adsorbing the R.S(Reality Stone)

Jack's eyes looked at the realistic gems in front of him. Instead of extending the right hand that blended the space gem, he put his left hand into the gap.

  In the next second, the reality stone is like a beast that found his prey. It went to his arm like a myriad red snake wrapped around Jack's left arm and quickly infiltrates into his skin!

  Jack can clearly feel that the reality atone quickly spreading all over his body trying to occupy every corner of his body until it reaches every corner of his body, completely encroached by R.S. Surging energy.

  Soon, the reality gem all infiltrated into Jack's body and began to extract the vitality of Jack with hunger. Jack can feel that his vitality is constantly being devoured, and he is ruthlessly swallowed by the reality gem.

  Jack, who has the dog talisman, naturally has endless vitality to supply realistic gem. He will not become weak because of the decay of vitality.

  However, this does not stump Jack. Even if the dog talisman supply is endless, it only provides vitality to supplement the realistic gem, satisfying the needs of the realistic gem. At best, it is only the right to use the realistic gem, and Jack is not satisfied with this. What is needed is to thoroughly grasp the reality stone.

  The reality stone has been sealed for a long time, and now it has been freed. It is staying in Jack and feeling the endless vitality on his body, it naturally started increasing the speed of extracting vitality. Jack feels that the speed of devouring his vitality has increased, but he still doesn't care as long as he has the dog talisman he can satisfy the appetite of the reality stone, opening a space door. Going to directly to the sun, then sat in a lotus position.

  In the body, the endless vitality of the dog talisman is constantly supplementing his lost vitality, at the same time the reality stone increased it's devouring speed.

  When Jack was in deep meditation, he found himself in a world full of dark red fluids. The dark red fluid rushed in from all directions and was overwhelmed by Jack.

  This is a scene in which the reality gem appears in Jack's consciousness and seems to show Jack's supreme power.

  Jack looked at the dark red fluid like a big wave, and couldn't help but sneer out: "you want me to submit? I let you know who is the master!"

  As soon as the voice fell, Jack's chest appeared eleven zodiac totems in the middle the C.S shines with a soft chaotic light plus the bright blue space stone that keep turning around it also shone with a bright blue light.

  Tiger talisman lights up! The power of balance that symbolizes the charm of the tiger is launched!

  The next moment, the imposing "dark red waves" suddenly settled, then retracted like the tide of the sea, gradually gathered and contracted, and finally condensed into a red ellipse!

  Seeing this, Jack couldn't help laughing. The tiger charm did not disappoint him. As a force that can balance the other eleven talismans, the side reflects that its power is significantly higher than the other eleven talismans.

  Perhaps the tiger talisman has no destructive power of the dragon talisman, and there isn't the speed of the rabbit talisman to run fast, but it has the power to balance all powers!

  Even the infinite stones, the most powerful cosmic treasure in the world, is now properly conquered by the tiger charm and is controlled to solidify into an elliptical gem of the same size as the space gem, such as bloody and glamorous colors.

  The realistic gems floated in front of Jack, waiting for Jack's collection.

  The space gem was like a small planet turning around the C.S as if it is the center of all rules.

  When he reached out and grabbed it, the reality gem was taken to him by his mind power, and then he slowly absorbed it to his soul next to space stone, slowly hovering around the C.S like the S.S, while the twelve talismans are like guardians, protecting them.

  The reality gem is integrated into Jack as if it was inlaid there, but it seems so natural, like being born to be there.

  In reality, Jack fiercely opened his eyes and stood up.

  Jack's dark eyes gradually turned into deep amber, full of deterrence, and the original pig charms strengthened the eyes so that Jack's eyes were completely transformed into silver full of charm and lightning. Anyone who would look at his eyes will lose his fighting spirit, and those who are not determined can be directly killed by his WILL!

  For his own eye changes, Jack did not know much unless he took a look at the mirror, but he did not care about these superficial changes, he paid more attention to substantive changes.

  As soon as the mind moved, countless dark red fluids slowly flowed out of the body, floating around Jack, and with the thought of Jack, became the appearance of things.

