Early start of Avengers

Loki slowly got up, panting, and sweating on his face. Obviously, the transmission from the universe to here still caused a certain burden on his body. If he did not have the blood of the Frost Giant, he would change to ordinary people and cross the space. At that moment, the body collapsed without burden.

  Several agents around him kept their guns, and once they found that Loki had a dangerous move, they would shoot without hesitation.

  Fury squinted and shouted: "Sir, please drop the spear in your hand!"

   Loki looked strangely at the scepter in his hand. Nick felt bad and weird as Loki Sudden smile, without warning Loki's scepter in one fell swoop shot a strong laser, and eagle eye standing next to Fury reacted quickly, and immediately covered Fury to escape the attack.

  The surrounding agents immediately fired, but Loki who grew up under Odin's hands had rich combat experience + the Frost Giant's bloodline, Loki flexibly escaped all the bullets as he fired a laser beam, Killing several agents in the process.

  The laser was constantly ejected from the scepter. In the blink of an eye, the entire lab was destroyed, and the bodies of more than a dozen agents lay on the ground.

  Agent Clint Barton rushed to Loki for close combat attack, but he was locked by him. Loki said with interest: "You are a little different..."

  he looked at his eyes, he was talking about something, then Loki raised his scepter and with the tip, he touched on the chest of the Barton. The Clint's eye shook and the pupil turned into an unusual blue color.

  When Loki let go of his hand, agent Barton did not resist or do anything to hurt Loki, he just stood quietly, like a man waiting for an order. At this point, Hawkeye has been controlled by Loki with the power of the scepter.

  Seeing the situation is not right, Fury quickly put the universe Rubik's Cube into the password box, ready to leave, but was stopped by Loki: "Put the box down!"

  Fury calmly asked for the meaning of Loki, and Loki said that he was bringing "freedom" to earth. He also controlled Dr. Eric in the middle.

  As for Banner, it was the long-term escape that made him develop a habit of running before things get ugly. He found that the danger was not contained, his heartbeat could not stop accelerating, and the pupil gradually became green.

  "Damn, don't come out!" Banner gnashed his teeth, and he was pressing down on the awakening of Hulk, and the pupil changed back to normal.

  Fury and Loki pulled a bunch of nonsense and wanted to delay the time to detonate the base, but the result was told by the Hawkeye to Loki. Dr. Eric confirmed by the computer that the eagle eye was not talking nonsense. Then Loki ruthlessly ordered Hawkeye to attack, and he fired a shot at Fury without hesitation.

  Fury fell to the ground, and the box containing the Rubik's Cube was taken away by eagle's eye. Loki took a group of people under his control and left.

  Although Fury used his communication device to remind Hill, he was a step late, Hawkeye and other people took the car and drove away quickly. Hill and others were chasing after the car, and finally, they could not intercept, making Loki feel proud, Sitting in the car and leaving.


  The base's self-destruction countdown reached the last number, and the entire base exploded and turned into ruins. Many of them failed to retreat and were buried under the rubble.

  The base exploded and the casualties were heavy. The Cosmic Rubik's Cube was also taken away.

  Fury, who was wounded by Banner, escaped in time and looked at everything that was left in the air. Fury's heart was full of unwillingness.


  After a day of good deeds and grievances, Jack came home and was about to lie down on the sofa and drink a drink to watch TV, only to find that there was already one more person in the family.

  Fury stood by the window sill and turned his back to Jack. He heard the sound of the door opening and turned and looked solemn. "The war is coming!"

  "Ha?" Jack was confused by Fury's inexplicable words, did not understand.

  Fury explained very seriously: "Yesterday, a person who calls himself "Loki" snatched an extremely important one..."

  "The universe cube was taken away by Loki?!" Frey had not finished talking, and Jack interrupted Fury's words with great shock.

  Fury was even more surprised. He hadn't finished it yet. He couldn't help but ask: "How do you know the Rubik's Cube?"

