Avengers part VII

At this time, Jack's clothes were ragged, but he is laughing wildly, this made him look evil, but not the ugly evil but handsome one especially with his silver eyes.

  The Chitauri soldiers were provoked by Jack. The alien invaders did not know how to retreat. They only knew that they had to attack and destroy. So they made a squabble and a brain came.

  In the face of such a huge "worm tide", Jack didn't put them in his eyes as he smiled evilly and took a deep, tell the army was 20 m from him he unleashed his frozen breath freezing every alien from a molecule level then he used his mind power and gathered them all into a ball of ice and throw them back like trash from where they come, his simple and crude action scared the hell out of the Avengers especially Hulk and Thor, as for Loki, the poor guy is now only praying for his father Odin to save him.

  As for the people who always pay attention to the situation on the wormhole on the ground where also surprised.

  Jack didn't pay attention to them he only kept dancing in the army of the Chitauri killing everyone he can get his hands on.

  At this time, Jack is no longer the appearance of human beings, but a monster in a human body!

  Both eyes are the cool silver fool of lightning, and full of violent breath.

  his silver hair stood as it danced with lightning making him look more of god than Thor, almost like super instinct in dragon ball super, but with hair upright, the body is tall and burly.

  "what is this?!"

  Tony naturally captured the image of Jack at the time with the help of the steel battle suit. He saw that he became a leading monster god, and he could not help but shudder.

  As the god of hammer Thor, he saw Jack's appearance with his own eyes. The godly image full of evil temperament made him unable to hold the hammer, and the deep sense of crisis filled his heart.

  Seeing the god of war in the sky, everyone on the ground was in awe and fear, even if they knew that he was Jack, but they could not stop the fear from producing and expanding in their hearts.

  People in this world don't know what Jack is changing now. If they have seen dragon ball super in Jack past life, they can recognize him at once. This is the ultimate instinct that even gods can hardly enter, of course, Jack only has the outer image.

  Perhaps it is because of this image, Jack feels crazier, open his mouth, and used a godly voice to laugh wildly: "Ah, hahaha... Destruction, killing, really makes me feel so pleasing... just die, let your death add a little pleasure to me!"

  With a wave of his hands, the Chitauri soldiers who were in front of them were all broken, and Jack only laughed and punched, and the Chitauri soldiers, such as the bursting watermelon, Jack who was still surrounded, punched and slammed them to death.

  One by one, the Chitauri soldiers were killed and f*ucked up by the sacred force of Jack alone. They lacked their arms and legs, and they fell to the ground from high altitude and were completely killed.

  What is more terrifying is that the spirit of Jack swelled up and his body started to expand, it's not like his compressed muscles returned to normal no, the opposite is happening his compressed muscles only grew in size and strength, his divine power started to integrate with him on a deeper level, as he is getting stronger and taller his hair and eyes started turning completely into lightning. It was like the process of Banner's transformation into Hulk but much stronger and taller as he grew up to 10 m high.

  Jack interpret and demonstrated what is violent aesthetics with practical actions. Even if people watching the situation are in awe and fear of his image, some people still feel a little swaying inside. Some people can't help but cheer loudly: "Come on, kill these aliens!"

  Gradually, some people abandoned the horror image prejudice against Jack, cheered for him, although there were only a few voices, weak and inaudible, after all, they shouted out.

  What if his appearance changes? What he is doing either good or bad, everyone can see it...

  The god of war Jack naturally does not know that someone is supporting him. Even if he knows, there will be no waves in his heart. He only wants to kill now! kill! kill!

  Jack gathered him both hands as he started condensing fire and lightning and merging them together and launched it, instantly, it shrouded the rushed Chitauri soldiers, without even having the chance to mourn, they were burned clean into small particles.

  The Chitauri soldiers still passed through the wormholes without any trace of hope. They can only obey the command and their desire for destruction, which made them stalk through the wormhole and attack Jack who is at the wormhole.

  And Jack did not stop killing, how much to kill, the power of dog talisman made him not knowing what is the feeling of being tired, as long as he is willing, he can continue to kill like this until all the enemies who rushed to him are destroyed.

