Avengers part III

Just as Jack entered Sophia's dream and explained to her why he left without saying goodbye, Jack who rushed to meet with Sophia, totally forgot that a surprise attack was going to happen.

  On the aircraft carrier.

  Tony and Banner worked together in the lab to study Loki's scepter and wanted to search for the whereabouts of the universe, in the process Dr. Banner kept talking about his new nano-suit, making Tony feel a headache

  During the period, Tony still took an electric shock pen and poked Banner in the same way as the original, and wanted to see if the current could stimulate Banner to become a Hulk, but obviously, the class in the movie will not be transformed by this little current stimulation, let alone the current gamma ray index stabilized by Banner.

  For Tony's prank, Banner is just faint: "Mr. Stark, have you had a result for my situation?"

  The performance of Banner was not so shocking, but it made Tony uncomfortable, and suddenly put away the electric pen, said: "Well, I can be sure that you are very stable now."

  However, Steve, who just walked into the lab, couldn't see it. He shouted loudly: "Tony, you can't be serious!"

  "That depends on who it is." Tony looked at Steve with a smile.

  The two of them looked at each other and were not pleasing to the eye. Steve was saddened by the fact that his comrade-in-arms became a virtue. Tony was in a higher position in Steve's heart than his father, and Steve was an old-fashioned old man.

  However, when Tony said that Fury's intentions were certainly not as simple as he said, although Banner and Steve did not speak straight on the face, they were really suspicious of Fury.

  Tony, using his secretly placed micro-device cracking program to invade the secret archives of SHIELD, Steve also sneaked into the confidential warehouse of the aircraft carrier to find the weapons of mass destruction developed by SHIELD, and everyone gathered to question Frey...

  "Don't argue, Nick." Tony moved the tablet and showed everyone the results of his invasion of the SHIELD confidential file. On the display, an energy weapon design was in sight.

  Steve angrily said: "I am wrong, commander, the world has never changed!"

  Although Banner is not as emotional as the movie, he still showed a trace of anger between the eyebrows, he coldly said: "Fury, I joined SHIELD not for you to study weapons of mass destruction, why are you doing this?."

  In the face of everyone, Fury was very annoyed, and finally, the fierce finger was not sounding next to Thor, "because of him!"

  Thor was so forced, what happened to me?


  Fury began to explain: "...We know that there are not only other creatures in the universe, but they are also stronger, more advanced, and more developed than us..."

  Thor dissatisfied interrupted Fury's words: "Our people have no malice on your planet!"

  "But the universe doesn't have you alone," Fury looked sharply at Thor. "And you are not the only threat!"

  Everyone stood in their own position, so they were destined not to understand each other. The scene gradually became fierce and out of control, and they began to accuse each other of their faults.

  "You are talking about how you made a fortune, Stark!"

  "I thought that people on earth can be more open!"

  "You guys are so naive?"

  "You are just an experiment, Rogers!"

  The people in the quarrel did not notice that the jewel at the top of the scepter placed on the table was shining, quietly affecting everyone's emotions, making them violent and irritable without any notice.

  Even Banner was holding the scepter unconsciously, so that the influence of the gem on him was constantly magnified, and a certain monster sleeping in the body gradually awakened under the influence of this invisible spiritual power.


  With an explosion, the entire aircraft carrier swayed.

The violent explosion instantly blew up the aircraft of the aircraft carrier, and the bursting flame whizzed past. When dozens of people had no time to react, they were killed by the flame and turned into a blackened body.

  At this time, outside the aircraft carrier, agent Barton held a bow and arrow. When the fighter landed on the aircraft carrier, it took a group of equally controlled combatants and quickly rushed in it to rescue Loki.

  The sudden explosion made Steve and others enter the combat state for the first time, and couldn't keep on quarreling. Steve helped Tony quickly leave the conference room and said, "put on your armor."

  Tony was not reluctant, and the shock was undecided: "Okay."

