Pierce, who died like a...

Seeing Fury "resurrection", Pierce's face is not very good-looking, and the situation at the moment is going a little bit to the side that is not good for him.

  Pierce sorted out his clothes and restored his calm posture. He said: "Nick, you should know the rules of the game. I need you to eradicate everything that blocks me in front. You are the best person I have ever seen to do these things. My enemy is your enemy, but when you stand on my opposite side, your end will be doomed."

  "So you choose me to be the director of the SHIELD, you need an obedient dog." Fury was cold and angry.

  Hearing words, Pierce raised his right hand and shook his index finger. "No, no, Nick, I really want you to be my friend."

  Fury sneered in disdain.

  Natasha concentrates on the computer and prepares to make the secrets of the SHIELD public. Although this will make the world aware of the dirty and ugly hidden under the Agency, the positive image of SHIELD will plummet, but It is also possible to expose all the Hydra buried inside SHIELD.

  As long as you can hit Hydra, even if they lose SHIELD, It is worth it.

  After some operations, Natasha finally completed most of the work, leaving only the last step to make all the information public.

  Natasha picked up her pistol and pointed at Pierce and reported to Fury: "We still need to scan you and his authority."

  "Iris scan is turned on." The computer's smart voice sounds, prompting you to scan the iris for permission.

  Fury took Pierce's arm and pulled him to the scanning panel. Pierce smiled contemptuously: "Nick, do you think we won't cancel your authority..."

  Fury interrupted Pierce's words blankly and said: "I know that you deleted my password, there should be a scan record, but if you want to lead me one step, Mr. Minister..."

  Speaking of this, Fury suddenly unveiled the eye patch covering his left eye, and the left eye was covered with a sly old scar, filled with a turbid gray matter!

  "...you have to keep your eyes open at all times!" Fury gnashed his teeth.

  At this moment, Fury's image is full of ferocity, which shocked Pierce which made him put away his relaxed mood and timidly closed his mouth, with iris scanning operation.

  "Class A personnel confirmed..."

  "Encryption is unlocked, the confidentiality agreement is canceled..."

  Hearing the sound of the system's intelligent voice, Pierce still did not give up, full of confusion: "Nick, is it not good to control the world in hand? We can become the master of this world together and make the world more perfect... "

  "Close your mouth!" Fury did not buy it. As a special agent, he was more good at seducing and deceiving people. Is he better at it?

  If he gives in to these few words, is he still qualified to be the director of SHIELD and the legendary king of agents?

  Seeing that his mouth gun skill level is not high enough, Pierce quietly picked up his mobile phone and prepared to implement his backup plan.

  Before meeting the members of the board of directors, a badge was distributed to everyone, saying that it was a pass, but in reality, it was the device that controlled the life and death of all board members.

  As long as he uses the phone to activate the device, the budget worn on the chest of each board member will shoot a violet laser and burn a two-inch hole in the chest.

  Natasha disguised herself as a member of the board of directors and naturally wore the "killing badge."

  Pierce slid across the phone interface, ready to launch the device to kill several other board members, and then threatened Fury with Natasha's life.

  But just as Pierce just switched out of the control interface, when the finger had not been pressed, suddenly, the glass wall next to him shuttered!

  Stepping on the shattered glass, Jack is like walking around the street. He walked into the conference room leisurely and raised his hand and said hello: "Hey, everyone, how are ya."

  Everyone was shocked by the appearance of Jack, who suddenly appeared. They just saw that the man in white uniform flew up from below, then arbitrarily touched the bulletproof glass with his finger, and under this "light" finger the glass burst instantly!

  They didn't know who the man was, but the uniform from him immediately recognized it. It was the superhero "Godfather" who they have heard rumors about in the past!

  But what puzzles them is why Jack does not wear a helmet. Does he not care about his identity?

  To be honest, Jack is really not afraid of his identity being exposed. Nowadays, the strength reaches the height that ordinary people, hell even god can't imagine, and there is no need to worry too much. Instead, more people need to know his identity so that he can shock the mice.

  After entering the conference room, Jack did not care about the nervous atmosphere in the room. He noticed that one of the board members was an Asian, so he curiously asked: "Where are you from?"

  This sentence is in plain Chinese Mandarin.

  The member of the board of directors saw that Jack was asking him and immediately expressed his sincerity and fear. He only asked in vain English: "Excuse me... What are you asking?"

  Jack had to ask again in English: "I asked you where are you from?"

  "I am from South Korea..."

  After the words have not been finished, Jack interrupted his speech with a calm look "Oh, I thought you were a Chinese person..."

  Jack didn't care about the others thought as he interrupted him.

  Both Fury and Natasha, who are proficient in many languages, understand Jack's words, and the face is not surprisingly eccentric. I did not expect Jack to have this aspect.

  Taking advantage of everyone's attention was attracted to Jack, Pierce just wanted to seize the opportunity to start the device, Jack did not look at him, and just erected his middle finger and pointed it to Pierce, spit out the word: "Pig."

  A dazzling white light quickly caught off the fingertips and shot straight to Pierce. Pierce had not had time to press the remote control. His whole body started radiating. When the light receded, everyone was shocked to find that Pierce turned into a pig with white fluffy hair!

  Hey... if you look closely, you will find out that it is an old domestic pig, the meat is old and slack.

  Alexander Pig Pierce screamed in a panic, When he saw himself turned into a pig through the glass fragments on the ground, he even made a miserable scream like a slaughtered pig (well, he is a pig): "Haaa!!!"

  Pierce screamed and squirmed in the room, and the remote control that related to several council members and Natasha's life fell to the ground when Pierce became a pig.

  Several members of the board of directors were afraid and open some distance with Jack. They shivered as they looked at Jack. They dared not speak out. They were afraid of saying the wrong words and angering the other party. Then they would also end up like Pierce or even worst.

  Become a pig? it is better to die than live!

  Fury and Natasha were terrified when they saw Pierce becoming a pig, but at the same time, they felt relieved, especially Fury, seeing the end of the culprit who almost killed him turned into an old pig, his thoughts started turning dark as he said to himself.

  'Who told you to think about killing me, haha...'

  Jack stepped forward and picked up Pierce's mobile phone and quit the control interface. Coincidentally, at this time, a message was sent. The original Jack was still a casual look, but when he finished reading this message, the whole piece The face instantly cooled down, and the eyes turned sharp.

  Raising his hand, the invisible mind "grabbed" Pierce, and when Pierce struggled with his pig's trotters, Jack held his fist indifferently!


  The invisible hand of the mindfulness instantly smashed Pierce, and the blood splashed around. The whole conference room suddenly became bloody, and there was some stinky pig blood everywhere.

  Seeing this scene, all the members of the board of directors were scared, and the Korean board members even turned their eyes and fainted.

  On the phone screen, a short message is displayed:

  'Target Sophia Temple is on her way back home we are preparing to carry out the arrest. '