Meeting Athena

After Jack successfully worshipped Shaka Virgo as a teacher, he was brought to his place by Virgo. Originally, Jack was not allowed to live in the Virgo Palace as a candidate for the Saint Seiya, Shaka's guidance was special.

After bringing Jack to his Palace, he would stay in the Virgo Palace and live together with him.

  Moreover, as soon as he arrived at the Palace, Shaka Virgo asked Jack to meditate and start practicing. However, the consequence of Jack's traveling made him sleep a lot to recover faster, at the same time, Jack now understands how terrible the chaos is and why the universe has a source wall. So the second day Jack came to the sanctuary, he woke up from his sitting position.

  After seeing Jack wake up, Shaka asked him to wash up, Jack can't see if Shaka Virgo is angry, because of his plain tone. However, it is impossible to see the obvious emotional fluctuations from him and this makes Jack feel uneasy.

  The Palace seems to be small, but the interior is still very large, so when Jack took a real look at it, it made him curious along the way, so it took some time for him to reach the washroom. Jack found that there was only a new set of toiletries, which appeared to be prepared by Shaka Virgo.

  Jack did not worry but thought while washing.

  'My main task is to live. I also need to reach the 7th sense as soon as possible, but first I need to determine the period I am in and see if I can do something.'

  Thinking of this, Jack washed his head with water, then slowly wiped it and continued to think.

  'Now I have already worshipped Shaka Virgo as a teacher. If I want to stay away from the Holy War, I am afraid I will be killed as a traitor. But I can't be a holy warrior so that I can have more room for advancement and retreat... I need to comprehend the seventh sense in three years, or less if I activated my quantum brain... This is not a joke, just to worship Shaka Virgo as a teacher, I was almost killed by him! I can only make good use of the resources of the Sanctuary and get as much living capital as possible... The C.S. said that it is my test to see if I am really worthy of it, that means that all the protection the C.S. gaved me is deactivated, like soul protection or teacher Virgo move would have no effect on me, but at the same time, it is also good thing for me, I can grow stronger with this experiance, maybe this is the real reason behind this test, fortunatly I still have my powerful physical strength, my bones are 10 times stronger than Proto-Adamantium ( the metal used to create Captain America's shield known as the strongest metal ) and my muscle density is at least a 1,000,000 time stronger than a human being who reached his limit like Captain America, and muscles fiber are already crystal red, stronger than dimande by at least 5 times not to mention that each a bundles of muscle fibers create what is called the fascicles and a group of fascicles create a sceletone muscles which means that if I compare to a human being muscle fiber, then my crystal red fiber can whistand a nuclear explosion, and this means that it is at least hundreds of thousands of time stronger than the human fiber, so if I calculate it then with my normal physical strength I can left up to 50 billion ton of weight and more, not to mention my powerful genes which gave me an almost infinit potential to grow beyound mesure, this means that I can punch this whole f*cking earth to dust if I used my full physical strength, at the same time if I trained my COSMO(small universe) I would be too much f*cking stronger than a normal Saint Seiya, at the same time it would mean that my training whould harder than other Saint Seiya, because of my strong physical body, but with my quantum brain this problem was reduced a lot, but I still need to stay low-key, although I have a strong physical body, my soul is still fragile, especialy after the C.S. sealed my godhood and its protection, and with the weird means of Saint Seiya I should pay a lot of attention to this, so it is best to keep a low profile until I reach the 7th sense'

  Jack put the washing utensils and patted his cheeks hard.

  'Well, I can't think about it anymore in front of Shaka Virgo! I just have to work hard to practice!'

After finishing, Jack returned back to where his teacher is, who, in turn, was waiting for him, so once he entered Shaka who was closing his eyes said:

  "Okay. Sit in front of me, and meditate in the way I taught you last time."

  "Looking" at Jack's back, Virgo told him to sit down and seemed to plan to teach him to practice now.


  Jack did as he was told, he did not hesitate to do so.

   Shaka Virgo didn't show any emotions, but he still appreciates the decisive nature of Jack. After Jack sat down, he began to ask: "You said that your body has been transformed by a mysterious force, then do you know the nature of this force?"

  "I can't understand what kind of power it is, and I don't know from where it comes from."

  Indeed, technically Jack did not know what kind of power the C.S. or even how it was born.

  "Yeah, I have not found any signs of this force in you. Your body is too strong, I can't say how strong it is, at the same time your body is as pure as a newborn baby. Your current state is the best for practice. At the moment, within three months, you must not consume any food other than the necessary, understand!"

  "Yes, teacher!"

  "So start practicing now. You have already awakened your COSMO, so you only need to learn how to burn it. I will guide you with my COSMO. You need to feel it with yours. Remember to gently burn your COSMO."

  After that, Shaka started burning his COSMO gently, and guide it to cover Jack.

