tony's story

Jack accompanied A.18 for almost a year and the time has come for him to go, he was uncomfortable and this has been noticed by 18 and in turn, it also brings her pain because she also feels that Jack is leaving.

After Jack had some sweet time with her on the bed he went to take a shower then dressed up and looked at 18 who was, in turn, looking at him silently"I..."I..." both of them spoke at the same time, and this, in turn, made them feel a little bit embarrassed, so Jack hurriedly said: "18 you can talk first"

"Jack I know that you have a lot of secret hiding, including the women you always say their name in your sleep, I didn't wanna irritate you by asking you about them but I want you to tell me one thing, can we be together, I mean do I have the chance to stay beside you " as she finished her eyes are already started forming tears, as she looked at Jack with puppy eyes full of hope and complex emotions.

Jack who saw all those complex emotions didn't talk and Just hugged her tightly and this, in turn, broke the last defense of trust between, 18 started crying on his chest, as Jack started explaining about his origin and so on.

A.18 who listened careful went into silence, minutes later she looked at Jack and said: "Jack you have to take me with you I also want to be with you, you are a bastard who made me fall in love with you, occupying my heart without leaving a room, so you have to take responsibility " Jack felt speechless as he really didn't know how to respond, because 18's mood changed faster than a book, he only nodded blankly, gaining the approval of 18.

He told A.18 to pack up what she wanted, once she finished he opened a small space crack as he sent her into the mansion built on the C.S space, after he finished he launched the travel ability leaving only small repel on the space, once he left a colorful light appeared near that place as Whis looked silently at the place where Jack left thinking 'I can't locate his place, did he leave the universe??' Whis felt shocked by his thought but he still couldn't eliminate them.


Marvel C.U

Jack appeared on a dark alley, he looked around and didn't find anyone, so he deactivated his stealth and went to the street, as he walked around Jack saw a lot of people looking at him, he also heard them talking about his long silver hair, once he knew the reason, he directly controlled his hair as he turned into a stylish mode, then he continues to walk toward his Villa where the three girls are living.

After he went in he only found Ivy and Skye sleeping with there sexy swimming suit basking under the sun while each one is controlling a glass of juice with there Telekinesis drinking, Jack came silently without giving them the chance to react he kissed them there cheeks scaring them.

They both looked at Jack with surprise and love as they jumped from there seat and hugged him, Jack who was on the center started reacting as he hugged the two hot bodies making his little brother stood like a pillar waiting for Jack's commands.

the two girls who just react looked at each other and then winked to Jack, which in turn fueled him even more, as he hugged the two of them and went straight to the bedroom, 10 min later, shouts of madness started coming out and lasted until Sophia came from the market, but because Jack didn't tell anyone about her, everyone thought that she was dead and he didn't bother to talk about it, and now after she returned home she chose to join the gang, this lasted until the next day, because of there upgraded strength, but they still couldn't beat him, Jack took this opportunity and started telling his story of traveling, as he started henting them that he has brought them another sister, the three of them who understood him, only sighed and started thinking how did they fall in love with him, and like this 18 joined the small family the next morning. Once 18 saw the three of them she only sighed at the same time seem satisfied because she was the strongest of them.

Once the other three knew about the strength of 18 they all looked at Jack with conspiracy as they took 18 to the kitchen for breakfast.

Jack who woke up, was sitting in a lotus position as he used his mind to invade the government and created an identity for 18, he also talked with her about the name she wants, and in the end, they come up with Anna.


Time flies, it is always unknowingly gone, after the New York war, two years have passed, people ushered in 2012.

  In the past two years, there have been no major incidents in the world. Relatively peaceful, the citizens of New York have come out of the shadow of the tragic disaster, with the memory of the dead, they cherish the precious life they have, and work hard every day.

  New York has also restored the prosperity of the past...


  Stark private house, underground research room.

  In the three months after the end of the New York war, Tony who took the Nzt spent his sleepless nights designing the new armor. Later, he was discovered by Pep. After being persuaded, Tony also felt that he was too nervous, so he relaxed, and started enjoying life.

  Therefore, Tony's process of developing new armor has become an average of one month to create a new type of steel armor. Up to now, it has been developed to the 42nd generation.

  The 42nd generation steel shirt, Tony named "Mark No. 42 or nano mark", can be automatically assembled and remotely controlled, controlled by Tony's mind, he can directly cover his entire body with nanometals, It is more convenient.

