Doubt His Existence

With a "squeaky" sound, the body of the yellow Kemero sports car began to flip and fold, showing a deformed state.

  After a few breaths, the yellow Kemero sports car is no longer in the form of a car, but the yellow robot in front of it -

  Autobot "Bumblebee"!

  I have to say that Hornet has always been a man among men in Transformers. Although he is not as powerful as the leader of the Autobot, Optimus Prime, who gives people a visual shock, it still does not reduce his charm. It is man's romance...

  You must know that when Jack was watching the Transformers movie on one hand, and on the other hand, because of the female host Megan Fox and the other two in part 3 and the final pa... cough, on the other hand, it was a bumblebee.

  The influence of Bumblebee is not inferior to that of Optimus Prime and Megatron. It can be said that to ask the characters of Transformers, most of them are about "Optimus Prime, Megatron, Hornet, and Red Spider". these Four are the well-known Transformers.

  After Bumblebee finished the deformation, somewhat not completely awake. The pair of bright and shining eyes squinted, raising his hands and touching their heads, and looked around in confusion, very thick.

  "Who are you! Where is it here! Help! There is no one!..."

  The cold, Bumblebee sent out a sharp female voice, with the sound of "sweet" in the middle.

  hearing this, Jack was a glimpse, then reacted, the Hornet is using the broadcast system to talk to him, it should be switched to a thriller story channel.

  Bumblebee's voice system was damaged in a certain battle, and then only rely on the connection to the broadcast system to switch the content in the channel to achieve the dialogue.

  "I am a hardworking ... little bee..." The channel switched again, switching to a certain song channel, listening to the crisp and tender child voice from the mouth of Bumblebee, Jack's face became very weird.

  Although Jack reluctantly heard that the first sentence of Bumblebee meant asking where he was, the second sentence should be... self-introduction?

  Hey, hard little bee...

  Jack helplessly supported his forehead and said, "Let's wait."

  Going forward, one hand on the body of Bumblebee, Bumblebee looked at the little creature curiously, not knowing what Jack wanted to do. Because the other party did not show malicious, the Hornet also allowed Jack to put his hand on him.

  Horse Talisman · The power of healing, start!

  Bumblebee suddenly felt mild current flooding the whole body. This is an unprecedented experience for his mechanical life. If you want Bumblebee to play a metaphor, then you should drink the 97th gasoline...

  However, the Hornet has not yet smoked No. 97 gasoline, so he can't find a suitable adjective. He can only be like a computer who was invaded by a virus, his whole mechanical body trembles slightly.

  This warm and comfortable feeling did not last long. Jack's hand stopped on bumblebee for less than ten seconds. He let go of his hand. When Jack stepped back and looked up at Bumblebee, he seemed to be inexplicably shocked. bumblebee's face is full of unsatisfied expression, obviously, he liked the feeling just now.

  Jack smiled faintly: "You can speak now and try."

  "Well?" Bumblebee also felt that his voice system seemed to be repaired. He tried to say a few words: "Hey? You... Ok? Hey! My voice is good?!"

  Bumblebee was shocked at once and kept talking like a child. The content was unconnected. It was funny to think of what to say.

  Jack is very proud to see the hornet's ecstatic appearance.

  horse's healing power has the "recovery" feature, which is enough to restore the hornet's voice system to normal, not to mention after Jack removed the limiter allowing the Talismans to have a second development, so now, the horse talisman is not only capable of that.

  The fully developed horse charm can eliminate all abnormalities and is no longer limited to the healing of biological genes.

It also completely immune to the effects of supernatural powers, such as magic, curses, and even the damage of infinity stones can quickly recover.

  Having said that, I have to mention the golden partner of the horse talisman - the dog talisman.

  As everyone knows, to have a true immortal body, dog talisman and horse talisman are indispensable.

  The horse spell can make the host cure automatically, but it can't make him immortal. Once the damage is more than its recovery speed, it must die. The dog talisman can make the host undead, keeping him youthful and energetic, but the injury will not heal itself. If you break your hand and even your head is gone, you will be alive, but you will experience profoundly what is better than death.

  As for the dog charm, it further strengthens the "undead" character, and Jack has become a true immortal existence - even the R.S. cannot erase his existence.

  Jack relied on the R.S to remove the limiter that shackled his body, so that the talismans are "fully" developed, and the development of the ultimate talismans has been able to withstand the power of R.S, so even if the R.S. is taken away, Jack doesn't need to fear it, not to mention his terrifying body without the help of all the Talismans.

