more powerful but still brutal

When 33 different models of Iron Mans collectively fired at Kirian.

Kirian who witnessed this scene reacted, his body surface turned red and bright, and his mouth opened, and the burning flame was spewing from it!

  The flame that exceded 3,000 degrees Celsius hit the dense shells, causing a terrible explosion, and the heat of the explosion rushed. Tony hurriedly flew into the air.

  Jack stood in the same place, but a blue energy shield was blocking everything in front of him, not because he's afraid that his body would get hurt but his clothes. So he started blocking the hot fire waves, the flames attacked from both sides of the shield, and the wind brought by the wind blew Jack's white-silver hair.

  The fire wave gradually subsided, the ground was smoldered by the fire, and the sporadic sparks were all around, without seeing the figure of Kirian.

  "Be careful!" Tony found out that Kirian had been searched by thermal induction. Kirian rushed to the back of Jack with the fire caused by the explosion. The cracked skin quickly recovered, and the orange-red flame spread between the flesh. He was like a glowing person.

  Kirian glared, as he opened his mouth and uttered a flame that was enough to burn everything flew out!

  Under the speed of Jack, the world that he perceives was like a pause, all the movements became almost still in his perception, and he felt the high temperature and heat coming from behind. Jack did not turn around, no Dodging, just slowly raise his right hand and hit a ring again.


  With a light finger, a dark blue space crack appeared in the air behind him with a high-definition, like a wild beast who opened his bloody mouth swallowing the flames that Kirian spurt, until he was exhausted.

  When the flames are all swallowed, the space cracks quietly shrink and dissipate.

  Under Kirian's resentful and fearful gaze, Jack slowly turned around and said indifferently: "Looking for death?"

  When Jack's indifferent and godly silver eyes stared at Kirian, Kirian was instantly creepy, and a sense of crisis of death came from everywhere. Without any hesitation, Kirian quickly rushed to the edge of the oil ship, preparing to flee.

  Jack did not stop and watched indifferently.

  When Kirian rushed to the edge of the ship, Tony cursed as he realized that the other side wanted to escape. Without his deliberate command, several sets of steel armors flew to the front of Kirian under the control of Jarvis, blocking his way.

  "Get out of the way!" Kirian violently slammed his fists to the steel shirt in front of him. In front of Kirian, there was the "Mark 24 Tank", a heavy-duty combat armor with high defense, but in anger. Kirian's attack with a heavy punch was directly thrown out.

  But the rest of the steel suits quickly rushed over. When Kirian was angry and smoldering fire, the high-temperature was in front protecting him, but then, the speed of Mach 5 like an electric light flint was Flashing around Kirian, constantly firing energy blast from its hands giving Kirian a gloomy surprise.

  But it has not yet reached a fatal blow. Kirian, who has suffered a series of attacks, madly slammed into the "Mark 40" and turned it into two halves.

  Although two consecutive sets of steel battle suits fell in the face of Kirian, but also delayed the time, so that the remaining dozens of steel armors all flew around Kirian, surrounded him.

  "Ah!!!" Kirian made an unwilling roar, constantly kicking, slashing, spitting out a group of flames, rudely solved several steel armors, but could not hold on on the face of a large number of intensive attacks, even though the extremist virus has a strong self-healing ability, Kirian cannot withstand such firepower, as he started crumbling.

  Tony wearing his nano armor fell from the sky to the ground, watching Kirian, who was attacked by the group, could not help but laugh out loud: "Haha, how, my family is very enthusiastic? do you like this rain of bullets?"

  hearing Tony's ridicule,

Kirian was angry and stood up, once again in a state of mad counterattack, slammed open the front of the steel shirt, and then quickly rushed toward Tony.

  Tony immediately shot his energy beam from his palms in one fell swoop, but Kirian greatly enhanced the reaction nerve with the extremist virus, with his flexible body he quickly escaped all the attacks made by Tony and rushed to him.

  When Kiriyan screamed fiercely and made a fire-breathing action, Tony only had time to step back.

  When the flame sprang from the mouth of Kirian, Tony could only watch the hot flames invade him!


  An energy shield appeared in front of Tony in time to help him block the high-temperature flames that could cause damage.

  Tony turned his head and looked at Jack, who was not far away. Jack looked at them with a normal look, as his right hand still held a snapping position.

  At this time, Tony noticed that it seems that from Jack's appearance to the present, Jack used the attack methods he had never seen before. Tony subconsciously guessed that it was one of the hidden abilities of Jack, but The blue light that filled the right hand was so familiar, so Tony suddenly thought of the mysterious universe cube.

  Recalling that after the New York war, Jack took the universe Rubik's Cube, Tony immediately reacted, Jack, mastered the universe Rubik's Cube!

  SHIELD spent half a century without understanding the universe Rubik's Cube, and now it was actually mastered by Jack?

  Just as Tony was deeply shocked, Jack spoke coldly, and his tone was hard to reveal a trace of impatience: "It's really troublesome."

  The right hand waved as a blue light mixed with some purple shrouded Kirian's body. The next moment, a sharp energy blade formed. With a wave of light, the energy blade flew out and separated into countless energy blades of the same scale in the process of shooting out. Attacked Kirian!

  Then... Kirian enjoyed a thousand years of torture, without even having the time to react. he was cut into countless pieces and scattered all over the place, and it wasn't the end as the scattered pieces of meat turned into powder, and magical a small gust of wind came out of nowhere and scattered the last trace of Kirian existence.

  "Oh..." Tony saw such a bloody and violent picture, made his face stiff. Sure enough, Jack is still the ferocious guy...

  Being cut into countless pieces, then turned to ash, even if the extremist virus is arrogant, it can't make Kirian revive.

  After a slap with his hands, a space crack appeared under the wreckage of Kirian, and the wreckage of Kirian was sent to an unknown corner of the universe by Jack.

  After solving Kirian, Jack put down his right hand, and the blue-purple light on his hand gradually dimmed and finally disappeared.

  Jack regained his taciturn and looked at the distance empty and innocent universe.

  Seeing that Jack did not pay attention to him, Tony did not have the gut to provoke killing God. He rushed to the cabin and saved Pepper.

  As soon as she was loosened, Pepper cried on Tony. "Tony, I am so scared! My body seems to have a problem!"

  As Pepper cried and didn't notice that her body temperature was rising, Tony, wearing armor, obviously felt that his partner was getting hotter and hot, and the steel armor was so hot that they could not withstand such high temperatures. The alarm sounded, Tony quickly and comfortably said: "Relax! Calm! You don't have to worry, I will cure you, I promise!"

  After Tony continued to persuade, Pepper finally stabilized her mood. Feeling that Pepper's body temperature gradually dropped to the extent a normal people should have, Tony couldn't help but sigh with a cold sweat.

  When Tony helped Pepper out of the cabin and came to the deck, he looked at Jack.

Jack once again said goodbye, just like two years ago...

  Tony thought a little embarrassedly, suddenly, a voice was uploaded overhead.

  "Hey, Stark, can you put me down?"

  The US president who was slightly depressed and suspended was anxiously shouting.

  Tony: "...OK, I will save you, Mr. President."