Jacks' changes and the return of Thor

Seeing Jack pulling it out, and didn't have much effect. Although he was a bit uncomfortable, he was perfunctory, but the result was as the man thought, so several men sneered bluntly: "Haha, really sorry, but It's normal, right?"

  The rest of the sorrowful men sneered at each other in unison and many women who saw this felt disappointment.

  Jack unconsciously let go of his hand, shrugged his shoulders, went aside, let the next challenger come forward, embraced his arms, and looked at the men.

  In fact, Jack is not in a way to pick up the hammer of Thor, because Thor's hammer can only be left if you are qualified or have the strength to lift a star, so as long as Jack's mind reaches that level, he can pick up the hammer.

  Jack also has the ability to do this in another way, that is, the side effect of the tiger spell is "separation of good and evil". As long as he separates himself into two individuals, good and evil, he has a great chance to pull out the hammer of Thor. However, don't forget that there is still an evil self. Jack does not know the extent to which his evil self will be bad. Anyway, he is determined that he will not use it easily.

  After watching it for a while, Jack didn't feel anything. He went back to town looking for the owner of the Hammer. he wants to see Thor and copy his gene. As for the hammer, there is always a chance to see it.

  Although Jack thought so, there was another incident on the field that stopped him.

  He saw a truck driving at the edge of the crater. Then several people helped pull a thick chain from the car. One side is locked in the car and the other side is tied to the hammer. When everything was ready, the truck started, but the hammer remained still. Even the truck's cargo compartment was pulled down.

  Hearing a loud noise, the driver who drove the car thought that the hammer was pulled out smoothly. He poked his head out of the driver's seat and curiously asked: "Is it pulled out?"

  The people who were present started laughing.

  Jack did not laugh but looked at the driver with a gaze.

  This driver In front of him is not someone else, he is the Stan Lee father who plays a role in every Marvel hero movie. In reality, he is the father of Marvel. Many superheroes are created under his pen and in the Marvel movie. He is a very strange existence.

  In addition to appearing in the Marvel movie universe, Stan Lee also appeared in the old version of Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man, X-Men and other movies. It was originally a normal role determined in the movie but at this moment. Jack is in the real world of Marvel, and all the meanings are different.

  This means that this unseen old man has the ability to travel through the multiverse, to go to the Marvel Superhero movie universe, and even further horror conjecture. Can Jack use the power of Stan Lee... to return to the real world?

Although Jack can return to his original world. But according to the chaos stone, he needs to be the strongest existant in the multiverse.

  Jack did not know whether this Stan Lee could go to the real world, or whether the real world was the one he knew, and there was such a hint of intent in his heart, but it was not worth the risk.

  Let's not say that if you can go to the real world, this world may be just a parallel world. Stan Lee himself make Jack not dare act rashly. The film does not show how powerful Stan Lee is, but from what he knows, he can appear in any corner in the Universe, also through other multiverses, and this is enough to see how special he is.

  Even though Stan Lee's own combat power is not much, but OAA (the Marvel consciousness), which he does not know whether he exists, can definitely kill him if he thoughts about wanting to hurt Stan Lee are revealed.

  In order to live happily, Jack gave up the idea of ​​talking to Stan Lee. It was a pity that as he turned around preparing to leave, he found a black car slowly stopping in the hills and what walked down from the car is a man wearing a black suit and sunglasses.

  Jack recognizes the man with the honest face.

It is our SHIELD agent, Phil Coulson.

  Coulson did not see Jack, after all, there were so many people gathered in the crater, plus a certain distance, how can the normal vision of Coulson make him see Jack.

  After getting out of the car, Coulson glanced at the huge pit in the distance, then turned around and replied seriously and dignifiedly: "Sir, I found it."

  "I will send people as soon as possible, but first, you will block the scene, isolate the things in the crater, no matter what it is." Fury's voice came out from the communication device.

  Coulson seriously replied: "Yes, sir."

  At the end of the call, Coulson just put down the device, and suddenly a hand held his shoulder, "Hey..."

   The words were not finished, Coulson quickly grasped the hand on his shoulder, and then tried to twist it, and push the man on the hood so that he could not move, but Coulson found this impossible. The moves he tried didn't work. He grabbed the other's hand, but he couldn't move it, as if it was a big mountain.

