First battle

On this day, Jack practiced as usual. His sweat was shining as he was trying to concentrate all his strength to make a small hole in the middle of the small stone in front of him, just as he did so, Libra Shiryu's voice came from afar.

  "Oh, You are still here, you have worked hard today! Jack, you should also take a proper rest. If you are so desperate, you won't achieve your goal! in order to enter a deeper control you need to adjust your state to its best, once you do so you can even hit an organ of someone without making any damage to his skin or anything besides the organ you target it"

  Without paying attention to Libra Shiryu, Jack is still practicing punching, as if he did not hear the voice of Libra Shiryu. In fact, it is true. When doing this kind of cultivation, Jack couldn't hear the voice of Libra Shiryu. Even if the sky collapsed, he would not have enough time to pay attention. Recently, Jack just carried out this kind of cultivation. His body control has been exercised to a certain extent, at the same time he understood that the Saint Seiya universe is a higher realm, even higher than the dragon ball realm by one level, according to the information he got from C.S. in these past days. According to the information he received all the universes that roam the chaos are graded by colors that represent their strength, from white to gold:

+ WHITE: which represent a normal universe without supernatural power, only rely on technology to advance.

+RED: which represent that the universe has some small supernatural powers like martial-arts, internal energy and the highest achievement of those who cultivate internal energy is a third-grade warrior (lowest level), but technology is still the dominating road.

+ORANGE: and this represents that the universe started producing its own aura, by converting the chaos into dark matter then converting the dark matter into aura, but not in large quantities, but this is enough to make these who cultivate internal energy reach the first grade warrior, and even some geniuses can reach Innate by opening all their body meridians allowing them to absorb the aura of the world, but still, if this kind of universe didn't advance to a higher level, it will still be dominated by technology.

+YELLOW: this level can be said a big leap for the universe, it is like when a Jie Dan or golden dan (Core Formation) cultivator breakthrough and reach the Yuan Ying (Nascent Soul) level and this means that he is out of the mortal realm and truly entered into the road toward immortals. When a universe reach this level, it will have rich aura in every life planet, making it rich in alien species who can cultivate by absorbing the aura, at the same time, the universe will no longer rely on its own instincts to absorb the chaos as it will produce its own intelligence, and this will allow it to understand the laws in the chaos to perfect its own laws and strive to breakthrough to a higher level, at the same time the highest achievement the cultivator can reach inside these universes is the "Yuan Ying" level, at the same time the universe is still dominated by technological, but only 7/10 of its population, as for the other 3/10, they are people who cultivate, all this because not everyone can cultivate as they need spiritual roots to do so.

+ GREEN: this level of universe can be said half perfect as in this stage the universe will start connecting with other universes with higher level of power to learn, at the same time, the creatures inside it will all be cultivators or martial artist who went in their road to the extreme, making the upper limit of these cultivators reach the top of the mortals and that is Wen Ding (Ascendant) at this level, once the universe made a connection with a higher universe, it will send its cultivators to that universe, but not without testing them, in another term tribulation, it will send ligthening to these cultivators who reached the limit and try to test their heart and body, to see if he has a strong foundation to ascend to a higher universe, you may think that it is bad for it to send them, as they can protect it from invaders, who try to plunder its source, but no, because everything that cultivator experiance in that higher universe is transmitted back to his original universe, which allows it to understand the law much better and give it a chance to advance to higher level.

After these levels, there is still Blue, indigo, violet, and gold, but because he did not have enough strength he can't see the information of these universes. Besides these, there are the hybrid universe, colorful universe, or both of them. for colorful universes its power level can be at the top 10, in these universes there are gods, immortals, at the same time there are mortals and normal human being, in these colorful universes technology and cultivation are integrated, but this is not all that is, because, through science and technology some geniuses can create genetic serum or other means to achieve strong strength and immortality, these universes can also be called chaotic universes, as the people inside have strong strength, but not systematic in a sense. Then there are the hybrid universes which are the one that fuses together to create a brand new universe where both advantages and disadvantages are presented together(like Marvel universe + DC universe = hybrid universe), you may wonder why he can know this, simply because the Marvel universe he lives in, after it fused all other Cinematic universes, it became a hybrid-colorful universe that has both the character of the colorful universe and the hybrid universe, and since he lives there, naturally he can know these pieces of information. (all these cultivation level that I wrote are the one that I will use in the main world of Jack (his old world). )

Saint Seiya is one of the colorful universes and it much stronger than Dragon ball universe as it has a much better cultivation system than DB.U.


Back to the story,

  "You still... need to take a break!"

