Avengers part II

In the cabin, Jack chatted with Loki without him answering a word, and our second royal prince always kept his contempt gesture and refused to answer, while Steve and Tony both looked at each other and were not pleasing to the eye.

  Steve knows that Tony is the son of his comrade-in-arms, Howard Stark, watching the son of his old comrade so arrogant and fearless, exudes a unique temperament, Steve wants to educate Tony, in the end, he is a "little guy" in his opinion.

  Tony has grown up always listening to the praise of his father toward Captain America when he was alive. He praised Captain America more than his son. This made Tony very unhappy from that time. During the Second World War, it was a completely out of date antique, which made Tony even more unsightly, but right now, after he started taking NZT he is always calm inside but he tries not to show it, his reason tells him that it was reasonable for his father to praise the Captain.

  Because Loki was really seriously injured by Jack, Steve did not doubt whether Loki was acting like a movie, but he casually talked a few words or was ridiculed by Tony.

  "Tony, you are like Howard, they are very smart people."

  Tony smiled and said: "Hah, thank you for your evaluation old man, but one thing you said is wrong. I am smarter than him."

  When Tony was talking naturally, in the eyes of Steve he was so disrespectful to his father which made him unhappy and said: "Tony, he is your father, and he has passed away. You should keep the most basic respect."

  "Hey, exactly, he is dead already, so don't talk about him okay?" Tony was strangely grotesque.

  Just when the conversation between the two people was about to rise to the dispute, suddenly, the sky sounded thunder, and the lightning flashed outside. Loki was quiet and the face appeared a bit of fear.

  Steve noticed that Loki had some uneasiness and wondered: "What happened? Are you afraid of lightning?"

  Loki is about to answer easily, Jack smiled and prematurely answered: "You are afraid of the one coming after lightning."

  The next moment, the top of the fighter everyone heard the sound of falling objects, the whole fighter shook, Steve quickly put on his hood, ready to pick up the shield, and Tony nano armor covered his whole body as for why no one asked him about it, simply because it was not the time for it. The door opened and Tony tried to fly out.

  Seeing Tony's move, Steve couldn't help but exclaim: "What are you doing?"


  Tony hasn't flown out yet. A figure descended from the sky and landed at the door of the cabin. Needless to say, he was Thor the one Odin sent to catch Loki to return.

  Thor angered and walked over. Iron Man just had to raise his hand before he could launch a slap in the palm of his hand. Thor directly confronted the iron man's chest and smashed it out, then grabbed it. Loki flew out.

  Jack sat all the way to watch the play and did not intervene at all.

  It was undoubtedly a great shame for Tony to make an attack without attack. To disregard Steve's advice, Tony immediately followed the steel shirt and chased it out as condense long swords with his nano-suit.

  Seeing Tony so conceited and not listening, Steve was very angry, so he grabbed a parachute bag and put it on his body, then took the shield and jumped from the cabin door and jumped.

  The black widow driving the fighter questioned in disbelief: "Godfather, can't you go on?"

  Jack shrugged, stood up, and walked to the door of the cabin. "Go and join in the fun."

  Then flew out at a very fast speed.

In fact, Jack can stop everything including the storm and thunder because he has higher control over them than Thor, but he chose to watch the fun, in the end, it is a rare live-action movie in front of him.

  The black widow has some helplessness: "Oh... it's really a moment of peace."


  Thor asked Loki with a loud voice, and constantly persuaded Loki, wanting to let him get lost, even excited to raise the hammer and point to Loki, shouting: "You listen to me, brother..."


  When Thor did not finish, the iron man who was chased came and hit Thor tell he flew out. Loki joked with a joke: "I am listening."

  Iron Man even hit Thor sending him crashing on the woods below.

Loki sat happily on the top of the hill, ready to watch the show.

  Because Tony has the help of his nano-suit and does not care if Thor is a god or not, so the two of them punched without caring about the other side, impatient Thor lifted the hammer and gathered thunder in the hammerhead, then smashed toward Iron Man!