  "Don't ask me, I am clearer than you about the origin of the Cosmic Cube, and you don't have to think that I will reveal anything about it." Jack waved his hand, completely without answering too much.

  what happened? It's only in 2010, isn't it supposed to be more than a year or two to start the story of Avengers? How can it happen in advance? he still wants to get Sophia a superpower before it started and awaken Skyes' ability.

  Jack did not expect that his traversal gradually affected the world.

  Seeing that Jack refused to cooperate, Fury could let Jack think about the situation and continue to ask questions, but now the situation is very tense, and Fury has to give up the information of the Rubik's Cube. Sincerely: "I am ready to start a team. The Avengers's plan, I hope that you can join the Avengers Alliance in accordance with the previous agreement to stop this disaster!"

  Jack touched his chin and did not consider how long it should be: "Yes, I don't want to watch Loki destroy the earth, but you have to promise me a request."

  "You said." Fury.

  Jack seriously said: "Help me protect the safety of Sophia and Skye. It is best to escort them to other places and not to stay in New York."

  Can't blame Jack for his selfishness. He can't guarantee that he can protect everyone or if his appearance will make Thanos come out earlier. If it fails, New York will have to become a battlefield. He can't help but worry if Sophia and Skye stayed in New York, as for the idea of transporting them in his own world, he can't because the world is stronger than earth in every mean especially when he compressed it, making its gravity field ten times that of earth, as for how Ivy can withstand it, it is because of her mysterious connection with plant that gave her some advantage that allowed her to not only keep her foot on hold but also make her stronger as she stays there and Jack always accompany her at night because both Sophia and Skye are working, although he plays with Skye and have sex with her at day but not too much and not too little, so as to not exhaust her.

  And since know It is obviously unrealistic to transfer the entire residents of New York. Therefore, Jack can only selfishly let SHIELD protect the girls.

  Fury also thought that New York might have problems, but did not guess that there would be an alien invasion, but in order to let Jack concentrate on handling the incident, he still solemnly made a promise: "You can rest assured, I will send people to escort Miss Sophia and Skye to leave New York."

  Jack said: "Look for a reasonable reason, such as the school organizes a travel trip, don't let them notice."

  Fury nodded and said: "If you don't want to be late, it's best to start now."

  Jack was wearing a speedy suit and went back to the room to pack a few pieces of laundry and put it in his space. Suddenly he thought of the box with the new suit under the dark compartment. He hesitated and took the box out. Go to the trunk.

  Just in case, take it with you.

  Take off the folding suit and put it in the trunk. After packing it up, pull the zipper of the suitcase. Jack drags the small suitcase back to the living room. to Fury: "Go, Get ready for a war."


  Without any unexpected incident, Jack followed Fury to the aircraft carrier of SHIELD. After finding a room to put down the suitcase, he came to the deck and watched the members of the SHIELD around doing their duty...

  Not long after, a fighter plane flew from afar, parked on the aircraft carrier's tarmac, the hatch opened, and the American captain Steve Rogers wore a casual suit and walked down the fighter plane, followed by his loyal fan, Colson.

  At this time, Coulson did not have the usual calmness. His face was full of fanaticism. No way. This guy grew up listening to the story of Captain America. He admired Captain America, and when he heard the Captain America was sleeping he was over the stars, Colson always wanted to secretly touch his hero several times.

Steve doesn't know how he met such a loyal fan, and he was more happy in his heart but still helpless.

  After the fighter, Steve also saw Jack. Under the explanation of Coulson, Steve also knew that Jack was the person wearing a transvestite, or a superhero who mastered several magical abilities.

  Although seeing Jack's archives, Steve was very surprised to learn about the extraordinary ability of the other side, but it did not affect his recognition of Jack Ming's actions.

  Steve came to Jack, extended his right hand and smiled kindly: "Hello, I am Steve Rogers."

  Jack reached out and took Steve's hand and said, "I am Jack Ming, I am honored to meet you, Captain."

  Jack and Rogers loosened when they shook, but Coulson around Rogers showed an envious and awkward look as if he was annoyed why Jack was shaking hands with the Captain instead of him.