Chapter 5: spending time together

"Mmmh can I just call you Jiang if you don't mind that is?" asked Wen Lin.

"Oooh well of course you can call me Jiang," said Yang Jiang

"Well, Jiang how come I have never seen you before? you can't be a new student since this party is only for people who are done on campus right? "

Yang Jiang said, "I am not one for social gatherings that much, but I came here because one of the party's officials personally invited me."

"Oooh, I see, it is awesome that we have something in common. I also attended because my cousin's girlfriend is one of the officials. Honestly speaking I was dragged here. " Wen Lin said gritting his teeth.

From the expression on his face, he was certainly dragged.

The guy was not bad at all, but one thing was that he did not smile and there was something about him that could not be explained. He emitted such a cold aura that it made anyone close to him numb.

They were in the middle of a conversation when Liu Mei made her way to where they were seated.

Standing on Yang Jiang's left side facing Wen Lin with her hands on her waist, she said, "Hey! Wen Lin where on earth have you been? Do you have any idea how long Wen Jian has been looking for you? We almost thought you had gone home,"

Looking surprised like she had just seen Yang Jiang and had not seen her when she was just standing directly beside her, she exclaimed, "Oooh, my Yang Jiang you are here too. I almost didn't think you'd make it, and honestly, you two are the least social people on campus. Finding you guys here together, hmm well it is true when they say birds of the same feather flock together. "

Wen Lin was certainly not happy with that comment. It was written all over his face, and from how he looked at her while brushing her off, "Can you please leave if you have nothing more to say?"

"These people just don't know the meaning of sparing one a time of peace, do they? Hmph!!!" Wen Lin commented before finishing the last drop of wine that was in his glass.

Raising one of his brows, Wen Lin tried to act cool and asked, "so, where were we?"

Yang Jiang was frozen in her seat. A pair of miniature versions of her on her shoulders were both screaming to claim the man for herself. Neither one of them wanted to be the better person and lead her the right way. They both wanted her to have her way with the male facing her.

She shook her head to get rid of the messy thoughts she was having and replied softly," Uhm, Aaah you were telling me about you being an alumnus of this university and how you did not want to attend this party and were forced to do so."

Yang Jiang kept wiping imaginary sweat off her forehead while conversing with Wen Lin. The man looked like a male god and her body felt like it was on fire. Especially when he talked, and his Adam's apple kept bubbling up and down.

She could not concentrate on anything; he was so distracting.

Seeing Yang Jiang on her feet Wen Lin hurriedly asked her, "where are you going, are you bored, is my company not to your liking?"

His question left Yang Jiang speechless. How could he be so agitated when I just stood up from my seat? Dude relax! Sheesh, am I to tell you that I am off to get some cold drink to cool myself because you are too hot for me to handle?

Yang Jiang did not want to seem rude by not giving him an answer and so she looked for an excuse of an explanation to tell him, " I am off to get some cold soda, I am sweating a lot I think it's because this place is packed with people."

"But we're seated near the window, and the building also has AC," said Wen Lin looking sceptical.

Fool! And who will think you are dumb if you just keep your mouth shut? Yang Jiang felt like she could chew him alive.

Giving a fake smile she answered," I might be sick, maybe, I don't know I am just feeling warm and need some cold drink,"

Standing up Wen Lin was ready to place his palm on Yang Jiang's forehead to check her temperature when Yang Jiang jumped shocked. Looking at him she exclaimed, "what are you doing?"

"I just wanted to check if you are running a fever. I am sorry to have startled you."

Yang Jiang felt like screaming in her mind. Goodness! It was an excuse, okay, an excuse!

Without giving him another chance to talk, Yang Jiang made her way to the centre of the hall where the drinks were kept.