
"Is she Athena?"

  Jack "watched" Sasha's departure and muttered to himself.

  Seeing her only once, and feeling Sasha's affinity has made Jack, who is not from this world, born with the desire to protect her.

  'This is not a joke! If I just saw the smile with my own eyes, I am afraid that I will be captured by her and desperately fight for her. I feel that it should be a natural fragrance. If this is the case, For people like me who don't have strong beliefs, then what about those who have strong beliefs...'

  "Yes, this is the goddess we want to protect - Athena!"

  Upon hearing Jack's muttering, Virgo Shaka responded.


  The two paused for a while, and Virgo Shaka asked: "You said that you closed your eyes to better observe the world and feel the small universe with your heart, but your main reason is to observe the world and feel the small universe?"

  "Yes!... Why do you ask me this teacher?"

  Upon hearing the question from Virgo Shaka, Jack nodded, then asked.

  "Because from the beginning, your little universe has been exploring and scanning this area. If you do this, it will be rude to others, and some may think of you as an enemy."

  "! This... please teacher, teach me!"

  When he heard what Shaka said, Jack was shocked, so he can only ask for Shaka to guide him. This is related to the future development mode, Jack will not easily give up this practice.

  "If you want to observe the world, isn't it better to open your eyes?"

  Shaka did not answer him directly but questioned Jack.

  "...because what the naked eye can see is only the shape of the world and not the momentum and essence of the world."

  Jack can't be sure whether Shaka is teaching himself, or he is completely wrong, so he only said his own ideas.

  Upon hearing Jack's words, Virgo Shaka nodded and said, "I understand your thoughts. It's really impossible to see the essence of the world by the naked eye. Although I have lost my eyes from childhood, I can't understand the difference between the world's shape and potential. But I know that whether you look at it with the naked eye or look at it with your heart, the most important thing is to use the small universe to understand the world. You can't do it now."

  Speaking of this, Virgo Shaka paused, as if thinking about something.

  "Since you can already use your small universe skillfully, from now on I will teach you how to use the COSMO to understand the world."

  After that, Virgo Shaka turned around and went back to his usual place of cultivation.

  "Jack! For a holy warrior, a controlled strong body is a necessity for a holy warrior so that he can play his real strength. You already have a strong body, but you can't play its full potentials."

  At this moment, Virgo Shaka stopped and without looking back he said.

  "... Although the small universe has the effect of strengthening the body almost infinitely, it is only a drop in the bucket for the strength and fighting of the Saints. Since you want to be strong, then you need to play your full potential, every move you make should have your full strength, you may say that with your strength it would be dangerous to unleash it, but the realm of control I am talking about is the realm where every move you made can pinpoint at one specific place or target without affecting your surrounding, I will show you one time..." as he finished, Shaka turned and looked at the pillar besides him and punched with his full strength, the speed of light is displayed to its fullest, Jack who looked at this felt puzzled, because he clearly saw the punched that reached the speed of light was in contact with the pillar but the later didn't have any obvious crack or even a damage.

"this is the realm I am talking about, I punched at full power but the place I wanted to damage can only be seen by the super microscope, if you have a microscopic vision, you will see that only one part of the pillar was destroyed but at a molecule level"

Shaka who felt his disciple puzzled heart explained calmly as if what he did was an insignificant matter.

"... this..this is impossible."

  At the beginning Jack was silence, he was totally shocked by the display Shaka has done, he never thought that punching at the speed of light can be used like this.

"nothing is impossible, the moment you became a holy warrior is the moment where you should forget all your past view of the world and embark on the path of enlightenment".

  After Shaka finished speaking, he went back, and as his image faded his voice sounded on Jack's ear.

  "I have asked Libra Shiryu to help you train. You should go find him now. Remember, even if you don't know it now, you have to go forward all the time."

  "Yes, teacher!"

  Jack responded loudly, then went to the direction of Libra. But because he is not used to walking while closing his eyes, plus, he is not familiar with the road, all the way ahead was bumpy until he finally reached Libra Palace.

  After arriving at Libra Palace, Jack walked around again, he did not find the figure of Libra Shiryu, and no one answered his call.

  "Strange? is no one here?"

  Just when Jack felt strange, suddenly he heard a sound coming from everywhere.

  "Sorry, sorry, have you been waiting for a long time?"

  As the sound fell, the owner of the sound followed suit - a golden glow materialized until a figure appeared.

  "Don't dare! You are Master Libra Shiryu!"

  Although he could not recognize his appearance for a while, Libra Shiryu's holy clothes were very recognizable.

  "Are you a disciple of Virgo Shaka? It seems that your age is a bit too big for joining the sanctuary, and I think it is strange that Virgo Shaka accepted you as his apprentice. But..."

  When he saw Jack, Libra Shiryu felt very strange. After all, the training of the Saints begins from an early age. It is difficult for Jack to practice at his current age without foundation. However, Libra Shiryu soon discovered the strangeness of Jack. He went forward and observed Jack, then he touched Jack's body with his hands.

