The Dark Elves Despair

Jack floated in front of the Dark Elves' spaceship, standing proudly, and the familiar speedster suit was re-applied to the body, showing the mighty domineering of the past.

  When Jack resumed the image of the past and flew into the air, some people noticed his appearance in the evacuated crowd. Some people were puzzled and others recognized it.

  "Who is that?"

  "It seems quite familiar..."

  "It is the godfather! Superhero godfather!"

  "He is back!"

  Gradually, more people recognized him, and their face was full of excitement and ecstasy, cheering and shouting, even those who were puzzled and heard the other suddenly realized and followed by cheers.

  Although Jack has been missing for three years, not everyone has forgotten him. At this moment, they are all excited about his return, as if he is a kind that brings them a peace of mind.

  Hearing the joy and thunder underneath, under the helmet, Jack accepted the warm welcome of the masses, but only a slight arc on the corner of his mouth, indicating his inner joy.

  call out--

  The golden and red iron man rushed to the side, flew to Jack, the helmet opened, revealing Tony's cynical face.

  With a glance at the spaceship in front of him, Tony showed that he was still indifferent and smiled. "When you come back, you will encounter such a big gift. Your welcome ceremony is really unique."

  Jack turned his head and looked at Tony. He shrugged and replied: "No way, although I have been away for a while, my popularity is still so high. You see, people are cheering for me are still more than you."

  Hearing Jack's tone, Tony finally let go of his heart. He heard the voice of "Godfather" on the ground shouting louder than "Iron Man". He couldn't help but be depressed: "Cut, obviously I've been there all the time. But you have been missing this 3 years and just returned, but your population..."

  The two talked side by side as if they were not putting the huge spaceship in front of them, which made the dark elves in the spacecraft command a little angry on the face of Malekith, and said coldly: "Open the cabin door!"

  The cabin door of the spacecraft slowly opened. Malekith stood at the door of the cabin. Behind them were countless dark elf soldiers. Each person's intentions gathered into a strong gas field, which was like a mountain top.

  In the face of this invisible pressure, Tony could not pretend to be calm, wear a helmet, and all weapons entered the state of being launched at any time, watching the enemy with dignity.

  Jack silently looked at the headed Malekith, the silver pupil was shining and shrinking, filled with boundless murderous and puzzlement, but he still looked at them like a high-spirited god defying a group of ants.

  Malekith hoarse voice, cold and succinct: "Human, you do not deserve to have the ether particles, hand over the ether particles, I will allow you to become a member of the dark elves."

  hearing him, Tony could not help but vomit: "Hey, what have you taken?"

  This sentence is said to Jack. From the words of Malekith, it is not difficult to hear that he came to Jack, so Tony could not help but ask Jack.

  Jack did not answer Tony's question, his eyes were still so cold, but his mouth was followed by the unfairness: "You shouldn't be curious about why this little white face is talking fluent English? Is it the universal language in the universe?"

  "Haha, it seems like this is the case..." Tony said that he was very curious when he heard Jack. This looks like a dark elf of the Earth. How can you speak English? Is there English in their educational subjects?

  Oh, the creatures of the universe seem to speak English...

  Malekith heard that Jack was ridiculous and his tone was even colder. "Human, I advise you to hand over the etheric particles, that is not yours!"

  "Hey, you only use a little bit of strength, you think you can control the power of the etheric particles." Jack looked at him coldly.

Taunted: "You actually have a face saying that the ether particles are yours?"

  "You angered me, human!"

  Malekith raised a hand and made a virtual grasp. "Since you are not willing to hand over the etheric particles, I will get it back."

  Malekith looked cold and decided to take the etheric particles back and immediately kill the small human beings.

  But the next moment, Malekith face changed. He found that he couldn't move the etheric particles out of Jack's body. The etheric particles seemed to be rooted in this human being, and there was no response!

  How can it be! Did the ether particle acknowledge this weak creature? Do not! This is impossible!

  Jack embraced his hands, and his eyes were full of ruthless sarcasm.

  Malekith roared out in disbelief: "You thief! This is the treasure of our dark elf, how can you get it's approval! What tricks do you play, it belongs to me!"

  In the face of the irrational Malekith, Jack just sneered back. "Who said this to you? Oprah Winfrey?"

  Malekith ignored the ghost of "Oprah Winfrey" and lost control of the etheric particles, which made him extremely angry and fearful, shouting hysterically: "All soldiers! Kill for me this human! Recapture the etheric particles !"

  As soon as the voice fell, the dark elf soldiers behind Malekith moved to the negative area of ​​the spacecraft. Several people took a small battleship and flew out of the spaceship.

  Looking at dozens of battleships flying out of the spaceship, Tony suddenly nervous, and all the weapons and equipment on the steel shirts came out and fired.

  However, Tony found that Jack was unmoved, and he calmed down a lot of things, but he still reminded him: "There are people on the ground!"

  When he heard Tony's words, Jack didn't seem to be anxious, and he looked at the shocked Tony and said: "A group of small fish."

  After that, the right-hand light up with a blue light, and suddenly there is an extremely unstable black hole in front of each of the fast-flying warships. Most of the warships have no time to turn around, and they have slammed into the "death black hole" and were crushed and torn. Into pieces!

  With just one wave, the Dark Elf army lost more than a third of its strength!

  Malekith was furious and said with hatred: "All weapons fire at him! Shoot him into pieces!"

  The order was conveyed to all the small warships. Upon receiving the order, the dark elf soldiers responsible for driving the battleship did not hesitate to launch the weapons loaded on the battleship, all aimed at Jack launching the attack!

  In the face of the overwhelming gunfire launched by the overwhelming battleship, in the rain of energy weapons, Jack is still so dangerously calm. When all attacks are close to the range of 10 meters, the R.S has played its advantage "loyally protecting the Lord", dark red quicksand rushed out of the body and turned into a huge red shield that protected Jack's whole body.

  The continuous ammunition firearms hit the protective cover of the R.S, but they were all in vain, completely unable to break through the defense of the reality gem.

  Seeing the red shield of Jack's body, Malekith's eyes almost spurted out the fire, and violently yelled: "thief! thief! You are equipped with the power of the etheric particles!"

  "Hey," Jack smiled coldly, his voice full of disdain. "I have to let you know what is despair!"

  The dark red shield suddenly exploded, and the real gem was released by Jack and unscrupulously, turning into a dark red quicksand that fluttered in the sky, and instantly formed a red sea that covered the sky, and all the warships were "submerged".

  Under the deliberate control of Jack, all the small warships except the spaceship that was spared, all under the impact of the R.S burst, turned into ashes!

  Malekith looked at his army with a dull look, his feet were out of control, his feet were still unstable, and the whole person was unable but to fall backward. He sat on the floor of the spaceship without any proud image. He still said: "This impossible..."

  Tony, who served as a watcher, was also scared and stunned. Only three years ago, Jack has become so powerful, which makes the proud Tony feel extremely frustrated.

  Retrieving the dark red quicksand that floated in the air, Jack looked at Malekith indifferently.

  Infinite stones are the treasures of the Marvel universe. Each one is not to be underestimated. Even if it is weakened, it is not as terrifying as the comic version, and it is still the most extraordinary artifact. Not to mention that the moment Jack absorbed them the C.S remove the limitation the universe imposed on them allowing them to return to there peak.

  Jack, who has mastered two infinite gems, is invincible, especially with his original strength. Unless it is the same level of strength or holds other infinite gems, it cannot pose a threat to him.

  At this moment, Jack's invincible position is deeply imprinted in the hearts of every spectator...