Avengers final part

The godly eyes watched the wormhole disappeared in the sky, and the killing intent on his body gradually dissipated and returned to calm.

  Silently floating in the air, white light flashed, Jack started to change from the image of the god of war, and what I am talking about is not return but compress his body, every fiber of his muscles started crystalising his cells started compressing and in the process the energy(divine energy + Thorar radiation) stored in them also started to merge and crystalize into a pill like diamond, each one of them is like nuclear reactor, like when a cultivator breakthrough "golden-dan", but for Jack every cell has a golden-dan stronger than that of a cultivator.

The upper body was naked, revealing a strong, perfect figure, the new battle suit was damaged, leaving only a large piece of fabric left in his lower body, blocking Important parts.

  Jack's face is still so indifferent, can not see any emotional color. Did not communicate with Tony or other around, he only rushed to the direction of the Stark Building and fell heavily on the top floor.

  At this time, the rest of the Avengers also came to the top floor of the Stark Building. After the wormhole disappeared, some of the remaining Chitauri soldiers, were like broken dolls, fell down and lost their vitality. Finally, they can relax and collectively rush to the top floor of the Stark Building.

  When everyone came to the room on the top floor of the Stark Building, they saw Jack cold face, slowly raised his right hand, and his right hand swayed at an overclocking speed. Undoubtedly, this only overclocked right hand, It is completely possible to break the broken iron.

  Seeing that Jack walked toward Loki, who stumbled into the pit, or made a frame of death, Thor panicked and immediately ran to Loki, clenching the hammer, extremely dignified Asked: "What are you going to do?"

  Jack stopped and said coldly: "He must die!"

  Hearing that Thor can't help but feel angry, but he also knows that this is Loki fault for allowing the Chitauri army to invade Earth. In New York, the current culprit is still Loki. It is so sinful that Loki is completely dead.

  But no matter what Loki did, he is still his brother. After so many years of friendship, even if Thor is disappointed with Loki's repeated mistakes, he still hopes to save Loki.

  So, Thor calmly said: "Loki is an Asgardian, I will take him back to the trial."

  "He must die!" Jack's eyes became colder, repeated again.

  Thor started getting angry, but because of the tyrannical strength that Jack showed before, he dare not act rashly, just lifts the hammer and shows that he will never give up.

  The scene suddenly became hot, and others did not dare to go forward and persuade, only watching nervously.

  After a stalemate for a while, Jack's right hand stopped the shock and let it go.

  Seeing this, everyone is relieved.

  Jack turned around and walked out of the room to the front of the device that opened the space door. He suddenly reached out and grabbed the cosmic cube in the middle of the device and held it in his hand.

  The universe's cube is hot and cold, ordinary people can't hold it in their hands for a long time. Jack can feel the universe want to burn his palm, but the alas for Jack now, it's like holding a cup of hot coffee. Jack clasped the universe's Rubik's Cube, with no expression, and no loose hand.

  Seeing Jack grabbing the Rubik's Cube, Thor was shocked and walked out quickly. He said: "Put down the Rubik's Cube, there are many powerful beings in the universe that look at the power of the Rubik's Cube. This is not something you can master."

  Jack turned around and clasped the universe's Rubik's Cube. He said with indifference and unquestionable tone: "Either he died, or, I take the cosmic cube."

  Loki or the universe Rubik's Cube, Jack gave Thor a choice question, listen to the tone, no room for negotiation.

  Thor was stumped, if he chose Loki, the cosmic cube would be handed over to Jack. It is likely to attract more greedy enemies. The great probability of the earth will once again fall into crisis, but if you choose the universe cube, That means he will watch Loki being killed by Jack.

  His eyes kept flashing, and Thor fell into a fierce psychological struggle. He couldn't make a choice. Jack smiled inside and acted as if he's impatient, and he said coldly: "10,9,8..."

  The 10-second countdown begins. If Thor can't make a decision, Jack will make a decision for him.

At that time, he must not regret it.

  Thor was horrified at Jack but did not dare to attack. When Jack counted "4", he finally couldn't help but shouted: "I choose Loki! The Rubik's Cube is yours!"

  Thor figured it out, instead of letting Loki die in vain, it would be better to give up the universe. On the one hand, the universe is big and the possibility of another enemy coming here is too small. On the other hand, Jack's own strength is enough to protect the Rubik's Cube from falling into the hands of others.

  The decision was made with urgency, and Thor did not know whether his choice was correct. He could only pray that Jack would not abuse the power of the universe.

  When he heard Thor's choice, Jack did not show any emotions, he still had no expression of joy or sadness.

Jack looked as if he was thinking of something, which made Thor feel nervous. Jack looked at Thor and said: "Thor I can help your brother from ever doing evil"

"Do you still want to kill him? No, I won't allow it"

"No Thor It is the opposite, you can rest assured that I won't kill him, and besides, if I want to kill him can you stop me?"

Thor looked deeply at Jack, after a psychological struggle he finally gave up: "Ok, but whatever you want to do, I need to be with you"

Jack smiled and said: "you won't ever regret your decision, as for what I am going to do I will do it right here, as for Tony and the others if you want to stay and watch, it is your freedom"

Thor and the other Avengers looked at each other and then said in a unified voice: "we will stay".

Jack smiled, he walked to Loki who looked at him with fear and horror: "what do you want to do? stay away from me, Thor don't let him take me away from here"

Jack smiled as he touched the forehead of Loki a white light covered Loki and slowly turned into, tell two identical Loki came into view, everyone was shocked.

