The darkness struck, the godfather returned!

When Jack and his wives walked down the street, they still caught the attention of many people.

  Among them, some of them are ordinary pedestrians, mainly attracted to Jack. I have to say that Jack's divine field was like a magnet always attract people wherever he goes, the waist is straight, radiant, and extraordinarily spirited.

  Especially the strange silver-white hair and silver eyes that sometimes flashes red make him very temperament. With the black suit, the rate of return is rising, and some women frequently cast deep meaningful glances on him, but only Jack ignored it directly.

  In addition, there is a secret agent sent by the SHIELD to monitor Jack's daily life. As a key concern of the SHIELD, naturally, agents are dispatched to monitor. Although Jack is aware of the existence of these agents, and always use magic to hide his true self and his wives so they only see him in a miserable way, but as long as they do not bother him, he is too lazy to care.

  After seeing Jack change to his normal state and restore his former self-confidence, he was accompanied by the "long-lost" Sophia and other three new girls. The secret surveillance agent secretly filmed the scene and sent it to Fury to report the situation.

  When Fury received the information from his men, he watched Sophia, who was supposed to have died by his side, standing beside Jack, and could not help but feel a sigh of relief. Then he looked up with a dignified look: "Did Jack master the power of death? ?"

  At the thought of this shocking speculation, Fury's heart was soaring, and it could not calm down for a long time. When the line of sight turned to the image to reproduce the high-mindedness of the gods, the heart was calm again, some relieved, some hope, he said in a small voice: "Welcome back, godfather." as for the other women he didn't care or he didn't dare to investigate them.

  In the same way, Jarvis also reported Jack's situation to Tony for the first time. Tony looked at Jack, who was no longer decadent on the screen. He was very happy. "you finally came back, and with four chicks, stinky boy."

  Jack took the girls to the city of London. The architecture of London is not unusual. It is only after three years, and then go shopping together. all of them cherish this leisure and everyone held their hands tightly, not loosened.

  In the next few days, the five were completely satisfied on this trip to London. Jack took them to visit London's famous tourist attractions, the British Museum...

  After nearly a week, they traveled all the famous tourist attractions in London. all of them have food attributes. It is essential and impressive to go to Chinatown in the UK and go to Chinatown every day. Enjoy the unforgettable Chinese cuisine.

  "Jack, I want to go back." Sophia suddenly had some sorrow, and the girls also agree with her, Jack knew that she missed New York and her parents, so he replied without thinking: "Okay, we have turned London upside down, and it is time to go back."

  Sophia nodded happily and grabbed Jack's arm.

  The right hand took a virtual stroke and opened a space portal. Jack took Sophia and the girls and crossed the space door.

  Looking at the familiar bustling scenery, Jack turned his head and saw Sophia very happy and excited showing her place to the other new girls beside Skye. He also smiled from the heart, as if responding, muttering to himself: "I am back..."


  Sophia returned to her house that night with the other girls, after all, she had left her parents for three years, although in her parents' impression, their daughter had not left.

  No need to take the initiative to contact, when seeing Sophia and the other girls take the subway to the Hell's Kitchen, Fury told the female agent who was disguised as Sophia to return to the team, so, quietly, Sophia and the female agent did a "transfer."

  Of course, before Sophia and the other girls returned, Jack set a space coordinate on them with the power of space gems. Once in danger, Jack would sense it and rush there immediately, although she is already stronger than before Jack left, especially her telekinesis that she always use back in London with the other girls, and the physical strength that Jack granted her with his magic, made her rank up at the top of strong people if you added his other wives, of course there is Anna the former A.18 who can literally destroy earth if she wanted, and she is like a big sister to all of them, also the only one who can keep up with Jack on bed ;), but here is marvel although it is M.U.C, it is still Marvel and danger is everywhere, especially after Jack started feeling something weird about here, since he absorbed the R.S if started feeling as if the entire universe is upgrading or something, and he doesn't dare to gamble.