  Libra Shiryu saw that Jack did not pay attention to him and was not angry. He only smiled and lifted his leg and hit the ground. The next moment, under Jack's foot a sudden crack appeared.

  Jack's cultivation was interrupted, and his feet were unstable because of the cracking of the earth. When he saw that he would lose his balance and fell down, Jack reacted and jumped to the open space on the side.

  "teacher Libra why did you do that! Can't you just talk?? Well?"

  After Jack landed, he knew that Libra Shiryu had something to say to himself, but he still complained. Then found that Libra was not alone, there is a teenager beside him.

  "Even if I shouted at you, you can't hear me. I want to introduce you to a companion. Come and introduce yourself!"

  Libra Shiryu took a shot of the teenager's back and encouraged the teenager to talk.

  "Ah, hello! My name is Tenma, I will definitely be a Saint!"

  Tenma stabilized his body and made a self-introduction to Jack.

  "Haha! How about this kid, he is very energetic! You have to get along!"

  Libra Shiryu held his chest and said with pride.

  "It is really very energetic. Hello, Tenma. My name is Jack, please take care of me."

  Jack has a friendly smile. There is no harm in having a good relationship with Tenma in this world.

  "Where, I want you to take care of me!"

  Libra saw that the two were very friendly and nodded with satisfaction. He said to Jack: "Tenma is like a younger brother to me. I will let Tenma practice with you. You have to be like a senior to him"

  "Okay, master Libra. I am afraid I don't have much time to point to Tenma..."

  "No, I am afraid I don't have much time to stay in the sanctuary, so I want you to train him for him."

  Libra Shiryu erected a finger and shook it.

  "...but master Libra, I still have to cultivation...and my control has just reached the micro level..."

  "Your strength! I am still very clear! It is still possible to guide Tenma who still knows nothing! And, I really think that you should slow down, your speed in cultivation is too fast, and this is not very good. There are times when have to stop and relax, you will find a lot of useful things by doing so. What you lack now is stability - and cultivating too fast is not good for your foundation!"

  Libra Shiryu first interrupted Jack's words aloud, and then he said his suggestion.


  Jack fell into meditation when he heard the words of Libra Shiryu. In fact, his foundation can be said too scary if you want to describe Jack because his current body can withstand almost anything, so cultivation fast, cannot hurt him. But he still listened to Libra, as he needs to relax his mind, maybe he can gain some insight.

  Then Libra Shiryu put his hand on Jack's shoulder and said, "Well, you should first stabilize your realm and guide this kid by the way. I believe that you will be able to understand when you practice together."

  "...I know. But Tenma, I will not be merciful. No matter how hard the training that master Libra gives you, you have to stick to it no matter what happens!"

  Considering taking some rest, and now is just the right time to have a good relationship with Tenma, Jack accepted it with ease.

   Tenma is totally excited as he shouted: "I will never let down master Libra!"

  After Libra Shiryu taught some basic things to Tenma, he left the sanctuary to perform his task. Jack only needs to carry out the basic training he has done before, and of course, he will give trouble to Tenma from time to time. At the same time, Jack also discovered some things that were neglected because of his constant cultivation. This allowed him to have a deeper understanding of his COSMO which stabilized his realm.

  On this day, Tenma tried to break a large rock.


  Tenma's imposing punch hit the big rock.

  "too much~~pain!!"

  The painful cry is also full of momentum, Jack nodded and thought.

  "Jack, why are you taking it for granted? I am asking you to help me out!"

  "Even if you ask me to come up with an idea... I don't feel your little universe at all... Have you really awakened your little universe?"

  "Of course it is true! You didn't see it, I crushed rock like this back home!"

  Tenma tried to destroy the rock for a long time, but no matter how much he hit, he couldn't do so.

  "I really can't help you!"

  Jack made a gesture of "Give away, let the professional come" to Tenma, and let him move to the side.

  "Listen! All the things in this world are made up of atoms, and the atom was born with the big bang of the universe. We can be said to have been born from this explosion, so we also have a small universe in our body - we call it COSMO, not only the flowers and trees, even the stones have a small universe. To destroy this rock, it is necessary to raise the small universe in the body to the extent that it can crush its atoms."

  Jack maintained his posture to maximize his small universe and made Tenma feel amazed.

  "Since you can feel the little universe, it means that your little universe is awakened to a certain extent. You should now think of it as a rock at that time, remember the people you wanted to protect at that time, and concentrate all your spirits on the ones you want to destroy a little. Then..."

  Jack swung out and punched the rock into dust this is after his control entered the micro level.

  Ignore the shocked Tenma, Jack said: "Well, Tenma, you have to try it."

