
Jack and Sophia stayed in Hawaii for more than a week, and after enjoying the scenery of Hawaii, they reluctantly took the plane back.

  After returning to New York, Jack and Sophia's life continued as usual. Jack continued to his daily routine every day, while Sophia found a part-time job in a coffee shop. After all, there are still more than two months of vacation, some students will Take the holidays to work.

  The days are so normal. Jack and Sophia have their own things to do. They live a very fulfilling life. When they get home, they get tired together. This is why the men and women who have tasted the forbidden fruit naturally don't know what is control, almost every night. they talk about the meaning of life...

  Some couples who have been doing it for a long time, gradually become cold, but Jack and Sophia didn't have this problem. The feelings are like a flame that never goes out, and it has been burning.

  Time has passed unconsciously, and Sofia's holiday has quietly ended, but there has been no change. After school, it is still a world of two people.


one day, while Jack was meditating in midair on top of the city at night, he heard a lot of screams, Jack didn't move, he only released his Telekinesis and covered the hole city every person or gang tried to commit crime in all its colors where put on coma as for those who have heavy killing intent he directly turned them into mice after killing them, as for the victims he used his gigantic soul energy to create an illusion of his lightning speed to leave his mark, although it was not perfect but for these scared victims, but it was enough. Jack kept doing like this for an hour, first to train his abilities and integrate them into his sub-conscience intel they became instincts, and second, is, of course, to fight crime and be a superhero. Just as he was prepared to leave he heard a particular voice that felt familiar to him, he followed the voice and found a woman who is surrounded by four thugs with sticks and other small weapons laughing and looking at her with lust. Jack didn't move directly but looked at the woman, he knows her, she is Daisy Johnson also known as SKYE, a genius hacker, but she looks young, about 24 years old. Jack knew from this that she still didn't join the Rising Tide because according to the series she was 30 years old at that time.

Looking at her sorry state he knew that she still hasn't joined the Rising Tide, because according to his information this organization was established after hulk and iron man appeared about a year ago, so that means there is a high possibility that she would join this year. Jack analyzed all this in less than 5 seconds after activating his overclocked state.

Jack watched as the girl begged for help, but no one comes for her if with do not include Jack.

The thugs laughed as they approached her, the leader of the thugs ordered the three to hold Skye, on the process they tore her clothes leaving her in a hopeless situation as her big eyes were full despair. She closed her eyes waiting for her demise. Jack who saw her like this reacted and went straight to the three gangs and broke there legs and arms. Skye who was waiting didn't feel any pain, she slowly opened her eyes to peek, only to see the 3 men who want to rape her laying on the ground wailing in pain, she turned her head and saw a tall man with a perfect body, wearing a white suit with some golding lines as lightning shrouded his existant like a slave who protect its master making him look like a god, his face could not be seen only his eyes but because of the pig talisman he looked so intimidating like the god of judgment. Skyes' heartbeat becomes fast as her face started heating up.

Jack looked at Skye who went red, he probably guessed what she thought but he pretended that he didn't know.

He deactivated the talisman making his eyes normal, or so he thought, he looked at her and said with a soft and worried tone without disguising his voice: "Hey miss, are you ok? you look red do you need me to take you to the hospital "

Skye who was in dase was stunned by his worried voice, she felt warm in her heart since she left the Saint Agnes Orphanage, life hit her hard and cold, but she is a strong woman, she learned hacking and other skills to survive on her own. She looked at his silver eyes 'so beautiful' she thought, as she said in embarrassed tone: "N...No I'm fine, but thank you for your care"

Jack looked at her and said sincerely and seriously: "miss, why are you in the street this late, you should now, that this is the time the crime take place, where do you live? I will take you there "

Skye was embarrassed as she said in a small voice: "Godfather there is no need for that I live in an apartment near here"

Jack didn't give up, he already made a plan to conquer her, so he said: "miss, don't try to bluff me I can hear your heartbeat getting faster when you talked"

hearing him expose her, she became awkward as she hid her face and said: "Ohhh, I didn't lie to you I do live here but not in an apartment but a small van"

Jack made a victorious smile. He said: "miss, that is impossible, do you know what would happen to you if these thugs followed you and if they were smart enough then no one can save you"

Skye looked at Jack and said: "B...But wouldn't you save me"

he said: "I just finished my patrol and was going home, if you didn't shout no one could save you at time, not to mention if they followed you."

Jack took some money as he said: "miss, this is 1000 $, go and rent a room in a hotel, although I'm not rich but it's ok"

Skye was overwhelmed by this move of his, she said: "No Godfather, I can't take it you already saved me if you give me this money it would be too much"

Jack hardened his tone and said: "No, you take it, you need it more than me" he staffed the money in her hands as he continued "I will follow you in dark, and if I don't see you in a proper room I will stun you and take you to one". Jack left leaving these words.

Skye looked at the empty alley, then at the money in her hand and without thinking she directly went to a hotel, less Godfather do what he said.