  Even as an elite agent of the SHIELD. Coulson still felt naturally awkward. The other party used a rather helpless tone: "Hey, Coulson, don't freak out, Ok? I just want to say hello."

  Coulson noticed the appearance of the person, and could not help but stare.

  For Jack, Coulson is no stranger. The SHIELD has a file that collects his information. The level of Coulson is enough to check this file. Coulson is clear about Jack's basic information that he can recognize him. Also, he knows that Jack is the superhero "Godfather".

  However, Coulson remembered that he had never seen Jack. Why did he know him?

  Coulson silently retracted his hand and resumed his sunny smile and honesty. He said: "It turned out to be the famous "Godfather". I have admired you for a long time. But I am very curious about something. I don't know how do you know my name. ?"

  Jack will not be deceived by Coulson harmless look. Under the smile of this guy, he always maintains a high degree of calmness and vigilance. Only when he sees his idol Captain America, will he lose his mind a little and fall into the trap of fanatic fan status.

  Hearing Coulson asked him how he knew his name. Although Jack could not answer, Jack suddenly had a few mischievous thoughts. It meant profoundly: "Of course, some people in the SHIELD have leaked... ..."

  Hearing, Coulson's heart sighed and wondered: Is there a traitor inside the SHIELD? impossible? But if it is true, it is very serious...

  Seeing Coulson who was worried, Jack suddenly laughed and patted Coulson's shoulder, saying: "Just kidding, I know you from Tony, haha..."

  Coulson: "..."

  Coulson had a black line in an instant, and he was worried about it. The result was just a joke.

  However, after listening to Jack, Coulson also breathed a sigh of relief. He also believed that Jack had learned his name from Tony and was about to return. Jack seemed to carelessly say: "Just, there is indeed a little mouse inside..."

  Coulson frowned slightly and asked, "Do you know something?"

  "You guess..." Jack was full of bad taste, and he was not able to keep up with Coulson's curiosity.

  Seeing that Jack did not disclose more information, Coulson can only give up, after all, he could not force the other side to cooperate, but Coulson made up his mind. After returning, he must remind Fury to thoroughly check the inside of SHIELD, prevent problems before they happen.

  Not entangled in this topic, Coulson asked like a normal chat: "Mr. Jack is really leisurely, how do you think of coming to New Mexico? Is it for travel?"

  Jack was too lazy to expose the behavior of Coulson's test of routines. He pointed to the giant pit and said: "I came over to see the hammer."

  "Hammer? Is there any unique thing about the hammer that attracted Mr. Jack attention?" Coulson still thought about pulling more useful information.

  "Oh, that's the hammer of Thor, the Thunder god in Norse mythology." Jack did not care about revealing the truth, he did give a sh*t that this information was like a bomb exploded in Coulson's brain, blowing him worldview.

  Coulson asked incredulously: "Thor? Mr. Jack is not kidding. How can they exist?"

  Jack shrugged and said: "God is nothing but a creature that lives longer than human beings. Strictly speaking, they are aliens, but they are seen by ancient humans when they appear on Earth, and then they have passed down various myths."

  Coulson kept telling himself that the other party was just nonsense, but seeing Jack did not look like lying, he could not help but shake it.

  Is the god in the mythology really exist?

  Feeling that his worldview was strongly impacted, Coulson quickly asked: "Mr. Jack said that it is Thor, is there any evidence?"

  "No," Jack said very simply. "However, the owner of the hammer also came to Earth."

  Coulson was shocked again: "Do you mean... Thor?"

  Nodded, Jack shook his hand again and interrupted Coulson's questioning: "If you do this, you believe it or not, and it will not be long before he will appear because he needs to retrieve his own hammer. "

  Jack's past life was a spoiler party. He often went to see the movie version in advance after it was released. Then he would spoil the movie in various groups before it was released in the country, and he always spoils at least half. Making those who are curious want to kill him for spoiling.

  Turned around and glanced at the hammer of Thor in the giant pit, Jack chuckled.

  This time, he will not mix in the plot, let Thor's plot develop normally. He will only copy and integrate the genes of Thor, because according to the comics, Thor is one of the strongest beings in the universe.

By the way, Jack copy distant has been upgraded to 500 km from the 2000 m.

  "I am going back. You will continue to prepare. Thor will come soon, but you don't have to be afraid. It is best not to expose his identity."

