
The three people standing on the roof can clearly hear the high pitched scream of Jasper, the voice weakens because of the distance, and then weakens and weakens.

  Steve and Natasha talked about something on the edge of the rooftop, moments later they saw Sam, who was wearing behind his back a pair of steel wings, carrying the yelling Jasper, Sam, in turn, threw him back on the roof like a junk.

  Of course, Steve and others will not help Jasper and calm him down. Dealing with the kind of a bully and hard bag like Jasper, they still need to be intimidating.

  Sure enough, after experiencing such a thrilling death experience, Jasper fack calmness ceased to exist, wandering on the ground, holding his hands on the ground, he felt his legs soft and completely unable to stand.

  Sam landed on the ground, and the steel wings behind him shrank and folded into a metal backpack that was not surprising. Sam turned and wore a pair of goggles on his face, looking at Jasper with a sharp look.

  The Falcon debut!

  Seeing the four people approaching him, Jasper raised his hand in a panic and gestured his surrender, and honestly answered Steve's question: "Zola's algorithm is a program that chooses goals for insights!"

  Steve screamed: "What goal?"

  "You!" Jasper has already been scared and didn't even have the time to care about the consequences of leaking the secret of Hydra, Hydra has never been soft in dealing with traitors, has been left behind his mind. "The television host of Cairo, the Deputy Minister of Defense. High school graduation student, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange... Anyone who threatens Hydra! No matter now or in the future..."

  Suddenly, Jack was very dissatisfied and inserted: "Hey, why didn't you mention my name? Do I have no threat to the Hydra?"

  Hearing, everyone looked at Jack silently, and Jasper looked terrified: "Do you think we have a way to deal with you?"

  Hearing Jasper's sly answer, Jack took it for granted. "Yes, you really don't want to treat me as a goal. It's really a shame."

  Everyone still looked at Jack silently. Although he knew this was a fact, he didn't have to be so straightforward. It's too shocking people...

  To argue, it must be self-deprecating, so everyone tacitly avoided this topic, Steve continues to ask Jasper: "The future? How does it predict the future?"

  For Steve's question, Jasper made a very ridiculous sneer, "Hehehehe... Of course, the 21st century is an e-book, and Zola taught Hydra how to read it..."

  Jasper smugly explained how Zola's algorithm can predict the future of this person by collecting people's daily life records. As he spoke, Jasper stopped his voice, and his face was full of fear and sorrow. : "God, Pierce will kill me!"

  "And then?" Steve asked with a sullen face.

  Jasper, who gave up the resistance, said bluntly: "Then remove these threats through the programme..."

  "Eliminating millions of people at once!"


  On the highway, Steve and others took Jasper as a hostage and drove a car to SHIELD.

  Although they can ask Jack to open a space door directly, Steve didn't want to involve Jack too much, he still wants to try it himself first and see if he can use Jasper to bypass the DNA scan and enter the SHIELD.

  Steve did not care about Jasper yelling, and Jack, who was sitting in the middle of the back seat, flashed a silver light as he quickly looked at Jasper sitting on the left without moving. Suddenly, a shiny metal arm broke the window glass and grabbed Jasper!

  Winter Soldier is coming!

  The winter soldier who was kneeling on the roof grabbed Jasper and threw him out of the car. Jasper did not have any resistance. He was thrown out by the winter soldier and fell heavily on another road.

Then the passing vehicles that were too late to brake were crushed and led the lunch.

  The speeding power of Jack, now has reached the extreme, can completely match the speed of the Flash from the Comics and even surpass him. Therefore, although the attack of the Winter Soldier is very sudden, in the eyes of Jack who's brain and reaction speed was faster than the speed of light, made the time around him seems to be still...

  If Jack wants to stop, he can save Jasper from the hands of the always-stricken Winter Soldier, but the question is... Why is he going to save Jasper who is a Hydra agent, if you say because he is a hero, then Jack would say that he is not a modern hero but an ancient one, because in ancient China those who were killing wicked people are called the hero, and Jack is one of them. It's not that he doesn't sympathize with them, but because they don't deserve his sympathy, the moment they chose to take that road.

  So Jack didn't have any reaction, watching Jasper being thrown out indifferently, and the screams stopped the moment he was crushed.


  The winter soldier held a pistol and fired a few shots against the roof. The bullet hit a few holes in the roof. The responsive Natasha quickly rolled over to Steve, who was sitting in the co-pilot, but she did not get hurt. Jack grabbed the few bullets with lightning speed.

  Falcon Sam hurriedly stopped the car. The winter soldier who was kneeling on the roof of the car was smashed out because of inertia. He flexibly rolled in the air and steadily landed. The left metal hand scraped five long deep marks on the hard ground...

  After the car stopped, Sam looked at the winter soldier in front of him and couldn't help but yell: "Who is this guy?!"

  Steve's eyes are dignified: "The enemy."

  The Winter Soldier slowly got up and looked at Steve.

  The car behind them hurriedly traveled to both sides, lest they are implicated.

  Just as Natasha pulled out her pistol and pointed at the winter soldier in front, when she was ready to shoot, she heard Jack, who was sitting in the back seat, sounding a reminder: "Be careful."

  Not waiting for everyone to react, I found that the car underneath suddenly vacated, as if getting rid of the influence of gravity, the whole car floated into the air, and at this time, an off-road vehicle rushed past.

