
 Ignoring the shocked and frightened people in the meeting room where flesh and blood everywhere. After picking up the phone and looking at the message displayed on the screen, Jack "ALMOST" turned the phone into powder from anger when he saw that Hydra sent her agents to capture his women the more he thought of it the colder his face is, but at the same time he is not worried about the safety about all of them only Sophia and Skye because even after he gave them powers they are still weak in term of experience, also he doesn't want to see them kill, because Jack really love them he only pamper and spoil them like queens and he is always trying his best so that they can never be wronged, as long as he is alive he will never allow anyone to hurt them and if someone even thought of it he will make them disappear.

carefully sensing the space coordinates set on Sophia, Skye, Anna, and Ivy. Moments later Jack opened his eyes and looked east, his silver eyes turned sharp as they penetrated space itself, Jack looked at the scene of the two of them sitting inside Bumblebee and behind them a lot of black cars following them, from what Jack saw, he knew they were shopping until Hydra agents surrounded them, as for Anna(A.18) Jack isn't afraid that she would be hurt but he still looked at her direction, and this look made his eyebrow jumped as he looked at all Hydra agents holding there crotch, some of them fainted while others are screaming, and the blood coming from there crotch made Jack blood cool down as he felt his crotch turn weak.

Anna who took care of the people who want to kidnap her felt someone peeping at her she turned around looking for the culprit, unfortunately, she saw no one, but the feeling of being peeped at did not disappear, her heart tightened as she searched with no results.

Jack who saw her alert look nodded in approval and whispered something, then he turned his head toward the direction of Ivy and he heaved a sigh of relief when he saw every last one of Hydra agents buried under-ground leaving only the head is exposed, but from the foam in their mouth Jack knew that they committed suicide, probably Ivy tried to extract some information, and this, in turn, triggered their habit of suicide.

Back to Anna, once Jack finished his whisper her alert look eased once she knew that Jack is watching over her.

Jack took a deep breath trying to calm his mood, but the more he tried the more he couldn't when he think that there are still stupid people who want to touch his reverse scales.

He snapped his fingers then a blue light flashes, disappearing from SHIELD leaving only small ripples in space. At the same time all the dead bodies left by Anna and Ivy disappeared, as a shadow swallowed them all.


Inside Bumblebee, Sophia and Skye looked nervously at the black cars following them and shooting at them with guns. Sophia looked at Skye and said: "Skye hurry up and call Jack".

Skye who was at the driving seat said to Bumblebee: "Bumblebee call Jack, hurry up".

A voice came from the speakers: "I can't contact him, all signals on this area has been blocked " Just as he finished, the sound of a broken window was heard and before they could react Skye got shot on her left shoulder, all this happened when Jack is looking at the situation of the other girls.

Bumblebee stopped, protecting the two wives of his master is his duty, so, he said: "go hide leave these men for me to handle".

without looking around he turned to face the bad guys, Bumblebee immediately folded and quickly switched to robot mode, transforming into 5 m giant robot, scaring the shit out of these agents.

the gang of Hydra, who was sent to take Sophia and Skye as a hostage, looked terrified, a virtual character who only appeared on the screen - Bumblebee appeared in front of them! except that he is bigger than the one on the screen.

Just as the enemy was so scared that they started opening fire out of fear, and madly attacked him, Bumblebee's arm changed again, and he turned into two giant Gatling guns!

 with full force!

  Bumblebee rushed over to the enemy, and the machine gun in his hand rained them fiercely with bullets who slid across the air hitting four off-road vehicles. The countless shells fell on the ground, sending out a crisp sound of "Dangdang".

  Bumblebee clearly saw the horror and anger that appeared on the enemy's face, but this did not affect his emotions. When he enters combat state, he would become a qualified soldier and would not have any compassion for the enemy!

 Three of the off-road vehicles were screened by Bumblebee, and none of the enemies in the car were spared. Only one the last car who lost two teammates, decisively drove around preparing to escape this absurd nightmare.

  However, just as the fish in the net turned around, ready to drive at full speed, they found that a person suddenly appeared in front of them and punched heavily, the people inside can swear that they saw the space shatter with this punch, they didn't even have the time to process what happens and...