  Advising one sentence. Jack was trying to avoid changing the plot, he disappeared without a trace.


Jack, who is in the speeding up, is planning to run back to New York directly, but he slowed down intel he finally stopped.

  "Oh... why should I run back?" Jack sighed helplessly and turned back to run.

  Jack suddenly remembered that Locky would send the horrible destroyer to earth and order him to kill Thor.

  The shape of the Destroyer is a tall robot. It is a weapon made by Odin with a special metal. The head can emit high-energy laser. It was originally arranged to guard Odin's treasure house, but it was used by Locky, although he could only use 10%, it was still terrifying.

  After the destroyer descended on earth and came to the town, it destroyed everything. Even though in the film, the people were evacuating the residents before the destroyers rushed to the town, how could they evacuate everyone in time? There are still many innocent people who die.

  Since Jack has come, even if he has made up his mind to not mix in, he will not stand still.

  Therefore, Jack to save the residents of the town under the laser of the destroyer without destroying the development of the plot.

  "Trouble, it's real trouble..." Jack sighed and sighed, but there was no pause at his feet. After returning to the town, he found a hotel, paid a week's money, and then went to a small hill about 50 km away from town, as he opened a small cave, he sat in a lotus position and closed his eyes.

Jack activated the copy function of chaos stone as he scanned Thor in town. Is Jack planning to change his genes? No, the chaos stone copy and fuses the genes that are strong and useful for the host, by replacing the genes that are not useful for the host by the copied genes, making him stronger and more perfect and maximise the potential of the genes to there peak, that means, Jack will have thor powers and strength at there peak period.

(oth : I am talking about Thor powers of Marvel 616, this is a link of his powers explanation: http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Thor_Odinson_(Earth-616) ).


Thor is one of the strongest heroes in the Marvel Universe. Besides his enormous physical strength, and being durable enough to survive a blast from Celestials, Thor also has energy manipulation powers that are on par with the Silver Surfer. He is also armed with Mjolnir, the mystical war hammer that has been shown to be capable of opening passageways through space and time, blocking all sorts of energy blasts, and bending the elements to its master's will. Thor has been shown to be able to swing Mjolnir at twice the speed of light in marvel 616. Thor is an Asgardian warrior god, trained and skilled in the arts of battle, and he's been doing it for ages. While Thor has usually been shown to rely solely on his fighting ability, super strength, and nigh invulnerability, he has many other options available to him if a fight starts going badly. He has complete mastery over the weather, he can open chasms in the Earth, and if worst comes to worst, use the dreaded God-blast, an attack that is so powerful that one time Mjolnir shattered from the amount of power Thor channeled. This god-blast has even caused a tiny crack in the armor of the Celestial Exitar; the force of which created a shock wave which uprooted the planet Pangoria to its foundations. While on Earth, Thor once claimed to withhold his power unless fighting someone with similar strength and durability. When facing both the Avengers and the Fantastic Four the Hulk has even stated that Thor with Mjolnir is the only one among them that he considers a threat.

Asgardian/Elder God Hybrid Physiology: Biologically half-Asgardian on his father's side and half-Elder God on his mother's side; Thor possesses a number of superhuman attributes common among the Asgardian and other gods. However, due to his unique birth, some are considerably more developed than those of the vast majority of his race. Thor's skin, muscle, and bone tissues have several times the density of the same tissues in the body of a human being, contributing to his superhuman weight. He is invulnerable to powerful energy blasts, weighted impacts, falls from great heights, explosions and various other opposing forces. Even without his godly power, Thor is still physically the strongest and most durable of all the Asgardians.

Life-Force: also known as the God-Force. The godly energies that fuel all of Thor's godlike powers. Thor's immortal life-force is more powerful than the mystical properties of Mjolnir. Unlike many other deities, Thor's unique Life-force allows him to have full access to all of his powers regardless of what realm he enters. The only beings so far that has been shown to affect Thor's God-force are Odin Dormammu and Odin's raven in the form of Marnot. Thor's God-force is also the key to him using the God-blast.