  Jack felt this COSMO and closed his eyes and began to burn it. But it is not so hard for Jack to do so, especially after being stimulated by the COSMO of Shaka, but still, he couldn't stop his COSMO from burning so suddenly and violently. But Jack kept in mind the teachings of Shaka Virgo, to calm his heart, and try to calm his COSMO and burn it in a gentle way.

  I don't know how long it took, Jack opened his eyes and found himself lying on a bed.

  (Here is... When am I.....)

  Jack wanted to get up but found that he didn't have the strength and could only turn over.

  "Ah! You can't move now!"

  Waiting on the side of Jack a masked Saint Seiya candidate quickly came and held him down.

  "Your spirit is weak now, take a rest!"

  "here is?"

  Jack found that his spirit is exhausted and did not even have the strength to speak.

  "This is the Sanctuary Medical Center. You were sent by the Master Shaka three days ago. Let us take care of you. But you were too desperate in your practice! Not only did you not eat, but you also burned your own COSMO for a whole three days, which resulted in your spirit being exhausted."

  'It turned out that I fainted unconsciously, I don't know how long I have persisted. However, my spirit is too weak after my powers were sealed, but I can still feel that my spirit has grown a lot, then this training is good!'

  "Sorry, can you give me some food?" although he isn't that hungry, because his body is absorbing the solar radiation, he still want to eat.

  "You still have to rest a little more, wait until you can eat it yourself. Master Shaka has told me not to give you too much food, and he has helped you in adjusting your body when you are in a coma."

  Hearing this sentence, Jack wanted to cry without tears. He also thought that he could eat enough. He did not expect that Shaka made such an order for himself, but he still followed!

  After resting for a day, Jack was driven out of the medical clinic and it was also the order of Shaka. Jack can only do what he was told, besides, his spirit has already recovered.

  After Jack arrived at the Virgo Palace, he found that Shaka had been sitting in the same place and was burning his COSMO. Jack did not say much. He went straight to Shaka Virgo and began to meditate less than a meter away from him. He did the cultivation of the COSMO as he learned last time.

  Similarly, four days passed, but Jack didn't know how long it took, he found that he did not know when he was lying on the bed again.

  'How many times has this happened? my spirit is still weak...'

  Jack did not open his eyes, but just lie in the bed and burned his COSMO. The body gradually recovered its full of strength, and in the process, Jack felt that there was a person sitting next to him, he is one of the Saints candidates who usually took care of himself.

  'I can already manipulate my COSMO skillfully, then I need to learn how to use it next. Since I don't plan to be a holy warrior, then I better cultivate my own skills, if possible, learn one or two killer moves from Virgo'.

  Jack had some consideration in his mind, so he sat up.

  "Sorry, can you give me some food? I am in a hurry."

  "Oh ~~ Your strength is improving very quickly? If you can, I would like to compare it with you."

  Seeing that Jack recovered so quickly, plus feeling his COSMO just now, the Saint Seiya candidate was also very surprised by his progress, but unfortunately, Jack could not see any expression under his mask.

  "I didn't expect you to be very good at fighting, but I am afraid we have no chance to compete."

  Jack did not want to have anything to do with other people. After eating his food, he went to Virgo. But from waking up to the present, Jack did not open his eyes but kept his eyes closed and went to the Virgo, he is relying on his COSMO to feel his surrounding.

  Just entering the palace, in addition to sensing the COSMO of Shaka as always, Jack also felt a special COSMO.

  'This is! This little universe is... Athena!?'

  If it is in normal time, Jack will not feel it, but with the COSMO of Shaka Virgo, the other COSMO is too special, Jack quickly guessed the master of the COSMO.

  Jack halted his footsteps for a long time and then decided to go.

  Although Jack has tried to take his steps lightly, he was immediately discovered by Athena, who was talking with Shaka.

  "who are you?"

  Athena turned her head and asked softly.

  However, Jack could not answer it because he had been stunned by her sound, he felt that it was not from this world, full of temptation, gentleness, and firmness.

  "He is my apprentice - Jack."

  Shaka Virgo calmly answered on behalf of Jack.

  "Is he the apprentice you received? I did hear about it, but I didn't expect that Shaka Virgo would even accept an apprentice. But... can't his eyes be seen?"

  Athena looked at Shaka Virgo and looked at Jack again, questioning.

  At this time, Jack had already returned to God. He just heard this question and replied in a hurry: " Athena, my eyes do not have a problem. I am doing this to better observe with my heart the world and feel the different COSMOs."

  "Yes, I misunderstood it. But you don't have to be so polite, just fine."

  Athena walked over and reached out and lifted Jack's face as she smiled at him.

  Jack had bowed his head but felt a petite figure coming to himself, a nice fragrant entered his nose, followed by a pair of soft hand that caressed his cheeks and lifted his head. Even if he closed his eyes, he can still feel the healing smile of the goddess, which made Jack stunned.

  "So, I won't bother you."

  After that, the goddess left.