New woman, New world

I have to say that sometimes, Jack is really glad that the world he is in is the Marvel movie world. Although there are no mutants and fantastic 4, there are a lot of troubles.

  After Thor incident, the world has returned to its quiet, no major incidents have occurred, so Jack also some time to rest and prepare for his crossing, every day he tirelessly maintain the city order, accompany Skye, their relationship is getting better and better, and in the evening, I would have an in-depth communication with Sophia, coughing...

Jack like every morning, he went to the coffee shop to accompany Skye, and since our relationship advanced he decided to ask her why she lives in a van and chose to be a hacker.

Skye looked at him for a little bit then sighed as she said: "I am looking for my parents and..."

Jack listened to her story silently and once she finished he got up and hugged her tightly and he promised to help her, which made her happy as she hugged in return, Jack looked at her and she also looked at him, they kept staring at each other, and in the process there faces kept closing the distance between them, tell their lips met each other, kissing without giving a shit about where they are.

a few moments later they separated, Jack looked at her and said: "Skye, if I told you that I can help you find your parents would you be willing to be my woman in this life"

Skye didn't even think about it and agreed happily because she was already in love with him: "YES, even if you don't help me that's ok, I will be yours"

Jack said: "even if I have other women"

Skye looked at him and went to silence before she said with a weak and hurt voice: "why would you have other women? am I not enough?"

Jack sighed and said: "Skye if I didn't guess it wrong, you should have already known who I am, and what I really do. I have a long life it can't be measured by numbers and I don't want to live it lonely, and I will give the woman I love a way to achieve immortality to accompany me in this journey, I really hope you can accept my nature and who I am, so plz Skye walk with me in this journey" while saying this he sealed the sound around them so that no one can hear them.

Skye kept staring straight at his eyes, she is tempted, and after hearing his honest words her heart softened and looked at him with warmth: "Ok, I will accompany you but you have to promise me to never leave me in this life..." before she could finish Jack held her tightly as he kissed her with passion and love, he carried her like a princess and used a barrier to cover to protect Skye and ran to her room in an instant, Skye who was closing her eyes as she enjoyed his kiss felt Jack reaching out and trying to take her clothes, she opened her eyes trying to say that they are in a coffee shop, and then froze from shock, because she found herself in her room. Jack looked at her cute expression and said: "*chuckle* this nothing when you spend some time with me you will know what I am capable of"

finishing talking, he resumed his activities and Skye snapped out of her daze and looked at him with hot eyes.

Jack took off his clothes almost making Skye losing herself, he slowly took Skyes' upper clothes and started sucking on her nipple making her *moan, while doing this he slowly took off her lower body clothes and massaged her pussy leaving her moaning harder tell she came, Jack didn't give her a chance as he moved his giant stick near her pussy playing at her entrance before he tore her hymen in a single motion which made Her Scream.

Jack started stroking her face and kissing her to ease her pain and after the pain had subsided, he suddenly started to move his hips. Skye felt both pain and pleaser at the same time, moments later, she too started bouncing on Jack, who then started fondling her jiggling breasts and kissed her.

Skye came again a few minutes while Jack didn't give her the time to rest as he kept showering her with love for half an hour.

She fell on his chest and Jack started stroking her back as he started to heal her to her peak state.

seeing there relationship stabilized, Jack wore his clothes and kissed Skye and said: "Skye this our home address you will move to live in it"

Skye nodded her head as she kissed him and said with some worry: "Jack, will Sophia agree for me to join your family" Jack already told about Sophia.

He smiled: "don't worry, she already knows and she started urging me to find another woman to help her in bed, as you experienced I don't get tired"

Skye smiled bitterly: "Yeah, you are a monster in bed, even know I doubt that we can keep up with you".

Jack smiled smugly, as this was part of his plan because he stopped healing Sophia making her unable to keep up with him, even sometimes passing out, making her urging him to find another woman to help her.

Jack went to his house, took his prepared clothes and launched the chaos stone first function


Jack appeared in a farm, to be exact a field, in the field, there are fire and a big hole, Jack saw to a man and a woman approaching the hole, and as they got closer they found a spaceship.

The two freaked out especially when it opened, although they were scared there curiosity took over and they approached. To there surprise they found a small child laying there peacefully, the woman didn't hesitate as she took the child and after a few moments of talking with the man they took the child and the brought some steel ropes as he wrapped it around the spaceship and took it.

Jack who watched all this knew that he arrived at the moment when baby superman just arrived Jack launched the copy function as he copied supermans' genes and fusion them with his already strong body.

