
Jack and Ivy had a nice breakfast, later they went on a date making Ivy feeling happy and blissful.

Jack spent his time like this and because the plot has not started yet he only kept training Clark and Bruce, he even brought them together, and because they are always abused by Jack it made them buddies. Life went like this tell Ivy started being overprotected, anyone who did something wrong to plant her anger break out, making her look like an overprotected mother.

Jack knew that he can't leave her like this, so he wanted to create a planet in his chaos stone but he needs to be careful because one mistake and everything he belts will collapse like a domino, so he tried other ways.

He flew to space and unleashed his spiritual energy and covered the entire planet then he activated the copy function of the chaos stone, he tried to copy only the natural landscape and so on... and any man-made thing will be rejected. He copied the whole planet in his personal space. but there is one problem, there is no light and if you want light you need a sun, especially if you want to have a planet with life.

Jack thought about it, then went to the sun as he covered it with his spiritual energy, and how did his spiritual energy grow to this extent, because of his time spent absorbing the solar radiation making him stronger in every aspect. Jack copied the sun but in the process, he tried to copy only the sun core power as he made his own sun in his space and made the core energy he copied as the source of its energy.

It took him three days to finish all this, he runs back to earth as he searched for Ivy, who was making her own paradise in Gotham. Jack went to her and hugged her from behind making her scream from surprise: "Hi honey, how have you been those three days without me?"

"Jack, I missed you, where have you been? I have been looking for you?"

"Oh, you have been looking for me? why? what happened?"

"it's nothing serious, I just one your help against those who try to heart my plants in the city"

Jack sighed and said: "Ivy I don't think you need to any more"

Ivy felt anxious as she said"why? are you leaving me? I just wanna take care of my plant"

"It's not leaving, but us. I belt a paradise jungle for you, do you want to see it?"

Ivy felt surprised and a little speechless "Jack what do you mean?"

Jack didn't answer her he just took her hand and hugged her to his chest and teleported to his personal earth. This process surprised Ivy as she exclaimed and run from Jack embraces looking everywhere with smiles making Jacks' heart warmth, he now that this little girl love plants to the point that she regards them as a family.

Ivy run everywhere she looked at the big forest which spans 10 of 1000 km, after having enough fun, she calmed down and looked at Jack who is smiling at her

"Jack where are we I feel these plants like newborn babies which is impossible with there hight and size"

Jack felt a little surprise in his heart but he still said: "indeed, because this world had just been created "

Ivy was shocked: "Jack, are you saying we are not on earth, but how is this possible? I just closed my eyes and we transported to another world"

"to be exact, this is my earth I made it in these three days"

Ivy felt even more shocked, her mouth opened making her look cute and charming.

"b...but how can you do it? are you a god? and why did you do it?"

"silly girl, of course, I made it for you so that no one bothers your plants, I don't want to see you angry or sad, that's why I created this world for you, as for me being a god, well, maybe I am"

Ivy tears went out as she runs to Jack hugging him, she really felt moved, in these three days, she thought that Jack left her making her desperate. right now, her love and obsession for Jack went to the top.

Like this Jack stayed with her for a few days as he controlled the rules and gave her permission to go in and out, he also showed her the planet and its beautiful landscape, they made love at night everyday and everywhere.

things went on like this tell Jack decided to return to Marvel and see how thing are going on, in the end, he stayed here for 18 years, that means 18 hours in Marvel and once he returns the time will reverse in DC universe.

Jack went to his students and told them that he will leave without explaining too much, and do not change the story of Batman, he told Bruce to look for his own true path by traveling around the world, also there is another thing that caught his attention, and that is a comic book with images of Ironman, making him stunned, then relieved, because since there are Marvel comics books in his world why can't there be any on other worlds, because according to his understanding worlds are like human they have there own way of interacting with each other. And since there are Marvel comics here then there must be DC comics in Marvel, 'I need to see if there are' Jack thought.

As for Ivy Jack told her about his ability to travel between worlds, but she didn't feel surprised even when he told her that he has other women there, she only shrugged and said that it is natural.

Jack took her to his space and returned to Marvel.