  When Jack was madly killing, the Avengers on the ground stopped looking at it. In addition to solving the fish that slipped through the net and rescued the masses in the ruins, they did not forget the business, that is, the device that opened the wormhole should be turned off.

  Loki looked at the monster in the sky with resentment and fear. He was angry that his plan to rule the earth was blocked by Jack, and was shocked by the invincibility Jack.

  As he was thinking about his next step. Suddenly, Hulk jumped from the downstairs and slammed into Loki. Loki was hit by the brutal impact of Hulk and fell to the wall, then fell to the ground.

  Hulk just wants to continue to attack, Loki fiercely got up from the ground, his face full of anger, shouted: "Enough! You guys are lowly mortals, I am a god, I tell you, I will not be humiliated by ants... ..."

  Before the words were finished, Loki was caught by Hulk from his leg, then smashed back and forth, and took out two big pits on the ground. He was thrown by Hulk without any resistance. When Hulk let go of his hand, Loki could only look dull and sullen in the pit, making a cry like a dog who lost his family.

  "Puny god!" Hulk's face was full of disdain as he strode away.

  Tony tried his best to shut down the device. In the end, Dr. Eric, who was out of control, finally recovered and said the way: "His scepter... Loki's scepter, that energy, the Rubik's cube can't fight because it can't Confront with yourself... only Loki's scepter can turn off the device."

  Hearing this, Tony immediately asked Jarvis to search for Loki's position. Then, he saw the picture of Loki being bombarded by Hulk. He couldn't help laughing, his heart was dark, and then he found the scepter of Loki. Picking up the scepter and watching Jack, who is still in the air, hesitated, and finally risked angering the monster, ready to turn off the device.

  At this time, Tony suddenly received a very urgent contact from Fury: "Stark, do you hear me? There is a fighter with a nuclear bomb flying over!"

  Tony stopped the action in his hand and asked in agony: "How long?"

  "Three minutes! It will destroy the entire city!"

  "Sh*t!" Tony couldn't help but scream, the politicians' brains are like dogs, and they didn't help at the crucial moment. Instead, they want to destroy the entire city.

  The black widow just solved a soldier who was driving the aircraft. When passing the top floor of the Stark Building, a rollover jumped down and let the unmanned aircraft crash into the building and explode.

  As soon as she landed, the black widow saw Tony coming towards her and handing her scepter to her. The tone was anxious: "The scepter can turn off the device, you will listen to the instructions and turn it off. Now a nuclear bomb is coming over here. !"

  The black widow quickly took over the scepter and watched Tony hurriedly flew out.

  After scanning and tracking the missile, Tony immediately manipulated the full-powered propeller of the steel suit and finally caught up with the nuclear bomb. Holding the nuclear bomb with both hands, forcibly changing the launching orbit of the nuclear bomb, the nuclear bomb was pushed up by Tony and shot in the direction of the wormhole.

   Jack was still smothered in front of the wormhole, immersed in the endless killing pleasure, and suddenly, behind the back, Tony shouted through the sound reinforcement device: "Get away!"

   Jack did not stop the attack, he turned his head. He saw Tony carrying the nuclear bomb, and a burst of laughter appeared in his mouth. Then, a flash appeared in Tony's side, the giant hands caught the nuclear bomb, and throw it at the wormhole!

  Seeing that the nuclear bomb was taken by Jack and thrown into the wormhole, Tony was shocked first, then immediately contacted the black widow: "Fast, now! Turn off the space door!"

  On the top floor of the Stark Building, the black widow who received the signal did not hesitate to grasp the scepter through the energy shield on the surface of the device and stabbed the universe in the center of the device!

  In the next moment, the space light beam emitted by the device disappeared in an instant, and the wormhole in the sky gradually shrank and dissipated. At the moment the wormhole was completely dissipated with the bang, the nuclear bomb could be seen hitting a vast alien battleship tell it exploded.

  The flame of the nuclear bomb explosion has not yet been released to the wormhole, and the wormhole disappeared.

  The disappearance of the wormhole means that in this alien invasion war, Earth people win!

  Countless survivors cried, laughed, and vented their complex emotions in their hearts...