Captain America PART 2

For Fury's "death," Steve was really worried and frustrated, because Fury, in-front-of him, was shot and killed by the enemy, and he also watched the enemy escape from his eyes.


  Steve hammered the wall angrily. Suddenly, he remembered the U disk that Fury had given him, and took it out of his trouser pocket. Fury's phrase "Don't believe anyone" still echoed in his mind.

  Taking a look at the vending machine in the hospital corridor, Steve took the opportunity to move around, and no one noticed, as he quietly hid the U disk behind one of the snacks before heading to the commander that had been urging him to return to the shield. Team member Rumloww.

  "Let's go," Steve said calmly, and Rumlow called the other players to leave the hospital behind him and go to SHIELD.

  Natasha walked out from the corner of the corridor and went to the vending machine with the U disk. The face was dignified...


  Alexander Pierce, a member of SHIELD Council, and the chief of Fury, when Fury was the deputy director of SHIELD, he was already the director of SHIELD.

  The friendship between the two was accumulated through decades of cooperation. Fury even blocked a bullet for him. It can be said that the two are life and death brothers.

  After Steve was called back to SHIELD, he was immediately arranged to meet with Pierce. Pierce was very cheerful and sad. He first talked about his friendship with Fury, then asked Steve why Fury appeared in his home.

  In the face of Pierce's tentative question, Steve became suspicious and made a puzzled look and shook his head, indicating that he did not know.

  Pierce did not continue to ask but took out a pile of detailed information, which clearly recorded the various things that Fury could not see and betray SHIELD. The list was well organized and could not see any hypocrisy.

  But it was too real and not credible. Although Steve had some contradictions with Fury, he never believed that Fury was a traitor in Pierce's mouth.

  Therefore, regardless of how Pierce explicitly hinted, Steve did not disclose a trace of Fury and the U disk, picked up his shield behind him, calmly left Pierce's office, leaving Pierce with a sullen serious face.

  Steve walked into the elevator to leave, hands on the armrests, back to the elevator door, and said to the elevator's voice control device: "Operation Control Center."


  The elevator door slowly closed. When it was about to close, suddenly someone stopped the elevator. Then, several commando team members walked into the elevator, and the head of the Rumlow tone was easy and authentic: "All the commandos are ready to be in place."

  "Understand." "Yes, sir." The other players responded immediately.

  Steve didn't see the looming tension on Rumlow's face. When He and Steve greeted, Rumlow's face had returned to normal.

  However, Steve noticed that the hands of these players were intentionally or unintentionally placed on the pistol in their thigh as if they were ready to pull the gun. This made Steve's heart very vigilant, but on the surface, he was silent and calm, but as time pass he was Gradually entering the combat state.

  Next, every few floors of the elevator will stop, and several people will continue to walk in and out. Unconsciously, the elevator is full of people, and Steve stands in the middle, invisibly, they slowly and faintly Surrounded him.

  When the elevator door closed again, the atmosphere suddenly stiffened and everyone did not speak. At this time, Steve suddenly smiled, as if to say to himself: "Are there any people who want to go out before we start?"

  At the end of the phrase, Steve put away his smile, full of seriousness, and indifference to those around him.

  Suddenly, the person standing in front of Steve pulled out an electric baton, a strong current lingering around the stick, and quickly thundered and turned to Steve. The quick-moving Steve escaped this hit.

  Then, other people invariably launched a riot, and Steve attacked the later. Several people rushed to Steve at the same time, clamping his limbs. A strong man also hugged Steve's neck from behind and prevented him from counterattacking, the rest of the people took the opportunity to pull out their weapons, such as hungry wolves, and attacked Steve.

  The electric baton hit Steve's, the strong current instantly volatilized the whole body, and the shock from the electric stick angered Steve, which made him broke away from the enemy's grip on his hands and feet, and continued to fight back.

  As a super-soldier who was sero-enhanced, Steve's physical quality has surpassed the limits of human beings. Which made his every move lethal, even an ordinary punch can directly hit them unconscious, and his own fighting skills are very rich. More than a dozen enemies were solved, until the end.

  Looking at the enemies that are in a coma, Steve looked angry. When the elevator descended to a certain level and the elevator door opened, Steve turned and saw a group of special effects troops pointing their guns at him, while saying: "put the shield down! and Raise your hands!"

