Your Daddy Treats You Well

When Xia Ning took Enoch in, she put him on the couch to watch TV while she went to clean up.

She opened the fridge and there were only a few eggs and juices left. Xia Ning took out a bottle of juice and poured it into a glass before she took it out to Enoch.

Enoch sipped the juice and continued to watch cartoons.

Xia Ning sat next to him to watch it with him.

Xia Ning looked at Enoch's face from the side. He really looked like Qiao Yu. Even their personalities were similar, both were very quiet.

"Do you normally watch cartoon by yourself?"

Enoch tilted his head to look at Xia Ning. He said with a smile, "Daddy sometimes watches it with me. But Daddy is so stupid. He can't understand."

Xia Ning looked surprised. Qiao Yu watching cartoons?

She could not possibly imagine that. But, she was really surprised that he would have the patience for a kid.

"Enoch, do you like Daddy?" Xia Ning continued.