  This off-road vehicle was directly punched into oblivion!


while all this happen in a hiding place,

Sophia who nodded at Bumblebee words took the injured Skye and hid in a safe corner, she looked at Skye with tear, her heart is hurt she felt so weak, even though Jack gave them strength she and Skye don't know how to use it effectively, she lifted her head looking at the bad guys who wanted to hurt her and her sister being killed by Bumblebee, hatred started growing in her hurt, and a thirst for strength took root inside her, once she started having this feeling, deep down inside her body(genes) and soul, a "crack" can be heard, as if something seemed to shutter inside her and a powerful force that she has never felt before started growing at a phenomenal speed spreading all over her body, she closed her eyes and felt this new power.

Once her power reached the peak she opened her eyes and the once watery green eyes, turned golden like the bright sun in the morning, and her dark brown hair turned golden too, she was full of majestic and sacred aura like a god in a mortal skin.

Sophia looked around in shock because she can feel that she has a mysterious connection with the world, no, to be exact the light element, she can feel that she can control all the light in the world.

She looked at Skye who was holding her wounded shoulder she has a feeling that she can heal her wound, she reached out to Skye's wound, once she touched it, Sophia saw all the light element within a 100 meters is responding to her call, no, to be exact they listen to her, she is its master, she thought about healing Skye's wound and the light element started doing the job.

Skye who looked at the dazed Sophia who closed her eyes and thought that she was having a psychological breakdown, because of all the girls in the family Sophia is the one who cares most about the unity of them all, this is also the reason why she is the favorite girl of Jack, it would be a lie if she said that she is not jealous, but as she spent more time with her and felt her care and sincerity, she felt that Sophia deserve more, because she knew that Sophia would rather die than see her or the other sisters get hurt, and now seeing Sophia like this, Skye knows that Sophia is blaming herself, although the bullet hurts her but since Jack granted her strength, her body became far more superior than a normal human being, even now she can feel the muscles trying to squeeze the bullet out of her shoulder.

Just as she wanted to comfort Sophia and tell her that she is alright, she was shocked when she saw Sophia opened her eyes that turned golden and her once dark brown hair also turned golden like the sun full of sacred yet majestic feeling, seeing her hand wanted to touch her wound, she wanted to say something, but before she could do that, she saw a soft light coming from Sophia's hand, as the light came in contact with her wound, she felt so comfortable, looking at her shoulder, she found her wound healing at a speed naked to the eye, she then looked at Sophia who smiled at her, giving her a feeling of peace in her heart.

Once the wound healed, Sophia turned and looked around only to see all the bad guys who wanted to kill her and Skye disapeared, she was puzzled, but once she saw Jack, who is looking at her with a warm smile she also smiled and run to Jack's arms, feeling safe and secure, she started crying and venting her frustration on his shoulder, Jack conforted Sophia and then he looked at Skye who is also looking at them, Jack told her to come, he hugged her too, each one took a shoulder, this scene looked warm and toutching, but it didn't last long, as moments later Skye seperated from Jack embrasse, leaving only him and Sophia, Skye looked at her only to find her sleeping, Jack also noticed this, and he knew that this is the first time she awakened, so it is invertable that she would lose conscesness once she is out of the danger zone, Jack held her on his arms, then he opened a portal to his house, Skye also followed in leaving only the dazed Bumblebee who didn't know what to do.

Jack who walked to his house looked back and saw that Skye came in, then he saw the dazed Bumblebee, he said: "Bumblebee wait for me I will put her down then come back ", as he said this, he started thinking that he should upgrade him, maybe replace his metal by ADAMANTIUM the one that was injected into Logan.


Back to SHIELD,

  For Jack who suddenly and brutally killing Pierce, Fury and Natasha were shocked and confused. Natasha took the phone up and saw the information above.

  After handing the phone to Fury and saw this message he understood why Jack suddenly killed Pierce. He couldn't help but sigh: Hydra, you are really impatient...

Then he looked at outside the window where the giant robot is sitting looking around in curiosity, seeing him like this Fury felt a headache as he didn't how to deal with him, he also needs to come up with an excuse for the top people on the government.

But Fury has to admit that he is really tempted, as he started thinking of a way to convince Jack to "lend" him the giant robot for a "little" while.