  Steve quickly reacted, decisively cutting off the lifting rope next to the elevator with the shield, making the elevator fall down urgently. When the elevator forced to descend to one of the floors, the elevator door was opened by hand, but a group of equally equipped special squad rushed to the side, Steve had to close the door again, and then estimated the current height, the shield was held in front of him, broke the glass of the elevator, and fell straight.

  Thanks to this shield, the absorption effect minimized the impact from the fall. When Steve got to the ground, although he couldn't help but scream, he was safe.

  Steve quickly got up, rushed to the garage, drove a motorcycle and rushed out of the blockage. When a fighter plane flew in front of him and continually fired with a machine gun, he still did not back down, as he bravely and fearlessly launched the shield and made a Counterattack.

  Steve jumped over to the fighter plane and showed a series of difficult "gymnastic movements". Together with the skilled "squatting skills", he single-handedly dropped the fighter to the ground and successfully escaped from death.


  Steve, dressed as a passer-by, returned to the hospital to prepare to retrieve the U disk hidden in the vending machine, but when he came to the vending machine, he was suddenly shocked - the U disk disappeared!

  Steve saw the glass of the vending machine reflect his panicked face... and Natasha, who was chewing on gum and blowing bubbles behind him.

  After some questioning and confession, Steve and Natasha finally reached a consensus, trusted each other, and prepared to find the truth together and avenge Fury.

  The two came to an electrical store in a large shopping mall and inserted the USB flash drive into the laptop displayed in the store. Natasha showed her first-class hacking skills. Before the signal of the U disk was intercepted, it was cracked showing an address, and then the two disguised as ordinary couples. In the case of a group of enemies walking around the search, there were still some agents they left in the mall with trepidation.

  "Let's go to Wilton, New Jersey now? Captain." Natasha sat in the co-pilot position, and she barely put her feet on the dashboard.

  The car that the two of them were sitting in was stolen by Steve. If the news leaked out to civilians about Steve action, there may not be many people who will believe that the American captain America will actually steal the car.

  Steve looked at the road ahead with a dignified look. He drove the car and thought about it. He said, "No, we need to find a helper."


  "So, this is the two of you came to find me?" Jack looked at Steve and Natasha who looked are at the front door of his room.

  Jack is sitting leisurely at the computer desk sign, trying to find a free movie watching website, watching a love movie just recently released, "Love, Rosie", the plot is about a story of two people who were best friends since they were young. They've known each other for so long and they're absolutely meant for each other, but could never have the courage to admit that they have strong feelings for each other. Furthermore, life is not always how we expect or want it to be, as various unforeseen circumstances or misunderstandings continuously keeps them apart from each other.

  Just as Jack spit on the plot and looked at it with gusto, he heard a knock on the door. After opening the door, he saw Steve and Natasha wearing casual clothes.

  After Steve and Natasha entered the room, they relaxed at the same time. Steve smiled and said: "Long time no see, Jack."

  Natasha also said with a lazy and flattering voice: "Long time no see, handsome guy, now more mature."

  The tone was a little teasing, but Steve and Jack knew that Natasha was just a joke, so some of the old-fashioned Steve wouldn't be as loud as when Tony first met.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time," Despite the doubts, Jack was very happy and said hello to the two.

  When he sat down, Steve didn't say any nonsense and went straight to the subject. He solemnly said: "Jack, I am here to ask you to help."

  hearing him, Jack cannot help but sigh, "Haa"

  Steve did not hesitate to explain the current situation: Fury was killed, the two were wanted, and they were ready to go to Wilton, New Jersey to find clues... to get all the information they had.

  Fury's phrase "Don't believe in anyone", Steve naturally keeps in mind, but in front of Jack, he can say it without worry.

  It's not just of him being one of the Avengers. After all, the experience of fighting together in New York gave him a good feeling of trust in Jack. although There are not many times in private.

Steve, although admiring Jack's, he is not having a 100% trust on him.

  Steve is willing to confess to Jack, because of a very simple reason - that is, Jack is very powerful.

  That's right, it's the reason why such bullhead of Steve can come here, and Jack's own strength is extraordinary in his view. The scene of the New York War of him became the incarnation of the god of war alone VS the alien army is still vivid. According to Steve, Jack still has mastered new power and become stronger.

