the arrival of Jack

Tony gritted his teeth and looked at the figure that Kirian had left. At this moment, he was locked and hugged on the shelf without any chance of breaking free.

  On the night of Mandarin appearance on television, Tony's bodyguard Happy was attacked by an unknown person and was taken to the emergency room of the hospital. He is still unconscious.

  When Happy fell to such a situation, Tony was naturally furious. When a group of reporters interviewed him about how to respond to Mandarin, Tony angered and made a war declaration, and bluntly let Mandarin rush to him if he has the ability.

  As a result, Tony didn't think that Mandarin was so crazy. He sent his men on a helicopter to his home and then launched rockets bombing his home. Suddenly, Tony was caught off guard he directly wor his nano armor and went to Pepper to protect her. But in the process of protecting her he fainted, fortunately, he gave the command to Jarvis to control the armor, and he fell into a coma and fled.

  When Tony woke up again, because of armor damage and lack of energy, Tony fell to the vicinity of Rose Hill in Tennessee, where the snowy winter was cold. He deactivated his armor, the nano worm retreated slowly until he was only left with a broken T-shirt and pant, as he drags his tired body to find shelter from this cold night.

  After He rested and so on, Tony did not elaborate on it, but step-by-step started investigating, he discovered that the so-called "Mandarin" was just an actor who was found. The real behind-the-scenes hand was a nameless pawn that was forgotten by Tony, Kirian.

  In 1999, as a Tony fan, Kirian was happy to listen to the words of the trust, to wait for Tony on the rooftop, with hope, to tell his own great experiment, and as a result, Tony did not come to the meeting at all. Let Kirian curl up on the roof like a clown, and suffer from the cold wind.

  From that day on, Kirian made a decision that one day, Tony felt despair. He spent 13 years, spent countless efforts, and finally succeeded in developing his masterpiece - the Extremis virus!

  The Extremis virus is a great achievement that he painstakingly studied. It can make up for the defects of the gene, the nervous system is greatly enhanced, the physical quality has evolved to the point of surpassing ordinary people, and even the limbs can be regenerated, and more than 3000 degrees Celsius can be ejected from the body. High-temperature flame!

  Although the Extremis virus is very unstable, people who fail the injection will blow themselves up. However, after years of optimization, the success rate of the Extremis virus has been very high. Kirian himself has successfully injected the Extremis virus and suddenly jumped to the superpower. Ranks.

  Kirian used the Extremis virus to buy a bunch of disabled veterans and created several Extremis virus warriors. After preparing for it, he launched his revenge plan for Tony.

  Now, Tony was arrested by him and watched as Pepper was injected with the Extremis virus by Kirian, suffering from the tremendous pain brought by the Extremis virus, but unable to do anything.

  When Tony waited for the scorching, the steel shirt "Mark No. 42", which had regained its energy covered his body. Fortunately, the enemies who left behind were only ordinary people. Tony wearing armor easily solved all enemies. Quickly break out.

  "Well, let me know where you are!" Tony reluctantly contacted Jarvis and found that Kirian had done a big thing - kidnapping the president!

  Although because of Jack's reason, the 'war machine' did not receive the steel armor donated by Tony, Kirian naturally could not control the armor "patriotic guardian" like the movie to sneak into the president and take the president away, so Kirian chose the most violent and direct way, three Extremis virus fighters were sent to forcefully seize the president.

  Through Jarvis's search, Tony first rushed to a plane to search for the president. As a result, the president was not on the plane, only one Extremis virus warrior, and more than ten innocent passengers.

  After Tony tried his best to get rid of the Extremis virus fighter, he came back with a thrilling high-altitude rescue operation, saving 13 passengers who fell from the plane.

  Finally, Tony launched a search again and finally learned that the president was caught in an oil shipyard

  When Tony sneaked into the oil shipyard, he not only saw the president who was hanged in the air but also saw more than a dozen or so armed warriors with complete armed forces, while he was bare-handed, and the steel shirt "Mark No. 42 Prodigal Son" The big truck that was on the road not long ago crashed into pieces.

