause much concern. In the end, Jack can only use one way - hack the satellites and search for it.

  Finally, after hacking the military satellite he found the location, as he went there, Jack saw a lot of people gathered in a giant crater, and in the crater, there was something like a rock in the middle of the crater, a hammer lay quietly There.

  "I finally found it, Mjolnir Hammer..."

  Jack changed his daily casual wear and walked toward the crowd.

  Because there is a hammer that no one can lift up on the outskirts, many people come here. Of course, the main guest is men, there are also many people who watch the fun, and there are even people in the crater who host a barbecue.

  The purpose of these men is to try to pull up this magical hammer because no one can lift the hammer, so unconsciously, "the most powerful man can lift the hammer." rumors spread but also became more and more exaggerated, and more and more men have come to try.

  When Jack walked over, it did not attract much attention. After all, there are all kinds of people in this place, burly strong men, and thin men who were not self-sufficient, it is not surprising for a Chinese-American youth to come, but Jack is more handsome that it has attracted a lot of young women peeping frequently, and several of them are more open and bold, and even come directly to Jack.

  Jack, who has a girlfriend, naturally won't touch them, he politely smiled and refused their invitations. The small notes that have been handed over were just put in their pockets.

  Although it is normal for men to indulge in enjoyment from time to time in foreign countries, Jack himself is more conservative in this respect, only if there is love between the two parties, but now, in his opinion, these behaviors are too casual and meaningless.

  So this is why Jack is still single...

  After Jack's "Little White Face" appeared, almost all the women's eyes were placed on him, which made other men who wanted to show their muscles in front of them a while, to hate him.

  There have been a lot of strong men in the past who have tried to pull the hammer, but they have not succeeded. And how can Jack's who does not look strong pull out the hammer? Therefore, the men are waiting for Jack to appear like a joke in front of the women, to find a little psychological balance.

  'How handsome is it? he is still soft meat. '

  This is the psychological thought of most men present.

  Going to the Hammer Mjolnir, Jack saw that the men who had lined up in the team gradually let a road open and found that these people had hostility and banter in their eyes.

  In this regard, Jack can only shrug his shoulders. Is it my fault for being handsome?

  As for the hammer that can't be pulled, will it be a joke? Jack doesn't care. It's not that he can't pull the hammer. The people present can't afford it. Why bother?

  When I came to the hammer, Jack carefully looked at this legendary hammer.

  The image of Mjolnir's hammer is nothing strange and unpretentious. Only the two sides there are dense lines on the edge of the hammerhead that has aroused the interest of Jack.

  Perhaps it is a magical matrix, and it may be a divine power, but no matter what it is, it is not something that Jack can understand.

  Recalling that if you want to pick up the hammer of Thor, you must reach the conditions that Odin has set up, "to be worthy of it." There are several kinds of arguments. First, only those who are truly impartial can lift the hammer, as Captain America has almost lifted the hammer. Second, the Internet generally believes that Odin has set the test for Thor, from the beginning to the end, only Thor can lift it.

  Jack is very self-aware. He is not a fair and selfless person. Naturally, he is not recognized by Mjolnir, but out of curiosity, he still puts his hand on the hammer, grips the hammer handle, and struggles!


  Well, it didn't matter, he didn't pull up.