  After Sophia went back, Jack returned to his home, immediately he started to a cleanup, cleaned the house clean, and then used his ability to move all the things in the cabin back to their original place.

  With the help of his speeding power + his mind power, Jack did not take long to restore the home to its past glory. Sitting on the sofa in the living room and looking at the familiar environment, Jack was in a calm mood, he closed his eyes and started floating as he crossed his legs in a lotus position meditating, and like this time passed.

at night,

  Jack stood up, went to the bathroom, stood in front of the washstand, and carefully looked at his present appearance through the mirror.

  "Oh... it seems that I grew somewhat old." Jack touched his chin, although his face look young and beyond handsome but his eyes that are as clear and deep betrayed his age, giving him a unique temperament, but one thing is sure no one would there to look down on him.

  The dog talisman + the serum + the hakai law has stopped Jack age growth and I mean by that, is that he is literally 20 years old even in appearance and bone age.

  Although Sophia and the other girls do not care, Jack does not want to be young while his other wives grew older.

  Suddenly remembered the real gem, Jack suddenly had an idea, he directly said: "Reality stone, let my wives stay as young as me and never grew older, or die!"

  Imagine their appearance in their 20, and then the dark red particles of the R.S + S.S flashed and then disappeared, at first a slight fluctuation on space appeared then the red particles disappeared in this fluctuation like a stone that was thrown on the water.


Sophia parent's home,

right know everyone had dinner and the girls are all having a night girls talking and laughing, sometime they laugh at Jack behavior and sometime they talk about there experience on there world, until they saw a red particle coming out of nowhere and then disappeared, all this passed in lightning speed leaving them no room to prepare, they all looked frightened, but soon they all found that their appearance become younger and there skin become smooth and white, all of them jumped to look at the mirror, seeing there appearance, there mouth opened wide, making them look cute, Ivy looked at all this, because she is one of the youngest and said: "Anna, Skye you look a lot more beautiful than before, and what was that red light, was it, Jack"


After solving this problem, Jack didn't know the reaction of his women or he would regret it not filming it, he just returned to the living room and walked to the window to look out. The people on the street came and went bustling, and did not see that there had been an invasion and destruction of aliens here. Three years later, New York People have gradually stepped out of the shadows and actively enjoyed life.

  To a certain extent, Jack is not enough for these surviving citizens to be strong and optimistic...

  Looking at this scene of prosperity and peace, Jack could not help but feel a little emotion: "It's so good..."

  Jack thought that this leisurely and stable day could last for a while, but shortly after he returned to New York, on the morning of the third day, Jack looked up at the sky, and the silver pupil was full of dignity.

  Now Jack is more and more sensitive to the feeling of danger, and the infinite stones have also strengthened him, so he felt the first time that there is a danger.

  Sure enough, When Jack stared at the sky, he saw a black spot in the distance and it grew bigger. When it was close, the "black dot" finally revealed its true color. A magnificent black spaceship!

  Looking at this sudden spaceship, normal people can see that it is definitely not to make friends, the momentum is attacking, and obviously, the visitors are not good.

  There was an experience of alien invasion, and all the people who saw the spacecraft suddenly fled in panic.

  Jack eyes coldly watching the spaceship parked in the air, murderous and earthly: "Dark Elves..."

  Jack almost forgot, the dark elves will definitely wake up after sensing reality gem leave the space, and the dark elves will not give up the recapture of the R.S!

  The Dark Elves only know a little bit of a way to use the R.S. What qualifications do they have compared with Jack who really masters the R.S.

  Jack's face was covered with cold color, and the rich murder gradually spread out from the body.

  Want to take away the R.S? I will let you have no chance to even dream about it!

  Jack's slowly flew into the air to the spaceship, in the process of flying, the clothes on his body are turned into powders little by little under the force of R.S, and then quickly reconstituted into a familiar uniform...

  When Jack flew directly in front of the spaceship, across the glass of the observatory, he had already completed his superhero battle uniform.

  I am back!