A Crazy Dog Like Li Shanshan

What was she talking about? There was no way President Qiao would let Li Shanshan near him!

Who didn't know it was all Li Shanshan herself pulling publicity stunts?

Everyone around looked at Li Shanshan with irony. Her support was made up by her. Moreover, because of all the publicity she made, her previous investors did not care about her anymore. What did someone like her have to be so arrogant!

Staring at Xia Ning's provocative eyes, Li Shanshan was so upset. She yelled at once, "Let's wait and see!"

You can lose anything but your face. She definitely did not want to lose face in front of Xia Ning.

Xia Ning nodded and pulled over a chair to sit down. "Then I will wait here for you and President Qiao's arrival, Miss Li."

Li Shanshan ground her teeth while looking at Xia Ning. Fine, she would eventually give her a good slap on the face as she wished!