*You will know the title when you read it*

Seeing the situation is not right, the destroyer opened the metal head, wanting to launch a laser beam, but it was too late as the hammer smashed over and went straight into the head of the destroyer, causing the laser to be deflected.

  Then, the hammer tried to return automatically to Thor, resulting in smashing the back of the destroyer from behind and directly knocked the destroyer to the ground.

  Interrupted the attack of the destroyer, and the hammer returned to Thor's hand. Holding the hammer and feeling the full and powerful power of the body, Thor restored his former self-confidence and pride, but he was no longer arrogant.

  The Destroyer climbed from the ground and looked at Thor trying to launch a laser beam. Thor immediately flew into the air with the help of the hammer, flexibly avoiding laser shots and rushing into the air to form a tornado.

  Thor waved the hammer, the tornado continued to expand, the thunder and lightning roared in the whirlpool, the wind became more and more fierce, and even the destroyers on the ground could not keep himself on the ground, and a bunch of messy things was swept into the center of the vortex.

  The destroyer was getting closer and closer to Thor, and Thor looked at the thing that almost killed himself. The destroyer took advantage of the distance between the two. When the laser was continuously fired, Thor was not afraid as he waved his hammer and deflecting the attacks of the destroyer.

  When the destroyer gathered all the energy to emit the strongest laser, Thor did not even polarize the laser, directly grasping the hammer hard, pressing the laser to retreat, and finally, the hammer smashed the destroyer. The head broke into a pile of scrap metals.

  When Thor fell to the ground, the sky returned to normal, and the wind, dark clouds and thunder and lightning disappeared. Thor went to Jane with a victorious smile.

  Seeing this scene, Jack also knew that he can leave. This time, the story of Thor the god of thunder was not affected by him, and everything developed like in the movie.

  Keeping the state of stealth, Jack can't wait to embark on the road of returning. Compared with the blood drama of the two brothers, Thor and Locky, he feels that it is more reliable to go back and have some fun with his Sophia of course and continue his hero career.


Jack flew back to his home and deactivated his stealth, as he opened the door, he found Sophia on the kitchen making dinner. As he saw Sophia she also saw him but the difference is that she screamed and shout: "Ahhh, who are you? and what are you doing in my house? I'm warning you, I have a very strong boyfriend, you better not do anything bad or I will... I will..". She stopped here because she found that the silver-haired handsome man looks like her boyfriend, she hesitated for few seconds and said: "Ja... Jack? are you Jack? Jack Ming? What happened to you how did you become like this?"

Jack sighed with relief as he looked at her directly in the eyes not knowing that this serious look made her heart beat so fast. He said: " Yes Sophi, I am Jack Ming, as for how I become like this. It's a long story It started a couple days...."

Jack told her everything about how he became like this by fusion with Thor blood, while hidden the existent of chaos stone, as for how he fused the blood, well, he kept his mouth shut because he knows the more he talks the bigger his loophole is.

Sophia listened to this fantastic story with mouth wide open, staring stupidly and cutely at Jack.

seeing her cut expression, Jack didn't give her a chance to react as he reached for her, putting his big, warm hand on the back of his neck, lifting her lips to his. They kissed, she didn't react at first, but as she did, she didn't fight back but shyly followed his steps, first lightly, then more urgently, his tongue in her mouth, her hips tilted against his, her breasts against his chest, her whole body sending a message that was undeniable.

Jack lifted her like a princess making her face which was red, become almost like a tomato. Jack didn't care as he was looking directly into her eyes with infinite love and tenderness, he opened the bedroom he puts her on the bed, but he didn't directly continue he only looked at her seriously as he said: "Sophia, my love, I wanna ask you if you want to be with me in this life"

Hearing his confession Sophia held her mouth in panic and nervousness because this is the first time some she love confessed to her 'Is this a proposal? does he want to marry me?' these are the thought that roams inside her head at this moment. but she still said with tears she didn't notice: "I...I acc.."

before she could finish, Jack interrupted her: "Sophi, before you finish I want to tell you something very important. I am immortal, beyond the scoop of time, and in my Journey I will have more than one woman, because I don't wanna be lonely in the river of time, I want you and the woman you approve of accompanying me in my journey" as he said it, he looked at her with nervousness.