Godlike Strength: In addition to being the God of Thunder, Thor is also the Asgardian God of Strength, as such he is physically the strongest of the Asgardian gods and his strength is unlimited. His feats include destroying an arch weighing over a million tons, crumbling Uru into dust, lifting the Midgard Serpent, who was large enough to coil around the Earth from head to tail multiple times over and crush it in its grip. Pushing the Worldengine, which reversed the Yggdrasil Tree. Thor nearly killed Angrir with a powerful blow, who had defeated the base level Red Hulk (He grows much more powerful from absorbing energy). His clash against Gorr shattered entire worlds. He effortlessly threw a piece of star core at the god-bomb. He also physically held together the fissures of a badly damaged moon and mended it with his lightning.

He has effortlessly snapped adamantium alloy cables by simply flexing. He pushed over the Leaning Tower of Pisa with his finger. His punch, when met with same force, has leveled up the countryside and even closed dimensional rifts. He has towed the island hydro base into New York Harbor. After being damaged in a battle, Thor literally holds up the George Washington Bridge long enough for Damage Control to fix it. Wonder Man conceded Thor as his superior. He has also resisted the gravity of a neutron star.

Thor has proven capable of several acts of vast physical strength, including stalemating the Hulk in a battle for an hour. He was able to break Silver Surfer's force field with a single blow, knocked out Namor with a single blow (despite Namor being fully hydrated during a rainstorm), and has effortlessly defeated the Bi-Beast, Red Hulk, and Gladiator. He has also stalemated Hercules in various contests of strength and one time defeated him, as well as nearly rendered the Juggernaut unconscious after negating his mystical defenses. Thor's strength is so great that he was able to launch Harald Jaekelsson's body into orbit with a single uppercut and sent the Hulk-like Bodolf the Black right through the entire Earth with a single punch.

Invulnerability: Being a god whose heritage is both half-Asgardian and half-Elder God affords Thor virtual invulnerability and immunity to any such human ailments as diseases, toxins, poisons, corrosives, fire, viruses, electrocution, asphyxiation, and he has an immunity to heat and subzero and lead and radiation poisoning. Thor has flown through the heart of stars. He withstood what he thought to be the weight of a score of planets. Thor was able to survive direct multiple blasts from the Asgardian Destroyer. Thor also once took a glancing hit by a Doomsday Bomb that was capable of ravaging an entire planet, and soon after that explosion, he fell from space (leaving a crater miles wide) to a planet called Pangoria. He has withstood several blasts from Odin and even survived blasts from Celestials. With his powers reduced in half, Thor was able to withstand a blow from the Skurge the Executioner's ax. Thor is truly extremely difficult to kill as his life force is stated to be augmented by his godlike heritage, and Mjolnir. Thor can even survive absolute zero temperatures, and even though he was trapped inside, he showed no discomfort after being rescued by Hulk and immediately resumed battle.

Superhuman Speed: Even without the Mjolnir, Thor can move at extreme speeds and easily outrun many speedsters (if not all). Thor can fly to the sun in a matter of minutes. Thor was even able to strike down a moving Quicksilver and has claimed to have fought foes faster than him. He can throw Mjolnir at several times the speed of light and also swing Mjolnir at several times the speed of light while his strength was reduced in half. It has been established that the speed of Thor's hammer transcends both time & space. In addition, Thor can appear anywhere across the Universe or other dimensions in just seconds. Thor could visually detect objects that move at fantastic speeds (this happened when Thor was the target of artillery fire, and when he saw the speedy Hermes.) Thor once stated that he was as fast as the lightning he commands. Thor can twirl his cape so fast that he creates a tornado.

Superhuman Stamina: Thor's advanced musculature is more beyond efficient than that of a human and most other Asgardians. His virtually inexhaustible stamina enables him to hold his breath for an undefined period of time, and exert himself at peak capacity for months without tiring at all. Using the Belt of Strength also doubles his stamina to incalculable levels. While in the state of Warrior's Madness, Thor's stamina also increased tenfold.

Superhuman Senses: Thor's superhuman senses allow him to see objects as far out as the edge of the Solar System, allow him to track objects traveling faster than light, and hear cries from the other side of the planet.

Regenerative Healing Factor: As stated previously, Thor is not invulnerable to all harm and it is possible to injure him. But due to Thor's unique physiology, he is able to heal from most injuries much faster than a human being could. Thor has displayed the ability to regenerate his liver when it was vitrified and was able to heal his two broken wrists in a matter of hours. This healing factor is said to be much stronger than that of the typical Asgardian Gods. With the use of Mjolnir, Thor can also regenerate his clothes. Also, with Thor using his other powers, he can regenerate missing limbs or organs. However, without the Mjolnir, his other powers or the Odin Force, Thor cannot regenerate lost limbs.