  However, there are advantages but also disadvantages. Although the automatic assembly saves time, it is easy to be damaged. The impact of the parts will be degraded by the large impact, but because it is made from nano warms it can regenerate as long as there are nanometals, he can also assemble a lot of weapons.

  However, this design is mainly for melee, because Tony found that his fighting skills are too weak. In the past, he was looking for his own bodyguard Happi to practice boxing. There are not many moves, so Tony has been looking for many coaches in various fields in the past two years.


  Tony is testing the performance of "Mark No. 42", while letting Jarvis play a beautiful music, he relaxed his mind as he thought about the armor appearing on his body and once he did, nano worms started enveloping his body as it started shaping into Iron man, but in the process the nano worms almost went inside his mouth.

  "Sir, it's always my pleasure to see how you work." Jarvis's tone was still so stunned, but what he said was a mockery.

  I have to say that even the high-level artificial intelligence such as Jarvis has been with Tony for a long time, and the evolutionary character is also biased towards Tony, who is very poisonous.

  In this regard, Tony can only cough in vain, he also knows what his smart housekeeper mean.

  Three days later, when Tony finished his work and had no trouble turning on the TV, he saw a piece of news, a bearded man who called himself "The Mandarin".

The declaration was issued on television, and public broadcasts allowed terrorists to shoot civilians and even execute a series of humane punishments.

  The US television network was blackened by hackers, and this declaration appeared on the TV screens of thousands of households. It attracted people's hearts and minds. The government expressed their unremarkable attitude towards this matter. Various departments have stepped in to investigate this man.

  Tony also felt that this Mandarin was big cancer, and he came to his friend Lieutenant Colonel Rodi to ask about the situation. At the same time, a man with high-spirited style and suits came to Stark Industries with a gentle smile on his face, and with his handsome looks, he attracted countless opposites.

  It's just that no one found out that while he was smiling, the color of hatred that flashed in his eyes. His name is "Aldrich Kirian", a nameless soldier who was forgotten by Tony. He used to be a clown character. Now he is reborn and will launch a revenge feast for Tony...


  Jack, who is far away from Tony, to be exact he is known in London with his four wives, so he doesn't know that Tony has been found by the enemy. All he does is enjoying the company of four beautiful ladies. In the past two years, Jack grew more handsome and full of mature charm, the white-silver hair made him more and more special, with some lingering smog, it almost meets any women's tastes.

  It's just that Jack divine and happy childish temperament makes those women discouraged and tempted at the same time, they could only look from afar especially at the women accompany him... which of course the reason that made them discourage, as for the men they can only watch with envy and hate, wishing to replace Jack.

  No one knows that Jack's only moment to show this normal state is only when he is accompanying Sophia and the other girls, where he will show a natural smile and become more "human" and full of emotions.

  During this period of time, he performed like a person, a person who still retains his feelings.

  He has been here in London for almost one year. Jack does not know how long he has to wait until the 5,000-year-old wonder. The nine worlds are connected in a line, making the space cross-disorder, and then... the Space where the etheric particle appears.

  But in any case, he will wait. This time, he will not let others get the etheric particles - the reality gem, it is the goal of Jack, and he will not allow any mistakes, resulting in the reality of the gem falling into others hand.

  A few days after the appearance of Mandarin, Jack returned from the abandoned building. When passing through an electrical appliance store, the news on the television that "Tony Stark's residence was attacked by terrorists, and now the whereabouts are unknown", Jack pace slightly stagnation, and then moved on.

  Iron Man 3, Desperate Virus, Kirian... These words flashed from Jack's heart. He disappeared for two years and everything returned to its original track.

  However, what does this have to do with him?

  However, when Jack returned home, perhaps it was a long-lost hearing of Tony's work or fate arrangement his phone started ringing, he picked up the phone and once he saw the caller he smiled as he answered

  "Long time no see, Godfather." On the other side of the phone, Fury was very surprised that Jack answered, and he did not hide his emotions at this moment.

  Jack did not have any fluctuations in his heart. He asked without hesitation: "what is it directer Fury"

  Without any off topic, he went directly to the main topic.

  Fury paused and said, "I hope that you can come back. Recently, a terrorist named Mandarin has appeared. Tony was attacked by his terrorist gang. Now his whereabouts are still unknown. I hope you can come back and help."

  "...good." Jack was silent for a while and responded.

  Hang up the phone, Jack stared at the ceiling for a while, then opened a space crack and disappeared.