There was a silence between the two.

Sophia looked at the nervous Jack and her mind cooled down as she smiled with some sadness and happiness: "You dummy, so this is the reason you were hesitating in these past weeks, I already know that I can't keep you to myself, so my answer is still yes"

Jack felt speechless inside, he said in incredible tone: "Why Sophia? Why did you accept me so easily?"

Sophia sighed as she said : "you are my first man, when I was in high school I was a lonely girl with big glasses, no one wants to be my friend or even talk to me, but when I met you all my paste vanished, you become my hero, my friend, and my first love, you never let me feel like a burden for you, you accepted me for who I am. I am already in deep love with you and I don't think I can live without you. As for accepting your desire for wanting other women, I didn't even think that it was wrong, in the end, it is your instinct, and because you are strong, powerful, countless women would run after you, especially after you become this handsome and immortal on top of that. Not to mention before. As for me, being with you is already the happiest thing that happened, and I was raised by my parents to listen to my husband, so the moment you became my boyfriend, I already thought of you as one."

Jack felt overwhelmed by this little girl emotion as the stone in his heart shattered. He held her hands and kissed lips, he said with some tears : "stupid girl, don't ever say that about yourself, being with you is already the best thing that happened to me, I confessed to you because I didn't want to make you feel cheated for not telling you, also when you put the glasses, it didn't show your beauty and I am really thankful for that, especially when I cured your eyesight and saw how other men look at you. Now, shall we continue where we left"

As he said that, he resumed his kiss without given her the time to react, and while doing so he slowly took off her shirt, her pants, her bra, her underwear. As for his own clothes, he kept them on, though. She sat on the bed, I took my hand, and brought it slowly through her stomach till I reached her vagina. My hand felt the warmth of her vagina. It was deep, warm, and very wet. My fingers were all about to be sucked inside as I vibrated them at his speed making her scream from pleaser, tell she sprinkled her juice.

Jack was very tempted as he saw her expression. He vibrated at high speed making him like a ghost as clothes fell down the floor, leaving only a perfect body with an erect giant penis.

Once Sophia saw the giant cock, she felt choked, it was about 25 cm with perfect shape. She slowly reached to it as she gently touched it. Feeling her warm hands, I felt I was about to burst wide open. I lifted her chin as I pushed her to lay down on bed without taking my eyes from hers, I reached my penis and kept rubbing it on her vagina making her moan from pleaser intel it become all wet from her juice, I went slowly to her ears as I blew hot air and said: "Sophia I will start".

Once he finished, he only heard "um" and started pushing his cock slowly on her vagina,

blood comes out as a sign of becoming a full woman. Sophia felt a little pain at first, but what followed next was boundless pleaser and happiness as she becomes his woman.

This kept on for almost an hour and Sophia didn't know how much she cum from pleaser as she lost her senses making her go wild for hours. As for Jack, his physical fitness, and the talismans Ox, and horse making him keep up with her even days if Sophia could, he felt like a Bug in games as he has unlimited stamina.

Like this, time passed.

The next morning, Sophia opened her eyes slowly as she smelled the tempting aroma coming from the kitchen, she felt warm as she got up and dressed, she didn't feel pain in her lower body, because Jack healed her in her sleep. She went the Kitchen and hugged Jack from behind.

Jack who noticed her, smiled and said in a teasing tone: "Goodmorning beautiful, how do you feel this morning?"

Hearing his tone she become red and pouted as she said honestly: "*Hump*, I feel better".

Like this time passed and the two become inseparable from each other and each night they go wild for hours.


  2009, late May.