  This is just a simple use of coagulation. Just like Jack's energy shield and energy blade made of space stone, the R.S can easily do this, and it can automatically sense when there is a danger approaching, automatically cover him to protect him, like his ultra instincts.

  However, these are just small means. What Jack wants to experience is the power of reality stone(R.S) to change reality!

  Realistic gems can realize people's dreams just like the dragon balls. All scientific codes and laws of nature are meaningless in front of them. Even if they are ridiculous, they can be turned into reality!

  With a wave of his right hand, the space crack leading to the dimension space appeared, and Jack took a light step to his home as he looked at the girls looking at him with worry and anxiety once they saw his amber silver eyes that flash red sometimes.

  When Jack came to his home and looked at the four worried girls, his heart softened as he went and hugged.

"well, there is no need to worry I am alright"

Sophia looked at Jack and said: "Jack what happened to you, you suddenly disappeared and when you came back your eyes kept changing from silver to red, you really scared us"

the three nodded in worry.

Jack who didn't know this was surprised as he opened his hand and red light flashed, a mirror appeared in front of him, he looked at his eyes that change from red to silver and so on, he was surprised for a second, but he just closed his eyes as he relaxed his body and moments later he opened his eyes, they looked as deep as the universe with stars reflecting from them, but there is no more red in them.

Jack looked at his four women, a gentle yet devilish smile appeared on his lips as he hugged them and went to the bedroom to do shameful moves and acts, minutes later tempting sounds came from the room as the scream and pleading of the four girls for more can be heard everywhere.


  In the corner of the universe, a huge spaceship is floating quietly.

  Inside the spaceship, a thin-skinned person stood motionless on the bridge with a covered helmet attached to a strange device.

  The helmet gradually opened to the sides, revealing a pale, blue thin face on the right side while the other side was black, without a trace of blood, pointed ears and shiny blue eyelids, and white long hair, his Height is about 6' 9", indicating that this humanoid creature is not human, if Jack was here he would be chocked, because the dark elf Malekith here look exactly like the one in the comic books.

  Dark elf! The user of reality stone, the evil races that attempted to fill the universe with darkness, this is the leader of the dark elves, who survived thousands of years. Malekith the Accursed.

  Malekith seemed to have sensed something, which in turn woke him up from the spacecraft's survival device, stood in front of the cab's observatory with a blank face, looking at the vast starry sky, and carefully perceived the breath that awakened him. Moments later he original blank face was replaced by boundless ecstasy!

  Malekith looked at the dark elves, who were also awakened on the ship, and said in a strange elf language: "Ether particles awaken us..."

  One dark elf came out from their respective living devices, consciously arranged into a neat queue, the body of the black armor, looking at it, dense, black pressure, magnificent, especially with there muscular blue bodies!

  The dark elf army that has slept for countless years, when Jack took out the reality stone from the different space, was completely awakened.

  The standby spacecraft restarts and Malekith perceives the unique energy fluctuations of the R.S, moving toward the planet where it is located - Earth, at full speed!


  Jack naturally does not know that the evil dark elf army is approaching the earth step by step. Although he has seen the movie, he knows that the dark elf will sense the real gem, but at this moment he does not have the heart to think about those things, hugging Sophia tightly on the other side Ivy was like a flexible snake hugging him tightly and refuses to let, as for Skye she is taking a shower she couldn't handle the up and down of Jack, and for Anna(A.18) she is preparing dinner after Jack satisfied her.

  For a long time, Jack's mood stabilized, gently let go of his hand, and asked: "Sophia, do you feel that your body is wrong?"

  Jack's silver-white hair and vicissitudes from his deep starry silver eyes deeply attracted Sofia's heart. Sophia sighed: "Jack you have matured a lot, faster than us"

  Sophia's doesn't know how to describe her feeling right now, before she met Jack she was a beautiful woman who hid behind her glasses and books, only when she met Jack did she realize how beautiful life can be with a lover who would always be there for you, but in her deepest part of her heart she is afraid that someday she will be left alone, that is why she is desperately doing her best.