  The people in the aircraft carrier were all busy, anxiously maneuvering the aircraft carrier and checking the consequences of the engine is blown up.

  Perhaps there is an invisible force affecting everything. The ground floor of the conference room was blown up by a crack. The black widow and Banner fell in the explosion just now. They fell in the machine room below the conference room. The black widow was The broken pipe pressed against her legs and could not get up.

  But the black widow is now innocent about the problem of being unable to get out of here, because she found that there was something wrong with Banner at her side, clutching his head, and groaning from his mouth as if he was trying to endure some kind of pain.

  Obviously, this is a sign that Banner changing into the Hulk!

  "Bruce? You have to hold on. One of Loki's plans is to make you a Hulk. You can't let him succeed and control himself."

  The black widow constantly encourages Banner, hoping that he can control his emotions, not to get out of control and become the violent green monster.

  "I...in...nu...power..." Banner bit his teeth and said hard.

  Because of the treatment of Banner under Jack, the state has stabilized. Although the explosion has shocked him, it does not cause him to transform. The real culprit is the mind stone on the scepter!

  Just now, Banner took the scepter and let the spiritual gem maximize his anger. Banner tried to calm himself down, but obviously, his will was weaker than the original story, gradually Hulk started awakening. Banner felt that monster taking control of his body.

  "No! No! No!..." Banner screamed in pain but still couldn't stop the appearance of Hulk. The skin color of the body gradually turned green, the body shape continued to expand, and the clothes on his body were cracked by muscles. The pupil is suddenly occupied by green.

  "Hooooo!!!" With a deafening roar, Banner completely turned into a violent Hulk!

  Looking at the furious monster in front of her, the black widow's heart suddenly cooled...


  The time flow between the dream and the reality is inconsistent. In the dream, Jack and Sophia have lived for two days, and the reality is only one night.

  "Sofia, I have to go back, you must protect yourself, I will send someone to escort you as soon as possible."

  Jack is full of smiles, and he Thoremnly guarantees.

  Sophia nodded and said, "Well, I will be careful."

  The two embraced each other, and Jack's figure dissipated, and the soul left Sofia's dream.

  Jack's soul came out and floated in midair, watching Sophia still in his sleep, Sophia's brows had stretched out, and there was no worrying look before going to bed.

  Jack landed on the ground, leaned over and kissed Sofia's face. Although he knew that he couldn't touch it now, he still wants to make it subconsciously.

  Taking a deep look at Sophia's sleeping face, Jack floated out of the apartment and quickly flew back to the aircraft carrier.

  On the way back, Jack suddenly remembered it. It looks like... The aircraft carrier will encounter a squad attack at this time, and then the loss will be heavy. Not only will the aircraft carrier be destroyed, but also a bunch of people will die. Even Coulson will be killed by Loki.

  Shouldn't it happen? Jack thought with uneasiness.

  However, when he rushed back to the aircraft carrier when he saw the broken aircraft carrier, the trace of luck in his heart suddenly burst, and he couldn't think too much. He quickly returned to his room, the soul returned, and then immediately rushed out of the room.

  Jack came to the room where Loki was imprisoned for the first time. Loki had successfully escaped, and Coulson, who was pierced by Loki's scepter, fell to the ground.

  Jack quickly ran to the side of Coulson, ready to launch the healing power to rescue, "Hey, I am coming, don't give up."

  Fury also rushed to the scene, very nervously watching Jack rescue Coulson.

  "No... I should rest," Coulson said weakly, trying to reject Jack's rescue. "You must give them some motivation... they can... unite..."

  As he spoke, Coulson's breath became weaker and weaker. Jack did not listen to Coulson's words. He simply took a slap in the face, and by the way, activated the healing power to return the life of Coulson back.

  "Don't be stupid, we will tell them that you are dead, while you can go and take a vacation, is your brain damaged, that made you stupid?"

  Jack looked at Coulson with the look of "You are not stupid."

  Coulson: "..."

  Fury: "..."

  It really seems like this...