  "This body...the age is so big, but it is still like a child, except that your strength is so terrifying... The body is fully developed but still innate. This condition is also very good! what did Virgo Shaka do? your muscle structure and bones are so dense, I can't even penetrate it with my COSMO so that I can know how strong it is. But Just this is enough. Are you sure you're a human being? you are just like a miracle - no wonder Shaka will accept you as a disciple!"

  "That... Master..."

  Jack couldn't stand a big man touching him. He said with some difficulty

  "Oh! Sorry, sorry, your body is too strange, can't help it for a while... hahaha!"

  When Libra Shiryu heard Jack's words, he hurriedly took back his hand and smiled embarrassedly.

  "Right! You have been burning your COSMO with your eyes closed. Is this your way of cultivation?"


  "This burning method shows that you are not mature enough. But no matter what your cultivation method is, you can only cooperate with my training. Shaka has already explained to me that you have an enormous strength that has never been seen before. Now you can attack me with all your strength, you don't have to hold back even if you think you can destroy the earth, a golden saint can do the same!"

  Jack who heard him didn't fully believe it, so he started with 50% of his strength. Jack clenched his fists and started slowly burning his COSMO, but he didn't burn a lot of it, just 1/10.

   Libra Shiryu stretched out his hand without hesitation, a sonic boom was heard as a terrifying pressure was produced making the space around the two of them have signs of collapsing, fortunately, Libra used his COSMO to shield and block the aftershock of this punch, but in the end, he still blocked Jack's fist. This point Jack had expected, not too surprised, every golden saint has the power to destroy earth. But Libra Shiryu on the other hand was absolutly shocked by Jack's fist, but he is after all a holy warrior so he acted quickly and shielded everything around him or the training ground would n longer exist.

  "It's amazing! Just now, Shaka used to talk to me and asked me to help you. He has only said some things about you - but he never said how powerful you are, this punch is strong enough to destroy the dimensional space we reside in."

  Maintaining his punching position, Jack nodded.

  "You can send this punch after only three months of cultivation. Your talent is really high! I am looking forward to what you can achieve. Good! Next I will train you! "

  As Libra Shiryu took back his hand, Jack also resumed his posture. When he heard the words of Libra Shiryu, Jack was also secretly happy. The higher the expectations of Libra Shiryu, the more he will train him, and he will grow faster.

  In this way, Jack received the training of Libra Shiryu during the day and practiced with Virgo Shaka at night. At first, because he was not used to keeping his eyes closed, there was some dangerous accident, but it was just like this that Jack was able to get used to it as soon as possible.

  Libra Shiryu's exercise is mainly to exercise Jack control over his physical strength. After all, Jack has already realized his own COSMO. Now, as long as he durn it his body will keep getting stronger, although it is not obvious with his current strength, his COSMO still kept strengthening his body. Jack has a hunch that only when he comprehend the 8th sense can his COSMO give him a big boost in his physical strength. Vigro also kept giving Jack some wise advice about his future path, in the end, Virgo Shaka is not in a hurry to teach Jack Ming, but he let Jack learn how to use his COSMO in a more refined way, and Jack, in turn, used his heart to understand the world, trying to see through the essence of the world.

  After Jack learned to "see" the world and did not meditate like Virgo Shaka. Instead, he feels the world in his daily training, and of course, he still does the same as Virgo Shaka does at night. At the same time, he also communicates with Virgo Shaka through their COSMOs. Through the communication of their small universe, Virgo Shaka imparted his understanding of the world, and its essence, and the use and realm of the COSMO to Jack.

  After Jack's physical control reached a certain level and had a certain understanding of the nature of the COSMO and the world, he asked Shaka to teach him a move. Although it is a move, and a straight punch at that, but it wasn't just a normal punch.

  Before practicing this straight punch, Jack will meditate until he can blend in with the surrounding environment - when he feels the surrounding environment a simple move of straight punch can be performed.

  To maintain this practice, Jack will also ask Libra Shiryu about some questions about Tai Chi. For Tai Chi, Libra Shiryu still has a certain understanding, and Libra Shiryu's realm of the Golden Saints who understand the seventh sense is also very high. The suggestions given are very useful for Jack. Together with the "Tai Chi true meaning" that Virgo implanted in Jack, every punch he made is integrating the true meaning of Tai Chi.

Jack gradually can integrate the influence of the surrounding environment into his own boxing through his COSMO, although it is only a prototype, It is also a move.

  If there is anything wrong, it is pointed out by Libra; if he encounters any problems, he can ask Virgo Shaka. Jack took the time to exercise his control over his body and took time to practice boxing. At night, he practiced with Virgo Shaka and pressed every day tightly. It's been a hard time to practice like this, and it's been a year since Jack came to the world.