Longevity: It is a common misconception that Thor and the other Gods of Asgard are truly immortal. Unlike many other Asgardians, he cannot age by any conventional means. However, Thor and the other members of his race do age but at a rate so slow that to other beings they give the appearance of immortality. Thor has been stated to be thousands of years old which makes his lifespan incomparable to that of the human beings which he protects. When the Asgardians consume the Golden Apples that are cultivated by the goddess Idunn, they are able to maintain themselves in their physical prime. An exception occurred when Thor temporarily became the Rune King, effectively becoming immortal and improving his powers immensely.

Super Breath: Thor can use his breath to create hurricane force winds.

Flight: Thor has shown the ability to fly and levitate without his hammer.

Self Sustenance: He is capable of surviving in the vacuum of space unaided and does not need air, food, water, or sleep.

Transcend Dimensions: When he was trapped in the Tesseract (a pocket universe prison) from the Collector, Thor determined the boundaries of the Tesseract and escaped.

Vast Energy Manipulation: Thor has stated that he relies on the power of Mjolnir too often. Mjolnir does afford powers and abilities that he would not normally have, but Mjolnir is a tool, and Thor has natural energy manipulation abilities without Mjolnir, in most case, his natural powers surpass than most Asgardians Gods. He can easily go toe to toe with Zeus's own extremely powers. During Ragnarok, Thor had seen his family and friends fall to Locky's army and he reached down into himself for strength he never realized before and projected an energy blast so powerful that he knocked out Durok the Demolisher, who was so powerful that Thor, even with Mjolnir, was barely able to hold his own against. He can always project an omnidirectional blast.

Electrokinesis: Thor usually uses the Mjolnir to channel his storm skills but he is able to discharge the rays from his hands. Likewise, he summoned a ray of heaven without the Mjolnir.

Weather Control: Thor as the god of thunder and son of Gaea was born with the natural ability to control weather since birth. Thor normally relies on Mjölnir to control the weather with a devastating degree and release blasts of lightning. Mjolnir allows him better more precise control over his powers and allows him to better regulate his power output, and can act as a shortcut to access his natural powers. This is compared to using his powers without Mjolnir which seemingly require more effort to summon and are more raw and unregulated in their nature. He is able to summon huge storms, rain and lightning from the sky and also creating weather to where there normally isn't any. He has also the ability to create unnatural weather like fire rain on a barren planet. Thor can also discharge lightning bolts from his hands that are lethal and raw in power, also engulfing his hands in lightning to amp his punches. He also summoned a lightning bolt from the sky without Mjolnir to strike Hogun to revive him from near death. He summoned a lightning bolt to strike Hercules (which brutally injured him) to break his grip on him. He once mended together a badly damaged moon with his lightning.

All-Tongue: When Thor speaks with the All-Tongue anyone who hears him will hear him speak their native language in their hearts.

All speak: Thanks to the Allspeak Thor can communicate in all of the languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's dialects, and various alien languages.


After copying the genes of Thor, an unimaginable pain struck Jack, his body started to heat up and lightning start coming out of him swimming around him like armor, his muscles become growing wildly like hulk, his hight reached an astonishing 10 m high and didn't stop, Jack persisted as he didn't want to lose consciousness, because he knows that once he loses it he would create another personality like hulk, and it would be useful for him as his well get stronger. His Telekinesis was growing at an astonishing speed. His soul started to grow with his strength, if his soul was at first like a spick of dust then, right now, it is as big and bright as the white silver sun "SIRIUS A" [for more information about how big SIRIUS A here is a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i93Z7zljQ7I]. his hair started to fall down tell he become a baldy, but just as it stopped falling, new hair started to grow but instead of black it grow into dark silver and shining as bright as the moon.

After 2 days of pain, The lighting armor started to fade, and Jacks' body which has reached 30 m and collapsed the small hill, started to compress, yes compress, not shrinking.