  Needless to say, if the car does not suddenly float, it will definitely be hit by the off-road vehicle from behind.

  However, because the car suddenly floated into the air, the imposing off-road vehicle could not stop moving forward for a long distance. The winter soldier immediately lifted the metal arm and blocked it in the front of the car. dead.

  The car slowly fell back to the ground from the air, Steve, Natasha, and Sam invariably look at Jack, and Jack also has a cloud-like look at this time, sticking out a clenched fist. Spreading the palms of the hand, a few bullets slipped from the palm of your hand and fell to the ground to make a "clam" sound.

  "Surprise?" Jack smiled indifferently.

  Seeing this, the three people all showed different degrees of surprise. Sam, a newcomer who didn't know Jack's details, even asked with amazement: "You...have you caught the bullet? And, the car flies up...and how did you do it? "

  Jack did not answer but calmly nodded.

  Let the car fly naturally is caused by using the power of the chicken talisman and his mind to speed up the floating speed of the car. because of opening a part of his limiter Jack reached a terrifying level of strength, and the talismans have also increased the volume of their powers to keep up with Jack's growth, so the chicken talisman has evolved from simple flight to gravity control, one of the most basics forces in the universe.

  Although Steve and Natasha were shocked by Jack's actions, they had a deep understanding of Jack's strength and immediately recovered and entered combat state. Don't forget, there are enemies in front.

  Steve grabbed the shield on the side, Natasha also held the pistol, Sam gripped the steering wheel, slammed and shouted: "Sit steady!"

  The car quickly turned to the side, ready to highlight the encirclement, but the winter soldier and his men were not covered. When the car passed the side, Backy immediately jumped to the roof. The metal left arm broke the glass, and pulled the steering wheel out of Sam's hand!

  Looking at his empty hands, Sam couldn't help but curse "Sh*t". Without a steering wheel, how do you let him drive?

  At the moment of crisis, Jack was still so unhurried, raised his right hand, and waved to the void, and the winter soldier who was kneeling on the roof of the car was swept away by an invisible power and rolled to the side.

  The index finger was erected and lifted slightly. Steve and others felt that the car flew again, flew from the highway to the crosswalk below, and then stopped steadily.

  Steve three people subconsciously looked at Jack, Jack chuckled, said: "To fight, you still have to find a suitable place, the highway is too narrow."

  After the four men got out of the car, they saw the winter soldier holding a submachine gun. There were also several mercenaries armed with submachine guns. They all pointed their guns at them and fired without any hesitation!


Jack's powers and level of strength:

+ 12 talismans:

- Rat: Power and ability of Animation. "Motion to the Motionless" Gives inanimate objects life. The animated object takes on the personality, powers, and abilities of the person or thing it's modeled after. After evolution, it can grant the object its full power.

- Ox talisman: Power and ability of Super Strength. it greatly strengthens Jack to super god level. Can also strengthen objects.

- Tiger talisman: Power and ability of Balance.

- Rabbit talisman: Power and ability of Superspeed.

- Dragon talisman: Power and ability of Combustion.

- Snake talisman: Power and ability of Invisibility. its ability has evolved to the point that Jack can now hide in an in the space. being able to see but not seen, touch but not touched.

- Horse talisman: Power and ability of Healing/Renewal.

- Sheep talisman: Power and ability of Astral Projection, and it has now evolved to the point of directly attacking the soul and taking it from anyone.

- Monkey talisman: Power and ability of Shapeshifting. know it evolved to let Jack be able to transform to any form as long as he can think of it.

- Rooster or chicken talisman: Power and ability of Levitation.

- Dog: Power and ability of Immortality.

- Pig: Power and ability of Heat Vision.

+ Chaos Stone:

- 1. Time and space travel: 'it allows the user to travel to any universe residing in chaos without restrictions from the respective universe' all he needs to do is think about the place he wants to cross.

2. it can copy/devour any power, ability, gene...etc as long as you have enough spiritual energy, you can target anyone you want, no matter how strong he is, you will have his complete abilities copied. It can also get rid of the universe shackles that are put on the specific target like genes...etc making them play their full powers.

3. chaos stone has an infinite space which can even accommodate living beings if the conditions met(like H2O...) all he needs is to use his brain to create the conditions scientifically, he could use chaos energy inside to create almost anything inside it, but he can't take it from the inside.

4. It also protects his soul from anything that is harmful to him.

+ 2 infinity stones. (space and reality stone)

+ Thor's genes: all Thor' power, and because C.S. got rid of the universe shackles, Jack gained all Thor's powers from earth 616. for more information check

+ Loki's genes and knowledge of magic and powers, but the difference is that instead of using magic as a source, Jack uses divine energy as the source of the spells he casts.

+ Superman's genes: the same as Thor, but much stronger. you can think of him having the potential to become the next Superman 1 000 000.

+ Sebastian Shaw X-gene.

+ Broly's genes.

+ Namekian's genes.

+ Beerus hakai law.

+ king kai genes.

+ Buu's genes.

+ Frieza's genes.

+ all kamataji knowledge of magic. When he was trained by the supreme master in earth 616.

+ All of The Sentry powers that are deprived of the Golden Sentry Serum.

+ 4D brain: allowing him to have a brain like a quantum computer.

+ Genetic manipulation.