Sophia's true identity

Jack was glad that he had arranged the Bumblebee next to Sophia and Skye, or the consequences would have been really unimaginable.

  Although Jack can immediately teleport through space according to the mark he left on Sophia and Skye, but after all, it is not a complete solution. In the event of an emergency or something an unexpectable, there is no way to guarantee success.

  As he was thinking, he suddenly heard Skye's voice with a touch of nervousness: "Why didn't you wear a helmet?"

  Jack remembered that he had already rushed over without wearing a helmet, and the place they fought in is a high-speed intersection. Because Bumblebee just confronted the chaos caused by Hydra agents, the cars behind them stopped moving forward creating traffic by the blocked road.

  However, many people got out of their cars, holding a mobile phone and taking pictures, and their faces were full of excitement and in these pictures, there are some photos and videoes of Jack.

  No way, Bumblebee actually appeared in reality! This is enough to make them crazy, desperately trying to get closer, only to watch the mighty and domineering Transformer in close quarter, not to mention the Godfather who is a synonym of godhood for them.

  Especially after seeing that the majorety of the "terrorists" were solved by Bumblebee, the masses were more excited as they ran towards Bumblebee, in fact, this scene is also happening at SHIELD headquarter, as a lot of people are watching the giant mighty Optimus Prime in totale shock and excitement, taking their mobile phone desperately taking videos and photos of a character that only appeared on the screen, but thanks to Fury quick reaction he directly blocked the scene at the same time he ordered what is left of SHIELD agents to use the headquarter supercomputer to hack and erase the videos and photos from the people present on the scene, this action may sound stupid but there are only a small group of people who are at the scene, because most people are still working and it is not even lunch time, as, for the people who were passing by, once they heard gun shots, they run for their lives leaving only a handful of characters, some are trying to see if they can help while others are taking photos & videos to sell them to news station for some cache, Fury can use the excuse that they were attaked by "terrorist" to cover up the appearance of the giant Optimus Prime, as for the people who knew the true truth there are a lot of methode to shut them up.

For Optimus Prime, once he saw a lot of people gathering and taking pictures of him, he knew what he should, so he directly transformed back to an aircraft carrier, silently parked where he should be, and waiting for Jack's orders.


  Jack who put Sophia on bed wanted to leave to take care of some people so he left her with Skye, then he opened a space door back to Bumblebee, from the space door(imagine Dr. strange space door, but without any golden ring, just pure like a mirror like the space portal that was opened in New York but without the chaotic blue light) Jack and Skye can see a lot of people coming over to them, to be precise they are coming to see Bumblebee, Jack turned his head and looked at Skye anxious look, he smiled as he stepped forward inside the space door, he looked at the dead bodies of Hydra, he waved his hand and from the shadow of the dead bodies, dark hands can be seen stretching out, pulling and swallowing all the dead bodies.

  However, Jack did not wear his helmet. He stood in the air and looked at it. Skye who looked from the other side of the door was more anxious for him. She said: "Jack, How are you still..."

  Without waiting for her to finish her words, Jack shocks his head slightly and smiled lightly: "It doesn't matter, let everyone know me."

  When a few daring people ran over, preparing to take a few shots of Bumblebee at a closer distance, when they came to scene, they found some kind of space door where they can see two women, the absurd thing is that they seem to be on a house, one is laying on a bed while the other one is looking at a man who outside the door next to the Bumblebee, and the man have a very handsome face caught their attention, for two things, one, they have never seen such a godly handsome man in their entire life, second, because of the clothes he's wearing.

  They noticed that his wearing a very familiar uniform, the uniform of the superhero "Godfather"!

  Is this man the mysterious godfather?!

  Everyone was excited in an instant. Suddenly, someone shouted wildly and shouted: "Godfather, is that you?"

  The man asked their question, and everyone stared at the man with a gaze that seems to be looking forward to his reply.

