memory return and seeing Fury

Jack skillfully opened a space door and walked in.

  Steve carrying the stunned Bucky on his shoulder followed Jack to the space door, Natasha and Sam also follow closely, and after all the people have passed, the space door disappears, leaving four mercenary's body and a lot of firearms and weapons, the police officers who heard the news looked at the terrible scene in shock.

  Not long after, several black agents who claimed to be "SHIELD Bureau" arrived and took over the mess...


  After passing through the space door, Steve and the three found that they were in a vast space full of blue chaotic energy, looking around, the whole space was limitless, unable to see its end.

  Obviously, there is no place on the planet like this one, which means that this place is not on Earth at all.

  For fear of an accident, Steve looked around with vigilance and asked: "Jack, where is this?"

  Natasha and Sam are carefully looking at the surrounding environment. In such a strange place, it is inevitable that they will feel nervous and curious. This is human nature.

  "Relax, don't be nervous," Jack shook his hands indifferently. "This is a different space that I have created. It is very safe. No one can break in."

  When Steve and the other two put down their hearts, they looked very curious at this dark blue space, Sam praised: "Man, you really refreshed my understanding of yourself again and again."

  Natasha habitually brought a touch of feminine temperament, subconsciously want to use her own communication skills to set out any information of this space, but she immediately reacted, and now she is not doing undercover operations, so without any trace of muddy water, she asked: "Jack, how is this different space formed? What kind of space wormhole technology did you use?"

  Steve frowned, and some displeased: "Hey, Natasha, don't feel free to inquire about the privacy of others."

  Jack did not care to say: "It doesn't matter, anyway, you should guess more or less. This is a different space created by using the space stone. Oh, the space gem is the original universe cube."

  Jack's words were an understatement, but falling in the ears of Steve and Natasha caused a huge shock. The power of the universe's Rubik's Cube, they have all seen, and after the New York War, the universe Rubik's Cube was taken away by Jack.

  Although through the information system of SHIELD, they learned that Jack had some space power and vaguely guessed that it was the power from the universe cube, but when Jack personally admitted and saw such a boundless space, their inner understanding of the power of the universe's Rubik's cube improved again.

  It is not surprising that Jack, who has mastered the Rubik's Cube, has become so powerful today.

  Seeing that Jack did not continue to go down, neither Steve nor Natasha continued to ask.

  Steve put Bucky on the ground and looked at this unfamiliar yet familiar friend. His eyes were full of worries and anxiety: "What the hell is going on? Jack, do you know what happened to Bucky?"

  Jack said calmly: "Your friend, Bucky Barnes, who did not die at the time, was rescued by Hydra, and was also brainwashed. After a series of training, he became the ace of Hydra and was in turn used as a killing tool. The killing tools are usually frozen in a hibernation device. When there is a task, they will be released from the ice and sent out to perform the task."

  Jack's words are like lightning hitting Steve, which makes him shocked on the spot. He did not expect that his best friend was saved by the heinous Hydra and brainwashed to become a cold-blooded killer.

  When he thought of Bucky being under the command of Hydra, he couldn't immagine how many bad things that violated his conscience did. Steve was so angry that his teeth creaked as he cursed for the first time, " these f*cking Hydra..."

  Looking at the unconscious Bucky, Steve said eagerly: "Jack, do you have a way to get Bucky out of the control of the Hydra?"

  In the face of Steve's request,

Jack pretended to be uncomfortable: "Please change your tone. I certainly have a way to get rid of the control of Hydra."

  After all, Jack walked to Bucky's side, and the vast spiritual flooded into the mind of Bucky and began to repair the brain that was tossed by the Hydra.

  The brainwashing of Hydra is nothing more than a psychological suggestion after some mental torture. In the end, it is only a physical means, and it has not left the natural range.

  Even if Hydra really changes the consciousness of a person with some supernatural power, it is easy for the current Jack, not to mention that the real gem can instantly the imagination of Jack into reality, and can correct Bucky's thoughts in minutes, let him become a good young man with good character...Hey, in the process Jack used the sheep talisman.

  At first, the sheep talisman had only the ability to enter other people's dreams, and now, after the upgrade, it can freely construct a dream.

  Dreamland is actually a subconscious world of thought. After using the sheep talisman, Jack used his spiritual energy to guide and set up a small psychological suggestion in the subconscious mind that will subtly change one's thought.

  With the strength of Jack today, he can directly use his enormous spiritual power to comb the spiritual world of Bucky's broken.

  However, this process is certainly not so... easy.

  After all, it involves the most mysterious brain of the human body. The complexity of the brain is uncalculated, and the brain is still an extremely fragile organ. Even if Jack exquisitely controls his mental strength, Jack's mental power is still too strong. For Bucky, it is not a small burden, but even so, Jack didn't want to really too much on the R.S. and just used his mind and control over his spiritual power to fix Bucky's broken mind.

