SHIELD War part 2

Steve's speech made all SHIELD agents choose to stand on his side and did not hesitate to launch a war against Hydra.

  Simply because he is Captain America, a symbol of freedom and their belief.

  This is enough for them to follow Steve unswervingly and move forward.


  In the headquarter, there is a scene of fire everywhere. The respective camps of SHIELD and Hydra are now clearly attacking each other. The fierce gun battles are played in every corner, whether it is a room of various departments or an open space. On the tarmac, you can see the scene where SHIELD and Hydra are opposite each other.

  Some people have fallen down in their pool blood. There are people in SHIELD, and there are also people from Hydra... If someone hasn't fallen, he will continue to open fire and try to kill more enemies!

  On the side of the control room, Steve's appearance undoubtedly brought great encouragement to all SHIELD agents, and also let Hydra people lose some points of morales.

  Under the leadership of Steve, the group of savage Hydra agents lost their lives, and even when they could not escape, they were kept in the uniform of SHIELD agents, all of which were wiped out.

  Seeing the death of the person on his side, or being arrested, Rumlow, a member of the original Steve Commando, is actually a member of the backbone of the Hydra, "cross-bone", showing at this moment his own madness and determination, he pushed all his men to SHIELD agents to delay the time, and then rushed to the console, kicking the understaffed staff aside and quickly inputting the aircraft carrier's command...

  After discovering Rumlow's move, all SHIELD agents were shocked and shot at him. Steve even threw the shield in his hand against Rumlow, and numerous bullets penetrated the Rumlow's body, the shield hit his spine and made a crack in his bones. However, this still failed to stop Rumlow.

  Rumlow fell to the ground weakly, spit out blood from his mouth, but he smirked smugly and looked like a winner. "Ha ha ha! Cough... Cough, you... you can't stop it. Hydra... Long live the Hydra!"

  After exhausting all his strength and shouting "Long live the Hydra", Rumlow squinted and fell heavily on the ground and died.

  The staff responsible for the launch of the aircraft carrier quickly climbed up and returned to the console, anxiously tapping the keyboard to change the command, but found that the aircraft carrier firing command has been locked, and it takes time to cancel, but now the most missing thing at this moment is time!

  The staff kept typing complex code of instructions all the time, but the face gradually became desperate.

  It's too late, the aircraft carrier should be lifted up now, and it will take a long time to kill millions of people, and they will become accomplices of Hydra and commit an unforgivable sin.

  Just when everyone was overwhelmed, Steve raised his hand and solemnly pointed at the connector in his ear: "Jack, have you disposed of the carrier?"

  Jack's plain voice came from the contact: "No but I did something better"

  After hearing the tone of Jack's questioning, Steve finally breathed a sigh of relief but at the same time, he felt puzzled. Although It seems that there is no problem. He still wants to ask the specific situation. Suddenly I feel that the entire SHIELD shakes like a mountain for a while, then I hear the connector. There was an earth-shattering earthquake!


  Steve hurriedly asked: "What happened? What happened?"

  "Cough," Jack said slightly, "Nothing, that is, the movement of the aircraft carrier is a little bit big..."

  Hearing this, Steve was a bit stunned.

  What violent means did Jack use to destroy the aircraft carrier?

  Where the aircraft carrier was originally parked, Jack looked up at the sky. A huge Robot landed on the ground shaking it. the robot is about 700 m(2300 feet), his face looks like Optimus Prime full of heroic feeling, with 4 ion thruster behind his back and in the middle there is a Lightsaber like these ones in star war but a bigger version of them, he has two laser cannons on each shoulder standing proudly ready to kill anyone.

  Not only this but all these advanced ships inside the aircraft also turned into robots, the only difference is that they are only vassals for the big robot, waiting for his commands.

  Jack took off his helmet and looked at his creation with a few excitement as his silver eyes shined. He whispered: "the AllSpark... is really an artifact, it didn't let me down, even, I was a little overwhelmed..."

The giant robot looked around as he was looking for something, once he spotted Jack his face changed as he kneeled down creating another small earthquake, he said in a majestic yet humble voice: "Master, Optimus Prime is at your commands"

hearing this Jack smiled lightly...


  A minute ago.

  At the meeting room.

  In the face of questions from other board members, Pierce did not panic. Several heavily armed Hydra agents rushed into the conference room, surrounded all the members of the board, pointing guns at the board of directors so that they did not dare to act rashly.

  Seeing that the members of the board of directors were under the control of the men, Pierce walked over to the glass wall and saw the aircraft carrier slowly elevating. He could not help but smile, turned around and sighed at the other board members: "The life and death of this world are in my hands now. The question now is, who want to join us?"

  Pierce picked up a glass of champagne on the table, prepared to taste the fruits of victory, waiting for the compromise of the people. However, one of the council members did not hesitate to scream: "I will never be with you terrorists."

  Seeing the thorns that refused to cooperate, Pierce reached out and took a pistol from the side of the hand, pointing to the head of this council member, preparing to kill, but suddenly...


  There was a loud noise outside, and Pierce turned his head and looked at it, but saw that the aircraft carrier that is carrying his dream of ruling the world started transforming into a giant robot!

He was totally shocked by this scene, but he knew one thing and that is, this is not what he did, then there is only one other explanation, and that is someone did something to his tool, and this is not something good for him, or his plan.

Not only him but everyone has the same expression as Pierce, this include Fury who is on the helecopter and Natasha who is disguised as one the broad member, but they weren't like these ordinary people, and they returned to there senses, at the same time they cursed Jack inside for this big scene, they both knew that Jack must have had a hand.

Pierce turned around and said in anger: "No, what happens, sh*t, what happened where is my Aircraft carrier!!!"

  Pierce did not keep his indifferent, as he angrily shouted, but he can only watch the aircraft carrier transforms into a robot, and kneeling down on one knee, but he could not see Jack standing on the void.


  Pierce angrily threw the champagne in his hand to the ground, exquisite wine glass fell and shattered into pieces.

  Just as Pierce lost his temper and cursed under his anger, suddenly one of the board members wearing a blue professional attire fought back and kicked the Hydra's belly in a lightning-fast manner, then quickly took the gun and pulled it out. Several props lingering with strong currents hit the other enemies accurately, and the high-voltage current instantly paralyzed these enemies as they fell to the ground and fainted.

  After taking the pistol, the female member of the council shot indifferently at the heart of the enemy in front of her, then pointed the muzzle at Pierce who raised his hand and then she pressed it at her temple, and the old face disappeared immediately and what appeared is the face of a charming young woman.

  Black Widow Natasha!

  "Surprise?" Natasha asked without hesitation.

  Pierce looked at Natasha coldly, his face calmed down, and he smiled calmly: "I really didn't expect you to be here, Agent Romanov."

  Natasha's face showed a meaningful smile, saying: "Don't worry, there is another person, you can't think of it."

  After that, Pierce saw a helicopter landing in the open space outside, an unexpected person walked down from the helicopter.

  Nick Fury!

  Fury opened the door of the conference room, and the black windbreaker danced in the wind, showing the mighty domineering of SHIELD Director!

  After coming in, Fury did not speak, but the momentum of his body continued to rise and condense, making Pierce's face more and more ugly.

  Pierce calmed his face and said, "Nick... I am so glad that you can come."

  Fury has no waves inside his heart as he said: "Oh? Really? I thought you couldn't wait for me to die?"