  In the face of everyone expectation, Jack calmly said: "Yes, I am..."



  The audience was amazed and everyone cheered with excitement:

  "Sure enough, you!"

  "Godfather, I am your loyal fan!"

  "You are the most handsome man that I have ever seen!"



  Everyone is so excited that they can't keep calm, and their phone is constantly shooting, not wanting to even miss a shot.

  Whether it is Bumblebee or the Godfather who exposed his true face, it is enough for them to take this precious picture.

  Jack did not change or do anything and just accepted the people taking his photos like fanatics. When more and more people gathered, they couldn't control the situation. When people had to crowd up, Jack used his mind to cover up Bumblebee flying away. As for the door, he already closed it long ago.

  At any time or place, the picture of people flying is still very shocking. Even if they have seen it before, people are still subconsciously quiet as they looked at Jack in the air.

  Jack raised his hand and waved goodbye to the people below. He said, "Goodbye."

  After that, he took Bumblebee that was so excited because of flying and quickly flew away from the crowds' vision...


  Needless to say, Bumblebee and Jack certainly dominated the headlines of major news media.

  "Transformers come to reality?!"

  "Is there really a Cybertron planet?"

  "Amazing! The godfather finally took off his disguise!"

  "the most handsome man of the year..."


  Faced with all sorts of overwhelming headlines,

Jack just took the time to go to the New York Times for a half-hour interview, briefly responded, and then did not accept other interviews.

  Like the "the Godfather took off his disguise" this kind of ambiguous title, naturally, the horn is reported to the nervous boss, Jack is too lazy to pay attention to this old man who does not look good.

    Jack also finally realized the life of a star. Every day, fans and paparazzi follow behind, but Jack is not a star who needs to pay attention to his image. People know that he is a superhero with terrifying powers and strength. Naturally, they dare not make too much noise, so Jack's daily life has not been greatly affected.

  Aside from Jack's story, the disclosure of the SHIELD's information in the public has also caused an uproar. People are horrified to discover that the Aegis Bureau, which has always appeared in a positive image, is also the existence of filth, and has done so secretly. The most common things were that they were also infiltrated by the anti-human terrorist organization Hydra.

  These days, you can often see groups of people holding a sign, excitedly shouting on the streets. SHIELD became a street word that everyone called. The government received a letter of complaint and they also have a headache. After all, SHIELD is now in a state of no leader. The two highest authorities of SHIELD have died one after another. The government can't find anyone to interrogate, of course there only a minority of people who knew that Director Fury is still alive, but they dare not open their mouth because of Jack.

   Fury who saw this exuberant situation decided decisively to keep his fack death statue, even his own tombstones were arranged in SHIELD's cemetery, and he was behind the scenes with Hill, waiting for the crisis to come again to "resurrect".

As for the giant Optimus Prime, every trace of him has been erased, even when some people talk about him, he would be invited by the government for a cup of coffee.

Jack was too lazy to take care of him, so he told Fury to do so, then he ordered O.Prime to listen to Fury instructor until he tells him otherwise.


3 days later.

After Jack finished solving some problems, it was finally his time to go and relax with his wives, so he and the girls took a small vacation to Hawaii, where they enjoyed there time to the fullest, no one came to bother them. In fact once Jack brought plan tickets and a nice house near the beach, he alarmed the two governments, but once they knew that he was going for a vacation with his women, they relaxed, while the Hawaiian government cleaned everything that may leave a bad impression on Jack, they also hired the top beauties to work on location where he brought his house, because they saw his four beautiful women, they thought they can hook him up, Hell, they even secretly changed the law of how many women a man can marry as they added in there law that: < a man is allowed to marry 5 women>, so that if Jack liked a woman from Hawaii he can marry her too. It may sound too much, but Jack strength made every obstacle removed before he even knew its existence, as for how they will inform Jack of this law.