  Steve has no doubt that Jack can even destroy the world easily. As such a unique and incomparable power, it is impossible to have a relationship with those who have hidden heads. If Jack is also a member of the enemy, then there is no need to play.

  It is because of such a simple and rude reason that Steve can trust Jack.

  After listening to Steve's remarks, Jack looked strange.

  If you remember correctly, Steve and Natasha should team up with Wilton, New Jersey, to see Dr. Zola, who has become an electronic life, and then invite Falcon to join the team and have a long-awaited reunion on the road and the Winter Soldier. then go to the new aircraft carrier and sneak into SHIELD, destroy the aircraft carrier and made SHIELD public.

  Such a long game route, how can you not do the task well, go to the customs clearance, but ran to find him, this is simply ... not in the routine!

  In particular, Jack also knows the development of the next story, which is equivalent to mastering the strategy of customs clearance. Moreover, with the strength of Jack itself, there is no need for the troublesome "step by step" plan, it is just a matter of sweeping the entire SHIELD we a hand or thought.

  Steve and Natasha did not realize that them coming to seek Jack, a foreign aid to join, not to recruit teammates, but to recruit a super golden finger!

  Jack is helpless. Is God hating him? He has been so "busy" recently, and God has to find something to let him do?

  Jack thought for a moment and then said with a positive look: "Well, I help, your next step is to go to Wilton, New Jersey, right? If not later, let's go now!"

  After that, Jack got up from the sofa, he lifted his right hand and a blue light lit up, gently making a stroke, and a space door was created.

   pointed to the space door, Jack said casually: "Let's go, Wilton is in front of you."

  Steve and Natasha curiously followed Jack through the space door and came to a forest area, not far from a camp surrounded by iron bars, the source of the signal they found in the U disk.

  Natasha couldn't help but admire: "It's really convenient, and traveling around the world is completely easy!"

  Steve also felt very novel, but at this time his heart is no longer hanging in the new ability of Jack. Seeing the camp in front, the eyes are complicated and difficult to understand, and the thoughts are a little far away.

  Although there are many differences between this camp and the one in his memory, Steve is pretty sure that this is the place he knows.

Once upon a time, he also served as a recruit, and received military training here!

  "Let's go, go in and see." Jack's words interrupted Steve's memories, and Steve took a complicated mood and walked into the camp together.

  The camp covers a large area and there are several buildings. Natasha took out the signal searcher and carefully searched for the signal found from the USB flash drive, but found no signal, Steve, on the other hand, noticed that there was a building. The position violated the military regulations and should not be built here. So before the three came to the illegal building, Steve used the shield to break the lock on the iron door and opened the door.

  Steve and Natasha walked into the house cautiously, and Jack, who was behind him, saw the appearance of the two, somewhat speechless. Hey, let's not say that he knows that Dr. Zola, who has become an electronic life here, please, he came over together, he is here, what are you afraid of?

  The heart secretly spit a bit, Jack did not panic and just followed, and the two became a stark contrast.

  Although Jack knows that there is no use here, he still listened to Dr. Zola's nonsense, such as "SHIELD has long been infiltrated by Hydra", but he is idle, so he can just watch with Steve and Natasha.

  After finding the secret elevator hidden in the archives room, Natasha used the instrument to scan and crack the password. After the three people went to the bottom of the computer room, Jack stood by and watched Natasha insert the U disk into the reading. Dr. Zola, who turned into an electronic life, appeared in front of the three, a bunch of BBBs.

  "...The new world order Hydra will..." Dr. Zola screamed with enthusiasm, but Jack said with a look of disapproval: "Okay, listening to your voice is like listening to a duck."

  Go to Steve and Natasha and feel free to say: "Be prepared to leave."

  At this time, the door of the engine room suddenly closed, Dr. Zola sighed and said: "Hey, you can't escape, ready to meet death!"

  Drops -

  Natasha's cell phone rang, Natasha took it and looked at it, and her face was not good. "There is a missile coming here."

  But as soon as I saw Jack around, Natasha's frowning brows again.

  Steve also realized this, so he quickly asked: "What is inside the U disk?"

  "Oh, yes..."

  "Insight plan." Jack said impatiently, Dr. Zola seemed to be stunned by his words and screamed with anger: "Don't interrupt me!"