The next morning,

Jack went to a small restaurant near the hotel Skye went to. As he entered he attacked all the attention in this small place, well, who told him to be handsome and have a unique appearance, but Jack didn't care he just went to an empty seat and ordered some breakfast.

As he was eating Skye entered the place, she looked right, then left and once our eyes met she froze from shock, I smiled at her and didn't say anything, I just continue to finish my food.

For Skye, she snapped out of her shock and took an empty table beside mine and from time to time she would peak at Jack. It's not just because his handsome but also his eyes, they are the same eyes as Godfather. Skye wanted to confirm her guess, she walked to me and said: "excuse me, can you give me that spoon for a second" 'what a lame excuse' Jack thought

but he still smiled softly and said with the same soft voice he used last time: "Yes miss, you can have it, I don't need it"

hearing his voice Skye didn't react as she looked dumbly at Jack, making her look cute.

seeing her rude behaver she took the spoon awkwardly and said: "Thank you, mister..."

Jack reached out as he said: "Jack, Jack Ming and you miss"

Skye shook his hands as she said: "Daisy Johnson, but you can call Daisy or Skye like my friends"

Jack smiled and said: "well, I will call you Skye, and you can call me Jack"

Skye said happily: "ok, then we are friends from now on"

Jack: "ok, and since we are friends there is no need for two tables"

Things went pretty normal, as they continue there to talk about everything, Jack told her that he lives nearby here and so on...

every day Jack and Skye would meet here in the morning, Skye has never mentioned his superhero identity or anything related to it, they Just spend there time like an old couple who were in love without realizing it, except for Jack.

Jack did everything he can think of so that she can fell helplessly in love with him, and it did work, in fact since the moment they met there was already a spark and all that was needed for it to grow is time, and Jack gave it that time without realizing it.

They went like this for a couples weeks, Jack would accompany her on the morning and some time on lunch, and at night he would sneak to the college to talk about Life with Sophia, but this time he was more dominaring and experienced, as he always dominate her and take lead, making her reaching the 9 heavens many times.


  when Jack lived a comfortable and beautiful life some things are unpredictably changing ...


  Fury silently looked at the paper in front of him. After reading all the contents and remembering it, Fury took out a lighter, ignited the confidential document and burned it to ashes.

  Unexpectedly, SHIELD has been compromised by Hydra and even penetrated deeply... as for the information he just read, Fury's ordered the black widows to secretly investigate the inside of the SHIELD. A list of members of Hydra hidden inside SHIELD.

  The black widow, without arousing the enemy's vigilance, found only part of the undercovers of Hydra, and there are more unknown members of Hydra, but only the tip of the iceberg was discovered, there are hundreds of them which is a shocking figure, let Fury felt extremely angry and frustrated.

  Unexpectedly, SHIELD, which is responsible for maintaining world peace, is actually infiltrated by Hydra. It must be said that it is a great mockery.

  Although Fury wanted to solve the pests that were found out immediately, there were still many unexposed Hydra undercovers. Fury was so angry that he wants to get rid of them all, but he could only stand still because they would discover it.

  However, Fury would not sit and let these mice continue making small moves under his eyes. It seems that he should inadvertently dispatch a part of SHIELD agent who is undercover to go perform some simple mission but there are some risk factors, but a very high-risk task, Fury believes that Hydra would definitely send their disguised agents. And Fury will use them to serve SHIELD to there fullest, but, they will be killed by Fury.

  These are just a small solution, and in order not to stun the snake, Fury can only use this method to smash a dozen people, and more will be noticed by Hydra who is behind the scenes.

  since discovering that SHIELD was infiltrated by Hydra, Nick Fury had an intense sense of urgency, so he made a decision, a decision that led to something happening in advance.

  Open the tablet on the desk, contact agent Hill, and a video call of Hill appears immediately on the screen.

  Hilter asked seriously: "Sir, what are your orders?"

  " bring Dr. Banner and Dr. Eric. I have something to discuss with them." Fury said in a majestic manner.

  Hill did not ask anything, and replied meticulously: "Yes, sir."

  Ending the video call, Fury turned and looked at a password box on the table. At this time, he was at a secret base of the SHIELD, and the box was an invaluable treasure.

  The cosmic cube!

  During the Second World War, Hydra acquired this rare treasure with unlimited energy and developed powerful energy weapons. Finally, in the final battle between Captain America "killed" Hydra leader, while the Cosmic cube and Captain America fell under the glacier.

Howard Stark originally wanted to search for his partner, but he failed to find the Captain. He only found the Cosmic Cube after detecting its huge energy fluctuations.

  After that, Howard, Carter, and others created SHIELD, the Cosmic Cube has been secretly protected and moved over time to avoid revealing its news.

  For decades, SHIELD has always absorbed advanced intellectuals and cutting-edge scientists to conduct various studies on the Rubik's Cube. Unfortunately, a group of high-intelligence people have passed away and have not achieved a breakthrough.

  After Jack's shot to reduce the concentration of gamma rays, Dr. Banner has really stabilized. He will become a Hulk without a little emotional excitement. According to the data collected so far, if Banner wants to become a Hulk. It must be done with extreme anger or life and death.