Well, they have a lot of ways...

like this Jack spent 10 days in Hawaii, he also had a lot of fun with his wives, besides shopping, swimming, and playing all kinds of games, they also mated a lot, they were like rabbits, having s*x all the time, on the beach, at there house, sometimes at night and sometimes at daylight, all according to there desire. Once they had enough fun they deiced to go back, although they wanted to stay, they had to go back.


New York, Jack's Villa.

After Jack and his wives returned home, they were greeted by an unexpected guess the next day of there arrival.

Jack looked at the person, his age is about 80 years old, full of white hair, but the weird thing is that Jack feels that he's full of vitality, with a straight back he has a well-built body, he also looked like a steward, because of the black suit he is wearing.

The old man walked slowly, once he was in front of Jack, he looked behind him where his wives are standing, his eyes fixed on Sophia, his dull look suddenly turned bright and as he knelt down on one knee like an ancient knight, and said with a voice full of emotion: "young miss, I am Deacon the butler of the god of sun Apollo, I came by his name to bring you back before Zeus finds you, you have already broken the barrier created by your mother Angela, we have to hurry up before they find out about you".

Jack and the girls who heard this news were shocked, Sophia wanted to say something, but Jack was faster than her as he hurriedly waved his hand saying: "wow wow wow, wait, old man, Sophia is not going with no one, and she already has her parent...".

Before Jack could finish his talk he was interrupted by the old man, his voice turned from a humble old man to a majestic one: "Shut up mortal, what do you know, these so-called parents are but guardians that were sent by the great god Apollo to protect her safety and let her live a normal life, far away from the chaotic life of a god".

Jack was truly angry and speechless by his tone, he took a deep breath to calm himself before he does something he would regret in the future. He looked at the old man and said: "then let's go to her so-called guardians' parent to ask them".

the old man disdainfully snorted and said: "hump, there is no need for this, they are already here" as he finished, he looked to a distance, Jack and the other girls also followed his direction, a car can be seen coming at high speed toward them, although the girls don't know who's in the car because of the distance, Jack clearly saw Sophia's parent, with a worried face, Jack used his telepathy to read there mind, and was shocked to discover that what the old man said is true, then he tried to read the old man mind, and was also shocked that he couldn't, as if there is a barrier that is preventing him, Jack feels that he can break it, but he also feels that once he does so the old man will die.

Once Jack knew the truth, he didn't say much and just waited for the car to arrive.

It didn't take long for her parent to arrive, and once they did so they run and hugged Sophia without saying much. After they calmed down Jack invited them to the house where they can talk.


Inside the house.

Sophia looked at her nervous parents and said: "Mam, dad is it true, is it true that I am not your true daughter " her last words were a little shaken.

Sophia's mother shouted: "No, no you are my daughter, and you will always be my daughter, even if we are not your true parent we have always treated you like ours, so don't say that you are not our daughter"

Sophia's eyes started getting wet as she said: "then why? why did you hide this truth from me? I have the right to know who my true parents are" as she finished her tears started coming out, Jack and the girls who saw this, gather behind Sophia as Jack put his hand on her shoulder trying to say that you're not alone.

Anna who was silence suddenly said: "sister Sophia, there is no need to cry, maybe they didn't tell because of something that may threaten your life"

Ivy and Skye said: "Yeah, Sophia let's listen to what they have"

Sophia looked at her sisters behind her, then looked at Jack who has firm eyes that are saying 'there is me no one can hurt you', she felt warm, she smiled a little, then she looked at her 'parent'.

Sophia's father said with a sigh: "Sophia we are sorry for not telling you this, but we have no choice or you won't have a normal life"

Sophia turned silence for a while then she said: "then tell me why did my birth parent leave me"

her father hesitated and didn't say anything, he turned his head to the butler who was always silence, once Deacon saw the man turning his head to him, he nodded a little indicating that he can say the truth.

When he got the approval of Deacon, Sophia's father turned serious and said: "this is a long story"