  Although Tony let Jarvis start all the steel uniforms in his basement, the steel shirts have to wait a few minutes to get here. Before that, Tony can only hide and hide, waiting for the arrival of steel shirts.

  However, when Tony's heart counted the time, suddenly, a patrolling Extremis virus warrior found him and quickly fired at him!

  Burst -

  After Tony hid in the container, listening to the sound of bullets constantly hitting the container, his heart suddenly panicked, and he felt that he had to be here before he felt support.

  Just as Tony was in a desperate situation, suddenly a blue space door appeared in the center of the oil shipyard, and a figure slowly came out of the space door.

  When an unidentified person appeared, on top of that, appeared in a shocking way. All the Extremis virus fighters concentrated their firepower and fired at the center.

  The incoming person did not have any movements. When he came out, the space door behind him dissipated, standing still in the same place, letting the enemy keep shooting there gun.


  The sound of the bullets was endless, but the Extremis virus warriors who shot them were horrified to find that their attacks did not work at all. I don't know when, the people around them came under a light blue transparent cubic protective film, and all the bullets failed to break through. This layer of seemingly smashed protective film, all bombed.

  The person slowly raised his right hand, and the palm of his hand showed a blue and purple light. He gently tapped a finger. The next second, all the desperate virus warriors found that the air around them was distorted.

  No, more accurately, there is a space distortion in their position!


  No big squad is attracted. These desperate virus warriors were even too late to make their last struggle, and the body is swallowed up by the distorted space and completely destroyed turning into sand?.

  When he heard the silence behind him, Tony first waited for a while in amazement, and then carefully looked out from the container and saw that the enemy had disappeared, and only one person was standing alone in the center, which surprised Tony.


  The person who came here was Jack, a bright white-silver hair, and a godly face, wearing a plain, monotonous dark coat.

  Tony was a little excited to go forward, but when he approached and saw Jack's appearance more clearly, the excitement suddenly subsided, and his eyes sighed in a complicated way, saying: "Long time no see, Jack."

  "Long time no see, Tony."

  Jack's voice has become more and more magnified. After experiencing all these worlds, made him have vicissitudes that are not in line with his age in which, it makes Tony feel A burst on his heart.

  Tony resisted the sadness in his heart and said: "I haven't seen you for two years, and your kid has grown up. This white-silver hair is very distinctive."

  There is no meaning in the discourse, but there is a bit of worry.

  Jack still with a normal look, not salty, said: "Fury, asked me to help you, now go back as soon as possible."

  Tony was trying to say something. Suddenly, Kirian with an unwilling and hateful look came out of the cabin of the oil shipyard.

  The enemy has been met, and the eyes turned red.

  As soon as Kirian appeared, Tony couldn't take care of Jack, and asked angrily: "Kirian, where is Pepper!"

  Kirian smiled uncontrollably. "Oh? You're asking about Miss Potts? She is in the room behind me. Like the image you saw earlier, she injected the desperate virus and she has now evolved."

  When I heard it, Tony suddenly looked at his eyes and screamed in anger: "You damn garbage!"

  At this time, there were dozens of figures in the distant horizon, and the night-shrouded them, until the dozens of people were flying close to the oil ship, and they showed their true colors under the light.

  It is a collection of 33 sets of various steel battle suits!

  The steel armors were all in place, and Tony looked coldly at Kirian, whose face was ugly, very mocking: "Welcome to my family dinner, Kirian."

  There are 33 sets of steel armors, and there is only one enemy. Tony can't help but be full of confidence.

  And don't forget that the God of war who once slaughtered the Alien army by his own power is now standing next to Tony.

  Jack stood silently and watched Tony and Kirian confronting each other.

  Tony opened his arms with enthusiasm and said: "Javis, all attack is concentrated on Kirian!"

  "Follow, sir!" Received orders, all the steel armors made the same sound, all launched full-scale gunfire against Kirian!