Limiter is removed

Thinking of Thanos and his powers, the ultimate Boss, Jack cannot help but flash a hint of haze.

  Although he couldn't catch up with the Avengers 3 when he passed through, Jack still knows more about the role of tyrants from some comics and fan fiction.

  With unsurpassed power, endurance, resilience and agility, the skin is almost indestructible, immune to most mental attacks, and has knowledge that goes far beyond Earth technology.

  The strength of the tyrant itself can be regarded as one of the most powerful people in the world of Marvel. There is also a huge army. There are so many people in the world, and the number of people who are in the world is so great. Even with his current strength, he does not dare to say that there is 100% confidence if there is a mutation.

  Now that Jack has got two infinity gems, he will never be able to hand it out, and fighting with Thanos is but a matter of time.

  Seeing Jack talking and suddenly stopped, Tony screamed: "Hello? What are you thinking?"

  Going back to God, Jack smiled and laughed at himself. The tyrant has not come yet. I am afraid of him and I am not confident about myself.

  Jack returned to calm, did not show a trace of sorrow, said with a chuckle: "Nothing, let's talk about it, you have seen the power of infinity gems, space gem can let me master the power of space, like teleport, transfer these are a trivial matter, as for the real gem... So let's just say, it's like Aladdin's lamp, which fulfills my wish."

  Hearing Jack's metaphor of R.S, Tony is a little surprised and realizes his wish? What is the upper limit of this power?

  Just asking carefully, Jack stood up and walked out. "Don't ask, some things, I can't reveal too much for the time being. I can only remind you, Tony, be prepared, one day, the earth. Even the entire universe may have an unimaginable disaster."

  Opening a space door, Jack left the Stark Building, leaving Tony with a look of contemplation...


  The return of the godfather is like a little sporadic spark falling in the vast forests, turning into a raging fire, unpredictable, causing an uproar.

  It didn't take long for the major media newspapers to smell the bloody sharks and seize the big event of the "Godfather's Return". The Internet and newspapers and magazines are all about the "Godfather" news.

  In particular, some of the clever people took pictures of the battles at that time and spread them on the Internet to make people more aware of the power of the godfather. Not to mention some people who are suspicious and sick, the ordinary people saw the return of such a powerful superhero. Their heart was filled with security.

  When the familiar figure walks through the streets, the passers-by will always make a warm cheer.

  Everything is like going back to the past. Jack has never lost his heroic career and tried to maintain the order of the city.

  After Sophia and the girls went home to visit her parents. It is worth mentioning that although the agent appointed by SHIELD disguised as Sophia, it was indeed the "Sophia" who spent 3 Years, plus the time Sophia itself spent, unconsciously, Sophia actually graduated?!

  To tell the truth, Sophia was a bit embarrassed at the time. I felt that I was graduating and unreal.

  Fortunately, the agent that Fury arranged was also a schoolmaster. After disguised as "Sophia," she ended her career with a good result.

  What makes Sophia more annoyed is that after graduating, she went to Stark Industries to work as the new Secretary of peeper the CEO of Stark Industries.

  In this regard, Jack also knows that Tony and Fury arranged it. It was to facilitate the disguise of "Sophia", but now that Sophia is back, it is a bit troublesome.

  Unlike the savvy and capable agents who handle everything properly, Sophia has no experience with this job, so when she goes to work "as usual", it looks like a workplace, and many things are not handled well.

  Although when Sophia came back will have a small complaint, she still refused to admit defeat and tried to learn, finally reluctantly become familiar with this strange job.

As for the other girls everyone went to find a job and experience a normal life for a change, like Skye she is working in SHIELD, and this made Jack surprised at the power of plot fixer, while Poison Ivy opened a flower shop funded by Jack, Anna went to work as a librarian, watching over the books there at the same time reading all kinds of knowledge.

  However, every time Sophia's workplace secretary dressed up and got home from work, Jack always became very unfair, and personally examined the working status of the secretary, and the same thing happens for the other girls...

  The days seem to have restored the calm of the past.

  On this day, after Jack completed the heroic career of the day, he returned home and looked at the dark red quicksand drifting around him and fell into thinking.

  Although he got infinite gems, even if its power is so powerful, enough to make him invincible, Jack still believes his own spell.

  The spell is not much worst compared to the infinity stones, and the power is naturally upgrading with his promotion, but it is indeed the power of oneself, others can't take it, so it is necessary to compare, Jack pays more attention to his own talisman.

  Therefore, Jack is thinking, there is no way to strengthen his own talisman, after all, the power of the talisman can still keep up with his footsteps.

  Under the thought and analysis of his super brain, Jack also thought of the power of reality stone.

  Since R.S can fulfill the user's wishes and change the fantasy into reality, can it help him strengthen the power of the talisman?

  Thinking of this, Jack tried to say his wish: "R.s, strengthen the ability of twelve talismans on my body."

  The dark red quicksand suddenly rushed, but what puzzled Jack was that the R.S had been surging like this, but they did not see the next move. It seems that... it could not achieve this wish!

  Are you kidding? As one of the most powerful artifacts in the world of Marvel, it is said that it can change the realistic gem of all reality, and sometimes it will encounter the time when the desire cannot be realized.

  But the fact that such nonsense happened, the real gem really can't achieve this wish!

  I can't understand it.

  Jack analyzed as he thought about the reason, and finally came up with a very probable answer - because the talisman does not belong to this universe!

   After all, there is no way to explain this through the matter itself, but it is certain that the talismans do not belong to the world of Marvel, and the essence is different from this universe.

  Therefore, the R.S cannot affect the spells, if the reality gem has its own consciousness, it will certainly be depressed.

  Although Jack's desire to directly strengthen the spells through reality gem has not been realized, soon, Jack thought of another alternative.

  Jack took a deep breath and then solemnly said: "R.S, let my physical quality break through it limiter and free it!"

  The next moment, the dark red quicksand that surrounds Jack can't wait to get into his body. Jack can clearly feel that the R.S is fulfilling his wish, and the body is undergoing an unspeakable change as if there is a lock in the body. The R.S is destroying it.

  If you quote the setting of one punch man, it is that Jack broke through the limits of human beings, no not human Jack has already gone miles away from this title, he now has the genes of Superman + Thor + Frost Giants + Broly + Namek + Frieza + King Kai... all combined together by the C.S and under the power of R.S, it lifted his own limiter!

  From this moment on, although Jack still does not have any obvious change because he only lifted the limiter and still need to work hard to see where he can reach, but his potential is no longer limited by his own limits, and he has begun the path of evolution, and this is another way to strengthen the spell.

  The power of the spell depends on the user's potential. Jack knew that he was a "New human" being, and his potential was unlimited.

  "Sure enough." Jack feels deep in his soul. The power of the twelve spells is constantly improving. As the potential breaks down, the spells are like experience. For a long time, the power level suddenly "squats". Go up!

  What is the limit of the spell? Really looking forward to...

  Feeling the power of the spell is still rising, Jack is overjoyed, waiting quietly for the result, and touching his hair by the way.

  Fortunately, I have not become a bald headed man...