His muscles, bones, brain, everything started to compress into a 1.90 m young man on his 20th with a handsome face that even men would question there true silver and a dark silver hair that extend to his shoulders like Thor, a body that is so perfect that even the gods would be jealous of him, with perfect 8 abs and balanced muscles, and if you look below you can see a giant d*ck dancing with air screaming for some clothes.

Jack opened his eyes that turned into bright silver like the moon goddess 'Selena', he got up and stretched his limbs as cracking sound like thunder come out from his joint, Jack wanted to walk, and just as he took the first step he jumped a couple hundred meters away like in the movie 'John Carter', and this is just his physical strength, Jack launched his telekinesis and 10,000 KM of view projected in his mind , almost all of the earth is in his mind, but he didn't care about it now, he only activated the copy function and scanned the town looking for Thor, and just as he found him he copied all his war experience, a 1500 years of memories and experience came to his brain like a tsunami, he activated his overclocked state and to his surprise he found that his brain has been upgraded allowing him to use 20% of its capacity. Jack closed his eyes and all these experience were digested by his brain.

He slowly opened his eyes and a flash of lightning passed through them, he looked at his hands and clenched them hardly as a burst can be heard from them.

Jack can be sure that his body strength has been upgraded to an insane level, in fact, if anyone saw the muscles of Jack they would say that he is not human, because every fiber of his muscles is as red and bright as a diamond in fact it is harder than a diamond by at least 10 times, his blood turned slightly golden, and bones are like jades but harder than them. all this is because he compressed his body, making him almost invincible.

This is just the beginning, the Ox talisman that is responsible for strengthening the user, made more stronger, because according to Jack understanding the talisman powers vary from being to being, all depending on his potential, for example, if Saitama, who doesn't have a limiter in his body, was equipped with the Ox talisman, it would strengthen him tell it can't.

Jack activated his stealth mode and run...no he walked to the town with his physical strength, and it took him less than 10 seconds to reach it. Jack wondered what would be like if he activated his rabbit talisman.


After he arrived he scanned the town and knew what he missed in those 2 days.

  On the first day,

SHIELD sent a bunch of people to block the scene of the hammer. No other people were allowed to come. Among them, the eagle eye was sent. It seems that Fury still attaches great importance to this matter...

  The next day,

Coulson took a few agents to Jane Foster's lab, and "borrowing" her materials and instruments, watching Colson smile in Jane's face. knowing the result, Jack cannot help but sigh, this goods is definitely black, and as black as his boss.

  In the evening,

Jane came to the blocked scene. Perhaps it was the hammer of Thor that sensed the arrival of the owner. The sky was under heavy rain, and the thunder and lightning were mixed. Jack looked at Thor who confidently broke in and knocked them down one by one. Thor came to the hammer and tried to pull up the hammer, but found that he could not pull it up. He fell to the ground, shouted in the sky, and made a tragic and desperate roar, and then he was caught by the SHIELD.

After knowing what he missed jack went to his room and started meditating to understand his new powers, also to monitor Thor and the hammer with his senses and mind, because right knows he could hear everything on earth and beyond.

  On the third day,

Locky deceived Thor with Odin death, and in turn, Thor completely gave up hope of returning to Asgard. After getting the false identity of Dr. Eric, Coulson deliberately closed one eye, Thor won his Freedom, Dr. Eric went to the bar to drink.

  On the fourth day,

Thor gradually let go of his arrogance, and placed his mind on his mortal identity, becoming mature and steady, and telling all kinds of secrets and wonders, as he brushes a good impression on Jane.

  On the fifth day,

Dr. Eric, who was in the lab for the future, ushered in four special guests, the goddess Sif and the three warriors of the Imperial Palace. When they saw their comrades, Thor was a surprise. And Jack, who secretly observed everything, slowly opened his eyes as he wore his uniform.

  After waiting for a few days, he should be ready. Since Thor's comrades are coming, it means that the destroyer is also following, and it is about to hit.

  When Jack was neatly dressed, he came to the balcony of the hotel room and looked at a tornado in the distance. The destroyer slowly fell and could not help but sigh: "Hey... I am working hard."

  After that, Jack's flew to the direction of the destroyer. He did not forget that the group of Coulson was still there. He remembered that there were several SHIELD agents, who could not escape the destroyer laser beam.

  It is better to save them and make some good feelings with SHIELD...

