Black Shadow Corps

Although Jack made a wish to let the reality gem break his own limiter, there is no change on the surface.

  It is not that Jack's physical quality has become more powerful than that of Superman. He is still the original "human" physique, but the "lock" that binds the potential is opened and is no longer restricting him.

  Without any potential bottleneck, the power of the spell is naturally soaring, showing an unspeakable speed of ascension. Jack feels that he is constantly strong while waiting for the end of the spell to strengthen.

  Finally, in Jack, as if waiting for more than a century, the actual time was only about ten minutes, the speed of the spell's ascension gradually slowed down, and finally, it was stabilized at a level that Jack could not believe.

  The power of the spell has reached the end of it, and can no longer go further, at least, that's what he thought. No matter how Jack looks for anyway, the talismans can no longer make the slightest increase.

  However, when Jack carefully felt the power of the spell, he knew that he was really invincible this time.

  The power of the spell is completely motivated. The more intuitive one is the dog talisman. Every cell in the body stays active. Even the white hair is quietly restored to the lustrous black, filled with stars like a universe.

  Opening a space crack, Jack can't wait to rush into this easy-to-create dimensional space, but he has to experience how strong the perfect talisman is...


  Just as Jack was testing his power with great enthusiasm, in the distant Asgard Divine, King Odin came to the Rainbow Bridge and stood with the goalkeeper Heimdall.

  Heimdall still stood naked in the same place, the beautiful sword that served as the key to the transmission was inserted in the ground, and the dazzling amber pupil stared intently at the starry universe.

  "What's the matter? My king." Heimdall asked calmly.

  Odin holds the scepter of the symbol of the king of God, and is also his own artifact, standing majestically beside Heimdall, his face full of dignified color, said: "You should be able to see, Heimdall, that human being who got the space gem and reality gem."

  "Yes, I saw it," Heimdall replied indifferently. "How do you deal with it? My king."

  Odin pondered for a while, and some tiredly said: "No, I don't plan to do anything, Heimdall, I don't have much time."

  Hearing, Heimdall couldn't help but sigh. Even the high-ranking god Odin, after all, could not withstand the erosion of the years. Now, the king of the gods of the wise gods has little life.

  Heimdall knows what Odin is worried about, that is, the future of Asgard, Odin's life will come to an end, but the next king of the gods, Thor, has not yet grown up.

  Although Thor experienced a lot of up and down after an eviction, no longer, as before, he would only sneak with impulse, regardless of the consequences, and already know how to think twice, they all look in the eyes, they feel happy for Thor.

  However, Thor's mentality is mature, and his own strength has not reached the point of guarding the domain.

  Odin can become the king of the gods of the nine kingdoms so that the creatures of the nine kingdoms respect him. The most important thing is that he relies on his superiority. The strength of Odin is deeply imprinted in the hearts of every nine kingdoms. This has made the ambitious rulers of other countries jealous and dare not act rashly.

  If Odin dies, the prestige established by Odin will fall apart and lose its effect. All the enemies will tear away the false camouflage and set off a ruthless war. As the first of the nine kingdoms, Asgard will be the target of public criticism, ushered in the catastrophe.

  "Thor is not strong enough, not strong enough to protect Asgard, I believe he will reach it one day, but, my time is running out. "Odin's tone is mixed with a hint of embarrassment."

  Heimdall's eyes showed a sad feeling, saying: "Thor will not let us down, he will be a qualified king."

  "But it takes time, and I can't hold it to that day," Odin said slowly and with a heavy tone. "So, I need to find everything that can help Thor."

  "This Midgard is also one of them?" Heimdall suddenly realized.

  Odin was only looking at the starry sky in front, as if passing through countless light years, watching the blue earth. "Yes, the master of two infinity stones, the strength is beyond doubt, not only that, the planet's Others heroes, those who are known as the 'Avenger' with Thor, are also a little helpful, and there is the supreme wizard on the planet who hold the time gem."

  Having said that, Odin can't help but express his feelings: "It is clear that Midgard is just a planet under the ranks, but there are so many characters born, even the infinity gems are mostly concentrated on this planet. Is this planet subject to the universe? Blessing?"

  Odin doesn't know that he has an unintentional language. In fact, the truth is already in the same league...

  Heimdall asked coldly: "What about Loki? How are you going to deal with him?"

  When talking about Loki, Odin's eyes were lost, annoyed and embarrassed. After a moment of silence, Odin said: "I have always recognized Loki's ability and regard him as my own son. Unfortunately, he cares too much about himself. After his life, I thought that I would be mistaken again and again, but I still trust him."

  At the end of the day, Odin's tone gradually became firmer, as if he had made any decision. Heimdall heard the change in Odin's tone but did not speak out.

  "Heimdall, after I left, help me guard Asgard."


  The two quietly watched the universe full of stars...



  A space crack opened instantly, and Jack quickly ran out from the inside. It can be seen that the hot explosion behind him is spreading rapidly, as multiple planets exploded there. After leaving the dimension space, Jack rushed before the bursting fire surge. The space crack was closed dangerously.

  Jack was like a monk who just escaped a robbery patted his chest and shouted in the atmosphere, talking to himself: "I almost blasted myself, I didn't expect dragon talisman to achieve this power now."

  Just in the dimension space, he first experimented with other spells and put the most destructive dragon charm into the final test. The result was almost self-immolation. It was literally self-immolation. At that moment, he could feel the dragon talisman full of danger, though it can't kill him, he will definitely leave a deep impression on him.

  However, Jack finally got to know the full power of the spell, or so he thought. In fact the once the limiter has been removed from his body the most terrifying thing that happened is that his Saiyans genes and Superman genes started getting active more than before, and each one is supplementing the other one, one is absorbing the radiation from everywhere while the other is promoting the energy inside his body at a phenomenal speed, but one thing they do in common, and that is converting everything, into divine energy mutated with the Hakai and lightning law, in fact Jack never tried to use his divine powers because there is simply no one who is strong enough, to do so. When he thinks of it, Jack suddenly came to the mood. created his own speedster suit through R.S, and then printed on the uniform. A pattern.

  If you have seen "The Adventures of Jackie Chan", you will recognize it at a glance, this is the mask pattern that summons the Shadow Corps!

  The Black Shadow Corps left a deep image for many people, tireless, ecstasy, endless, and loyal...

  There are nine forms of the Black Shadow Corps, and Jack is in control of the most common ninja group.

  Jack did not use the power of the R.S, but chose a talisman he had never used - the mouse talisman!

  All along, Jack who encountered the enemy directly went positive without twisting, almost all of them were spiked, so the mouse spell is basically not useful, no use.

  The mouse spell can give life to the dead, to a static object, and even some god statues can be "resurrected", but the strength is not comparable to the real god.

  It's just that, once the mouse talisman reached the peak, it has become more powerful and more convenient.

  For example, the mask pattern that allows the summoning of black shadow regiment is not a physical object, just a pattern, but under the power of the mouse spell, suddenly there is life energy!

  Jack can feel that this mask pattern is not an ordinary image but really has a peculiar ability.

  When Jack put on the speedy war suit, he was slightly excited, and he called out in the middle of the second: "Come out my Shadow Corps!"

  In the next moment, on the wall, the ground, and all the shadows in the room, there were a bunch of people who were thin, red eyes, and a ninja costume. In an instant, the whole room was full of black ninjas, all the ninjas disappeared from the shadows, neatly bowed down to Jack, a loyal and sturdy gesture.

  Black Shadow Corps, arrive