Jack didn't feel anything and he knows why. Because Superman genes are able to absorb the solar radiation to make him stronger, and not directly give him strength directly. Jack thought for a moment before he decided to explore the U.S with his mind. All kind of information passed in his head as he kept nodding. To put it in a simple way this world is mixed one between DC Movies and TV series, but time is too early, because everyone is still young, so, he decided to keep low as he absorbs the radiation of the sun for the time being.

Jack wanted to stay here to see if some of his goddesses will appear in this world because he is not sure if they existed since this is a mixed world.

Jack first created some gold in his personal space using the chaos stone and sold them in the black market and the money was used to buy some stocks, about 6%, and he also gave some future tech. to Dr. Thomas Wayne, the father of the future Batman, making him grateful to him.

Also, Jack saw the young boy Bruce Wayne, he knows about 1-year old which means that the Wayne family accident is coming soon, but he wasn't planning to stop it, as it is the main point for making young Bruce became Batman.

to be honest Jack wants to make the Marvel and DC world his main base while he visits other worlds.

After finishing his business he flew outside earth as he started to absorb solar radiation 24h/7d, as for why he didn't get bored, it's because he can feel his strength increase at insane speed and since he doesn't need to eat or drink he was too lazy to go and because he wants to go step by step to the sun.

Ohh, by the way, Jack got the genes that give Superman his strength while the one that made him weak in front of kryptonite was devoured by him and turned into waste, as for why he could devour, well, it was one of the function he discovered in chaos stone. for example if he used copy he will only copy the original abilities, genes, bloodline... of the target and removing the limitation that the universe imposed, which was also one of the reasons Jack got the full power of Thor, but unfortunately he can only control about 20% of the divine power and his potential has not been dug, but what is great he won't be discovered by any being in the multiverse no matter how powerful he is unless he is in front of him, that is why he needs to go to a world were he could learn how to control his strength, of course, it is after he finishes his power up tell he's satisfied.

2 days later,

Jack approached the sun, he was about 10 km away from it, Jack felt his absorption of the radiation of the sun was at least 100 times more intense than on earth, he slowly adapted tell he reached the surface of the sun upgrading his absorption speed to 200 times, that means 1 year of absorption on earth is equal to 200 years on the sun, it's not that he can't go directly there but he wanted to control his absorption rate without losing control. By the way, the different timeline between the Marvel universe and other worlds is 1 hour in Marvel universe = 1 year in other worlds, so he is going to spend some time here to get stronger.

He levitated as he crossed his legs in a lotus position and closed his eyes as he started meditating.

12 years later,

Jack who was closing his eyes, slowly opened them, a golding light flashed with lightning making them look divine and majestic, Jack slowly got up and stretched making his joint cracking like thunder, he looked at the side of the earth and the picture enlarged as he kept focusing tell he saw everything in his sight. He started flying to it, a second later he reached earth, making him shocked, he just thought about returning and he flew faster than the speed of light.

After calming down, he went to Gotham city, and as he was touring around he found a lot of darkness in this city, there is almost a crime somewhere, Jack who was walking heard a scream near him, he thought that it is near him he could go to check it out.

In an allay Jack saw a 2 thugs ganging up upon a little girl, hitting and cursing her while the girl screamed with every hit she takes, Jack didn't keep watching as he walked to them, but the difference is that his walk made his surrounding stop like when you click pause making everything static, Jack couldn't control his strength making his speed so horrifying that it seem like time stop not like quicksilver in x-men movie everything move slowly, but complete static which mean that he is walking near the speed of light. Jack didn't want to kill the thugs because they looked young about 16-17, so he just stretched his finger and poking them on their cheek, Jack didn't want to be a hero in this world.

The Two thugs flew to walls as they lost their conscience, then he walked to the girl who was closing her eyes, he extended his hands and said with a sunny smile: "little girl are you OK"

the girl opened her eyes slowly and was astonished by the man in front of her, he looked like an angel with his sunny smile that could melt all ice and coupled with his devilishly handsome face. The girl already forgot about her injury as she kept looking at Jack in a daze, moments later she woke up from her daze as she said in a shy yet painful voice: "thank you, mister, for helping me"

Jack chuckled: "It's not a big problem little girl, but why are you here alone at night"

The girl said: "My name is Ivy pepper, not little girl, I am already 17 this year"

Jack who heard her name was astonished because he remembered a character, to be exact a supervillain called herself poison Ivy also one of the sexiest women in dc ranked at the top 10, Jack looked at the dirty little face, the orange hair, he couldn't compare this young Ivy with the one on his mind (, Jack was tempted as he remembered how she would become alike in the future. He looked at the little girl as he remembered her past, which was tragic, making grow up shy, orphaned, and easy to trick.

