Avengers part VI

The suspected Jack was quietly approaching, and apparently, in the battlefield where the explosions continued, the Avengers felt a repression, as if the whole world was quite the moment this person appeared.

  Whenever "Jack" went forward further, the Avengers felt that the murderous was more intense, the air was so suppressed that it made Thor dignified and the overwhelming murder spread so that everyone could not help but feel fear.

  "This... is it that kid?" Tony asked, swallowing indefinitely, and asked in amazement.

  Thor looked at him with great dignity. Even if he was 'as strong as him', he felt a deep sense of crisis at the moment. This is incredible for him, but the intuition of years of fighting tells him that this person is in front of him. Very dangerous, to the point that he can't keep his life if he fought with him, he involuntarily clenched the hammer in his hand.

  When Hulk saw "Jack", he instantly lost his violent and ferocious posture, and somewhat become afraid and shrunk. Although the image in front of this is different from the previous one, Hulk's instinct of beast is still aware that the two are the same person. The last lesson taught him to be hard-pressed and feel that the other's current momentum is so terrible and terrifying.

  Steve resisted the invisible and heavy pressure on his own influence and asked: "Who are you? Is it Jack?"

  "Jack" did not answer, but stopped a few tens of meters away from the Avengers, slowly raised his head and looked at the densely-knit Chitauri soldiers in the sky." dead--"

  Like a deep abyss, the horrible murder stagnates, and then ... loses the bond and evaporates.

  As soon as the voice fell, the Avengers saw that the figure like a demon disappeared in front of them. A fascinating purple-red passed through the Chitauri soldiers who had been destroying on the ground, all of them evaporated while some who were far away were cut in half...

  Just a few breaths, Steve and others saw that the surrounding Chitauri soldiers were wiped out, most of them disappeared, and some even bloody violence was cut in half. The thick blood and a pile of messy flesh scattered around the ground, they looked pale, and their heart was very uncomfortable.

  At this moment, this evil Jack has only the desire to kill in his heart, to harvest life, and watching the death of one Chitauri soldiers in his hand, not enough to calm his heart anger.

  Tony was horrified at this "death god" and was very terrified: "Hey, you told me, did I have hallucinations? Is this cold and ruthless person, the one I know?"

  Steve frowned, and his face showed some anxiety. From the voice of the past, they all recognized that this person is the Jack they know, but what happened to the peaceful and kind Jack. The person who is in front of them made them feels horrible, cruel... even crazy.

  Although Steve didn't know what caused Jack to become like this, but still in battle, can't take care of others, he converges his other emotions, Steve calmly said: "Don't worry about him, we must Continue to stop the destruction of aliens, Tony, you go to see if there is any way to turn off the device; Thor, you call to summon lightning to prevent aliens from flying down; Hulk, don't back down, continue to smash those aliens; As for Agent Romanov and Clinton, will evacuate the masses with me."

  Hearing Steve commanding everyone in an orderly manner, others were coming back and performing their duties in accordance with Steve's arrangements.

  Evil Jack... No, he is still Jack, whether he is evil or he is kind. At this moment, there is only the idea of ​​killing the Chitauri soldiers, but the evil Jack can completely point out and eradicate them all..

  Jack Thorved the majority of the nearby Chitauri soldiers.

Going straight up, stopping in the air, watching the countless Chitauri soldiers rushing toward him.

  He did not choose to attack normally but slowly lifted a hand, five fingers open, black gloves, as he clenched his hands.

  Suddenly, the open palms were clenched, and all the Chitauri soldiers who besieged him were shaped, all gathered together by an invisible power, and then, from all directions, a heavy crushing force, nearly a 1000 Chitauri soldiers had no way to stop this. They were squeezed into a ball in an instant. The bodies could not be distinguished. A huge amount of blood was squeezed and sprayed out, such as a downpour of heavy rain, and a horrible bloody rain.

  "You all have to die -" Jack indifferently, flashing at a Leviathan monster on the top.

  This behemoth is covered with sturdy scales. It is several tens of meters long. The size of the body is very small. It seems to be only a deep despair.

  In addition to being a "transportation ship" of the Chitauri soldiers, Leviathan's huge body is the biggest war killer. After flying from the wormhole, countless Chitauri soldiers landed on it and crashed on the ground. And Leviathan's monsters ransacked everything along the way without any effort. Various buildings collapsed under the impact of it, and countless people were buried under the rubble, causing heavy casualties.

  The number of Leviathan monsters is very small. There are only a few of the densely-knit Chitauri soldiers. The first one was bursting with Hulk's fist, and then Tony shot a shell and bombed it.

  Now, two Leviathan monsters have crossed the wormhole and ran around in New York. After Jack came to the top of one of the Leviathan giants, he pointed out a finger at Leviathan and said coldly: "Bug."

  The white light, which symbolizes the power of deformation, is shot from the fingertips and hits the Leviathan monster. Under the gaze of everyone, this huge Leviathan monster disappears as if it had disappeared.

  On the ground, an unremarkable cockroach twisted the body and was trampled by an escaped citizen.

  Jack came to the top of another Leviathan monster, and he reinvented it, indifferently turning it into a skeleton, watching it fall to the ground.

  Looking up, watching a new Leviathan monster sneak out of the wormhole half a body, Jack flew straight to the wormhole about 100 meters to stop, the cold in the throat of the cash flow of light, The hand lifted up, and both palms showed a fierce and hot flame fused with lightning. His whole body was full of light, and it radiated a hot heat and lightning, twisting the surrounding air, like a shining sun!

  The power of the dragon spell will increase as the host's anger increases, and the whole body will be covered with a fascinating light. At this time, the light is so dazzling that it is enough to see that under the indifferent surface, there is a heart full of endless anger.

  The light concealed Jack's figure, but it could not stop his voice.


  With Jack's screaming like the governor of hell who is judging peoples, the dual lightning and the flames of both hands lasing out at the same time, the bursting flames and the lightning merged in the process of shooting out, turning into an unimaginable power. The flame dragon, the dazzling arc entwined the huge body of the dragon, simple word, Horror!

  Leviathan's monster is like a small cockroach in front of the fire dragon. The fire dragon opened its huge mouth and swallowed it. At the same time, it slammed into the wormhole and smashed the numerous towers. burning all the soldiers.


  The explosion of the flames rang through the clouds, and the people on the ground were stunned by such shocking scenes, watching the fire waves rolling in the wormholes, and the countless Chitauri soldiers were burned to ashes, with sporadic sparks falling on Earth.

  After sending out one of the most powerful attacks in history, Jack did not stop and made a crazy shot of laser and flame. The new batch of Chitauri soldiers had not yet flown down, and they were faced with numerous lasers and explosions. Killed and turned into ashes, Jack wants to vent so he did it like this.

  The Chitauri soldiers on the wormhole concentrated the fire and hit Jack's body. Jack did not hide and let a strong energy beam hit him, but it did not even hurt him.

  Although the attack of the Chitauri soldiers was successfully hitting Jack's body, in the horror of the Chitauri soldiers was that Jack's acting like nothing, as if he was not hit by a gun but wind!

  Evil Jack does not have any psychological shackles, so the power of the spell is applied to the extreme that he can reach + his already strong body. In fact, while he is doing this he launched the talisman of horse and healed his partners.

  The new suit on his body became ragged, Jack did not restore it, unscrupulously exposed his true face, the indifferent face gradually groaned, and a large arc was blown at the mouth.

  "Ah, hahahaha......dead! You all have to die!" Jack couldn't help the inner killing pleasure and laugh wildly.

Jack finally unleashed his full anger on them.