Avengers V

"Ha ha ha ha..." Loki raised his arms and laughed innocently.

  After all, the Chitauri army has successfully invaded the earth. When the Chitauri army successfully occupied the earth, Loki will become the master of this planet!

  "Damn!" Tony screamed resentfully and hurried to the dock of the Stark Building. The nano-armor retreated to his body.

   Tony said: "Javis, Plan B!"

  "Sir, everything is ready for war." Jarvis's voice came from the networked sound in the room.

  Tony is steadfast: "The situation is urgent, I can't manage it so much, hurry up and take control over all of them!"

  When the voice fell, one of the walls of the room slowly moved away, showing the items under the wall. they are red metals compartment with a bright Ark reactor directly above each one.

  these are armors that were created for emergencies like this, although they are the same in design and material the one he is wearing know is the strongest of them all.

  On Tonys' right hand, a red light was lit, a sound was produced. all the "Marks" war suit flew directly and joined the battlefield. After finishing, he activated his nano-suit and without wasting time, Tony, wearing his steel suit, rushed to the sky, attacking the Chitauri soldiers who were constantly flying out of the space door.

  Steve, the Black Widow, and Hawkeye also drove the fighters to the scene. After landing on the ground, they immediately plunged into the battle, counterattacking the ruined Chitauri soldiers and commanding the evacuation of ordinary residents.

  Thor rushed to the top floor of the Stark Building, and walked angrily to Loki, screaming loudly: "Loki! Close the universe Rubik's Cube right away, or I will ruin it!"

  When he heard Thor, Loki just looked at him contemptuously, pointing his hand at Thor, and said, "You can't stop it, you can't stop it. Now only... war!"

  On the other hand, Banner screamed and drove a motorcycle to the war center. When he woke up, he found himself falling into a warehouse. The old security guard at the warehouse gave him some clothes and gave him a motorcycle.

  Originally, he intended to return to the SHIELD. This time, the Hulk came out and destroyed it. Banner, who had a guilty debt, was ready to go back and accept the punishment. But halfway through he saw the sky lit up a beam the opened some kind of wormhole and then saw countless aliens coming out.

  In his mind, he already knows that Loki opened the space door and let the aliens invade the earth smoothly. After thinking about it, Banner decided to rush to the battlefield.

  Although he can't just stimulate his emotions and become a Hulk, Banner knows that when he is at a critical juncture, Hulk will automatically appear, so he just rushed to the scene and faced a group of poor and evil aliens. When it is dangerous, he can become a Hulk in the alien-war.


  Just as the six-member group of the first generation of the reunion joined forces to fight against the Chitauri Stars and prevented the spread of the war, Jack's recovery finally came to an end although it was 2 min it was enough for a lot of things to happen.

  When the body recovered, Jack was in his best state. The uniform had recovered and so on...

  But Jack stood and didn't have time to care about these details. He noticed the beam of light rising from the sky, the big hole that opened in the sky, the aliens who were like locusts constantly coming out of the black hole...

  The whole of New York still couldn't escape.

For the fierce battlefield!

  Jack thought of Sophia, who had not been able to leave New York due to a change, and flew in the direction of his home, he closed his eyes and calmed his mind as he unleashed his mind power.

"Not good!" he instantly went to his home, he looked like a beam of light no sound came out when he went at this speed, but one thing is sure, and that is, any alien soldier who was in his way turned into dust from the impact.

  When Jack quickly rushed to the front of his apartment, he only saw a bunch of people crying and fleeing, but he did not see the Chitauri aliens.

  He did not breathe a sigh of relief, because a few Chitauri soldiers who were driving the aircraft screamed and attacked, and the energy guns in their hands slammed around.

  Jack naturally will not let these aliens succeed, and the eyes will shoot several lasers in succession to these small soldiers before they ran back to their homes.

  There was nothing on his body. Naturally, there was no home key. Jack's went straight through the door like a ghost and then rushed into the house to find Sophia.

  Sophia was hiding beside the window, looking at the situation outside with horror, and heard the sound from the door, and suddenly looked at it in amazement, and then saw Jack walk in, not to reveal the color of surprise.

  Sophia cried in surprise: "You are coming back..."

  The words are not finished, suddenly -


  Jack's face instantly Solidified...

  Without warning, a strong beam of energy came in from the window and tried to penetrate Sophia's body!

  There was a bit of joy and sorrow on Sofia's face, and she felt despair...

  "No!!!!!" Jack sent a desperate shout, as he unleashed every power in his body even if it is not under his control, know he doesn't care, all he can think of now is to save Sophia, he had in his body and moved beyond the speed of light as he went and caught the beam of energy, but at this moment, the beam doesn't look like a beam because it is just like bullets, it was round and blue in color, it looked like a beam at first because of its speed, and now that Jack is moving faster than light it looked like this.

After saving Sophia, he applied the healing power to make sure everything is alright.

He looked at her sleeping peacefully, Jack kissed her and sighed with relief, as for the one who shot the beam, Jack already turned him into dust, because he decided not to be a p*ssy anymore he unleashed everything he had and all the soldiers in the radiance of 2 km where alike, every last one of them turned into dust.

In fact Jack had already had a plan before the beginning of the war, but the plan included faking the death of Sophia and acting as if he's not strong and idiot for two reasons to complete his plans, the only problem is that he didn't see that beam of light coming, but that was not the point, the point is that he discovered that he was too naive to think that he can control life and death, and for this lesson Jack will kill every last one of the aliens.

Jack created a normal room in his personal space and put Sophia in the bedroom, after that he went outside.

  Gradually, Jack quieted down.

  There was no expression on his face. He only had a strong murderousness, his eyes were extremely cold, and he walked to the closet in front of his house without saying a word. He took out the set of clothes, it is the new dark battle suit from Melvin.

  The style is biased towards dark and evil, which is so appropriate to wear on the body on this occasion, making him more indifferent and without emotion.

  Jack thought about Sophia and he flashed a warm color in his cold-blooded eyes, and then resumed indifference, put on a helmet, and left home.


  The Avengers who were in the midst of a hard battle constantly resisted the siege of the Chitauri army. At this time, Thor and Hulk joined the ranks and struggled to destroy the enemy.

  However, the number of enemies is huge, and new Chitauri soldiers are flying from the space door. The Avengers are perseveringly killing them, but there is still no tendency to decrease.

  Tony kept launching lasers and shells to kill one of the Chitauri soldiers, and anxiously asked Jarvis: "Jarvis, have you not found the godfather? Let him come to support! Where did this guy go? !"

  Jarvis replied: "Sir, haven't found out..." At this moment, Jarvis paused. "Sir, I found a person suspected of being a godfather approaching."

  "Ha? What do you mean?" Tony asked in confusion.

  Suddenly, the Avengers in the hard battle found that the Chitauri soldiers who attacked them drifted into the air uncontrollably. Then, a thousand-meter-long flame dragon whizzed past and killed these Qiruita soldiers...

  "Wh..." The Avengers looked at the sudden change in surprise, and the eagle-eye was the first who discovered the clue. "Look over there!"

  Looking in the direction pointed by the eagle's eye, everyone saw a man wearing a purple-red tight-fitting covered with lightning slowly coming away. Unlike the original white-golden battle suit, the purple-red suit was full of evil and looked Fierce.

  At the same time, everyone did not know why, watching each other step by step, as if they could feel in the calm, hiding unimaginable anger and madness...