Chapter 4: A new friend

Since I didn't know anyone, I just chose to sit at a table of two at the very end of the hall near the window. This was for fresh air, and the second reason was that I usually don't communicate well with other people.

Therefore, I chose a table of two so there would only be one other person in the group for me to talk to. Who the hell would want to hang out with a quiet person at a party? Of course, one would like to make friends.' I didn't

Well even though I was by myself, at least I got a chance to experience what a party is like. I was so busy with my phone that I did not notice someone sitting on an empty chair right in front of me facing me. When I put my phone away, sweat was already forming on my forehead.

"What's wrong?" Am I that terrible looking? I don't know him and that was the question he asked after scaring me to death.

What a shameless Basta** I thought he was supposed to ask whether he should sit; at least that's what a noble person does. Where have all the noble young men vanished to my goodness, well at least he is dazzling in that white suit, and those eyes of his oh my he is so cute, wait a minute those looks don't rhyme at all with his behavior, he sure is coming from a wealthy family from the looks of his dressing, oooooh yeah he must be one of those spoilt brats"

"Hey miss are you deaf or something?" seriously this guy needs me to punch him, I really wish I could beat him to a pulp.

Well, I just had to answer him so he could keep his mouth shut, "no it's just that I didn't realize there was someone on the other seat you know so you kind of scared me. "

"Oooooh then I am sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I am Wen Lin if you don't mind a brief introduction please" 'Wait did I hear wrong he just said sorry and please, well it seems he wasn't bad after all no problem making a friend right ' "well I am Yang Jiang nice to meet you "