  Strong lightning hit the steel shirt, and the electric sparks appeared. Tony was calm. He thought that this was good. The armor was overloaded with energy, he heard Jarvis reply: "Energy reaches 400%."

  Tony breathed a sigh of relief, and was surprised to say: "How could this be?"

  Thor called this lightning, but to Tony's steel shirt full of electricity, had to say that it is really cool, it is no wonder that Tony will look proud.

   since Thor gave Tony a thundering charge, Tony naturally replied to each other, both hands condensed a large cannon and four other canons come out of his back as he simultaneously fired at full power, it was like kame-ha-me-ha wave from dragon ball, it directly shooted Thor sending him flying out, crashing everything in his ways tell he hit a mountain. It's rare to have so much energy. Tony certainly wants to spend a lot of it.

  However, the body of God is not a plastic. As the most violent attack in Tony's history, it did not cause too much effective damage to Thor, but it was enough to let him sleep but because of his strong will, he kept fighting, and the two fell into a more insane fight.

  Suddenly, a shield flew into the middle of the two and interrupted the battle between the two.

  "Hey! You both stop!" Steve grabbed the shield that was spinning back, and he slammed it with majesty.

  Jack was also "late", floating in the air, laughing: "Yes, we are all people with the same cause, don't quarrel."

  Tony always tries avoiding the strength of Jack, he stopped the attack, but does not mean his mouth will stop: "Hey, this is a full brain muscle, only fighting can make him reasonable."

  "Pay attention to your tone! You are offending a god!" Thor was angry.

  "I said... don't make a noise!" Jack still keeps a smile under the helmet, but there is only coldness in his eyes. The golden-red heat wave instantly gathers his eyes while thunder stopped obeying Thors' commands, Thor was too late to act and Jack shoot between the two a laser beam. Blowing the ground a 50 m large pit.

  Tony was shocked and flew to the side. And Thor used this as a provocation without realizing that his thunder is out of control, and threw a hammer at Jack.

  "Don't..." Seeing Thor throw a hammer at Jack, Tony couldn't help but want to stop the other side, but it was too late.

  The speed at which the hammer flew out was very fast, but under the over-speed force, the movement of the hammer slowed down in Jack's eyes to a static state, enough to avoid the hammer, but he didn't.

  Jack raised his right hand and caught the hummer in mid-air. The hammer was caught in his hand without any rebellion, but Jack did not intend to let go of this arrogant god as he looked at the hammer, spit out a word: "Goose!"

  The white light representing the deformation of the monkey Talisman was shot from his hand, and the hammer of Quake flashed a white light. Then, in Steve and Tony incredible eyes, and Thor stunned and angry look, the Quake became a long neck and a flat mouth. Wide-winged goose.

Thor didn't even have the time to think about how Jack held his hammer, because of the next scene.

  The weapon of the god of Thor turned into a goose, it is funny!

  What's funnier is that Quake will fly back to the owner's hands, so when Quake flies back to Thor in the image of a goose, Thor doesn't know how to hold it, is it from the neck?

  Can you imagine the scene where Thor holds the neck of a goose?

  The picture is so beautiful, I can't imagine...

  Thor was screaming in anger and horror: "What did you do to my hammer!"

  In the tone, there is a kind of collapse, despair...

  Jack smirked: "As you can see, it becomes a goose. If you don't stop, then you are ready to hold this 'hammer' for the rest of your life, holding the 'hammer' goose, hehe..."

  "Damn!" Thor was incomprehensible, but he did not dare to be angry. He didn't want to hold a goose for a lifetime.

  Tony was laughing at the side, and Steve was laughing. Even Loki, sitting on the edge of the cliff, did not hold back as he laughed at his face: "Ha ha ha ha... my brother, why don't you hold your beloved? 'Hammer', isn't it your most precious thing? Hahahaha..."

  It's rare to see Thor's so funny scene. Loki feels never better than before, hell, he even wants to record this in a crystal recorder and keep it, on top of that he even has the idea of ​​learning the transformation from Jack, and then teas his stupid brother as he pleases.