  "Oh, oh! broke it and told me to try!"

  "I thought it was Tenma, you played it. It turned out to be Jack!"

  Just when Tenma said this and Jack's temper wanted to come out, Libra Shiryu's voice sounded.

  Seeing Libra, god knows from where he came from, Jack said with embarrassment: "I am sorry, master Libra. I have not yet taught Tenma how to use his COSMO."

  "This is not your fault, this kid is too stupid! Tenma, Jack came to the sanctuary after he awakened his COSMO just like you, but he used three months to master it!"

  Libra Shiryu put his hand on the head of Tenma as he said with some feeling.

  However, Tenma still couldn't understand this feeling. He shoved the hand of Libra: "Don't compare me to this monster!"

  (Monsters... I don't want to be said to be a monster by you...). Jack thought silently.

  "Well, don't play your little temper. I will stay in the sanctuary for a while, so if you have any questions, you can come to see me. Jack, you can also come."

  "It's a long time anyway, it's better to let Jack teach me, and his teaching is easy to understand."

  "You... this little guy! Although it is just a while, the activities of the gladiators are more and more frequent, so I will soon go back to my hometown to see what is going on. So you better take this opportunity to ask questions!"

  Libra Shiryu said that he would not go back after he finished. After he heard this sentence and stayed there for a while, he began to practice.

  Just as Jack was working hard to cultivate, Jack suddenly felt that a small universe was approaching.

  (This COSMO... Athena!?)

  And Tenma obviously also found out. He immediately stopped his practice and ran over.

  (...Do not bother them at this time.)

Just as Jack was thinking a mysterious sound echoed inside his head, making him shocked.

  "side Mission: Protect Athena and Pegasus."

  (! Sideline mission?... Fuck when did the C.S. transform into a system. Fuck the C.S. didn't want to give me any other information. But in the original story, Aries arrived at this time!)

  When he thought of it, Jack recalled the mission released by the C.S. and immediately turned and ran to Tenma and Athena.

  "Tenma! Be careful behind you!"

  Just ran there, Jack saw the land swelled up and hurriedly reminded him.

  Tenma heard Jack's reminder and he hurriedly runs behind Sasha, but he was entangled by several tentacles. Fortunately, there are Tenma, only to let Jack rush to protect in front of Sasha.

  Then, a very wretched warrior waved his tentacles and drilled out of the ground.

  "Hey! I didn't expect that in the process of taking Athena I met three kittens. Well, I can play before the start of the meal."

  "Damn! What are you!"

  Tenma is about to punch, but he was hit by the tentacles and smashed into the pillars.

  "Hey! you scream like a little girl, I like to hear little girl's screams! But let's solve the appetizer!"

  The gladiator Wom ignored Pegasus and looked at Jack, who was holding Sasha and smiled.

  "Damn! You are not allowed to hurt them!"

  Tenma struggled desperately, but it didn't work.

  "It's useless, no matter how you struggle, you can't break away from Worms Bind. I will kill the little man beside the flower to scare the little girl, Finally, I will hurt the little girl. come on, little girl, why are you crying..."

  Worm Raimi seems to be playing with Jack's emotion slowly, as he approached them.

  At this moment, Tenma broke out from the tentacle and rushed to Worm Raimi. But Raimi was a little shocked and easily flashed.

  "little devil, you are obviously not a holy warrior and you can break free of my insects' bind! Go to hell!"

  Just when Worm Raimi wanted to attack Tenma, Jack rushed up at the right time, but Worm Raimi wasn't easy as he kicked, but he couldn't touch Jack.

  "Jack! Let's go together!"

  "Wait! Tenma, you are going to protect Sasha, this guy is up to me!"

  Jack saw Tenma rushing up and quickly asked him to go back to protect Athena.

  "Oh! No matter who comes first, he will die first, you are the same. You dare to scare Master Worm Raimi, I will kill you one by one. Let's start with you!"

  Worm Raimi's worms wrapped around Jack's hands and feet and raised him closer to his own body and smiled.

  "Oh! It's stupid. If your tentacle moves around, I may still be impressed, but now, You are simply looking for death." Jack smiled evilly as he let Raimi's worm closing the distance between them.

  "Now you are entangled in the insects of Worm Raimi, and you can do nothing. Who are you scaring!"

  Feeling tighter and tighter on the body, Jack did not rush and only smiled more, Jack used a little bit of his physical strength and his COSMO to destroy the tentacles.

  Although Worm wants to take them back, and defend himself, he was too slow, the moment he tried to receive his worms, Jack punch has already arrived at his face, but he still wanted to use his hands to defend, but without any chance.