  Unconsciously, Jack soul wears the Marvel world for nearly a year, but this is not the point. Jack did not have the heart to remember how long he has traveled. It is mainly because Sophia spent a year in college life. The second semester has ended Yesterday, starting today, there will be a three-month holiday!

  This means that Jack and Sophia will have the time of nearly three months. It is rare to have such a long time. Jack can't help but fantasize about it... Should we unlock more positions?


  "What are you thinking?"

  Sophia's voice suddenly awakened Jack, and returned to God, just to the doubtful eyes of Sophia, Jack coughed a few times, saying: "I was thinking that this is a rare holiday, so, do you want to go out for a trip?"

  Speaking, Sophia also started thinking, frowning, and some embarrassed: "But where should we go? Do you have an idea?"


  Being asked by Sophia. He still didn't make up his mind about where to travel.

  After thinking about it, Jack made a decision: "Would you like... to go to Hawaii?"

  When it comes to travel and vacation, most people think of Hawaii, blue sky, white clouds, sea, beach, bikini... Hey, don't care about the details.

  Hawaii is a recognized holiday destination, plus it is now in May, neither the rainy season nor the hottest July and August.

The departure time is quite right, now.

  "Hawaii? I haven't been there yet" Sophia has not been to Hawaii.

  This pair of men and women who have never been to Hawaii, finally checked the information on Hawaii on the Internet, looking at the photos and detailed introductions on the Internet, Jack and Sophia could not help but be moved. From those photos, it seems really nice...

  Jack did not think more and decided directly. "Go to Hawaii, what do you think?"

  "I listen to you." Sophia smiled softly.

  Jack passed through Sofia's waist and got to the root of Sophia. He snorted and said with a smirk: "So let's go buy a swimsuit now? I am looking forward to what swimsuit you will wear..."

  Sophia's pretty face was red and transparent, and she gently hammered Jack's chest. "Bad!" After that, she buried her head in Jack's arms, like an ostrich that shrank his head in the soil.

  "Haha..." in the room, you can only hear Jack's unspeakable laughter and Sophia's fine mosquitoes scream...


  Two days later.

  When the luggage was ready, Jack and Sophia took the plane to Hawaii and chatted happily about this trip.

  It's rare to travel once, naturally, it's impossible to say that Jack is holding her and fly to Hawaii. Now he is not without money, so Jack booked two first class tickets to Hawaii.

  The time on the plane is actually very normal. When I am hungry, I will taste the plane meal. It is quite rich. Although I control my own food nature, I still have some more on the plane. He also ordered some drinks...

  Well, This went on tell Sophia fell asleep, Jack quietly told the flight attendant to take some champagne, although it is not clear how the flight attendant thinks, with a high value, the flight attendant still has a complicated mood... well, who would blame her, Jack is the most handsome and caring man she saw, especially how he treats Sophia, making her jealous and tempted at the same time.

  Jack, the chief culprit, did not care about there though after he and Sophia got off the plane, they walked to the beach with joy.

  Stepping on the soft sand and watching the innocent sea, from time to time there are seabirds flying through the air, a refreshing breeze blowing over the cheeks, listening to the sound of the waves hitting the beach...

  "Ohh..." Jack and Sophia sighed in unison and relaxed at this moment.

  This is the real vacation!

  Sophia took Jack's arm, Jack took the luggage of the two, and walked leisurely toward the hotel booked in advance.

  After registering for the hotel, Jack and Sophia came to their hotel room. When they entered the room, the first thing that came into view was a big double bed... Well, don't think too much, they didn't do anything.

  Opening the curtains, the blue sea scenery appeared in front of the two people, have to say that this hotel is really good, the windows of each room are facing the sea so that guests can see such a pleasing view.

  Looking at the sea, Jack and Sophia's mood calmed down. Jack was holding Sophia's shoulder. Sophia also leaned on Jack's chest, enjoying the rare sights and moment.