Jack wanted to take her in his Harem, even if she is young know Jack was only planning to visit then go back to the sun tell the official story start, he said as he extended his hand: "Hi Ivy, my name is Jack ming, but you can call me Jack"

Ivy said in a shy voice: "Hi Jack, I'm happy to meet you"

"where do you live Ivy, I will take you there"

"I don't have a home "

"what about your parents"

"they died when I was young"

"then do you have some friends you can stay in their place"

Ivy said in a mosquito voice"I don't have friends and no one wants to be near me"

jack said "why? you are a beautiful girl, I even thought that you have a boyfriend, why wouldn't they?"

Ivy was surprised "I am not beautiful, I am only average and even some of them call me ugly, so don't even talk about a boyfriend, I don't even have a normal friend"

Jack smiled"but for me you are beautiful, I would definitely take you and even marry you if you were not a little girl"

Ivy saw Jack smiling at her while talking and her little young heart started beating so fast and a blush appeared on her face as she lowered her face and said: "thank you, Jack, you are the first one to say this to me, and I am not a little girl I can be your..."

Jack looked at the little girl who is feeling happy and interrupted her" well, it is ok, take this cash and this is my card, but you should be careful it is not an ordinary card, so take care of it"

Ivy felt overwhelmed "No, this is too much, I can't accept it, you already did too much for me, I am the one who should repay you"

Jack knew that she wouldn't agree so he turned on his overbearing character as he said "No, you will take them" as he finished he took a small beautiful neckless and said: "this is for you, if you still have the same feeling like today I will look for you in 6 years, and from now on you just have to grow up and be a beauty for me "

As he said this he flashed and disappeared leaving a faint after image which surprised Ivy so much that her small mouth can hold an egg, seconds later, she clenched her fists and looked at the card and the neckless to confirm that she is not dreaming.

What Jack doesn't know is that this encounter will make the future poison Ivy so obsessed with him.

Jack went to the Waynes family, he went to the front door and nocked the door, moments later the door was opened and an old man who looked like a butler stood in front of him "Hello sir, what can I do for you"

"Hello Alfred, it is me Jack ming, I made a business deal with your master 12 years ago "

Alfred was surprised and then said with enthusiasm "master Jack, where have you been these years, master Wayne has been looking for you these years"

"I was living in my hometown in China, so it would be very difficult to see me. Now, how is Thomas, is he ok"

"Ah, so that's why. But I'm afraid to tell you that master Thomas Wayne and his wife died three years ago"

Jack made a surprise expression as he said "how did they die, what happened, and what about there son Bruce"

Alfred sighed "master Jack, they were killed by a man in an alley in front of Bruce leaving him traumatized"

"where is Bruce know? how is he?"

"the young master is fine he already recovered a little bit from his trauma"

Jack entered the house and said, "show me where he is?"

Alfred did not say more as he gestured for Jack to follow him, minutes later they arrived in front of Bruce room. Alfred said "young master, there is a guest who came to see you"

the door was opened and a little boy in casual clothes appeared in front of Jack with dead eyes staring at him.

Jack stared at him and sighed as he said: "little Bruce, how are you?"

Bruce answered in a small voice "I am fine"

Jack sighed and left Bruce who closed his room and talked to Alfred "Alfred, you should have known that I gave Thomas some high-tech before I left"

Alfred "Yes, master Jack, I already know everything "

Jack "Ok, that is good, because what I am about to tell you and give you is an evolutionary medicine that I have been working on for the last 12 years, it can change the human beings... "

Jack started telling him about NZT-48 and its uses making Alfred who always looked cool so surprised that he couldn't even talk. Jack finished "I am going to give 10,000 pills for you and young Bruce, as it will help him in this difficult time, and why I am doing this because Thomas trust you then I will do the same" although Jack didn't say the true reason for trusting is from the drama and movie he watched about Batman, he still made up a good one, and he can't wait to see what would happen when the already genius batman became more genius.

Alfred looked silently before he said "M. Jack why giving us 10,000 pills?"

Jack sighed "I won't stay here for long and I am still researching something, and I'm afraid that it will take me years to find a break through..." Jack didn't finish and didn't say what he's researching in turn Alfred didn't ask too much.