  Since Banner has stabilized from an unstable factor, Fury naturally welcomes Banner as a high-end knowledge talent to join, and without saying anything, directly giving a promise to join the SHIELD, the military will not arrest him all night. Fury puts his hand on his chest and said, "I am covering you."

  Although his experience in life made Banner become suspicious, he was also skeptical about Fury's words, but he was really fed up with hiding, plus the advice given by Jack, who helped him. Banner, After hesitating, again and again, joined SHIELD.

  Today, Banner has officially become a member of the SHIELD, affiliated with the Science and Technology Research Department, and exchanges and cooperation with a group of high-end talents in various fields, so that the scientific and technological level of SHIELD has improved a lot.

  In addition to Banner, after the "Thunder" incident in New Mexico, Eric, an astronomical PhD, also entered Fury's line of sight, although in "Thor" incident Jane Foster performed More prominent, but considering its special relationship with Thor, Fury did not invite her to join but invited Dr. Eric to join.

   Dr. Banner and Dr. Eric were escorted while heavily guarded in the secret base with a few elite units, and then, under the leadership of Hill, they came to the room where Fury was.

  As soon as the entered the room, Dr. Banner and Dr. Eric saw Fury opening the box with a serious look and showed the cosmic cube in the box. He said: "Because of some undisclosable reasons, things are urgent, from now on, hope. The two can study this comic cube."

  Dr. Banner and Dr. Eric nodded. After all, they were scientists, and they were full of sensibility for the magical things of this cosmic' magical energy.

  Fury, Dr. Banner, and Eric did not know, and Jack did not expect that the future is changing, and some things seem to be ahead of time...


  Somewhere in the universe.

  Loki didn't know where he was. After jumping from the Rainbow Bridge, he was always in a state of floating in the void, surrounded by darkness and silence, which made Loki deeply feel the eternal loneliness.

  This endless loneliness swallowed up his heart. Loki even felt that he would go crazy in the next second. Suddenly, he was controlled by a strange traction and flew in one direction.

  More precisely, Loki feels like a matchmaker and is forcibly pulled over.

  Only a moment, Loki was pulled by an invisible traction into a huge meteorite floating in the universe, just like a car can't brake, and it hit it straight and fell to the ground.

  " Who is it?! I am the king of the gods..." Loki got up from the ground in angrily, so humiliated, how could he breathe.

  But when he saw the person in front of him, his pupils narrowed down, his face was white, and he couldn't help but sweat coldly, and his heart violently jumped.

  In front of him, a tall and burly man sat on a throne, wearing a mighty gold armor, his skin was different from ordinary purple, and there was a man surrounded by a black robe standing beside the throne, bending down and kneeling. Standing on one side of the waist, it is obviously the hand of the person sitting on the throne.

  Loki followed Odin for so many years, he naturally knows some powerful existences in the universe, so at a glance, he recognized who this person is, which made him fall into extreme panic.

  Destroyer of the cosmic, countless planets had fallen under his hands, the destroyer, Thanos!

  The destroyer is one of the most powerful existences in the universe. In addition to its own powerful strength, his own fleet is huge, and it is said to be invincible. It has never tasted a defeat. Every time Thanos captures the planet, he will kill half the population. Therefore, in the universe, his name is so fierce, even Odin does not dare to easily go to this murderous figure.

  In contrast, Loki is nothing more than a small ant, free to decide life and death, in front of Thanos, Loki cannot produce any idea of ​​conspiracy.

  Loki humbly bent over the baggage and respectfully said: "The supreme cosmic hegemon, I don't know where my humble person has caught your attention?"

  Because of Loki's attitude, in the face of the existence of the destroyer, in order to keep his small life, Loki will not choose to be killed for a little dignity.

  The tyrant was sitting in the throne indifferently, raising his left hand and holding his face at random, saying: "You should be thankful, little bugs, if you are not worth a little, you are not qualified to stand in front of me."

  Being so insulted, Loki's heart was angry, but he dare not reveal a trace of it. He smiled and said: "Yes, thank you for your kindness."

  "Hey, little bugs, don't say these compliments. I have something to tell you. If you can't do it well, then you will get back this humble life."

  Loki dared not to speak, grievously pulled out a smile, whispered in a low voice: "Please order, I will live up to your expectations."

  The tyrant waved his left hand, and the black robes next to him took up a scepter, and did not go to the front of Loki to pass it, but manipulated the scepter with his mind to let it float to Loki.

  The scepter is golden yellow with a fluorescent blue gem in the top, which exudes strong energy fluctuations.

  Loki carefully held the scepter, and when the time was up, the mind became very clear-headed, and his mind was filled with a mysterious feeling.

  Although holding the scepter produced an illusion of omniscience, Loki did not dare to make a move, still respectfully waited for the instructions of the tyrant.

  The tyrant did not say much, just said indifferently: "Go, go to the weak planet called 'Earth', then, find the universe Rubik's Cube, open a passage, let my army invade the planet !"