Jacks' worries

Jack and Steve stood on the edge of the deck and looked at the bottomless sea below. At this time, the black widow wearing casual clothes came over and said, "Gentlemen, you better go in. you can't breathe in a while if you stay outside."

  Feeling the slight vibration of the ground under his feet, Steve couldn't help but wonder: "Is this a submarine?"

  The black widow laughed but said nothing, moments later Steve saw what he thought a "submarine" was gradually rising, and the part hidden under the water emerged. Steve was shocked to discover that this was actually an aircraft carrier!

  Jack had seen the movie and knew that it was the exclusive aircraft carrier of SHIELD. He witnessed this scene and was more shocked, but Jack's detached thinking reminded him of a funny thing.

  The SHIELD aircraft carrier is destroyed every time there is a major problem. like Ironman, there is always a war on in its ground...

  Under the leadership of the black widow, Jack and Steve walked into the aircraft carrier, dozens of SHIELD agents performed their duties and operations on the aircraft carrier, while Fury stood on the podium overlooking the whole situation and gave the staff command.

  Steve looked at everything around him like a curious baby. The thing like an aircraft carrier was too fresh for this 90-year-old "veteran" who stayed in World War II.

  Jack suddenly saw a familiar person walk into the command room and couldn't help but pat the other's shoulder and said, "Long time no see, Dr. Banner."

  Seeing that Banner is still a handsome uncle with a melancholy temperament, Jack feels that he has done a good thing. Our Doctor Banner has not changed from "love uncle" to "faty" because of "nutrition."

  Banner has learned about the identity of Jack from the archives of SHIELD. He knew that Jack had helped him. He said with a smile: "Hello, Godfather, thank you for your last help."

  "You don't have to see it, just call me Jack." Jack waved his hand in disregard.

  "Okay, Jack" Banna is obviously not good at Chinese.

  Jack: "..."

  It seems that in the future when I get along with other members, I must first teach them to speak Chinese, and at the very least, tell they read my own name correctly.

  After the aircraft carrier took off, Fury ordered the launch of the stealth mode, which is to use the optical principle to use the background reflection panel to "disappear" the entire aircraft carrier.

  Everything went well. When Fury stepped down the podium and came to Steve, Steve took out a banknote and took out a $10 for Fury.

  When Nick Fury went to meet Steve, he said, "The world changes very quickly, it is beyond your imagination," and Steve replied with carelessness, "I'm already weird," Frei joked. Gambling ten dollars, you are wrong." Steve just remembered this matter and would like to gamble and lose.

  Fury took the $10 that Steve had handed over, and the two were very casual, that it made Hill on his side look awkward.

  Fury went to Jack and Banner. Jack asked internally whether he had found Betty to "relive the old feelings". Banner did not know how to answer, and Fury terminated this. Topic: "Dr. Banner, trouble you to continue searching for clues to the universe."

  It was said that Banner was a big man, nodded, and hurried back to his lab to search for the whereabouts of the universe.

  "Oh..." Didn't ask the gossip, Jack glanced at Fury slightly uncomfortably.

  In this regard, Fury is only calm and calm: "After Dr. Banner joined us, the state has been very stable. As a member of us, the military has withdrawn its arrest, and Dr. Banner can now appear outside."

  Both Fury and Jack looked at each other with a meaningful look, and everything was in the air.

  These words have already answered Jack's question. Since Banner can now appear outside, it is definitely not going to find Betty, and I will not meet again.

The two must have a lot of emotions to talk about, even to use actual action, hehe...

  Unrecognizable smile, the next second, Fury and Jack are back to normal as if they had never talked about some "man knows" topic.

  Fury calmly said: "Thank you for joining us."

  Jack shrugged and said: "There is a small thing, but..." The voice turned. "In the beginning, you haven't talked about salary before? You have been owing me more than a year's salary. Do you let me join? Are the Avengers ready to pay no wages?"

  Fury opened his mouth blankly. Fortunately, after such a long period of surveillance and investigation, he also learned that Jack is a person, has no utilitarianism, is more accommodating, so he smiled bitterly: "Okay, it is my negligence. However, as far as I know, you now hold a 3% stake in Stark Industries. You don't have to worry about food, clothing, housing, and transportation. Why care about me?"

  "One thing is the same thing, in short, I can't do it." Jack was filled with indignation. Of course, he was just joking. Now he has over 100 million $ in his account, which made his vision of money casual, but he still can't work for free especially with Fury.

  Fury had no choice but to say: "OK, I will transfer the salary I owed before to your bank account, and I will remit your salary on time every month."

  Jack just sat down with satisfaction, and then remembered something important. "Right, I asked you to help me move Sophia and Skye from New York. Are things going well?"

  Freddy: "You can rest assured that at 10 o'clock this morning, Miss Sophia's school 'just happened' to organize a one-month trip to Seattle and is now on the plane, as for Skye she won a vacation in her place of work."

  "Very good, then I will have no worries." Jack put down his heart and completely relaxed.

  After that, whether New York will have a century-old battle like in the movie, Jack can't guarantee that people who can only ask for SHIELD can find a reason to let Sophia and Skye stay away from New York. This is a place where you can invest In the battle without worry.

As for why can't Jack save everyone in the city, because he can't control his strength, so instead of helping he may kill some and this made Jack crazy, although he can control 30% he is still not perfect and may lead to some disaster.


  On the other side, the plane heads to Seattle.

  The plane was about to take off, and the students around chatted about the next trip. Sophia was a little uneasy. Today, the school suddenly said that it would organize a trip to Seattle. It was still a month. Sophia rarely saw Jack, she even tried to contact him right now but she couldn't reach him, and this made her have a bad feeling that something really bad is gonna happen.

  Thinking this way, Sophia suddenly found that it was quiet all around, The classmates who were still talking loudly did not speak, looked around and found that the students were groggy At this time, Sophia also felt a little sleepy, and her eyelids suddenly became very heavy, and her body fell on her seat.

  A captain dressed up wearing a gas mask came over. Just now he sprayed a sleeping liquefied gas into the plane, leaving all students in a deep sleep.

  The captain was disguised as a special agent sent by SHIELD, but his real identity was more than one. He was still undercover at SHIELD sent by Hydra!

  The Hydra member was very lucky and was not exposed, so he was sent to the operation by Fury.

  The Hydra's undercover is not high in SHIELD, so he doesn't know what the significance of this mission is. But when he sees Fury's urgent action, he decides to take risks and stun the people on the plane. Transfer all people away.

  Just as the Hydra member was undercover, suddenly an unconscious teacher opened his eyes and quickly threw the Hydra undercover. He held the other side's neck with a cross and fixed it. The Hydra suffocated and died.

  After he was not prepared to kill the Hydra undercover, the teacher dressed up stood up and looked at him with disgust and hate: "I didn't expect you to be a traitor!"

  This teacher is a real SHIELD agent. He was pretended to be a teacher by Fury and sent to school. His true identity is only known to Fury.

  "But what should I do now?" Looking at a group of students who were falling asleep, and the body on the ground, the SHIELD agent caught his hair with some distress. "I have never learned to fly a plane!"

  Unexpectedly, the agent had to come up with a contractor, and he was prepared to inform Fury transfer that the incident had been delayed temporarily.