Bumblebee comes to marvel

A small Allspark appeared in front of Jack floating slowly under his control.

Jack looked at this small cube with appreciation. He waved his hand as the space surrounding the cube fluctuated for a moment and disappeared the next moment with the Allspark. Once Jack throws the cube into the corner of his personal dimension were the Sun Harvester and energy cubes reside, ignoring the sluggish scientists whose minds were totally blown by the scene that happened in front of them, Jack opened a portal then 'woooop' disappearing in a flash, leaving only the shouts of people who returned to there senses after the portal almost closed.

Once Jack left, a team of armed agents arrived and looked at the scene in front of them with anger and anxiety, the huge cube disappeared without a trace.

(Agent)A. Simmons looked at the empty space with anger as he took a phone saying out loud: "f*ck..f*ck we are late, he already took the cube, report, he already took the cube"

from the phone, a sigh came out as the man said: "there is no need, he is someone who we can't even catch him with his power, come to the conference room, we will report the situation to the higher up"

A. Simmons retreated with anger and unwellness as he said: "Yes Sir"

he then looked at the remaining agents and said: "go back to your position "

Agents(in unified voice): "yes Sir"


outside the Milkyway, in the silent and endless void, a small crack on space appeared as it formed a space hole, a figure slowly walked out from the space door, he looked at the infinite universe with fascination, this figure is our MC Jack, you may wonder why is he here, and the answer is very simple and that is experimenting with the Allspark, Jack took the cube and looked at it with his spiritual mind trying to understand its mysteries, as time pass Jack face brightened until an hour passed, Jack opened his eyes as he looked at the Allspark with surprise, because from what he studied, the core program is a kind of "life LAW", and outside the core program is the command lines, or the manipulator to be exact.

There is four commands line, one is to give birth to the yin 'dark' (Decepticon), the other gives birth to the yang 'bright' (Autobots), and the other two are the simple commands for enlarging the cube and shrinking it back. Jack couldn't change its function at the moment, because he needs to understand the LAW that gives it this power or have a higher LAW that can tamper with its function, and this is something Jack has. The R.S. Jack closed his eyes for a moment, later he opened them and the once silver eyes started having a touch of red, making them look silver-red, too magical, and charming, leaving anyone who looked at them directly lost in them.

Inside the Allspark, the commands lines started changing, as Jack used the R.S. to make a little change on them. Now Jack can transform any dead machine into his minion, 'slave' in short, because he simply programmed them to obey his order unconditionally.


Jack looked at the Allspark, then he lifted his right hand and closed his eyes. Under the concentration of his mind, a surge of spiritual energy moved and a lot of molecules in space started stirring up under his movement.

A lot of molecules moved and slowly but surely a robot started forming from inside to outside, reaching the height of 100m, but there is no program in its system for it to run, but Jack created everything it needs to work, he even added the unlimited that A.18 has as the core.

Once he finished, Jack's mind moved as the Allspark appeared in front of him, Jack channeled his divine energy, as he guided it from the Allspark to the robot he created. The robot who was dead started moving as his black dead eyes turned on, making them look blue because of the surge of energy, the robot body started deforming in strange ways, from a robot to a spaceship, then he returned to a robot.

After a good amount of time the robot stopped as he looked at Jack, he bent down to his knee and said in a fanatic voice: "Master, your slave is at your service, please tell me if you have any orders"

Jack looked at the crazy robot who can't wait to worship him in surprise because from scanning the inside of the robot he found a strange life fluctuation coming from the core, and this proved that the robot has a soul of his own, and a new one at that.

seeing him still kneeling, Jack said in a calm voice: "get up, from now on your name is Adam, and you will be responsible for the future transformers, am I clear" as for why his voice can be heard in the universe which can't transmit sound, it was the feat of the R.S.

Adam stood up excitedly like a little kid who got his first phone. He said in high pitched voice: "Yes Sir, I am glad to have a name from you Master hehe"

Jack looked at the action of Adam with amusement, because from what he observed, Adam is like a little boy with a black tech. knowledge, genius mind, but actions that made him look like a kid, but the massive size made him look contradiction to what his mind is.

Jack said: "Ok Adam I am now going to send you to a special place, so don't struggle" when Jack said this he felt weird, like a middle-aged uncle who is trying to trick a little kid with a lollipop.

Adam didn't even think about it as he said with excitement: "Yes Master"

Jack nodded as he waved his hand, a blue-black portal appeared beside Adam swallowing him to Jack dimension. After he finished Jack didn't go back to earth but activated the C.S. returning back to MarvelC.U.

As for what happened to Transformers on earth, Jack didn't care too much, as he knew they will be happy to know that the Allspark is outside the reach of Decepticons, and their master is dead...


Marvel earth, New York,

In an empty room, space started vibrating as repel after the other appeared, Jack walked out from the portal and looked at the unchanged room, as if he had never left, because of the time difference between the two worlds, made the time on marvel almost static, Jack sighed at the magic of the C.S.


Wearing comfortable casual wear, Jack went to the nearest car shop without hesitation, and then carefully looked around the cars that were exhibited.

  Soon, he found his own goal, a yellow Kemero, the famous car in the movie "Transformers."

  That's right, this yellow Kemero is the same module of Carman "Bumblebee" in the movie, but there is no black pattern like the bumblebee, the whole car is yellow.

  However, what Jack needs is to restore the image of the bumblebee. At least the appearance of the car needs to be restored to the yellow-black color.

  There are no sh*tty salesmen like in the novels who look down on people because of there clothes. A well-dressed salesman saw Jack standing in front of the Kemero. He found that he had the intention to buy. He immediately stepped forward and introduced to Jack the performance of the car politely: "Mr. this one..."

  Before he started to describe the car, Jack took out the credit card directly and said carelessly: "I want it, swipe this card for me."

  The salesman was stunned and then smiled and immediately replied: "Okay, I will handle the procedure for you."

  Rarely encountering such a crisp and daring guest, the salesman naturally could not help but immediately go through the relevant procedures.

  As everyone knows, Jack is also a little bit smug this time as he thought 'I have long wanted to try to say something like this, so I can find a chance to pack a fine restaurant and have a candlelight dinner with the girls...' thinking of the envious reaction of the men when they see him hold four beauties at the same time, Jack couldn't help but go right now with the girls.

  Under the evil ability of money, Jack bought the car smoothly. He didn't even know that it was because of Tony or SHIELD. The owner of the car shop received a phone call so that Jack could drive the car away on the spot. And, galloping away in the eyes of everyone.

  Jack has never driven a car before, but with his inhuman respond to the nerves and coordination of the body, Jack quickly got started, and skillfully drove the car to an open construction site.

  The people at the construction site should all go off work, and there are no people around.

  After Jack got off the bus, he watched the "Bumblebee" lacking a black pattern. According to the image in memory, the shape and structure of the car changed with the help of the R.S.

  Under the influence of R.S, this Kemero not only became the familiar "Bumblebee" but also the structure has become the same as "Bumblebee".

  He took the Allspark and quietly launched its ability...

  Rumble -