  "It's quite arrogant..." Jack watched Natasha pull forward and pull back the U disk, then his eyes glanced, and the dim silver eyes lit up instantly, and an invisible spirit spread out over the room, invading the computer room. Among the devices, I came to the online world and killed Dr. Zola, who lives in electronic life.

  "" Dr. Zola seemed to have encountered something terrible, and only had to say such a sentence intermittently and completely dissipated in the world.

  Jack snorted, but his eyes are very calm, joking, his spiritual power can directly control the binary world, not to mention that Zola electronic life is also a spiritual body, he was simply looking for death in front of Jack.

  Two hands on the shoulders of Steve and Natasha, Jack said "go", then took the two people to the woodland hundreds of meters away from the camp, watching the flame consuming the camp and exploded!


  The vast camp was instantly destroyed by missiles and turned into a ruin. The raging fire erased the traces that once existed in the camp.

  Steve and Natasha looked at the camp that turned into a sea of ​​fire. Jack looked at it with a faint look and muttered: "This is a nice view of firework... "

The next day.

  After the end of the morning run, Sam returned to his home sweating, took a large bottle of juice from the refrigerator, unscrewed the bottle cap and just put it to his mouth to prepare a drink. He suddenly heard knocking from the door.


  Sam screwed back the bottle cap with doubt, then put the juice on the table next to him, went to the door and pulled up the curtain, and saw Steve standing outside the door, the long-haired girl from the edge of the side, and a non-recognized silver-haired man.

  When Sam opened the door, he heard Steve say apologetically: "I am sorry, we need a place to avoid the limelight."

  Natasha added a dignified face: "we are being hunted down."

  Jack, who met Sam for the first time, said with a sigh of relief: "Yes, I asked Steve if there is any friend who can be trusted, and then we came here to find you."

  Sam looked carefully around and determined that no one was following or monitoring, saying: "Come in."

  The three entered the room of Sam.

  Coming to Sam here is Jack's idea. Although Jack can skip all the processes directly, with Steve and Natasha killing SHIELD and smashing the enemy's plot, in this case, the Falcon will not appear.

  Before Jack intervened, Tony got rid of the life threat of palladium poisoning in advance, which caused Tony not to give the steel shirt to Lieutenant Colonel Roddy. Lieutenant Colonel Roddy did not become a "war machine". Now it is only one Ordinary soldier.

  "Falcon" Sam, like the "War Machine" Lieutenant Colonel Roddy, is only an ordinary person who is armed with technology. His personal charm is less than the superheroes of Iron Man and Captain America, but Jack was very fond of his personality in his past life.

  Lieutenant Colonel Roddy did not become a war machine. Although Jack felt that he had some responsibilities, he did not feel any guilt. However, the role of "Falcon" is a happy and humorous role, it would be really a sin to not include him...

  Keke, Jack does not deny that this is his own selfishness...

  In the kitchen, Sam took a pan and fried eggs and prepared breakfast. After three simple dish piles of washing, Jack went to the living room to sit down and discuss the next plan.

  "Although I have received Fury's secret mission before, I have investigated the inside of SHIELD and know that there are Hydra people, but I did not expect that Hydra actually penetrated so deeply," Natasha said with some frustration.

  It's not only Steve's surprise, but even Jack couldn't help but look at Natasha. The bald guy actually noticed a problem in SHIELD.

  Jack didn't completely forget, in thor episode, once in front of Coulson, he said mysterious words, which made Coulson suspicious, this, in turn, made him proposed to Fury to look inside SHIELD for any traces of Hydra in advance...

  Steve frowned, a little unpleasantly said: "You already know that there are Hydra people in SHIELD? Why didn't you tell me with Fury?"

  Natasha explained: "Because we don't dare to stun the snakes, I just found some of the bottom members and I dare not check them. From the missile last night, I can see how deep the Hydra penetrates SHIELD. Who can authorize the launch of missiles in the territory?"

  No need to think about it for long, Steve thought of the answer, and he spits out a name: "Pierce."

  After the death of Fury, there is only one person who has the authority to give commands for missiles launching in SHIELD, and that one is Alexander Pierce, a member of SHIELD Council, and the top boss of Fury.

  Plus, there was a little doubt about Pierce, and what happened now, all confirmed Steve's suspicion, Alexander Pierce is from Hydra!