In a dark room, space shock a little bit, then like water, ripples started condensing as Jack went out like a ghost, he closed his eyes as he felt if there is any changes or events that happened.

Jack didn't release Ivy he only slowed the time by 10 times inside his space.

He wore his superhero suit and was about to go home, he suddenly found a figure rushing out from a building next to him. When he saw the face of that person, Jack could not help but stop.

  The man who ran out of the building was tall, with a very old-fashioned body, like a man of the last century, looking at everything around him as if he was skeptical, with an expression on his face saying ' Is it true?'

  This man has a perfect body and handsome appearance with a noble, loyal, just, fearless aura. This is Captain American, Steve Rogers!

  Jack looked at him with interest. I didn't expect the Captain ended his hibernation. But after sleeping for seventy years, I think that he looked at this earth-shaking world, with shock.

  "Hey! Look! Look at him! It's him!..."

  The surrounding people suddenly stunned and began to shout excitedly, but not because of Captain America. After all, the Captain did not wear his unique uniform at this time. Now he is only a handsome guy with masculinity. Not many people recognize him.

  what provoked the enthusiasm of the masses is Jack, who is looking at Captain America. The superhero "Godfather" is now a household name. The heroic deeds of the past two years, everyone saw it with there own eyes, from their heart they support this just and kind Superhero.

  Even if the horn-like newspapers started to target Jack, but because of the people's will, they no longer discredit their beloved superhero. At most, they will only try to find out what his "face looks like under the mask". The topic of concern to the masses.

  Numerous fanatical passers-by ran to Jack, madly wanting to get close to their superhero. The crowds were surrounded by wide roads, and the traffic on the road could not be carried out normally.

  In the face of such an avid and obsessed mass, Jack has long been eccentric, and he has made a good smile, which is convenient for those who take pictures of the mobile phone to take pictures and also use his voice that has been changed by vibrating his vocal cords. A greeting: "Hey, everyone."

  "Oh, God, he is talking to me!"

  "God, am I dreaming?"

  "Godfather, I love you!"


  The masses returned with a more loud and fierce cheer, emmm... Many female were a little too excited.

  Steve also noticed the commotion here, curiously looking at the past, thanks to the height of 1.92 meters, the dense crowd can not block Steve's sight, plus his vision that is beyond ordinary people, Steve very easily saw Jack in the center of the crowd.

  Hey, can anyone tell me why I woke up and found myself in a strange world, and I saw a strangely dressed person surrounded by the masses?

  At this moment, Steve's heart is full of inexhaustible confusion, and he has doubts about his mental state. Is he still not awake, dreaming...

  Just as Steve suspected his life, Fury finally came to Steve with a full-fledged combat force, quickly unfolding his place, blocking every position and avoiding Steve running away again.

  Originally, Fury and other combatants arrived at the scene in a black car. As a result, they were blocked by a group of "chasing stars".

The people who were in contact with the superhero did not consciously make way. Finally, Fury could only look at the people with helplessness, and suddenly slammed the car and hurriedly stopped in front of Steve.

  Glanced at Jack who is in interaction with the masses, Nick flashed a hint of helplessness in his eyes, then adjusted his emotions and walked to Steve in a serious manner, saying: "I am sorry for what happened just now. Captain."

  Steve also temporarily retracted his gaze and asked very awkwardly: "Where am I? Why am I here?"

  Fury patiently replied: "You have been sleeping captain, sleeping for seventy years!"

  When he heard Fury, Steve was shocked and looked everywhere around incredulously.

  He actually slept for seventy years! For seventy years, it's no wonder that the whole world has changed...

  Suddenly, a shadow appeared in Steve's mind, and Steve was lost in his thought: "I missed a date..."


  Steve, who was full of sorrow, did not have any resistance. He followed Nick and got into the car, leaving the dust.

  Throughout the process, Jack did not come to Steve, nor did he say hello to Fury.

  After coping with the enthusiastic masses, Jack did not hesitate to prance, quickly flew away from the scene, he returned to the house as he released his stealth, took off his helmet, and lay on the sofa contemplating.

  "I didn't expect the Captain America to come back. It seems that there will be another year before the invasion of the alien army."