  In the coma, Bucky felt the pain in his brain, and his forehead was swelled with veins. The face turned ugly, and he involuntarily issued a terrible roar.


  Seeing Bucky so painful. If Steve didn't have enough trust in Jack, he would have stopped it, but he didn't dare to look directly at Bucky. Don't overdo it, his fist started cracking from anger against Hydra, and the hatred against it grew deeper in his heart.

  Hydra, this time I must destroy you!

  The whole process did not last long. Soon, Jack took back his own mental strength and said easily: "Okay."

  It seems that in response to Jack, Bucky opened his eyes and sat up from the ground. He lifted his hands and gasped, and his eyes filled with sorrow.

  "I... Where am I?"

  The sound is no longer cold and embarrassing, only somewhat lost, to restore the emotional behavior that people should have.

  Steve was pleasantly surprised as he went forward and looked at Bucky with some excitement. "Bucky, do you recognize me?"

  When he heard the familiar voice, Bucky raised his blank face. When Steve's face came into his view, Bucky couldn't help but scream in excitement: "Steve! It's you!"

  Seeing Bucky recovering his memory and recognizing himself, Steve couldn't help but spread his arms and hugged Bucky. "Welcome back brother."

  "Hey?" Bucky couldn't figure it out for a moment, and inexplicably watched Steve hold himself, the whole seen seemed a little aggressive.

  Natasha and Sam looked at the reunion scene of the two brothers, and felt very gratified in their hearts. They all understood Steve's mood.

But Jack who saw this thought of some unpleasent ideas, but he shok his head.

Shaking his head, forgetting the inexplicable things in his mind, watching Bucky, who restored his memory, Jack fell into meditation.

  The story of Captain America 2, cannot continue here, even the winter soldiers have been collected by him, and then should I start breaking through the next realm? according to the memories he inherited from Thor's genes, he is not a true god yet, but only a demi-god in realm, but his strength and fighting power is far beyond the gods, the only way to became a true god is by condensing the godhood, and that is by using his entire divine energy in his body and turning it into a godhood, and in this godhood Jack need to fuse with it at least one law, and from then on the user can start comprehending the laws of the universe. Beside this the godhood can only reside in his soul, in turn, the godhood will nourish the soul and cleanse it from any impurity, and if there is any mortal damage to the body that can't be fixed he can choose to either go to sleep until his body is healed, or reincarnate, or live in the form of a soul until he breakthrough the kingdom-of-God and then he can use the power of faith to create a new body that's if he didn't have the 12 talismans. Besides this, once he succeeds he can have his own knights or warriors who are absolutely faithful to him, and after comprehending at 3 laws of the universe, and one of them should be a supreme law like space law, time law, life law, destiny law... the owner can start building his kingdom of God. where he can receive the power of faith from his follower, to strengthen himself, or his followers.

Now back to the story.

  Jack didn't see the winter soldier taking a small fist and smashing Captain America... Jack looked at Steve and Bucky faintly and didn't care.

  Jack saw Bucky's expression gradually became cloudy and uncertain. His eyes were mixed with pain and confusion. He knew that when Bucky recovered his memory, he also remembered how many dirty things he had done for the Hydra over the years. He sighed. In the end, Bucky is also a poor man.

  Restoring his careless and calm look, Jack said: "Well, Bucky just recovered his memory, you let him adapt to it, Steve."

  Hearing, Steve let go of his hand and noticed that Bucky had a bad face, so he said in caring tone: "Bucky, take a break and take your time."

  Bucky's eyes nodded in a complicated way. Looking at Steve's concern, he really didn't dare to say the bad things he had done. He had to lie in his heart as he became dull.

  Seeing this, Jack immediately shifted the topic and said: "Next, let's go see our director of Fury."

  Jack's words were like a deep water bomb. Natasha shouted in shock and said: "This is impossible! I watched him die!"

  Jack "hehe" smiled, his tone was a little ridiculous, said: "How many people are there who wants the life of Fury, are you still not clear? is that guy so easy to die? well, unless a purple potato head comes by himself and end him."

  Natasha did not understand the meaning of Jack's last sentence. She only regarded it as a strange stalk, and she did not care. She was completely caught in the shock of the news that "Fury is not dead".

  When he heard the news, Steve was also shocked and asked: "Do you know where Fury is now?"

  "I do know." Jack answer honestly.

  Steve and Natasha suddenly stunned, are you not teasing me? why didn't you say it earlier?

  Just when Natasha couldn't help but ask him to take them there, Jack said slowly: "...but first we should go to see someone first."

  Natasha has a black line: "Don't sell it, take us to see Fury."

  "OK, OK," Jack shook his head helplessly, opening a space door without hesitation, and said with a tone of an elder educating his younger generation "Young people are too impation these days."

  hearing this Natasha and Sam felt speechless. Hey, there are people here who are older than you! Even if Natasha, who is inconvenient to say that "the woman's age is a secret," is true, the real age is "just a little bit bigger" than the "29"-year-old Jack...

