
After the Android saga ended Jack looked at Goku and Vegita who are looking at him with burning eyes, Jack sighed helplessly, he already guessed that they are waiting for him to explain his so-called 3 roads of evolution, so he took a deep breath then looked at the two and said:

"Ok ok I know what you want to say, so I will only explain this once so you'd better lesson carefully.

first, there are indeed three roads of evolution to be exact only two has been tested as for the third one is the fusion of the two roads, so let's start with the first one:

- you can continue to breakthrough your limit until you reach your upper limit and it depends on your talent and training, just like Gohan he broke through his Super Saiyan limit and reached SS2 and this is not the end if he keeps working hard he can still breakthrough SS3 and so on, and this practical way only apply to the body and take the body as the top foundation, and by keeping breaking through its limit infinitely reaching hight that other can only dream of, like SS4, SS5...etc, but all this need a strong body because once you breakthrough these limits the first time you will place a huge burden on your body, that is why I said you need a strong body to take this road or you gene chain will break before you could even enjoy the benefit" as he finished both

Vegita and Goku looked shocked and excited especially Vegita who interrupted him

"then what about the other two??"

Jack looked at the two excited men who seem like middle school children who found a new world and sighed as he finished "well, don't interrupt me Vegita or I'm gonna stop"

before Vegita could speak Goku shouted: "Vegita shut up and let Jack finish" and this, in turn, made Vegitas' face blue and red from being shouted at by Goku, so he only turned his head and snorted.

Jack coughed attracting their attention: "Ok, let's finish, so now let us talk about the second road :

-I call it the road to godhood as you start cultivating your energy and try to break through its limit and transforming it into what I call the 'god Ki' and this, in turn, will allow the user to have an entire evolution from the essence of life itself, allowing them to break through there mortal limits and this will make you live longer, of course this is not the real use of this 'God Ki' this is just one of the benefit, the real use of 'God Ki' is to make its user understand the law that governs the universe, and try to plant the seed of law in his(her) soul and body this will allow the 'God Ki' to evolve to match the law, once you finish this step then you won't need to transform like SS, and stay like that forever, like Beerus the god of destruction who comprehends the law of destruction.

-As for the third road that I said is the fusion of both the two, and that is by practicing the spirit and body at the same time so that when you transform into SS4, SS5 and so on, your gene wont collapse because your essence of life has transformed, which in turn nourishes your body and strengthen the higher gene that allowed you to transform like the golden genes that will start amplifying once you transform into SS1 until it the inferior genes"

after he finished Goku and Vegita looked excited and started arguing who is gonna get stronger first and because Goku didn't die so the future will definitely change, so Jack thought and then turned to look at the two fighting maniacs:

"Ok stop, listen if you wanna advance you can go to King Kai and tell him to take you to fight stronger warriors in the underworld"


"yeah Jack this was also my thought he already told me about the tournament that gathers all the best heroes that passed on history"

Vegita looked at Goku in anger:

"Kakarotto were you gonna leave me here and go there by yourself, this is an absolute No, if you go you're gonna have to take me with you"

Goku scratched his head and laughed embarrassedly:

"Okk, I will take you" after they finished they turned to look for Jack, but all they found is wind blowing where he stood, they didn't say anything and just turned and left too.

As for out Jack, well, once he left the two Saiyans fighting he turned and left to the nearest city, first he booked at 5 star hotel, then he went to the mall shopping, after he finished, it was already lunchtime so he went to a famous restaurant and ordered food for two people, then he looked at his left where a figure hiding on the corner looking at him with puppy eyes, Jack smiled and said to that person directly on his mind: "Hi 18, are you planning to hide there all the time", yes the shadow who followed Jack is A.18 and she started since he booked a room, and all this is a "coincidence".

A.18 looked at the sunny face of Jack and walked out of the dark as she sat in front of him, Jack didn't talk about her following him and just started with some sweet talk to eas the mood, and like this, a small relationship started forming.


4 months later,

Jack woke up from his sleep as he looked at a beautiful woman wearing a pajama sleeping on his chest, Jack smiled helplessly because 18 would never allow him to cross the last line because she told him that she can only do it if she marries him, and this gave him a headache because he already Promised Sophia to marry her the first or all of them together.

after, he slowly lifted 18 from his chest and gently put her head on the pillow, which in turn woke up the sleepy 18, she opened her eyes and looked at the smiling face of Jack as her cheeks turned red, but she also felt better, because no matter what hint she gave Jack(to marry her) he would only turn a blind eye on it, at first she thought that Jack is only playing with her feeling but no matter what, he didn't leave her and treated her as gentle as he could, spoiling her, making her feel like a princess even though she always act tough on the outside but she felt really happy and shy when Jack spoil her. and this also made her little helpless heart fell more deeply in love with him, although she felt that there is something wrong but she didn't say anything and Just waited until Jack himself tells her, but to speed up the process she forbid Jack from touching her unless he marries her.

and like this time passed, 5 months later, Jack looked at 18 with eyes full of love and possession, in these months he stayed with her, he started falling for her, and the longer the time passed the deeply he fell, but he also felt helpless, because he is afraid of hurting her fragile heart, because Jack knew that 18 act thought only to hide her fragile heart, and this was also one of the factors that allowed him to fall deeply for her, he looked at her acting like a little girl in front of him, right now she is wearing an apron, preparing breakfast like a housewife making her look even more beautiful, Jack has been hesitating all this time, but he also needs to tell her the truth, because he is gonna leave this world and he wants to bring her with him.

Jack went from behind as he gently reached and hugged her from behind as he put his head on her shoulders catching her off guard, seeing Jack's face, 18 smiled, she still said:

"honey go wash your face and on the table for breakfast."

Jack: "Ok sweetheart" as he finished he kissed her slowly on her cheek leaving her with a red face, as she pouted and said: "know go go go" Jack looked at her trying to hide her embarrassment and just chuckled as he went to wash his face.