Knowing his true heart

"here is?"

  Jack opened his eyes and found himself lying on a bed, he looked at the simple ceiling. After careful thought, he found that he couldn't stand the feeling when he was transferred to the world, not like last times where he transfer gently, this time Jack traveled through the chaos with his body and this made him exhausted, and once he arrived, he saw a big golden bubble, he didn't penetrate it but felt like he fused with it and once he entered the bubble, an endless universe appeared in front of him and before he could know what happens, he lost his consciences, but he seemed to see a golden figures before he passed out.

  Jack wants to know who moved him here, and more importantly, where is he. Therefore, Jack stood up and raised his upper body, but felt dizzy.

  "Hey! What is this feeling? Motion sickness? Drunkness?"

  Jack tried to stabilize his body and not let himself fall back on the bed. But he's used all his energy, and he can only hold the bed and breathe.

  At this time, Jack heard a voice.

  "Are you awake?"

  Jack slowly turned his head and found that there was a person sitting there, as if he was a part of the house that fits perfectly with the surrounding environment, making people feel uncomfortable.

  he was a handsome man wearing a white robe, closing his eyes with a long straight blond hair. Although sitting there with a dull expression on his face, it gives an inexplicable sense of oppression.

  " are..."

  Under the inexplicable sense of oppression, Jack was able to look at the man in a moment, and the reaction was over.

  "My name is Virgo Shaka."

  It is still plain words and expressions, but with inexplicable oppression, that makes people feel scared. But Jack didn't care, also he felt pressure because his strength was sealed it doesn't mean that he will be really pressured, but he was surprised by his identity.

  "Virgo Shaka!?"

  If it is in anime, even if he does not wear the holy clothes, Jack can recognize him. However, the transformation from the second dimension to the third dimension made Jack unable to adapt and could not recognize him for a while.

  "It seems that you know me."

  The plain tone made Jack silence for a while, but he turned and thought that it is not a rare thing to know the identity of the Golden Saints in the world of Saints.

  "Golden Saints of Virgo-Shaka!".

  Jack said in a small voice. At the same time, he is also thinking about it.

  "Your body is very strange."

  Shaka did not pay attention to Jack's identity but suddenly talked about Jack's body.


  Jack heard what Shaka said about his body being strange and he quickly checked his body, but he did not find anything strange.

  "Your body is too strong, way too strong and perfect, just like a newborn babe, without any impurities, but the weakness of a babe"

  After the examination of Jack, Shaka explained why Jack's body was strange. His closed eyes seemed to stare at Jack, waiting for Jack's answer.

  "This is the case, my body is indeed transformed by some kind of supernatural power. That is probably a power that does not belong to this world."

  Jack spread his hands and bowed his head to observe his body. Jack did not want to speak in front of VIgro, but he could only explain it as much as possible. At the same time, why his body doesn't have any impurities, that is because in when he broke through to godhood his body was completely washed returning to his state when he was just a newborn babe.

  "Yes. Although I still want to study it again, since you have already woke up, I can't bother you anymore. After you have a good rest, you can go out."

  After that, Virgo got up and walked to the door.

  "Wait a minute!"

  Seeing that Virgo Shaka was about to go to the door, Jack quickly got up and chased after him and shouted.

  "Please accept me as a disciple!"

  Jack bowed his head and said seriously.

  Upon hearing Jack's serious request, Virgo Shaka turned around with his closed eyes said to Jack: "Why?"

  Jack looked up,

Said: "In order to become stronger! ... in order to protect the justice of my heart."

  When I said the second half of the sentence, I don't know why Jack made a fist with both hands and bite his teeth and said it.

  "Hey, is it justice in your heart? You should have killed a lot of people."

  Virgo Shaka smirked and pointed out the secrets of Jack.


  When Jack heard the words of Virgo Shaka, he could not help but stop. He was not afraid of Virgo Shaka knowing that, but he was very surprised that his reaction was so big.


  Jack did not know how to respond better, so he only stayed in silence.

  "How do you guard the justice in your heart, let me see it. If you can't do it, then your spirit will die here!"

  Seeing that Jack did not respond, Virgo Shaka did not wait for him. With a finger, Jack was swallowed by a bright light.

  When Jack came back, he found himself standing in the place where he killed the people before in marvel, from humans to aliens and he was holding a sword in his hand.