  Jack did not continue to make a fool of himself. While opening the space door, he explained: "After we left, in addition to the police, and the people of the SHIELD rushed to the scene, I found that there was a familiar face."

  "Who?" Natasha couldn't help but ask.



  Before entering the space, Jack realized that there were several SHIELD cars coming to them with his mental power. He remembered that Maria Hill was hiding in one of these cars, so before he entered the different space, he quickly found her hidden place, and then put a space coordinate on her body.

  In a hidden abandoned bomb shelter.

  Hill apology came: "I'm sorry, sir, when I arrived at the scene, the Cap. had already evacuated."

  In front of Hill, Fury was lying on a hospital bed, watching his agent, obviously, he doesn't look like a dead person...

  Fury heard the report from Hill and sighed with a headache. Just as he wanted to say something, A blue wormhole appeared in the room.

  In the face of such an unexpected situation, Hill immediately pulled out the pistol from her thigh and pointed to the wormhole ready to shoot, but before she did, she heard Fury screaming: "put down the gun agent Hill, we have a guest."

  Just as Hill hesitated, Jack came out of the wormhole and smiled and said: "Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time, agent Hill."

  Then Steve, Natasha, and Sam walked out of the wormhole and saw Fury lying in bed.

  Seeing Steve and Natasha's face are not very good, Fury decisively put up a pained look, and faintly said: "Spine injury, sternal fracture, clavicle crush, liver perforation, lung rupture, plus A terrible headache..."

  However, it did not arouse the sympathy of everyone. Natasha said coldly: "They gave you operation for reclamation. I saw your heartbeat stop, explain it?"

  Fury made a few coughs and said unnaturally: "Tetrodotoxin B can reduce my pulse to one minute per beat. Dr. Banner used it to control his stress. We didn't know its uses besides that, but we have found its new use."

  Steve is dissatisfied with the truth: "Why do you want to be so secretive? Why not tell us?"

  Having said that, Fury pretends to be ridiculous: "You can't kill a dead person. In addition, I really don't know who I can trust."

  Hill added on the side: "In order for the person who intended to murder the director to think that the assassination was successful."

  Fury still wants to pretend to say a few lyrical words, but Jack went straight to the bedside, put a finger on him and then took it back when he took back his hand and smiled and said: "Okay, I have cured you your injuries. Do you have anything else to say?"

  When he said that Fury sat up subconsciously, feeling his own body, full of strength, without any pain and exhaustion, he could not help but admire: "It is convenient, hehe..."

  Fury noticed the cold eyes of Steve, Natasha, and Jack, who stood by and watched the show, and his heart squeaked, and the tone gradually weakened: "In fact, it's not easy... "


  Fury admitted that he should not be so skeptical and expressed his apology that he had not given enough trust to Steve and the others. Steve and Natasha did not continue to intangle Fury.

  "So, the next task is to stop the implementation of the insight plan, captain, you have to stop the rise of the Triskelion, which is about the lives of millions of people." Fury is very serious.

  "In addition to the aircraft carrier, we have to defeat SHIELD," Steve said quietly. "Fury, don't ignore this thing. Hydra has completely infiltrated SHIELD. Now the Aegis bureau is nothing more than Hydra with the name of the "Aegis Bureau"!"

  In the face of Steve's excited words, Fury still wants to argue a few words: "I found the traces of the Hydra in SHIELD and made corresponding measures..."

  "And then? You become the commander of the current light pole?" Jack slowly and elegantly said.

  Fury looked at Jack in an unfair manner. This guy was a virtue with Stark, and he loved to dismantle others.

  "for Hydra in SHIELD, one can't stay alive!" Steve said to Fury in an unacceptable tone.

  Fury stretched his face and wanted to continue to argue. He suddenly heard the voice of Hill sitting on the side saying: "He is right."

  Hill nodded to Fury and signaled that she also agreed with Steve.

  Fury looked at agent Hill and glanced at Natasha. Both these chicks attitudes were obviously leaning toward Steve, which made Fury somewhat uncomfortable, obviously his men...

  Turning his head and glanced at Sam, who was standing leisurely, Sam smiled and said: "Don't look at me, what he does, I do."

  As for Jack, Fury was too lazy to ask him with his eyes. This guy just wanted to watch the show.

  In the face of the "rebellion" situation, Fury had to obey the majority, relying on the chair, and said: "Well, it seems that it is up to your orders, captain."

  Steve was ready to launch a war declaration, and he heard Jack reminded: "This, in fact, you don't worry about how to bypass the enemy's defense line, board the aircraft carrier, I will open a space door directly."

  Oh... it seems like this...

  Everyone thinks that there is a world-class powerhouse standing beside them. What insights plan of Hydra they are like a joke in front of Jack. Destroying the aircraft carrier is just a piece of cake.

  However, this made everyone's fighting momentum suddenly go down, feeling no excitement, why?