Thor: "what did you do? what happened to Loki? why are there two of him?"

before Jack could talk one of the Lokis said with a sad tone: "Thor brother, there is no need for that, I don't deserve to live anymore, I wish to die and redeem all my sins with my death"

Thor was shocked, this is the first time he heard his brother say something like this: "brother what happened to you? why are you saying this"

Thor has just finished his speech and Jack moved, he killed the other Loki who looked at them with hatred and killing intent, without a word Jack activated the devouring function of the C.S and devoured all his memories and experiences about magic, sorcery... turning him into a white paper, then killed him turning him into dust, all those actions happened in less than a second leaving no time for Thor or the others to react.

Thor was once again shocked and puzzled, but his anger took over him, he tried to launch an attack against Jack but he discovered that he couldn't move.

Jack locked Thor and explained to him: "there is no need to start a fight, what I did is separate the good side of Loki from his evil one, and the one I killed is the evil side, as for why, because once he is separated he will be pure evil only thinking about distraction and killing, so you should calm down and look at you good brother, because from now on you don't have to be concerned about him."

everyone was once again shocked and retreated a step back including Thor, only Tony was in deep thought, he looked at Jack: "so it was you who made the underworld boss'Gold' a good guy, no wonder"

Everyone once again were shocked except Thor and his brother as they looked puzzled because they don't know who is Gold, as for Fury once he started hearing Jack magical ability from Natachas' earphone, he looked shocked and taboo because Jack abilities are terrifying and once those super criminals and top managers in the US know about this, they will definitely hunt him down, so he directly closed all the channels about this conversation.

Jack didn't give Thor the chance to speak. Holding the universe's Rubik's Cube, Jack's figure instantly disappeared in front of everyone, leaving behind a complex and fearful Avenger...


  Apartment building, Jack's home.

  Jack returned to normal as he took Sophia out and explained everything that happened, she kept crying for risking his life and so on...

Jack also told her about Ivy and Skye, she didn't have much reaction but the jealousy coming from her eyes betrayed her, but she didn't get angry because she knows that Jack is not a normal person and she can't handle him alone so a couple sisters are necessary to help her.

Jack told her that he has something to do and he needs a quiet place, so he took her the mansion in his space and introduced Ivy to her, Ivy also smiled at her and tried to take her to her garden(world), but Jack prevented her as he told her that she is not as strong as yourself, so the two stayed at home while Sophia asked about Skye, Jack only told her that he will bring her.

  After that, Jack returned to his room and digested all the memories of Loki, according to the memories the energy source of these abilities is the souls the stronger the soul the greater the ability you can use, after he spent couples minutes leaning with his overclocked state, Jack stopped and took breath as he sat in lotus position and activated the sheep talisman, the soul left the body, floated in the air, the mind calmed down instantly.

  Jack has never been so quiet, and in such a state of mind, he can detect the talismans and chaos stone in his soul deep down shining with bright light even with his terrifying strong soul they still chined.

  The soul is the root of any living being. The body is nothing but a body. It will eventually enter the end because of the metabolism, but the soul has the potential to become immortal.

  Without a soul, the body will lose its life, just as the same machine loses its power. Therefore, the soul is undoubtedly the core existence.

  The twelve totems are the symbolic lines of the twelve zodiac signs, while the Chaos stone in the center of them all like the sun that guards her children(planets). They are surrounded by a circle of rat, Ox, tigers, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, and pig. Connected, floating in front of Jack's chest.

 Jack finally removed his gaze and lowered his head slightly, staring at the twelve zodiac totems on his chest.

Then he wanted to do one experiment.

  The line of sight was skipped from the zodiac totems. Finally, Jack's eyes stayed and the second zodiac Talisman... Dog.

  Jack was calm. He didn't know if he could do it. Therefore, he could only try.

  The right hand is placed on the chest, just in the center of the circle surrounded by twelve totems. In the twelve brightly-lighted zodiac totems, the tiger-shaped totem representing the tiger talisman is shining, and the other eleven spells become dull. Because the sheep spell can only lead the soul out of his body, but his spirit is as bright as ever Jack can be sure if his soul was still the same as ordinary peaople, he would definitly get hurt.

  Without too much hesitation, Jack concentratedly inspired the power of the tiger spell, the tiger-shaped totem became brighter and brighter, and other totems became more and more dim.

  The power of the Tiger talisman quickly reached its limit, and the power of other spells was suppressed to a minimum, allowing for the last and most important part.

  Gradually, the glowing tiger-shaped totem shoots a light, hits the dog-shaped totem that symbolizes the dog's talisman. After the dog-shaped totem is hit by the light, Jack tries to control the tiger spell and pulls the dog-shaped totem a little bit.

  When the dog spell left the position, all the spells become unstable and flicker, because the balance of the spell is disrupted!

  Jack felt that his spirit weakened a little bit, almost negligible, like an ant who bit some flesh from an elephant, so he quickly controlled the power of the tiger talisman and pulled the dog talisman and slammed it out. He was suspended in the air.

   Jack did not hesitate to hold the dog spell in his hand, he looked at it for some time, then he returned it to its place.

Jack returned to his body.

   He reached out and picked up the universe's Rubik's Cube on the ground, crashing it hard, and the universe's Rubik's Cube was crushed directly by him!

  Opening his hand, among the scattered pieces, a bright blue round stone lies quietly in the palm...