  Jack who felt the change in space felt a little surprised, then he remembered one of Virgo abilities, Rikudō Rinne, A technique in which Shaka sends the spirit or soul of his opponent to one of the six Dharma's rebirth realms.


  After the reaction, Jack looked at the ground but found nothing.

  Surprised Jack quickly turned around, still found nothing. Although it was strange, Jack did not let go of his guard, but instead took the sword and slowly walked to the front door.

  Suddenly, Jack felt that something caught his leg. He looked down and found that an alien male corpse that has half a body crawling from the ground and crying as it tried to reach his leg.

  "Why? I didn't have a chance but to go and steal, why should you kill me?"

  "You guy! Why did you kill my husband he didn't have a choice but to do it..."

  At this time, a woman also came out to hug Jack's other leg.

  "I don't want to die~~ I don't really want to die!"


  Jack listened to the mourning of these ghosts, and could not help but frown, struggling, wanting to leave them, but the more he struggled the more he is drowned back.

  "You killed me, I want you to die!"


  "Since you killed us, you will come down with us!"

  At this point, all the ghosts had already emerged. When they said this, they all reached to hold Jack's thigh.


  Under the severe pain, Jack couldn't help but start using his sword, and after these ghosts couldn't move, they quickly recovered and started climbing back to Jack.

  Jack can only slash and retreat.

  "This is not a joke! Is this really an illusion!"

  Jack looked at the bloody thighs and the pain continued to spread. He never thought that once the C.S. sealed his powers he would be this weak, unable of even killing a ghost or destroying an illusion. Thinking of Virgo Shaka, if he dies here, I am afraid that he will really die. Seeing that all these ghosts were getting closer, Jack held the sword tightly and held back the pain.


  I don't know how long it took, Jack was tired, and put his hands on his knees to rest for a while. Inadvertently looking up, seeing the door in front of him, and all the ghosts that are waiting at its steps.

  When Jack wants to run again, he suddenly wakes up and says: "Ha~~ I am stupid, how can I run from this illusion?... I can only breakthrough!"

  Jack adjusted breathing and made up his mind to welcome it.

  "!... It turns out that... I have been escaping, I thought I never carried but I was wrong... wrong from the beginning!"

  Just after Jack was determined not to escape, he suddenly found himself escaping. Until now, Jack did not recall this matter, In addition to the things that happened to make him think of nothing, he is more willing not to think of it.

  Unknowingly, the two sides are already close together, and the ghosts continue to talk trying to stimulate Jack by words.

  "I want you to regret killing me!"

  "Repent?? I can't think of the reason I regret. It should be you who regrets."

  "Haha~ You are afraid, I want you to die in fear~~"

  ".... I am really scared. But what you did in your life made us crossroads, if you didn't try to steal and kill if you just worked hard in your life, I will not kill you but protect you, now that you are blaming me is an irresponsible idea, because the moment you chose the road of crime, you should know that you will lose your life someday!... So I am Sorry, I will not let you rise again even if it is possible to resurrect you in the future. your life will only make you suffer. I can only pray that you will be happy in the afterlife."

  At this time, the ghosts have climbed to Jack. Jack let them climb to his body to bite.

  "Hahaha, I actually said so much to a phantom, I was like an idiot. Sorry! I need to pass this test, so I can't die here! So disappear! Phantom!"

  Jack punched the ghost's head and then returned to the room. Jack squatted on the ground and found himself soaked in sweat.

  "Sure enough, you have awakened you COSMO."

  Seeing that Jack broke his own illusion, Virgo Shaka was not surprised, still a plain tone.

  "COSMO? Did I use the COSMO just now?"

  "Yes, it is indeed, and a punch with your full COSMO. You have to remember that the stronger your heart, the more powerful it can play."

  "Mr. Vigro, I..."

  "Call me a teacher."

  "Yes, teacher!"


Hey guys, these next few chapters, I want to remind everyone that the C.S. will only try to test Jack to see if he can truly fuse with him completely, as for after the fusion, I have some big plans for him.

you may say that I nerfed him, but you can see it as a test of how he deals with this new life and test without his powers, at the same time Jack physical property are still there from Quantum brain to his strength, only his godhood, talismans, and Infinity stones are sealed, as for his genetic manipulation, and other abilities that come from his gene these are abilities that comes from his body, so they will stay.