When the limiter was removed Jack feels that his body potentials are unlimited, and he couldn't even feel where his limits lay right now, so that mean all the genes that have been absorbed by Jack(DC genes, dragon ball universe genes, marvel genes) and because the Chaos Stone removes the limitation the universe puts on their powers( one of the functions of C.S. is that it can shield the user from anything that brings harm to him or limit his abilities), so they were like beasts who were just freed from there cage, all they need to grow is food, the more they eat, the stronger they get, now Jack only need to train to get stronger, without having a bottleneck on his path, but right now the talismans have played a role in here, they fill Jack's body with power that can keep up with his development, although it is only energy, it feeds his cells, which allow them to produce more divine energy.

Although it is slow, it's still terrifying, when Jack think of the day Thanos come to earth and he plays him like a mouse, Jack can't help but feel intoxicated, even if he is Thanos from the comics, Jack isn't afraid, especially after this upgrade, the superhuman powers and abilities derive from Golden Sentry Serum are even more terrifying, if Jack at first can only use the power of a 100 000 exploding sun, then right now he can use all of them, know Jack has definitely become partially out of sync with normal reality, taking all his powers to an incalculable level.

For example, his telekinesis, he can now use it to move the entire solar system from its place and with ease, without disturbing the rotation of the planets, and the range he can now scan with his spiritual energy, is the entire Milky way, a 100 000 light year, he can use the ability deprived from the serum to teleport to any place in this radiance. Now he can truly be called the emperor of the Milky way galaxy.

  After Bumblebee calmed down, he said in his unique and magnetic voice: "Thank you, magical carbon-based creature."

  Carbon... Jack can't help but say: "Hello, hornet, call me Jack, what's with the carbon-based creature..."

  Bumblebee scratched his head and said that he was puzzled. "Yes, Jack, yes, why do you know my name? And, where is this?"

  It seems that the hornet that has not yet reached the earth, Jack took out his mobile phone, searched the movie "Transformers", and then clicked on the play, said: "Look, the answer is here."

  Jack came to Bumblebee and showed him the movie on the screen of the mobile phone. Bumblebee also squatted and leaned down to look at the mechanical eyes.

  "Hey!!! Why do I appear inside?"

  "Optimus Prime? Optimus Prime, they are also inside?!"

  "Megatron! Starscream!"

  "Autobots never give up..."


  While watching the movie, Bumblebee was very excited, he was totally immersed in it himself, he was surprised by his appearance inside, and sometimes he would be happy for Optimus Prime and other partners, especially after seeing himself peeing on those agents who were arrogant made him laugh so hard...

  When the movie ended, Bumblebee was silent. Jack put away the phone and looked at Bumblebee. He gently asked: "Hornet?"

  "I am a virtual character..." Bumblebee asked questioningly, but it was a positive sentence, and the tone was full of lowness and confusion.

  After watching the movie, the Hornet also understands what Jack showed him. His original future, more accurately, is a well-prepared script, a movie that satisfies spiritual entertainment.

  Knowing that he is just a fictional existence, the Hornet is naturally shocked, his world view has completely collapsed, and he is lost in an instant.

  Seeing the performance of Bumblebee, Jack sighed and said: "Bumblebee, you should not think so much, there are countless parallel time and space in this world, and in these parallel time and space, there is the world of Transformers, although I used my own powers to bring you to life, doesn't mean you should doubt your own existence. In a parallel time and space, there is definitely a "you" there, Hornet!"

  Hearing Jack, the Hornet recovered his spirit a little. He himself has an optimistic character. Therefore, after the initial loss, he slowly calmed down, stood up, and clenched his fist with one hand. Seriously: "Thank you, my friend, I swear I will guard you!"

  Hearing the "Knight's Declaration" of Hornet, Jack couldn't help but feel his blood boil a little and said with excitement: "I believe in you, my loyal friend!"

  Jack and Hornet have thus formed a friendship between Transformers and the earth...

  Suddenly, Jack felt so cold that he thought of himself from Bumblebee point of view. Bumblebee suspected that his existence is false and that he, who is in the Marvel movie universe, is also false. Is everything he is now a movie for people to appreciate?

  Considering that Marvel Film is unlikely to remake a movie for his unnamed little character, or to add the setting of the Talismans and the C.S. thorough him. No, it is most likely that a brainstorming writer wrote a book with him as the protagonist. Marvel's fan fiction?

  Haha, how is this possible, maybe I am thinking too much because I can still go back to my original earth.

But even so Jack cold didn't reduce as he couldn't help but think 'what if going back to earth is also part of the story and the multiverse is just a background', thinking of this, Jack laughed at himself for reading too much fan-fiction novels, as he shocked his head throwing everything he concluded on the back of his head...


real world, in a cafe,

a young man can be seen writing on a PC with nonexistent sweat following through his head. This man is the writer, he said to himself: " offf, almost got caught by Jack, thank goodness he didn't activate his 4D quantum brain or he would have discovered it, sh*t, I shouldn't add Bumblebee if he started questioning his existent"