Reunion of friends

Just as the bullets were like torrential rain, Jack and others shot, Natasha and Sam immediately sought cover to avoid, Steve raised the shield in front of him, and Jack stood still.

  Numerous bullets came over, but they were extremely strangely parked in front of Jack, floating in the air, unable to advance half a point.

  Jack kept a smile that was indifferent, and a pair of sharp silver eyes looked at the enemy above.

  Burst -

  The bullets madly poured, and the winter soldier with his team fired in a cold gesture, but the mercenaries around them were not determined, and they looked at the scene that was out of common sense in front of them.

  Seeing that the attack was ineffective, the Winter Soldier stopped shooting, and the mercenaries around him stopped shooting and looked at Jack with a sullen look.

  "Oh? Don't you want to continue?" Jack chuckled, and countless bullets parked in front of him landed, making a crisp sound of "bells ringing."

   Jack used his spiritual energy to form an invisible wall around his body, and the bullets are blocked, making it impossible to approach Jack. Although it is not necessary with his current body, Jack doesn't want to damage his clothes.

  The Winter Soldier was not so easy to give up, putting down the submachine gun to one of his teammates, then picking up a rocket launcher and aiming at Jack launching a rocket. However, the rocket had inexplicably turned a corner toward the sky. Fly straight.


  The rockets exploded after flying to the sky, and the sound of the explosion sounded clear.

  Looking up and glanced at the explosion caused by the rocket, Jack showed a scornful look and said: "Can you shoot a few more? The fireworks in the sky are not shocking enough..."

  The winter soldier threw away the launcher in his hand and took back the submachine gun. The mercenary next to him violently inserted the rope into the front of the car behind him. After that he tossed the rope from the highway bridge, falling straight to ground below.

  After landing, there was no need for the Winter Soldier to order. All the mercenaries were armed with submachine guns and rushed toward Jack, preparing for a close attack.

  At this time, Natasha held a handful of pistols in her hands and emerged from the bunker. She fired a few shots at the mercenary who rushed over. One of the mercenaries had no time to escape, and Natasha gave him a shot broking his head.

  Steve took out the shield in his hand quickly knocked down an enemy, and then flew back, Steve caught the shield without looking at it, then went to the next victim. A set of stormy attacks came directly to the enemy.

  Sam didn't sit still, quietly approaching the mercenary nearby, slamming one of them, the dagger in his hand slid across the enemy's neck, killing the enemy's submachine gun, and then tumbling. Hiding behind a bus, jumping from time to time to shoot a few shots.

  The remaining mercenary saw their companions being solved. In a panic, he threw away the submachine gun in his hand and put on a Gatling gun. He looked around in madness.

  The power of thought quietly spread out and surrounded the mercenary in all directions. No matter which direction he fired, in his horrified eyes the bullets were all frozen in the air as if the time around them was still.

  Suddenly, the mercenary found that Jack did not know when he disappeared from his field of vision. Just when he was panicking searching for Jack's figure, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

  Looking down hard, I saw a hand piercing the chest from behind. At this time, there was a high-pitched and funny voice behind him: "Is there a feeling of heart?"

  "Oh..." The mercenary couldn't say a word at all, and the blood couldn't stop spit out from the mouth.

  Retracting his hands indifferently, Jack did not even look at the enemies who fell to the ground, and the blood in his hands.

  The four mercenaries were removed, leaving only the winter soldier standing on the highway bridge coldly staring at everyone below. Steve and the other three came to Jack. Watching the winter soldiers vigilantly.

  The winter soldier found himself surrounded by an invisible "wall", but the front was still unobstructed, he looked coldly at the smiling face of Jack. Obviously, it was Jack who used his power to hinder the rear path of the Winter Soldier, so that he could only fight and not run away.

  Can not retreat, the winter soldier did not have many emotional changes, he jumped straight from the highway bridge and calmly walked toward Jack and others.

  Looking at the winter soldiers who came towards them, Jack waved his hand, and the guns and ammunition on the winter soldiers all flew away, and he instantly became in an unarmed state.

  Uh... not unarmed, does the Winter Soldier metal arm be called weapon? I feel that there is no strong metal arm in the equipment. After all, this is a combination of the Hydra.

  Jack did not rush to kill, the metal arm of the winter soldier was unloaded, or we have to leave a few faces for our winter children.

  All the weapons were taken away, and the winter soldiers did not panic, stopped, and looked at the people indifferently.

  Just when the two sides confronted each other, Jack gently pushed Steve and pushed him to the front. Steve turned his head and looked at Jack in confusion.

  "Say hello to your old friend, Steve," Jack said with a deep meaning.

  When he heard Jack, Steve was even confused. But when Jack manipulated the power to remove the goggles and mask on the face of the Winter Soldier, and let the true face of the Winter Soldier be completely exposed, Steve instantly lost his calmness. Unthinkingly watching the winter soldier, he shouted a name in shock: "Bucky?"

  Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers childhood only friend, after Steve became Captain America, Bucky joined his roaring commando and became Steve's close comrades.

  However, in an action to stop the Hydra conspiracy, Bucky fell from the train into the snow-capped valley, and Steve could only look sadly at his friend's fall into the valley, but he could do nothing.

  Bucky's death is the shadow of Steve's heart, and Steve has been stunned by the fact that he has not been able to save Bucky.

  Now, looking at Bucky, who he thought was dead, live in front of him. Even if he is Captain America, Steve could not remain calm at this moment, and the steady and heavy atmosphere was shattered, as Steve shouted excitedly: "Bucky, is that you?"

  But the Winter Soldier - Bucky did not have any excitement of reunion with his old friend, and just looked at Steve with a blank expression, and said coldly: "Who the fuck is Bucky?"

  "I..." Steve looked at Bucky with amazement, Bucky's eyes were so strange, completely looking at him with a look of a stranger, but Steve was convinced that he absolutely did not admit the wrong person!

  Although the other's left arm is made of metal, the hair is not a short that he used to have, but a messy long hair, but Steve still recognizes him at a glance, this person is his best friend, Bucky Barnes!

  There were some vague memories in Bucky's mind. Among them, a vague face gradually became clear, and Steve slowly overlapped with him. After Hydra brainwashed him into a cold-blooded killer, Bucky, at this moment, his heart started shaking.

  Bucky's eyes flashed with some hesitation and surprise. Although it was just a flash, it was noticed by Steve. This made Steve even more convinced and went forward in excitement and shouted: "Bucky, it's me..."

  "F*ck off!" Bucky was irritated, his face covered with tyrannical color, moving his metal left arm trying to punch Steve!

  In the face of a friend's irrational attack, Steve quickly lifted the shield, blocked the fierce punch, and shouted in a panic: "Bucky, calm down, it is me, Rogers, your brother..."

  "Shut up!" Bucky groaned violently, making a mad rush to attack Steve, and the metal left arm snarled on Steve's shield, making a loud bang.

  Just as Steve raised his shield against Bucky's attack and eagerly called for Bucky, Jack sighed at the two friends yet enemies at the same time, he walked "slowly" toward Bucky but if someone saw him from a third view, he would find everything stood still and Jack is the only one moving. Jack moved to Bucky's back, using the most minimal strength and smashing Bucky's neck. stunning him.

  Steve quickly hugged the stunned Bucky, his face was puzzled and bitter.

  "Let's go, let's leave here and then talk," Jack said faintly.