Fury's "death"

When Jack drove hornet to the outside of the company building of Stark Industries, it was more than four in the afternoon and there were still a few minutes from Sophia.

  It's really good to work from nine to five...

  A Hornet-shaped sports car parked on the side of the road naturally attracted attention, some passing pedestrians curiously stopped to watch, want to see who is driving such a cool sports car.


  The door was gently opened, and Jack came down from the car without hesitation. The black leather shoes stepped on the ground plus a neat and tidy black suit.

  A suit makes Jack look radiant, all of which exudes a confident and full temperament so that passers-by who saw him have the feeling of self-defeating.

  Yes, on the way, Jack changed his clothes with R.S. and used his magic to shield his appearance and temperament from people he didn't know, in the end, Jack charm is not something women can withstand, hell, even some men would start questioning if they are Gay or not. As for the suit, Jack thought that wearing casual clothes to a company is too informal. In the end, he is also a shareholder of Stark Industries, and it is his first official time to come to the company, how can he not pay attention to his image.

  Jack pushed the car door with a hand, closed the door, and calmly walked to the gate of Stark Industries.

  After entering the interior of Stark Industries, Jack looked at it. The employees in the company worked diligently in their posts. After all, they worked in the famous Stark industry. Who dared to have a lazy performance, at least On the surface, they have to be serious.

  Jack went to sit in front of the sofa in the lobby. At this time, the mobile phone rang, took out the phone, and called "Tony Stark".

  When I got on the phone and the phone came to my ear, I heard Tony's familiar tone: "Hey, I didn't expect you to come to the company? I just heard Jarvis say that you went to the company, I still don't believe it, how? you finally remembered that you also held shares in the company. Would you like to check the company?"

  Jack smiled casually: "Yes, as a shareholder of Stark Industries, I should also show my face, lest the company's people don't know me."

  "Oh," although I couldn't see it, Jack could guess that Tony must have rolled his eye over the phone. "Say, what is it, you need to go to the company."

  Tony didn't believe that Jack would care about the company's situation in a whim, so he asked.

  Jack did not hide it. While politely smiling at the several employees who saw it, he replied: "There is no big deal, just come and pick up Sophia once she finishes her work."

  "...just this?" Tony was obviously a bit wrong with this answer.

  "That's it." Jack was frank and fluent, and there was no falsification in his tone.

  "Cut, you are really free buddy, talking about the devil, is the recent black ninja, has nothing to do with you?" Tony made a question when the voice turned.

  Tony noticed that after the emergence of the unidentified ninjas, Jack rarely appeared in the public's field of vision. The ninjas were helping the civilians, and Jack, a hero who often appeared in the past, disappeared during this time. It is.

  Jack asked with interest: "Why do you think so?"

  Tony had a moment of silence, and then he sounded a bit discouraged: "It seems that it really has something to do with you."

  "I found out..." Tony hasn't finished the speculation he had thought of. He heard Jack suddenly said: "Okay, no-nonsense, Sophia got off work."


  Tony, who is far away from the basement of the Stark private house, looks at the "call is over" displayed on the phone screen, and felt a little messy.

  Was he actually hanged up by someone else? ...

  Jack didn't know that our Tony Stark was indignant when she was hanging up. When he saw Sophia coming out of the elevator, he got up from the sofa and walked toward Sophia.

  Seeing that Jack appeared here, Sophia looked very surprised and could not help but walked toward Jack. "How come you are here?"

  "Come to pick you up, know hurry up we need to go to the other girls or they will feel sad" Jack took the hand of Sophia.


  So many colleagues looked at her, Sophia felt a little embarrassed and whispered: "Others are looking here..."

  "Hey, let them look " Jack did not care of there eyes, he took the hand of Sophia and marched toward the gate. "anyway, I am also a shareholder of the company, they dare not say anything."

  After listening to this, Sophia no longer said anything, let Jack take her away, and when she came out from the company and saw the Hornet sports car, she could not help but be surprised: "This is... you bought it?"

  Jack nodded and said: "Yes, just bought."

  Sophia is puzzled: "But, do you need a car?"

  Jack itself has amazing speed and can teleport anywhere Now after he has mastered the power of the space gem. Therefore, in Sophia's view, the car serves no purpose for Jack.

  Jack did not answer and just opened the door for Sophia. When she got on the bus, he closed the door and went to the driver's seat to open the door. Then the Hornet sports car went under the watchful eyes of everyone.

  Inside the car, Sophia was surprised to find that Jack was not driving, but the car was driving and asked: "Is it smart driving?"

  "No, of course not, Bumblebee, say hello," Jack said with deep meaning.

  Then, Sophia heard a voice in the car's stereo: "Hello, Sophia, I am Bumblebee, I am very glad to meet you."

  Speaking, Sophia looked at the sound very surprised and looked around, and finally looked at Jack, not convinced: "You will not tell me, this... is the Autobots in the movie "Transformers"?"

  Under the tension and anticipation of Sophia, Jack nodded and nodded.


  Long-lost scream...


  After some explanations, Jack finally let Sophia accept the magical thing that "the Autobots Hornet appears in reality", Sophia chated with Bumblebee who became a transformer, as they went to pick up the other girls.

  On the other hand, Steve and Natasha stood nervously outside the operating room, separated by a glass wall, and looked at the doctors in the operating room to rescue the seriously injured Fury.

  As in the movie, after Steve returned home, Fury and he had a dialogue with the "ears are everywhere", and they were attacked by the winter soldier who rushed in. After a few bombs, they put a U disk into history. In Tiff's hand, after saying "Don't believe in anyone", he was unconscious and sent to SHIELD for rescue.

  commander Hill came to the two people and watched the situation in the operating room with her eyes open. The eyebrows were filled with lingering sorrow.

  "He can't do it..."

  "The blood pressure is down, and the voltage is being rescued..."

  "Back, three, two, one, start!"

  Watching the doctor press the front of Fury's chest with a pacemaker, Natasha whispered in a low voice: "Fury, you can't do this, you can't die..."

  However, after repeated electric shocks, Fury still did not show any pulse. Finally, Steve and others lowered their heads and bit their teeth, and the eyes appeared some grief. Listening to the doctor's frustration, he declared: "Deathtime, 1:30 am. "

  Steve turned and left, he couldn't believe that the savvy Fury would die, Natasha stood stiffly, Sharon Carter took a heavy step, and left, she needed to find a no-man's corner, let Tears flow down.

  The director of the SHIELD, Nick Fury, has been announced death!

  It's strange to say that this scene is like a movie. It's a fake death that fools everyone, but no one knows it yet.