Sophias' dream world

Under the invisible threat of "only holding a goose as a weapon in his life", even if he is dissatisfied, he can only vent his anger.

  On the combat power, although Thor has the confidence not to lose to the man in the white tights, but Thor cannot fly, every flight is by waving the hammer, let the hammer to drive him to achieve flight, and now the hammer has turned into a goose, Thor In the case of not wanting to self-destruct the image he already lost, he did not fight with Jack, who was floating in the air, and these simple crude thought saved him from being abused by Jack.

  And Thor is not a short-sighted person. From Jack's previous shock of the laser he shot and Tony's shot, Jack is also a person with magical ability. Thor did not recognize the system of Jack's ability for a while. he dare not act rashly.

  Thanks to the time when Thor was banished to the earth by Odin, he was a lot mature and stable, knowing how to think twice, if it was before he changed, he would have already slammed the person in front of him in a fit of impulse.

  Everything was calm, and after Thor said that he had compromised, Jack did not play him again and lifted the deformation of Quake.

  When Thor looked at his partner and turned back to the familiar hammer, he grabbed the hammer very nervously and put it behind his back, as if he was afraid that Jack would turn his hammer into something weird.

  "Tony, contact the black widow to pick us up." Jack turned and said to Tony.

  Considering that everyone in the room, Steve only strengthens human beings and does not have the ability to fly by himself. Jack, Tony, and Thor can all flying, but they are not interested in flying with a man, so Jack asked Tony to contact the black widow. Drive the fighters to pick them up.

  Tony also thought of this, so he said: "Jarvis, help me contact Agent Romanov and let her come over here..."

  When Tony contacted the black widow, Thor also flew to the edge of the cliff, grabbed Loki who looked like he was watching a movie, and waited for the arrival of the fighter.


  On the aircraft carrier.

  Loki was arranged by Fury to send a team of security guards to the prison room, while Thor spoke in the conference room about the information he knew. When Steve and others knew that there was an alien army under Loki, there faces gradually became serious.

  Although Dr. Banner is now because of Jack interfering, made him still look like a melancholy handsome uncle, has not experienced more hardships, and has not desperately tried to commit suicide by drinking bullets, but this does not prevent him from making a disgusting evaluation of Loki: "...he is simply a madman."

  When he heard that Dr. Banner said Loki, Thor was not happy. He retorted: "You should be careful when you talk. Even if Loki is not doing it right, he is also a person from Asgard and my brother."

  Then, the black widow said with no expression: "He killed eighty-eight people in these two days."

  "...he was adopted." Thor took a step back and his tone weakened.

  "Hello, hahaha..." Jack kept silent, waiting for this classic dialogue, and saw it with his own eyes. He couldn't help but laugh on the spot.

  When everyone's attention was concentrated on Jack, Jack only slightly converge, with one hand covering his mouth and the other handshaking, indicating that he should not care about him.

  The people were very tacitly not paying attention to Jack's reaction and returning to the topic. Dr. Banner was a bait that Loki wants to use to attract everyone's attention, and the plan to let the eagle eye make a surprise attack and Tony arrived at this time and responded in a timely manner: "It can be used as a stabilizer."

  After Tony came to the conference room, he first said his conjecture, and he guessed that Loki's plan was in the same place, showing his own IQ+NZT. It is inconvenient to look at things with one eye at a time. By the way, a microdevice with a cracking program that invades the secret file of the SHIELD is sneaked on the computer, and then when Dr. Banner supplements his comments, he taunts Dr. Banner: ...I appreciate the fact that you become a green monster when you are not moving."

  Although Dr. Banner's heart is not happy, he calmly said: "Sorry, the information you know is out of date.

I accepted the treatment of Jack, and now I have been a lot more stable, and I will not change. "

  hearing this, Tony looked at Jack with a depressed look, how is it this guy again.

  Seeing Jack's smile and a sigh of relief, Tony couldn't help but spit out: "Why don't you go with your little girlfriend, what are you doing here?"