  Jack who felt her worry sighed as he said: "yeah Sophia time can change a lot of things but not my heart so you don't have to worry about anything, as long as I exist I will never let you go in this life, not you and not the other girls so don't worry" at the end he smiled gently as he hugged both Sophia and Ivy.

Ivy who was listening smiled sweetly: "yeah Sophia don't worry if he left you, we avenge you then leave him"

Sophia felt warm when she heard Ivy, as for Jack his heart cooled down a little bit, he really couldn't understand how her thought flipped faster than he could perceive, especially since he could read there mind.

Jack hurriedly stood up and run to take a 'shower' before he says something that may be used against him.

the two girls looked at the running Jack and laughed as they both went to take a shower.


  Jack who finished his shower and went straight to the dining room for dinner, although his body is strong and doesn't need food to maintain it, he still enjoys the worm sight of his wives eating and laughing.

  the next day, Jack woke up and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, after he finished he went to his wives as he gently woke them up, they were still sleepy because the toasting they had with Jack late at night, they were exhausted, they all looked at Jac with resentment, Jack who says all this sighed as he used his killer to escape: "Ok don't get angry, today I will take you all for shopping".

Once they heard him, they all cheered up as they stood excitedly.

Jack who saw this said: " there is no need for hurry, go eat your breakfast"

as he finished they all got and washed there face as they went to eat, after they finished, Jack used the R.S cleaning everything on the table and return them to there place, then he looked at the girls who wanted to change their clothes, he said: "girls, there is no need to go and change clothes"

the girls looked at Jack with a white look as Skye said: "then do you want us to go out naked like this" as she said she raised her chest higher as she looked at Jack like a queen questioning her man, the other girls did the same thing and because they are only wearing their panties, and not just normal one but the sexy black, red and white ones, tempting Jack even more for another round, Jack who has terrifying WILL power suppressed his desire as he said: "No, this is not what I mean.. Ok stop the more I talk, the more you will misunderstand" once he finished his eyes flashed a red light and a red fluid come out of Jack and turned into countless floating red particles, surrounded Jack and the naked girls. the red particles quietly condensed into clothes...

Jack simply used the R.S to materialize the clothes on their bodies.

  Sophia and the others looked at their clothes, a white short lining on the upper body. with a blue jacket on the outside, comfortable jeans, and a group of light blue canvas shoes on their feet. A surprise.

  And Jack's gray-black coat, also turned into a casual suit, although it is also a black style, the temperament is completely different, if the previous Jack looks like immortal, now is a handsome young man with a mature charm, even the bright silver-white hair added a few unique temperaments.

  Jack finished the whole suit jacket, and he couldn't help but give a glimpse at the power of R.S. although he can also materialize the clothes, it is not this easy, he need calculations and gather the particles in the air or use his own divine energy as a source, but the R.S rudely and directly changed the law and materialized the clothes with just a thought.

  One thought dressing, the R.S is really convenient...

  If the dark elves know that Jack is playing with the R.S, he uses it to change the power of reality, and create clothes for him and his wives, Malekith must be mad.

  The girls looked at the mature and stable Jack, and they couldn't help but feel a bit stunned. Jack's pair of majestic silver eyes with a touch of red made their heart beat faster. They feel a bit more fearful or more obsessed...

  "Your eyes... really nice, silver-red like color, feels mysterious..." Sophia said as a nightmare.

   Jack realized that his twilight had been influenced by the R.S and turned into a charming and deterrent silver-red. This made Jack somewhat troubled, and he was not disgusted, but this makes his eyes more dangerous. If he is angry, he may actually do "kill with just eyes"

  The heart controls the power of the R.S, letting it converge on its own eye. Then, Jack's color on the pupil dims down, although it's still silver-red, it's not so conspicuous, so it's awkward.

  Taking a look at his wives he couldn't help but feel prideful to make there heart beat faster for him, so Jack chuckled: "We are leaving." as he finished he went out and each of his side two women accompany him.

  Instead of using space gems, they so simply walked along the streets of London...