Avengers part I

When Fury received the news from his men, his face changed slightly, but he quickly returned to normal and replied silently: "Handle the body and delay the action."

  Unexpectedly, the men who were sent to perform the task were actually the dark lines of the Hydra that has been buried in SHIELD. Fortunately, Fury sent a trustworthy man to stop him.

  However, Hydra has become daring to attack up front. Is it because of the recent increase in the number of members of SHIELD (Hydra) that are haunted by him and disguised their death in missions, which made those behind the scenes anxious?

  Unclear how many Hydras were buried around him. Fury did not dare to send someone to escort Sophia and Skye to leave New York. After thinking about it, he decided to take time to let Hill personally escort them. Now, he can only temporarily let them continue staying in New York and strictly protected.

  This matter has to be kept a secret from Jack to avoid his distraction.

  Jack never imagined that Sophia did not leave New York and was subject to an alien War. If he knew he would always keep his hearing active but alas he can't control his strength, because once he activates his hearing he would hear all the noise in the world, especially with the fusion of Thor and Superman's genes which made his already OP hearing beyond the top, because Thor can hear sound from the end of the solar system coupled with Supermans' unlimited upgrade made him simply unable to control them...

  Unconsciously it was approaching the evening, Coulson looked forward to Steve and introduced his collector's version of the Captain America card, ready to come out and let Steve sign. Suddenly, one of the agents found a clue: "Discover the target, match 67%, etc...79%!"

  It was said that Coulson immediately resumed his usual serious posture. When he asked about the position of Loki and got the precise position, Fury sighed: "Captain, it is up to you."

  Steve nodded and breathed a little, feeling a little high. After sleeping for seventy years, his old bone is also eager to fight again.


  Germany, a meeting place for a high-ranking people took place at 28 Kuning Street.

  At this time, the guests were under the pressure of Loki, bowing their heads in humiliation to him, listening to Loki's arrogance and preaching his "freedom theory". One old man couldn't stand up to his sh*t, so he got up, and said words that made him turn into a sacrifice.

  "...you look at this old guy, he is your role model!" Loki eyes were full of indifference, while sneer, he shot the laser toward the old man who dared to stand up and refute him!

  The old man stared at him with horror, and couldn't escape. At that moment, a man in a blue uniform holding a shield fell from the sky and reflected the laser back with his shield then he Hit the Loki.

Loki slammed into the ground.

  Under the eyes of the public, the hero slowly moved down the shield in front of him, revealing his signature name. When they saw this person who had only been seen in documentaries and textbooks, all people could not help but stand up. Full of incredible and surprise...

  The symbol of freedom and justice, Captain America, Steve Rogers!

  "Hey, a soldier, aren't you an outdated person?." Loki climbed up in a mocking manner, and the laser that killed ordinary people couldn't hurt him much.

  Then, Steve fighting with Loki.

  Steve is proficient in all kinds of fighting skills. He is known as a master in fighting and fighting. He has many years of experience in battlefield killing. With the strengthening of the super soldier's serum injection, the body has broken through the limits of human beings, and the strength cannot be underestimated.

  However, Loki is not a simple generation. Although he does not show many outstanding skills in the movie, he is more of a ghostless magician, but from the time he first solved a dozen agents OF shield, It is enough to show that his fighting skills are first class.

  Steve struggled to pull out the shield. After hitting Loki, the shield flew back to Steve's hand in a way that violated common sense. Steve stepped forward and slammed into Loki's face. But Loki used the scepter like a stick and hit hard the abdomen of Captain America, throwing him out.

  Loki shot a laser at the fighter plane driven by the black widow.

The black widow felt very helpless inside but she still showed her calmness outside as she tried to avoid the laser shooting, and because there are still many people on the field who have not evacuated, the black widow does not dare to launch the fighter's guns to fight back.

  Steve quickly got up from the ground and took the shield and throw it at Loki trying to attack him. This time Loki directly used the scepter to hit the shield to the other side. Steve didn't have time to pick up his shield as he rushed to Loki launching a series of fists' Attack, but they were blocked by Loki and suffered a more violent counterattack.

  Just as Steve gradually fell, and Loki slammed Steve, the black widow inside the fighter suddenly saw the "system was rewritten" prompt on the console in front of her, and then heard a calm yet crazy voice that was accompanied by loud music: "Agent Romanov, miss me?"

  Hearing this voice, the black widow first glimpsed, then revealed a helpless look, but she also felt relieved.

  The golden-red Iron Man flew from afar, and Tony in the steel shirt? looked proud, like a protagonist.

  Just as Tony controlled the steel shirt and flew to the heights of Loki and Steve, preparing to launch a raid on Loki, suddenly, a white figure covered with lightning broke into the scene, Loki has not reac...no he didn't even react, and the person has appeared in front of him. First, he snatched his scepter, and then he slammed him to the ground with a flick of his finger. Steve didn't do much damage to Loki when he punched him. Thank god Steve didn't see what happen or he will be depressed.

  In the eyes of Loki, there is a deep sorrowful color and pain. Only him who took this hit can really feel its power, just like the power of a thousand tone, just like a monster!

  A finger hit him, made Loki seriously injured, and instantly lost his fighting power. The incoming person did not launch an attack again, stopped moving, and stood in the same place, it was Jack wearing a speedy suit bathing in lightning.

  Jack was bored and started playing with the scepter that he grabbed from Loki's hand. Although he knew that the top of the scepter was the mind stone, Jack was not planning to remove it.

  "Nothing?" Jack asked Steve.

  Steve smiled and picked up the shield that was off the side. He said, "Nothing, I didn't expect your speed to be so fast."

  Iron Man slowly landed, the mask opened? no, it retracted like venom, revealing Tony's very uncomfortable face.

  No way, he wants to be the protagonist who saves the day, but he did not expect to be robbed by Jack. This makes Tony, who wants to show off, feel overwhelmed. Recently, the heat of the godfather has faintly overwhelmed the trend of Iron Man.

  How can I let others rob me, Tony Stark from limelight... Tony is thinking about it, the next time, he will re-appear to catch the attention of the people...

  Loki, who lost his fighting power, made a furious face in the outside but in his heart, he already planned to be shackled and then sneak to the aircraft carrier and create chaos in SHIELD, so that SHIELD could not pose a threat to his plans, so Loki would also take advantage of the trend. However, the black widow locked him with a strong lock and brought him.

  Jack, Steve, and Tony also took to the fighter plane and set foot on the return journey back to the aircraft carrier.

  Under the gaze of Loki's desire to kill people, Jack smashed his scepter and curiously said: "What do you say if I control you with a scepter?"

  Loki sneered and said: "Don't think about it, this scepter can work in my hands. You are a mortal in your area, and you want to get rid of these strange things."

  "Interesting, do you know the origin of this scepter?" Jack asked.

  Loki's face is disdainful: "Desperate, mortal, you don't know."

  "Oh..." Jack did not get angry but only looked at Loki meaningfully.

  Loki is really a ridiculous clown. He clearly holds the mind stone, one of the six infinite stones in the universe, but he still doesn't know that he is being foolishly sent to the earth to make trouble, but he does not know how to use it. Play the power of the mind gem.

  As one of the six infinite stones, how can the mind stone be small? Although there is no strong place in the movie, I can refer to Professor X in the X-Men. His telepathy is just a branch of the power of the mind. he can sense biological thoughts and even control the body by the mind. it is not difficult to control the life of the entire planet in an instant.