  After arriving at the scene, Coulson was holding a horn and ordered the "man" stop. As a result, the "mask" of the destroyer head slowly opened, and an orange-red laser was ready to go. Coulson suddenly shouted: "It's coming!"

  All the SHIELD personnel raised their guns, and the destroyer's laser shot out. Several cars were shot by the laser, and one of the unlucky ones couldn't dodge. When they were about to be hit by a laser, they suddenly felt their shoulders caught.

Then, without knowing what happened, they found themselves appeared in another place and escaped the attack of the destroyer.

  In addition to this person, there are still a few colleagues who suddenly disappeared when they were almost in the middle of the game. Then they appeared in other places. They all looked awkward, but although they didn't understand what happened, they all continued very tactically. Escape the attack zone of the destroyer.

  Coulson and his group quickly fled elsewhere, while the destroyer fired lasers all the way and headed for the town.

  After saving the few SHIELD agents, Jack ran back to the town without stopping, bringing residents who did not know the danger to the suburbs far away from the town. The residents were Suddenly watching himself appear on the outskirts of the town.

  When the destroyer approached the town, Jack had evacuated most of the residents, leaving a few scattered, and was evacuated under the command of Thor and others.

  The people were so anxious that even Thor and his party did not notice that the people in the town seemed to be much less. In order to gain time to evacuate the masses, the Sif goddess and the three warriors of volunteered to fight against the destroyer to delay sometimes.

  Even, they thought about destroying the destroyer in one fell swoop, because they followed in Thor's battles for so many years, the countless victory made them somewhat forgetful of the might of the destroyer.

  Jack was leisurely watching the show in his stealth, the Sif goddess and the fairy palace three warriors are like a few funny clowns, confidently attacking the destroyer, but in the end, they were abused without any resistance.

  Just kidding, the Destroyer was created by Odin himself. His duty is to take care of the Odin Treasure. If they can kill him, it is a waste of material.

  Watching his comrades retreat under the attack of the destroyer, and the peaceful town was turned into a ruin under the laser sweep, Thor could not turn a blind eye to it. After he calmed everyone, he stood up and walked toward the destroyer.

  "Brother, no matter what I did, that made you go astray; no matter what I did, I am very sorry..."

  Thor's face is full of sadness, and his apology is eloquent and sincere. He knows that Locky can see the scene through the destroyer. He hopes that he can influence Locky and let him get lost.

  It's rare that Thor's attitude is so humble, and it's very different from the shackles of the past. The words are full of appeal...but it's useless. Thor saw the laser of the destroyer's head dark, the mask slowly closes, and turns to go. When he left, Thor thought that he had successfully persuaded Locky, and he just showed a gratifying smile. As a result, the Destroyer suddenly turned his back and waved at Thor.

  The destroyer broke all his fantasies. It was at this time that Thor was able to bear the flesh. The Thor was hit high up and fell to the ground, and his breath weakened.

  Jane ran to the side of Thor in horror, stroking his face, and still couldn't believe in "No, No."

  "Everything is over..." Thor had some regrets, and somewhat relieved, and the voice was weak.

  When Thor finished his last words, his eyes slowly closed, and Jane gave a heartbreaking cry. When the destroyer slowly left, Jack noticed that the sky was changing, the clouds gathered, and the lightning flashed. It is like a precursor to the coming storm.

  "Is it finally back... god of thunder!"

  Jack kept on waiting for what was going to happen next, and in the process he felt connection with the weather as if he could command him as he like.

  The sudden changes in the wind, lightning and thunder, the hammer of Thor in the distant crater suddenly trembled, and then, suddenly skyrocketed, flew in the direction of the town, to Thor.

  When Thor's hammer flew to him, the originally dead Thor raised his right hand like a scam, holding the hammer tightly and blinking!


  The violent thunder and lightning dropped from the sky, and instantly swallowed the whole body of Thor. He stood up and was baptized by lightning.

  At this moment, the thunder was like celebrating the return of Thor. In the eyes of Sif and other comrades, and the stunned gaze of Jane and her party, the lightning gradually formed the armor of Thor. When the thunder and lightning dissipated, Thor had regained his armor, and the red cloak, making him look powerful and attractive.

  Raising the hammer in his hand, the sky suddenly sounded a thunderous thunder, as if roaring in anger for what happened to Thor!