  Jack: "Fury asked me to join the Avengers. Anyway, I was idle. I came to help. As for Sophia and Skye, I asked Fury to arrange for her to leave New York and go to Seattle for a month."

  "Oh? Not right, as far as I know, your girlfriend Sophia is still in New York, only Skye is in Seattle?" Tony was puzzled. He told Jarvis to keep an eye on Jack and the people around him, so he knew that Sophia did not leave New York...

  hearing this, Jack's smiling face gradually dissipated, seeing Fury walked into the conference room, and immediately asked indifferently: "Nick, didn't you arrange someone to escort Sophia to leave New York? Why Tony said she still stays in New York!"

  Fury took a look at Tony and explained: "Sorry, after some unexpected incidents, the plane was delayed. Now that Sophia is staying in your apartment, I have arranged the most elite agent to protect her for 24 hours. You do not have to worry about."

  "I am grassing you!" Hearing that Sophia was still in New York, Jack was not calm, and couldn't help but swear.

  Millions of people are hoping that Sophia will be able to leave New York, the right and wrong place. As a result, he is now told that he has not been able to evacuate the escort.

  At the thought of the overwhelming Chitauris' army is coming to New York and unscrupulously destroyed everything in there way, Jack couldn't calm down. Some angrily said: "Fury, you send someone to escort her, don't bother me before she leaves New York!"

  After that, Jack did not return to the meeting room, and went to his room with anger, unable to close the door.

  Jack was very angry. angry because Nick Fury did not tell him the first time it happened, but chose to hide it, so that Jack felt that he had been deceived by him.

  Seeing Jack left angrily, everyone looked at each other, and Fury held a forehead with a headache and sighed.


  After returning to the room, Jack felt that his emotions were very unstable, so he launched a healing power on himself, calmed himself down, and his anger finally stopped.

  In the heart, he remembers the safety of Sophia but he was not too much worried that he has to go there personally, so Jack laying in bed, activating the power of the sheep talisman, letting his soul go out, and then, through the aircraft carrier unimpeded, floated toward Queens, New York.

  In the state of the soul, Jack did not have the blessing of the talisman rabbit, but the speed of the soul floating was also very fast especially his terrifying soul, and he did not feel tired. Jack spent several seconds and finally returned home.

  Because the trip to Seattle was delayed for unknown reasons, the school decided to delay for a week and even generously compensate for the one-week holiday, so Sophia is ready to stay at home for the next week.

  When Jack came home, Sophia was boringly pressing the remote control and switching the TV program channel. The line of sight was always staring at the mobile phone on the table. It was Jack's mobile phone.

  Sophia was very upset when she didn't get through Jack's mobile phone. After returning home, she continued to make calls but found Jack's phone in the bedroom.

  When I saw my mobile phone on the table, Jack suddenly remembered that he was in a hurry and actually left the phone.

  "Where are you now..." Sophia muttered sadly.

  When I heard Sophia's words, Jack couldn't help but raise her hand and tried to touch her cheek. The hand directly went past it, and there was no feeling of touching.

  Jack is now a state of soul and there is no way to contact the material world.

  It was not too late, Sophia frowned and turned off the TV, lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, as she curled up into a ball, and entered the dream world with many worries.

  Looking at Sophia's frowning face, Jack was very distressed. he thought that he was now in a state of soul, so he floated over Sophia and went down and entered her body.

  Jack is not doing what he likes like XianXia's novels. Instead, he uses the ability of the sheep to enter another "dream" and prepares to meet Sophia in her's dream.

  When Jack entered Sophia's dream, he found that the scene of the dream was still in his own home. Sophia still sat on the living room sofa and pressed the remote control, but did not leave the mobile phone on the table.

  Is this the dream of this silly girl?

  Jack quietly walked behind Sophia and gently said: "Sophia."

  Sophia turned his head and saw Jack, excitedly rushed over, hugged him, and burst into tears: "Where have you been! I am worried about you!"

  Patting Sophia's back, feeling her tears and wet clothes, Jack's heart softened down and gently said: "Don't cry, stupid girl, I am here."