  Jack unconsciously touched his chin and muttered to himself.

  For the invasion, Jack has already made some plans, now he can only wait until then to look at the situation and made some changes to his plans.

  there is always a solution to a problem.

  Jack has absolute confidence in his own strength. I believe that as long as I pay attention to it, I should still be able to easily prevent the invasion of the alien army.

  However, Jack did not know, that he indirectly caused Fury to discover in advance the undercovers of Hydra inside SHIELD, which created a huge sense of crisis and increased the research of the Rubik's Cube. Dr. Banner and Dr. Eric Frequent experiments to study the universe of Rubik's Cube, so that the energy of the universe Rubik's cube is more and more obvious.

  The energy fluctuation of the universe cube is getting bigger and bigger, which means that it is easier for the destroyer to locate the position of the cosmic cube at an early date, thus locking the coordinates and transmitting Loki.

  This moment will not be very far, and even, it will come earlier than Jack's expected...


  2010, February 12th.

  In 2009, it was almost two months after 2010. On this day, Banner and Eric used some sophisticated high-tech instruments to detect the data of the cube.

  "Bruce, take a look at this data! The Rubik's Cube is a bit wrong, it's diverging a strong energy!" Dr. Eric suddenly panicked.

  "What?" Banner was taken aback and quickly ran to Eric to see the data displayed on the computer. At this moment, the data shows that the energy index of the universe cube is rising.

  What shocked the two was that this was not caused by their experiments, but that the Rubik's Cube is automatically releasing its energy. Dr. Banner and Dr. Eric are busy operating various instruments, trying to prevent the energy from continuing to rise, but even after they exhausted all their energy. They come to the conclusion that they can't stop the energy of the cosmic's cubes from increasing.

  They don't know what will happen to the energy of the universe's Rubik's cube, but they have a certain understanding of the energy intensity of the universe's Rubik's Cube during these months of research. If the energy of the universe's cube continues to increase, the most It may be a big explosion that is shocking.

  The situation is beyond their ability. Dr. Banner and Dr. Eric decisively contacted SHIELD agents at the base to contact Fury. After telling the story, Fury realized the seriousness of the matter and decided to go to the base and see it, At the same time he ordered Coulson to command the evacuation of people stationed at the base.

  When Fury came to the lab, Dr. Banner and Dr. Eric were staring anxiously at the Rubik's Cube and seeing the universe's Rubik's Cube getting brighter and brighter. Fury didn't feel that this rare treasure became more magnificent, but full of danger, making him feel a sense of restlessness.

  "What is the situation now? Dr. Banner, Dr. Eric?" Fury asked.

  Dr. Eric is terrified and terrified: "The universe is not right!"

  Banner seems to be calmer. frowned, and some worriedly added: "From this morning, the cosmic Rubik's cube continues to increase energy without control. We have used all means. Can't let it stop."

  Fury calmly said: "Is that not our purpose? Take the endless energy."

  "We are not ready yet. According to my calculations, we still need a long time to be foolproof." Dr. Eric's emotions gradually calmed down and replied wit.

  "It is still emitting interference and emissions, some weak gamma rays..." When it comes to this, Banner is gradually silent, he is the victim of gamma rays.

  Just as Fury and Banner talked with helplessness, suddenly, the universe's Rubik's Cube made a big splash and made a burst of impact, causing the entire base to oscillate and shake. Fury and others breathlessly watched the changes in the universe's Rubik's Cube.

  The energy gathering is getting stronger and stronger. When the peak is reached, the universe cube emits an energy ray, stops at the front, and then slowly forms a very unstable space channel.

  Fury and others were shocked to discover that the other side of the passage is clearly a vast and innocent universe.

  The space channel did not last long, and it soon turned into a burst of energy, colliding with the base, causing the base to violently oscillate and then dissipated.

  The space channel disappeared and the universe cube returned to normal, but in the place where the space channel was opened, a person appeared.

  The combatants slowly approached the uninvited guest with guns, and the man slowly lifted his head, revealing a sinister smile.

  This person is Loki that was sent to the Earth by the destroyer!