  When thinking about this truth,

Steve and Natasha couldn't help but tremble, the person in the top position of SHIELD is actually the undercover of the Hydra! Hydra... what a terrible existence...

  With a heavy and gloomy mood, Steve went on to analyze: "He certainly is not alone. Zola's algorithm is on the Remiya asterisk. Someone must be helping him."

  Natasha said with a blank expression: "Jasper Sitwell is also on the top."

  Steve suddenly realized.

  Fury once said that his mission is to rescue some hostages, they are the staff of SHIELD, in order to launch a satellite with the algorithm of the aircraft carrier, and in the hostage, Jasper Sitwell is the person in charge...

  There is no doubt that Jasper is the person who assists Pierce and is a member of Hydra.

  "The question is, how are the two most wanted criminals in Washington want to kidnap a SHIELD official in broad daylight?" Steve grinned.

  When they heard this, Sam put down the plate in his hand, took a document in the room and placed it in front of Steve. He smiled and said: "The answer is, no kidnapping is needed."

  "What is this?" Steve asked with a puzzled question.

  Sam replied confidently: "It's a resume."

  Natasha flipped through the folder and took a photo and said with amazement: "Is this a Bamara? Did you participate in the Khalid Khandir mission? Steve didn't you say that he was pilot."

  Continue to flip through the folder, Steve asked helplessly: "Didn't you say you are a pilot?"

  Sam said proudly: "I have not said so."

  Steve meditated, shook his head and said, "Sam, I can't bring you in. You can't easily retreat from the dangerous front..."

  "Hey, Captain America wants my help, is this not enough?" Sam replied in a joke, but his eyes were very firm.

  Steve was warm, and looked at the project name on the document: "EXO-7 Falcon" and asked: "Where can this thing be found?"

  Speaking of this, Sam has some worries. "The last set is in Fort Meade, three protective doors and a 12-inch-thick steel wall..."

  "Oh... there should be no problem." Steve and Natasha looked at each other and said.

  Jack, who didn't interject in the whole process, looked at the three-person consultation plan, grabbed a sandwich and a glass of juice and slowly enjoyed it. When the three were ready to leave for Fort Meade, Jack got up and opened a space door to Fort Meade, casually said: "Hey, the door leads to Fort Meade."

  Sam saw Jack, a man who had been silent and suddenly creating a black-blue door that resembles a black hole. He couldn't help but stare in shock. Jack had already gone. Sam turned to look at Steve and Natasha and couldn't help but ask: "He Who is it?"

  Steve and Natasha shrugged, some helpless and somewhat admirable: "A very powerful superhero."



  Jasper, who was stumped by Steve, stepped back a few steps, panicked and grabbed his dropped glasses, and his face was covered with panic.

  Steve is not angry and arrogant: "Tell me about Zola's algorithm."

  Although Jasper was terrified, he still replayed in a shaky tone "I have never heard of it."

  Jasper was forced to retreat by Steve. They were standing on the roof of a building. He was quickly pushed to the edge of the roof by Steve. As long as he took a step back later, he would fall to the ground...

  Steve stepped forward to grab Jasper's chest clothing, full of deterrence, glaring at Jasper, Jasper instead showed a smirk, forced himself to calm, and sternly said: "You are suggesting that you will throw me down? This is not your style, Roger."

  "You are right," Steve suddenly smiled, let go of his hand and gently smoothed the folds on Jasper's clothes. "This is really not my style... it is her style."

  As soon as the voice fell, Steve retreated to a side. Jasper had not reacted. Natasha, standing aside, directly slammed Jasper throwing him down the floor!

  "Oh, if I follow my style, I would definitely turn this guy into a dog..." Jack snorted and said.

  Steve and Natasha pumped their mouths and were speechless to Jack's words.


  Stark private house.

  A husky is wearing a collar on the neck, with an iron chain, and the other end of the chain is connected to a dog house. Husky has no choice but to eat high-grade dog food. Even if he didn't want it, he has been used to it for so many years. And he can't resist the temptation of dog food.

  Tony boringly looked at the husky named "Ivan Vanke". This once ferocious Russian scientist has now abandoned himself and accepted the fact that he became a dog, which makes Tony feel very boring.

  Just be a good pet... Tony took a picture of the Husky's dog's head and casually said: " eat more dog food..."